QUESTION AND ANSWER DISCUSSION BY EXPERTS!! THIS WEEKEND ONLY SUV PROMO 0 DSffMiiiVr 40-oz, pkg- Fancy Tuna Btfiilee (hunk Style Tuna ,ufee Snowdrift, 3,S.M Wesson Oil A Ql. Soflasilkr Lipfons Tea For Ice lea time Lipton Tea Bags Ta Jello Dessert Heinz Baby Foods t,s odd A SNOWFLAKE SAUTINf CRACKERS, 2 lbs 49e RITZ CRACKERS, lb 33 C HONEY GRAHAM CRACKERS, Mb. 10-oz 51 e GRANDMA'S FIG BARS, Mb. 4-ox 51 C DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL, No. 303 26 C SALAD FRUITS, Eliinore No. 303 33 C SLICED YELLOW CLING PEACHES, No. 303 29e DEL MONTE PEAR HALVES, No. 303 26 e TASTY PAK APPLESAUCE, No. 303 -16c DEL MONTE SLICED PINEAPPLE, No. 1 flat 15c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE TIDBITS, No. 2 eon 29 C TASTY PAK WHOLE APRICOTS, No. 2Vi -29c ELSINORE PRUNE PLUMS, No. IVi eon 21 e GARDEN GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS, No. 303 . . 1 7c STANDBY ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS, No. 303 23 C SALADETTES SALAD MIX, serves 5 24 C CAPITOL CUT ASPARAGUS, No. 300..... 19c HUNT'S SPINACH, No. 2'j eon 1C CAPITOL CUT GREEN BEANS, No. 2 eon 14c CAPITOL SLICED BEETS, No. 303 eons, 2 for 19e HUNT'S PEELEDJ TOMATOES, No. 2Vi eons 26 C NIBLETS CORN, 12-oz. eon CAPITOL SWEET PEAS, No. 303 eons, 2 for . . SUNKIST PURE LEMON JUICE, 5'j-ox. eon . STANDBY GRANGE JUICE, 46-oz. eon GREEN SPOT ORANGE BEVERAGE, 46-oz. eon DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE, 46-oz. con . . V-8 VEGETABLE JUICES, 46-oz. eon VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS, No. VA eons . S&W OVEN BAKED BEANS, No. 2 toll HAWAIIAN PUNCH BASE, 1 pint KOOL-AID, oil floYors, 6 pkgs CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 eons UPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX, 3 pkgs BORDEN'S MAYONNAISE, 1 quort SUN BLEST TOMATO CATSUP Dennison't Coektoil Souee French't Mustard, 9-oz. jor Kara Syrup, dark, pint 23 C Light, P'"t. . . . . Bn.i. Bras Strawberry Preserves, 10-oz. jar.. Hoody't Peonut Butter, creamy style, 12-oz 39C Heine Oregon Honey, 2 lbs. 53 e - 5 " $l'05 19c 25c 12c 33c 33c 25e 39c 25c 31c 47c 25c 23c 37c 49c 17e 25c 15c 24c 25c 39 c 30' 33 29' 93' 56' 35' For thM of you who would like to know more about BEEF . . .' os to grading, quality . features, right cut for the right purpose, and many other beef problems,' we tuggest you attend our special "SWIFT'S BEEF PROMOTION" this weekend May 8th and 9th. Swift and Company' Beef representative w 1 1 1 be ' here to help you. t 1 , ls!S A ii V l K safer I A ff ROAST & mm I tfl CHOCK g sir ROAST S S SWIFTS BLADE .45c ARM........49C I BAKERY TREATS FOR MOTHER'S DAY ROSES IN SNOW CAKE SPECIAL $1 OC DECORATIONS lakJ BALTIMORE CAKES wk,,. 75' DINNER ROLLS ...... 40' OATMEAL COOKIES D ,. 35' COFFEE CAKE RINGS 35' CAKE DONUTS 29' BIB ORANGEADE 9c CHEERIOS Family Site 23c KELLOGG'S VARIETY PAK 34c CAT FOOD Blue Mountain 2 for 25c Nestle's QUICK 37c ZEE NAPKINS 2 for 25c SCOTT TOWELS 19c WHEATIES Family Size 22c GREEN BEANS SANTIAM 17c 303 MAULEY'S CHILI 25c LUNCHEON MEAT Rath'. OQ 12-oz. J7C SNOW'S MINCED CLANS 29c GILLNETTER'S OYSTERS 39c SALEM OWNED AND OPERATED BY YOUR NEIGHBORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES LOCATED IN THE CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER DANNY BOY Broken Shrimp 37c BLUE PLATE OYSTERS 42c LIBBY'S PEAS 303 19C TASTY PAK W.K.Corn lie TASTY PAK PEAS Wondrous Ways With New Spring Asparagus Serve lender esDarami often while It Is abundant. Quality la excellent In all alzes, It seems to us. The fancier and fatter you like the stalks, the more you pay. Buy two pounds for four ser vings. Break off each stalk as far down as it snaps easily. wash, thoroughly' remove loose scales. leave stalks whole or break Into 1-inch lengths. Cook, covered, in 1- inch of boiling salted water until just tender. Whole stalks will cook In 10 to 20 minutes and 1 inch lengths in 10 to 15 minutes. ! Serve . with - seasoned melted butter, lemon butter, mayon- jnaise or other favored sauce. Salmon Asparagus Bake A fine entree at small cost. Four servings.' Prepare 2 pounds asparagus and cook until just tender. Melt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine; add 3 tablespoons flour, ltt teaspoons salt, Vt teaspoon pepper and blend. Stir in 1 cup top milk and 2 tablespoons grated onion and cook until smooth and thickened. ' Add 1 tall can salmon with V cup liquid from can. Add Z tablespoon lemon juice. Place of salmon in greased baking dish. Top with aspara gus, sprinkle with dash of nut meg and add rest of salmon. Sprinkle with cup grated processed cheese. Bake at 450 degrees until cheese melts. I Curried Asparagus Soup An epicurean delight. Add dash of paprika to finished product or , sprinkle with shredded coconut, sieve hard- cooked egg, crumbled crisp bacon or shredded almonds. Cut until tender. Drain. Cut remaining stalks into small pieces; cook in 2 cups chicken broth until very soft; rub through sieve. Add Vt tea- I spoon each of onion, salt I celery salt and garlic salt and 1 teaspoon pepper. In separate pan, melt Vi tablespoons butter; remove from heat and add 1H table spoons flour and Vt teaspoon curry powder. Add asparagus stock gradually; cook - u"l thelckened, stirring constat, ly. Combine H cup lif t cream and 1 beaten egg yolk; add. gradually to soup. Add tips and heat over hot water, stirring frequently. . Four servings. DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW 49c B & M BAKED BEANS 12-oz. 30c No. 303 , for CIRCUS PEANUTS 8-oi. 33c Pretoasting Ads Flavor To Cookies ; A new flavor the pretoast ing does it! For chocolate lovers, use 6 oz. (1 pkg.) semi sweet chocolate pieces instead of dates., ' 2 cups uncooked rolled oats IVt cups (4 oz. pkg.) shredded coconut ?i cup broken nutmeats cup shortening V cup butter or margarine Vt cups beef or cane sugar 2 eggs , ' '' cup sour milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 cups sifted all-purpose ' flour , lft teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon baking soda 1 cup coarsely cut dates In shallow pan toast rolled oats, coconut and nutmeats in a moderate oven (375 F.) 8 minutes, turning once. Cool. Beat together shortening, but ter or margarine, sugar and eggs until blended; beat in milk and vanilla. Stir in sifted dry ingredients, toasted mixture and dates. Drop by tablespoonfuls . onto ' lightly greased cookie sheet, about 2 inches apart. . Bake in a moderate oven (375 F.) 12 minutes. Makes , about 4 dozen cookies. smCORliS Between Toes To aakklv nlim and m. nova soft eanm btkmn tow. qm thm ajn. cial Bolt Com Site Dr. BcholTg Zino-padjt. ON THE HIGHWAY THE BEST WAY IS,., MIDGET MARKETS 351 State 'Downtown 1128 Center Across from Owl Drug WHAT WE SAY .L... .... . D.t. mnv II vau the First time, but it with If hnt cauntaf No leml-froien packaged meats with the less desirable curs hidden. fTh'. iilr "huvina a oia in a ooke") You can select the cuts you prefer at the "Midgets." PORK PRICES ... have raised slightly, but we still have plentiful supply of fresh groin-ted portc curs, wun rwniv TASTES BETTER, mere S a airrerence in mo narur. rorK iaoust pi Loin Roasts Spare Ribs Pork Steak mi, in Center Chops .1 Inch thick IB. IB. .IB. IB. IB. 37c 59c 55c 55c 75c Beef Roasts . Veal Steak Milk ltd ib. 45c ib 59c Bacon Squares 'Dixies' i" Picnics fcgtur. IB, 18c ... 30c IB. 37c 29c Midget" Ground Meats . . . may be priced a trifle higher, but arc worth it. Use lets to pay more . . . risky to pay less! Ground Beef "u .415' Sausage ai,. 5' FISH DEPARTMENT IN OUR (ENTER ST. MARKET Freth coolked crabs, salmon, halibut, etc. Smoked and kippered delicacies. A tempting variety to choose from. Center Street Market Is Open Until 7 p.m. Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m., Closed Sundays