Par 4 FOOD SECTION Coconut Cake Favorite Dessert as Family Fetes Mother This Next Sunday Mamma, grandmamma and .even great-grandmamma i will find pleaiure in being gifted with this handsome and deli clout coconut cake which can be ready for the oven in less time than it takei to write the loving menage to accompany it. We interrupt this column briefly to give you this im portant news! More great-granu-mothers will receive tokens of affection this Mother's Day than ever before In history. We have this on the authority of a major pub lisher of greeting cards and he should know since his job Is to meet the demand. Great grandmothers aren't nearly the rare commodity they used to be as you can plainly see In the Society columns as well By ZOLA VINCENT irwxU WriUr) IVi cups shredded coconut, cut ' cups milk Toasted coconut, optional 1 Turn cake mix Into bowl. Add coconut and mix. well. Easy way to cut coconut is ,to put it in glass and cut with kitchen shears just as you do parsley. Add half the milk. Blend, then beat 1 minute. Add remaining milk. Blend and beat 2 minutes longer. Beat cake vigorously by hand or at low speed of electric mixer. Turn batter into two round 9-inch pans that are lVi Inches deep and which have been lined on bottoms with plain paper. Bake in moderate oven, 3S0 degrees, 33 to 40 minutes. Cool cake nana stn vonlra trm K m!nnt by calling the roll in your Then loosen from sides with For Mother's Day Many of us remember Mamma's coconut cake and even Grandmamma's cocoanut cake with . joy but all three generations concede that this coconut cake made with a white cake mix is also a thing of joy made in a fraction of the time. own family. To get back to our baking. Past generations of mothers brought beauty to the table and satisfaction to the appetite by producing an occasional coconut cake that is well emembered. Today's home baker produces a cake of equal Beauty and satisfaction ill matter of minutes using only package of white cake mix with shredded coconut and milk added. Wt know a grandmother and a teen-ager who made the comparison right in our own kitchen only . yesterday, Here's the younger, modern version: Queen-Sis Coconut Cake Actually, we doubled the regular cake which calls for 1 package white cake mix, cup shredded coconut and 1 cup of milk baked In 8-inch layer pans (now you can make a regular size if you like and proceed in the same manner). With all those people dropp ing in, we figured that your celebrant could u s .' the Queen-size. . 2 packages white cake mix Aid to Fruits To keep diced or sliced apples, fresh peaches and ba nanas, or avocados from dark ening, drop them Into canned pineapple Juice or syrup drain ed from canned pineapple, or tost with the DineaDDlp itself The pieces will stay bright In color. Allspice Is the name of one particular spice. It was given iia name Decauie its flavor re sembles a blend of cinnamon nutmeg and cloves. spatula, turn out, remove paper and turn right side up on racks and cool before ser ving. Spread Seven Minute Frosting or use the Boiled Frosting recipe given here, between layers and on top and sides of cake. Sprinkle toasted coconut on sides of cake while frosting it still soft, If you like. Deocrate top of cake with a full blown red rose or other fancied rose arrangement. . To Toast Coconut Spread coconut shreds out thinly in shallow baking pan. Place in moderate oven, 379 degrees, to toast until deli cately browned. Stir coconut or shake pan to toast evenly. Buiied Frosting We give this because it re quires only a saucepan and every one doesn't have a double boiler handy for mak ing Seven Minute Frosting. In saucepan, combine 2 cups super, cup hot , water, teaspoon white vinegar (or cider vinegar or teaspoon cream of tartar or 1 teaspoon white corn syrup) and 44 tea spoon salt. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Cover pan and cook 5 minutes; uncover and boil syrup, without stirring to form-ball stage (244 degrees) or 6 to 8 inch thread. Re move from heal. With rotary or electric beater, beat whites of eggs until frothy; then start adding syrup, beating con stantly. In about S minutes, when frosting starts to thicken, remove beater add 1V4 teaspoons vanilla and a drop of any favored coloring if you like. Beat a few minutes until thick enough to spread. Congratulations! Molded Aspic Chicken Salad The good tomato flavor of canned aspic combines well with other " foods can be used to convert left-overs into party fare, like: Molded Aspic-Chicken Salad i cans tomato aspic 2 cups cut-up cold, cooked chicken 1 cup coarsley chopped celery H cup coarsley chopped ' pecans 1 tablespoon lemon juice, fresh, frozen or canned salt pepper H cup mayonnaise 2 or 3 hardcooked eggs, cut up Heat aspic gently in sauce' pan until melted. Pour into 1 quart ring mold and chill. Toss together chicken, celery, pecans and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste, lightly mix in mayonnaise. Fold in eggs carefully. Un mold aspic on salad greens, fill center with chicken salad mixture and serve with mayonnaise. Serves 6. Tuna Dogs Tuna sandwiches have long been a favorite of practically everyone. Give them a new look by adding chopped ripe olives or chopped stuffed olives to the usual ingredients; then stuff the mixture into halves hot dog buns. Place in moder ate oven, 350 degrees, just long enough to heat through. Child ren like 'em. Cooking Prunes For a new and delicious fla vor, try cooking prunes in pine apple juice. The prunes will turn out plump in this sweet sauce. Coffee-Nut Parfait Butterscotch Sauce You know, of course, that what goes with this light-some dessert is lots of fresh, steam ing coffee in your gayest, dain tiest china. Then there should be a great bowl of yellow blooms on the table. After that, all you need is enough time to savor these spring delights to the full. Coffee-Nut Parfait 1 pint coffee ice cream Vt cup chopped toasted al monds or filberts . : Butterscotch sauce cup heavy cream, whipped Fill 4 parfait glasses with al ternating layers of ice cream, almonds, sauce and whipped cream. Makes 4 servings. 1 Butterscotch Sauce 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed Vi cup light cream ' 2 tablespoons light corn syrup I tablespoons butter teaspoon vanilla ' Combine brown sugar, cream, corn syrup and butter in deep saucepan. Bring to a boil, stir ring constantly. Boll without stirring 8 minutes. Remove from heat; add vanilla; cool. Makes 4 to 8 servings. Mint for Flavor Canned fruit cocktail is a staple in most American households, where it is used "as is," as a salad, as an in gredient in tasty puddings and pies. One of the very sinmple salad versions which we en joy is the use of the fruit cocktail in lemon-flavored gelatin. W toss in a generous sprinkling of garden-fresh chopped mint to give It special refreshment. Wo VEGETABLES AND FRUITS Stacks of 'cm! If H't in season, Model has It! 29c YM 19c STRAWBERRIES Fresh California , POTATOES AO Deschutes, 10 lb. bag H7C WHITE ONIONS OO Texas, 4 lbs. C LETTUCE Tender Leaf, bunch New White Potatoes - Green Peas - White Cauliflower Green Broccoli - Local Asparagus - Spinach Egg ' Plant Watercress Romaint Gr. Pepper - Bunch Carrots - Turnips - Beets Celery Celery Hearts Cucumbers Tomatoes Ked Radishes Green Onions Artichokes - Zuchlnnl olid Cabbage Rutabagas Firm Lettuce - Parsley White Onions - Rhubarb SALE DICKNESENS PRESERVES & JELLIES Just pure fruit and sugar. No pectin. 1 ar Free with each doien. See our big window Sunshine CRACKERS 25c 49c 35c 33c SUNSHINE KRISI'IKS, lb. . . SUNSHI.NK KRISPIES. 2 lbs. SUNSHINE HI-HO, lb SUNSHINE CHEES-IT, t lbs. Zee Paper Products 35c 25c 25c 35c ZEE TOWELS 2 rolls ZEE WAX PAPER 12S feet ZEE FACIAL TISSUES, 400s ... ZEE TOILET TISSUE, 4 rolls . . . Good Grocery Buys Crisco (A lOe caution attached) 3 93c (A 10c coupon attached) Allsweel Margarine 27c M. D. Tissue 6 for 65c Chase r Sanborn Inst Coffee Ut Jar 93c S & N Coffee nb. 89c (Drip or Regular) 2 lbs 1.77 Penant Marshmallow Creme SmalI 22c Large jar 33o Par "T" Pak Beverages 20c (All flavors. Rnttle rirnntln C0Ca-C0la 12 pk. (Bottle deposit) ....... Hood River Apple Juice Qt 2 Fisher Blend Flour 10 Loma Linda Fig Juice QL De Jean Cleaned Shrimp 59c for lbs. 57c 45c 99c 37c Lb. tan . 2, 1 73c 85c 75c 49c Bumble Bee Red Salmon Pioneer Minced Clams Gillnetlers Albecore Tuna Swifts Corn Beef 12o,. Cudahay Gravy & Sliced Beef 53c Cudahay Gravy & Sliced Pork 53c (Fine for hot meat sandwiches) Canned Dannish Hams 2,b,. 2.69 Fnskie Dog Food .c"t 0,84,V. 6 .. 89c Adolf Meal Tenderizer ,ar 49c 2Jk. Roman Meal Muffin Mix r' 55c (jiamorene Rug Cleaner Glamorene Rug Cleaner Glazed Shelf Paper Quart M Gallon SO ft x It In . 1.29 2.29 49c Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 SO-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly 8ervlce No Charge for Delivery Fresh Dressed TURKEY In Whole, Halves & Pieces Special Swift's Gov't Inspected Leg of Lamb 65' lb. Lebanon Bologna 59' Luncheon Meat That's Topi Choice Pan-Ready FRYERS 65 Lb. Fresh Daily Old Fashioned VEINERS 49' lb. Try Some, They're Delicious Chicken Good for Mother's Day Queen of the chicken dishes for your Queen of Hearts! This fine recipe'as featured, appropiately enough, when the Poultry and Egg National Board recently entertained foods editors in New York. We agree with them that, and I quote "Its savory goodness, versatility, ease of cooking, and high food values make it a regal choice for all occa sions. Chicken is "prestige" dish anywhere." 1 young chicken, X to SV4 pounds ready to cook, cut up or selected pieces totaling 2Vi pounds 14 cup flour 2 teaspoons paprika 2 teaspoons salt Vi, teaspoon ground pepper Fat for browning 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, finely chopped cup ounces) blanched almonds slivered 1 3 tablespoons flour i . lVs cups cooked tomatoes 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2 cups chicken broth or 1 bouillon i 4 cup commercial sour cream . cup (3 ounces) grated sharp cheese , Blend flour, paprika, salt and pepper in a plastic or sturdy paper bag. Shake chick en, to coat evenly. Heat VJ inch of fat in heavy skillet, start browning meaty pieces first, slipping less meaty pieces in between as chicken browns. Turn as necessary to brown and cook evenly. When lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes, remove from pan. Spoon off all but S table spoons of fat. Add onion, gar lic and almonds. Cook slowly until almonds are lightly browned, onion soft but not browned. Blend in flour and cook until frothy. Add toma toes, tomato paste and chicken broth. Cook,, stirring constant ly until mixture begins to thicken; remove from heat. Very slowly, stir in sour cream and blend thoroughly. Place chicken hi sauce, cover and cook in a slow oven, 350 de grees, 35 to 40 minutes or until fork-tender. Sprinkle cheese over chicken. Place in 400 degree oven or under broiler until cheese bubbles. Serve promptly. Four servings. Onion Bake Will Prove Family Treat So many people traveling in Europe this yearl Believe it or not, a friend post-carded thin reelne airmail which seemed like a lot of recom mendation for It. She's right! It's good! Timely too, since onions sre in heavy supply and growers will appreciate your lavish use in ways like this. The Swiss . call this "Shaffhausen Cake." Peel and cut two pounds of onions into small pieces. (Not sliced, you'll notice). Turn onions in butter or pork fat until glazed and brownish in color. Prepare a' regular pie dough (we used a mix) and spread in regular pie form. Add onions. Over this, pour two well beaten eggs to which you've added salt, paper and 2 tablespoons of cream. Bake In 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes or until pie crust is done. If you like onions, you'll like this. How about some young beef liver to go with it? Mocha Jumbles for That Cookie Jar Alone about this time of year a certain number of hour. Should be set aside for g g out of the window at u . sunshine. To fully tnjoy h pursuit, the window . gazer should be equipped with cup of steaming coffee and a hand ful of home-maae cooiu. Mocha Jumbles 4 tablespoons butter or mar garine , 1 cup sugar 1 egg, beaten X tablespoon strong, cold coffee 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweeten ened chocolate, melted 1 cups sifted, enriched flour 2 tablespoons baking powder Vi teaspoon cinnamon Cream butter or margarine until creamy. Add sugar slow ly while continuing to cream. Add beaten egg and coffee. Add melted chocolate. Mix well. Mix and sift remaining ingred ients; add. Roll out Vi-inch thick on lightly floured board. rut with douKhnut cutter. Thursday, May 1, 1953 Sprinkle with granutated su. gar. -Bake on greased cookie sheet in moderate oven (350 degrees F., 10 to 12 minutes. Makes about Z dozen. Patties of Beans If you cook too many dry lima beans for the casserole you promised to take to the church supper, here's what you can do: mash and season the beans, add a bit of milk for moisture if there is no cooking liquid left, add chop, ped onion to taste, form Into patties, and fry. wrm LOOK VbSv FOR 1532" THIS "-AMI mssmr FRESH DRESSED FRYERS LB. 65 Oven Ready M0i Fresh Deep Sea A HENS , ,,.49 CRABS u,.45 Fresh Fillet of ICl FRESH FILLET OF . Flounder HD DEEP SEA CAT FISH FRESH LING COD tl Q By h. OA U, y Piece Lb. Jg fftiH fM of Rfd SHRIMP MEAT SNAPPErU39c FRESH i CRAB MEATK POULTRY Phone 3-4424 Free Delivery 216 N. Commercial St. Now! Enjoy the "Instant-" that You don't have to sacrifice real coffee flavor for instant coffee convenience. You get both with New Instant Chase & Sanborn 100 real coffee that tastes like it! This grand new "instant" has the rich flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee, yet dissolves in a flash! If, k COFFEt I? , -vSI 1 , y- I V" 'N. fs I Ifyoulovefinecoffe-.ifyoulike b f I to save money-here'g an offer T I that' meant for youl These large, r! y A M HP I Label jars of delicious New I 1 II I IT X"Y I Instant Chase & Sanborn save you I I k J s 1 20( over the regular price. I- ' yKmm00S I 0 I p I Don't miss this big introductory I :35""lTfe tfrr-r-M-. -Usf I BaIe- your grocer today-supply So good you'll make it your regular coffee! -v n 100 REAL COFFEE