Pa 2 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thnndar, May 7, 195S Blueberry Cream Cake Roll for Dessert - Celebrate the arrival of print with a delectable des sert Blueberry Cream Cake Roll - One ot the most charming thing! about till dessert ia iU modern approach to cake bak- v lng. The cake for tr cream roll 1 made with pancake ready-mix. No fust with sitt ing ilour or measuring salt and leavening because the pancake ready-mis is measured right from the package, with just the right proportion of each la gradient already in it. :, The filling for this spring time dessert is a combination of sweetened whipped cream and fresh or frozen -blueberries. First the whipped cream Is spread over the cake and then blueberries are sprinkled over . the top. Rolled up like a jelly roll, the combination of golden sponge-ike cake, cream .and Juicy blueberries makes a gla morous dessert that looks like something right out ot a pic ture book. You'll be wanting to try this Blueberry Cream Cake Roll soon. It will rate many an "Oh and Ah" served at home or at a party and is very likely to give you the envious reputation of "best cook in town." Blueberry Cream Cake Roll (Makes 8 servings) .Cake: . Vt teaspoon salt 3 eggs . i cup sugar -: . i, ' . '; Vt teaspoon lemon extract . K cup pancake ready-mix rilling: 2 teaspoons gelatine ,' 2 tablespoons water 1 cup whipping cream ' 1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar . . . 1 to 2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen, drained) Grease sides and bottom of 10Uxl&Uxlinch pan: line with waxed paper and grease again; dust with flour . Add salt to eggs; beat until thick and lemon colored. Add sugar to eggs, a little at a time, beating well after each addi tion. Add flavoring and pan cake ready-mix; mix lightly until batter is smooth. Spread evenly in pan. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F,) 7 to 8 minutes or until brown. Sprln kle a towel well with confec tioners' sugar. Immediately on taking cake from oven loosen it around edges of pan and turn out on towel. Feel waxed paper carefully from cake. Roll cake In towel and let stand 10 min utes. . . Soften gelatine in cold wa ter; set In a pan of hot water to dissolve gelatine. Cool slightly. Whip cream until stiff: fold in gelatine and M cup sugar. Unroll cake; spread cream evently over cake and top with blueberries; sprinkle remaining V cup sugar over berries. Roll up cake and wrap in waxed paper. Refrigerate cake roll several hours before serving. Casserole of, v Rice, .Cabbage Really "Oh" and "Ah" eat : lng la this rice and cabbage baked dish. Finicky eaters who ' ihy away from vegetables will reach for second helpings of , this easy and economical baked ; rice and cabbage treat. Wee Cabbage Casserole ' ; Ingredient ... S tablespoons butter or margarine Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get Most For The Money! , -St.- Vt cup chopped onion i 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 cup uncooked rice 254 cups water 8 tablespoons catsup 4 liberal cups coarsely -shredded or thinly sliced cabbage ' 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup grated American cheese. Mettled In a J-quart baking-serving casserole, place the butter or margarine, onion, salt, pepper, rice, water . and catsup. Top with cabbage. Sprinkle the salt over the cabbage. Cover ' the baking dish and place in a 350 degrees F. oven for about SO minutes or until the rice has absorbed most of the water and ia moist and ten der but not dry. Uncover. Sprinkle the cheese over the cabbage. Place under the broiler and broil until the cheese melta and browns. Serve immediately. MM, VOM NIU You, too, will love Bun Bonnxt ' Huguint's delicate, luony-nreet . fisvorl Blui Bonvht makes bread, toast, hot rolls, and vegetables taste letter thin evert . You'll apprectate Bunt Bonnet's nutrition. Unlike moat other mi prines, Blub Bonnet contains both vitamins A and D as much year round Vitamin A and D as you get h the high-priced spread for bread I Yet Blui Bonnet Margarine cuta bis than half as much as the ,hlgh-prld spread. So put on Bum Bonnet and 6s sure of "all 8" Flavor, Nutrition, Eoonom-e-el , Steak Burger Dad or the teenagers might well gnu a steak dinner in honor of .the "Lady of the House" on Mother's Day. The steak can be a mighty fine ver sion when made with a pound of ground beef and a can (IVt cups) ot beef gravy. Just mix the beef with cup of gravy, vt cup line ory Dread crumbs, 1 tablespoon minced onion, salt and pepper. Shape this into a large burger, about 1-Inch thick. Broil until done and well browned. Pass remaining gravy to pour over burger. Dad can Hm m$ mtA wtfk I - " SIMM ,v UUt tered green peas and fruit salad. Pineapple Kuchen Delicious Fruity hot coffee cake, fresh and aromatic from the oven, has always been popular fare for breakfast or brunch. In fact, any meal will be a spe cial occasion it you serve an Easy Pineapple Kuchen. It is quickly made with a package oi not roil mix and the de licious, fruity flavor of crush ed pineapple and maraschino cherries coated with brown sugar. Easy Pineapple Kuchen 1 package roll mix it cup brown sugar, firmly packed Vt cup butter or margarine Vt teaspoon cinnamon Vt cup maraschino cherries 1 (9 oz.) canof crushed pineapple 2 tablespoons flour Make aweet dough of the roll mix. (Follow directions on package); After the first rising, pat half the dough in a greased, 10-Inch tube cake pan. Sprin kle with half the sugar, butter and cinnamon and the cher ries that have been cut in quarters. . Add rest of dough, patting down evenly. Spread with dained pineapple. Combine re mainder of sugar, buter and cinnamon with the flour and sprinkle over top. Let this double in size. Bake In a hot oven, 400 degrees, for 40 to 49 minutes. This will make a 10-inch kuchen (about 8 to 10 servings). Meat-Bean Casserole Hearty One Meaty casseroles these are a type dish favored by many people. Homemakers are no exception for this is a serv lng that usually combines the dinner, meat and vegetables in one dish, cutting down food .reparation time, . . A good example ot a hearty casserole is this combination ot smoked shoulder butt and green lima beans. Cook the smoked butt in advance. Sim ply let it slowly simmer in water to cover (in a heavy utensil with a close fitting cover) for 1 to 2 hours. Let it cool, then closely wrap and store in the refrigerator until time to prepare the casserole. To do this, carve the cooked smoked butt into 10 or 12 slices. Place half ot these slices in the bottom of an 8x HU-inch casserole. In the meantime, cook 2 packages of frozen lima beans. Season with 1 teaspoon salt and 1 cup sharp grated Cheddar cheese. Place the cooked beans over the meat, arranging the re maining meai slices on lop. Sprinkle with an additional Vi cup of grated cheese. Heat the casserole in a slow oven (300 F.) for 20 minutes. This makes a casserole sufficient for six generous servings. - Homemade Muffins Good With Salad Next time you are having a salad, whether it be luncheon or dinner, instead of serving plain rolls, why not give your family or guests a real treat with delicious homemade muf fins? Serve them while still warm with lots of butter, and we'll wager the batch won't last long. This recipe lor "Rai sin Supper Muffins" Is made especially rich and tasty with seedless raisins and sour cream. Raisin Supper Muffins cup seedless raisins 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon soda 2 tablespoons granulated : sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sour cream V cud milk Rinse and drain raisins. Sift together flour, salt, baking powder, soda and sugar. Stir in raisins. Beat eggs lightly and blend In cream and milk. Add to dry mixture and stir until all of flour Is moistened. Till greased muffin pans about full. Bake in hot oven (4ZS degrees F.) about 18 to 20 min utes. Makes 15 medium-sized muffins. DlililCdl LI I I LB MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half ' ' CAfONIZEO FRYERS torj $139 R. I. Reds . I ea. Aged Cheese u.54c Year Old RIB STEAK u.65c Tender Beef Roast Guaranteed Tender Frying Chickens Swift's Premium Pan-Ready loch Jf (j) Leg of Lamb ib 49c Ground Beef u.45c Pure leaf LAMB CHOPS u. 55c aBBBBHBBBMBaaaaaBBaBelBBBiaSBBBBHBBiaHBVaBBBHB T-Bone Steak 79c Tender GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROADWAY TIME IS THE BEST TIME ALL THE TIME Golden Ripe ANANAS f)A. 2 n zyc Lemon Aid Time LEMONS Ct Deten ZYC PEAS Hl-West Frozen 2pl9. 29c FILL UP YOUR DEEP FREEZE 244kg. Cose $3.25 SAVE! SAVEt HOT MASTER BREAD EVERY DAY 4 p.m. Except Tue. t Set. SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS t 25c Garden Fresh TOMATOES 2-lb. basket. . . Z3C U.S. No. 1 Old POTATOES OH IO lb 5tC CORNED BEEF 2 con. 89c Frey-Bentot 1 2-oi. SALMON Col. River Chinook Can 29C COFFEE u.89c Folgar MAKE THIS YOUR COLD BEVERAGE STOP NO EXTRA COST EMPTYS WELCOME GREEN ONIONS or ' RADISHES . "IA 3 bunches I UC CUCUMBERS 3 for 25c MILK All Pure .2! 79c SUGAR 10 .b. 99c Sprockets SARDINES 3 con. 25c Maine Coast PLANTS VEGETABLE. FLOWER Axoleos Rhododendrons Rosea Geraniums TUNA 29c Cat. brand Ligl.t Meat Don r Forget OUR COUNTRY FRESH EGGS KOOL ADE 6Pkgt. 25 c BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market SI. Store Hours 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day Na Limits Buy All You Went Prices Good Frl., Sat., Sunday LOAB OF THES5 It's Smart To Save Prices Effective Fri.f Set., Sun., May 8-9-10 Save Time, Money, Effort; Do All Your Shopping at H & H Bargains Galore This Weekend sugar CDDEriCI 'C Buy now and Save drKCVeiKCL d Up to Sl.00 par m Canning Season Not Far Away 100 lbs. ....9.49 sack 25 lbs. ... 2.47 10 lbs. .... 99c 5 lbs. .... 33c COHFEE sow v This Is Not A Misprint! SRAatKRWW ; aW- DiA Crackers ,lbpkt E9'f.'ce,BMB, 3S, Tuna XrM W Cigar J'9 Oleo ,,.,. 19' Peaches- ,r Lemon Extract W Kellog's Pep Kit ii r HAL$Ml r.. All Pure Milk HiC Orange Drink Wtejf 225' ; r 23- PancakeFlour 99' meats produce Ground Beef I. 29' Radishes 1 5' Cube Steaks 2 br 25' Tube Tomatoes B9' Picnic Hams 39' Netted Gent Spuds H&H GROCERY 10-!b. meih Free piiiy D8,j.ery serlce ;itr gag 2J60 State St We reserve right to limit. No aalea to dealers Phone S-SUt V New! Royal Brings You an r' :' y V7 ) tch V ( IS J I You Don'! Have to 0okl GQQt&f (VIEW " Mill w V a - ijr-ii iu - !r rorKcherRavor! CimierToctam! tDifleslion! ttl.VN"l - i.,mrj6- hi""- Hi At last! The Instant Pudding that you've been waiting for-genuine ROYAL INSTANT Pudding! Needs absolutely no cooking because it's pre-cooked! Tastes better looks better and is better because ROYAL INSTANT Pudding is bomogenixtdt New bomogtnhtJ ROYAL INSTANT Pudding makes your favorite desserts turn out better than ever! Try ROYAL INSTANT for luscious, easy-to-fix fruit and nut puddings, pies, ice creams, parfaits, refrigerator cakes, "s' beverages, sauces, cake frostings and fillings! ( Wonderful ) Flavors- ( CHOCOLATE mtlUA J (BWT&XCCT&t AT VOUR GROCER'S MOW S it " .