i .y.j THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY TION. arke'ting Edited by Marian Lowry Fiicher Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 7, 1953 Published Thursday loch Week C apitalJLJoumal . Varied I his Coronation Lake Very Special for Lady Of House, Come Sunday Coronation Crown Cake CAP NewtfHtUTM) Who's the Queen house? at your i Mother, of course! So give her a royal present on Mother's Day and honor her with a Coronation Crown Cake. ' V To make the cake, use a package of angel food mix and you'll be able to prepare the base in no time. Decorate it with two kinds of frostings Seven Minute and Confec tioners, sugar, silver dragrees and small square hard candies. If, you plan to give Mother a piece of costume Jewelry for Mother's Day, use it for the center garnish! " If some of Mother's friends are coming for tea or coffee, you'll want to serve savory tidbits before you bring on the Coronation Cake. Easiest choice in this department are various kinds of spread ser-ytd-with-crackers and melba toast. Here are suggestions: 1. Deviled ham and hard- cooked eggs moistened with mayonnaise. Put the eggs through a ricer, if -you have one, so they'll be very fine. A tiny bit of finely grated onion gives this spread zip. 2. Blue cheese mixed with an equal quanity of cream cheese, a little mayonnaise, and Wocestershire sauce. If you want the spread to be very smooth and it tastes best this way force the blue cheese through a fine' sieve before mixing it with cream cheese. 4 3, Finely chopped chicken mixed with crisply cooked crumbled bacon and a little mayonnaise. Make life easy Spanish Beans Good, Different One taste of this bean dish and we think you'll agree that here's an admirable blend of seasonings. In case you're wondering, the coffee isn't ap parent in the finished dish, but it does add extra richness of flavor. Spanish Beans , 6 slices bacon, cut fine 1 large onion, minced 4 (No. 303) cans red kidney beans 1 cup syrup from canned fruit (pear, peach, apricot, pineapple, or a mixture of any of these) Vi cup strong coffee beverage Vt cup red wine vinegar 1 bay leaf, crumbled Vt teaspoon thyme Pinch of rosemary 1 teaspoon dry mustard Salt and pepper to taste Vx cup sherry teaspoon monosoda in glutamate Combine bacon and onion in a Dutch oven or other heavy kettle; cook gently, stirring frequently, until most of the fat is out of the bacon. Drain beans, reserving liquid for pos sible use later. Add beans to harnn and onion: add all re maining ingredients except sherry and bean liquid. Bring to a boil, then cover and sim mer eently Hi hours. Stir occasionally, using a fork to void mashing the beans. Add hprrv lust before serving. If mixture seems a little too dry, i little of the bean liquid mav.be added. Serves 6. Good with hot or cold baked ham (or wieners or a platter of as sorted luncheon meats), toma- to aspic ring miuu wmi iwc tlaw, and brown bread. Suggestions Given for Mother's To honor Mother. for yourself and use canned cninken. , 4. Soft cheddar creese mix ed with chopped walnuts or pecans and diced pimiento. 5. Creamy- style cottage cheese mixed with chopped raisins and .flavored, with lemon rind. Rinse the raisins in boiling water to plump them before you chop them. Coronation Crown Cake Ingredients: 1 package angel food mix, . 1 recipe Seven Minute Frosting, 1 recipe Con fectioners' Sugar Frosting. Method: Prepare angel food mix as directed on package, baking in 9-inch to 10-inch tube pan. Cool upside down in pan 1 to 2 hours. Spread half of the Seven Minute Frosting evenly over cake. Pile the re maining frosting with a spoon into six spokes, radiating from the centerhole. Make spokes about inch high near center hole and about 1 inch high at outer edge of cake. Tint ' Confectioners' Sugar "Frosting a deep gold color. Use in decorating tube to outline the crown and spokes and draw a garland around sides of cake. Decorate with silver dragees and bright colored candies. Seven-Minute Frosting Combine - in the top of double boiler: 2 unbeaten egg whites, 1 cups sugar, dash of salt, cup water, and 2 teaspoons light corn syrup; mix well. Place over rapidly boiling water and beat (with eee beater or at high speed of electric beater) 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in stiff peaks. Remove from water add 1 teaspoon vanilla; beat until thick enough to spread. Confectioners' Sugar Frosting Measure 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar. Cream Vt cup butter; add part of sugar gradually, beating well. Then add remaining sugar alter nately with about 3 table spoons milk, beating until smooth. Stir in 1 teaspoon va nilla and dash of salt. Tou picked a when you picted " V-YtRl' Petri" And don't forget Petri Broody! Enjoy its full body, its rich fruity taste! Fifth, $4.10. Tenth, $2.25. Early. May Finds Marts Bountiful Plentiful foods on ' May market are cause for rejoicing, Fields of plenty dot our land scape and fill our vegetable bins to overflowing. The green of asparagus vies with the red of luscious strawberries. From ocean, lakes, streams and fro zen food ' warehouses come fine variety in fish at reason able cost. Dairy products are approaching their seasonal peak of production and per fection. There's an abundance of meat of good quality; beef pork and lamb. There's poul try, even turkeyi for frying and broiling. No wonder the western woman is famous 'for her cooking! Menu planning is easy! Living is good! But we'd better stop being lyrical and get down to cases. Dry Onions ' The importance of onions In our cookery cannot' be over estimated. Growers grow around two billion ' pounds a year and average per capita consumption is above 21 pounds. May is a peak pro duction month in our area; all varieties are bargain priced. Dairy Products Milk, butter, cheese, butter milk and nonfat dry milk will continue plentiful. We'll not go into the butter situation but cottage cheese and Ched dar cheese are excellent values in good nutrition at reasonable cost and nonfat dry milk is a genuine bargain at any time. Beff for Home Freezers If you've a home freezer or locker, now seems a good time to stock up on beef which is priced at the lowest mark within memory of many. Beef can be stored, say the experts at 0 (zero) degrees for six month&lo a year, except for ground" Beef -which should not be stored for more than 45 days. USDA experts recom mend the selection of sound high-quality meat for storage; pot roasts, steaks, stew meat and ground beef, packaged in quantities the purchaser will cook at one time. Other Good Buys Margarine, lard shortening and salod oils. Raisins, large turkeys, cod fillets and other frozen fish to be noted in local stores. Cannot resist mention ing fresh Chinook salmon for the making of a luxury meal at a budget price. Vegetable Buys Cabbage, cauliflower, car rots, celery, lettuce, onions, potatoes, bunched vegetables, rhubarb, squash lead with many other good values to be found. Fruit buys are local apples, grapefruit, small oranges. Good marketing! FOR BREAKFAST Honey muffins paired with fresh fruit atop cereal and served with honey milk make an interesting basic breakfast. v7innei;Tom, T . .TAT. P rem Wine! HW WINI CO, UN '.JtAMCISCO.CAUr. Hearty Salad With Meats and Olives Husky wedges of ripe olives, cubes of bologna and hard cooked eggs make a "Man-Sized Salad." A bit of celery is added for crunch and a vinegary may onnaise for zip. It's a good take along for an early summer pic nic. ; . Man-Sized Salad . cup ripe olives 2 hard-cooked eggs 1 cup sliced celery 1 cup diced bologna or other luncheon meat . cup mayonnaise 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 2 teaspoons vinegar Vt teaspoon grated onion . - Cut olives from pits into large pieces. Dice eggs. Com bine olives, eggs, celery and bologna. Blend mayonnaise with mustard, vinegar and KEVER DEFDSE SUCH CUAMUIG "V..V , VjLJ TTT When science brought you Tide, ft gave yoo the greatest cleaning power the washday world had ever known ... a cleaning power that got clothes CLEANER than any other washing product you had ever used. Till Tide came along, you never had it so clean! SO frULD! SO SAFE! ' And now Tide combines its terrific cleaning power with wonderful mildness. Tide is so kind to hands . . . more so than any other leading detergent made. And so safe for all wash colors. Colors love Tide's gentle sndsl DAZZLING WHITE CLOTHES! HO BLEACHING! NO BlUlNG! . Except for stubborn stains, no need to bleach! No need to blue! All by itself, Tide gets clothes dazzling WHITE. No wonder more women use Tide in their washing machines both automatic and all other kinds-tlian anj other product soldi Get Tide todayl tfifs sum I Good HwMltMplny t. VHfc Regal Meat A . regal meat pie can be made with left-over roast beef, and a tested recipe for the pie is included with this article. Simpler to make, and a de licious main dish, is Hot Roast Beef Sandwiches. Just heat the left-over meat sliced in gravy and serve on bread slices or toast. Do ydu like chef's salad? This delicious mxture of salad greens with julienne strips of meat is delicious made with cold left-over roast beef. Just select the salad greens to your preference, mix with a good French dressing, and toptwith thin strips of roast beef. Casseroles as varied as your cooking inventiveness can be made with cubes of left-over roast beef and such delicious ingredients as canned peas, onion. Pour over salad mixture and blend lightly. Makes 4 gen erous servings. , parted POWER! Day Menus and Pie Always A mushrooms, green pepper, to matoes, onion, potatoes, maca roni and noodles. Roast Beef Pie 4 tablespoons meat drippings or iat 4 tablespoons flour Pear Treat Wash, core and halve fresh pears. Arrange cut side up in a greased baking dish. Fill cav ities with honey. Add a dash of cinnamon and wedged or ange slices to each pear. Bake in a moderate oven (350 de grees F.) until tender. This may be done the night before. Apples may be used the same way, ' ' . ' CRISPY WAFFLES Sprinkle waffle batter with crispy cereal flakes just be fore baking, serve with honey nutter. No washday sozp-ho ctetetgent lchown Favorite 1 4-ounce can sliced mush rooms ' Water ' ' 1 teaspoon salt - s teaspoon pepper 3 cups diced cooked roast beef 1 cup cooked or canned peas Heat drippings in heavy ski! let; stir in flour; continue cooking until browned, stir ring constantly. Drain mush rooms and add water to liquid to make 2 cups. Add liquid ana cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens ' and boils. Mix in remaining ingre dients and heat, stirring occa sionally.. Turn into 2-quart casserole and top with ring of cooked noodles or mashed po tatoes. Biscuit topping may be used; decrease flour to 3 table spoons. Bake in hot oven (425 F.) 15 to 20 minutes until thoroughly heated and pota toes or biscuits are browned. Yield: 6 servings. . y Utofet b&fote IObcHo was fc possible to qefc your family wash so clean ! 9i(LIE has esma yefc is so mild I Recipes For Sunday Brunch When Sunday brunch if a special occasion we like to serve chilled fresh grapefruit segments, : garnished with ' fresh mint or fresh straw berry, waffles with chopped walnuts in the batter, raisin and dried apricot conserve and worlds of steaming hot coffee. Our guests always seem to like to be invited for a return 'engagement. mmmmmmmmmmmsm.. Honey Egg Nog ; One for the children to , "grow on" is Golden Egg Nog poured over ready-to-eat or to-be-cooked cereal. Simply beat two eggs well, gradually add S tablespoons honey, and two cups milk. Blend thoroughly. Put in pitcher,: sprinkle with a few grains nutmeg and serve Immediately. Enough for 4 to 6 cereal bowls.