Thursday. May 7, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Pact Proudly W:-:l.J.'- 41 isK. IKSIrBIll "The mark of Good Taste" SAVE 5e ON YOUR PURCHASE OF STRAWBERRIES . When you buy a 22-lb. package of the finest shortcake mixe money can buy cairo Empress Strawberry Jam Empress Plum Jam Empress Peach Jam 2- lb. Can BEL-AIR FROZEN .. Strawberries Carefully cleaned and sliced before freezings Firy; quality. Price with "N Without Fleet Mix 12-of. 71 ITleetMix Purchase pkg. FLEET MIX "r 34' 29 Empress Apricot Jam 2-lb. (in 2-lb. (in 59 49' 55' 4' lb. 4 lb. Cm 44b. Cm : purchase SAVE 10c On Kitchen Craft FLOUR 5 'J- 52c v,th 42c nk. coupon in ib. a nk. 1 couoon SAVE 10c ON LARGER SIZES, TOO coupon with 01- Oik Empress Raspberry Jam 59' 1.15 98' 98' 98' Oar beat recommendation lor these absolutely wonderful Empress jams is this: Our customers are simply wild about them! They're made in Canada from ancient, closely-guarded recipes that hold the secret of their superb flavor. You would expect to pay fabu lous prices for such fabulous quality. But not at Safeway. Compare these prices with what you would pay for. ordinary jam, and just remember that you can't buy finer quality than EMPRESS at any price! , Finest Quality - Hu Hade or Best Foods, Quart Jar No. VA Highway-luiclous & Juicy (an M,-IV Y 'w ibs. "a. While Shafler U. S. No. 1 Grade Features in Our Grocery Section Mayonnaise Pear Halves 'B' Large Eggs Doi. A ...... 3 No. 30) AjpiCalltC Highway brand Ct Shredded Wheal NBC 2 Roxbury Candies 3' FRESH WHOLE BEAN Nob Hill Coffee 84c Mb. l mwm 1.0 big 29' Crisp Lettuce Local Asparagus Firm heads Yakima Time to can LOCAL RHUBARB 3 - 19 Seoion's best Season's best LOCAL SPINACH 1 0-oi. pkg. 19 Large clean leaves 2 ibs. 2 ibs. Avocados Lemons lots of Juke florid Oranges Radishes Tomatoes 29 35' cans 12-oi. E pkfls. 3SJ Chocolate Mb. I(B Covered Cherries box Mir I am UAfA Floyds of 60-Gauge $)99 51-Gauge $159 NylOn nOSe Tomorrow 3 Pairs 1 3 Pairs L FMSH VHOLl SIAN Airway Coffee 82c Mb. b8 2 1.63 EDWARDS fURf-INSTANT COFFEE 20c Off Regular Price 83c DIAL SOAP Deodorant Soap, Beg. size bar 225c largo Sin Heavy will Juice Valencies fj r CREEK ONIONS Ib. Tolor I M A wi'l tocV.d ipie. h.H n r" r hHMWed I y dish Chtek ftiU lilt ot Hting you td ujvy Vanl.'.a Extract C own Colony, 2-oi. 37c HI pT Black Pepper cy,X,Solon5r -o, 45c i ilo Cinnamon Crr0rZnd0l0BT . iTc y Sno-While Sail 26.,Pkg. 10c mm mm MM tm in r'--d Mustard JESS. Si. 13c ground, Z-oi. Nutmeg gr0rundoi. ft Crown col rauima JU-oi. 23c 25c 15c Onion Salt 15c f Parsley Flakes w.wc i Garlic Salt ma SPICE A HERB CHART Mlpll (iln toi oddinQ Mw flovoi d.ligM Moll food. rk up row opt o Safto. E"h 19C lb 17 c t .ft- bag U7t Bunch 5C 13oi. pkg. 25c Tomoto Juice, Sunny Down, 46-oz. can 27c Foncy Peos, Sugar Belle, No. 303 can 17c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 12-oz. pkg. 21c Alber's Rolled" Oats, 3-lb. pkg. 41 C Sunnybank Margarine, l-lb. pkg. 27c Shady Lane Butter Pound 74 C 'AA' Large Eggs, Cream 0' Crop dozen 67 c Fresh 3.8 Milk Quart 23c Duchess Salad Dressing Quart 57c Tea Timer Crackers 1-lb.' box 33 C Mrs. Wright's Bread 1 Vi-lb. loaf 23 C Skylark Slenderway Bread, l-lb. If. 22 C Ruth Ashbrook Pastries each30c Roxbury Orange Slices l-lb. pkg. 31 C Nalley's Potato Chips 7-oz. pkg. 39 C Blue Bell Potato Chips, 7-oz. pkg. 39c Cotillon Ice Cream Quart 59 C Snow Stqr Ice Cream Quart 45 C Mayday Salad Oil Quart 69 C Puss n' Boots Cat Food Con 14c DIAL SOAP Deodorant Soap, Bath size bar 237c IVORY SOAP Mild Toilet Soap, med. size bar X J C LUX FLAKES For fine things, WA-ot. pkg. 29c IVORY SOAP Kind to skin, Large size bar X X C PARD DOG FOOD Can 16C EVERGREEN BROOMS Each$1.49 ALADDIN BROOMS Eoch$1.79 4S m mmni nub mimm . dKOver th convnnc, tfi value Quick Frexen to Protect Their Fresh Flavor Stock Your Home Freeier NOW! Fryer-Chicken Thighs Fancy Manor House ib. 89 Fryer-Chicken Drumsticks Fancy Manor House lb. BEEF ROUND STEAK umu. BEEF RUMP ROAST BEEF SHORT RIBS A SonulloMl Viluo Swift's Canned Hams 8-lb. can 5.79 Fancy Smoked Hams whole lb. 69c Fresh Red Snapper Fillets i. 29c Ground Beef lb. Armour's Thuringer Assorted Lunch Meals 69c ib. 65 c ib 19c Lunch 7fi lb. Meat Pare ib. 59c ,b. 39c Ring BOLOGNA Perfect for lunches 3 RINGS 1.00 PIECE BACON END CUTS, II. 8tol0-lb. slabs 53cns. ib. 55c 1 CRISCO SPRY ROYAL Shortening Shortening SATIN For flaky Jib. fi All Jlb'00 Finest Quality 31b. q -pr (rush (in 70C Vogolabli (in 7)C Shortening (in 0 C