Thursday, May 7, 1958 Pagt 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon r3 COWGIRL i ,,. '-i ' - ' .1. .!... ' ' u f 1 Frances isjiigm, malinger of radio station in Madison, Ind., bas two radio program! daily Just for cows. They axe scheduled at milking time. Francis told a NARTB convention meeting in" Los Angeles, "Strange," but Hol ateins prefer quiet music. Oth er bovine 'get sent' with Jauyunea.'' (UP Telephoto) SODA FOUNTAIN HOT TURKEY SANDWICH Wtih creamy whipped potatoes, and extra thick irevy, Aft All for T C TRY ONE TODAY Dorothy Gray LIPSTICK DUO JteaeJor fermefe r Sneer-tray WW k,(jRl II. Mob loot Mff VM Mly Vt Opmol Spilllebug Due A check of strawberry fields or the presence of splttleoug should be made immediately, reports D. L. Rasmuisen, coun ty extension agent. Many grow rt ha Vina river bottom or val ley floor plantings have al ready dusted, adds the agent. Use of 6 per eent methoxy chlor dust at the rat of 40 or 60 pounds per acre is the prin cipal control method. Others have used rotenone or DDT dusts. Spittlebug nymphs will be found feeding on the flower clusters or the base of the leaves. In parts 'of Marion county, trawberry fruit worms -nave mused some damage in past years. Methoxychlor dust is recommended for control of this pest. Rotenone ie not so ef fective, states Rasmuasen. , One properly timed meth oxychlor dust will control spft- tlebugs and partially control fruit worms. Another meth oxychlor dust will be necessar ily about May 30 In fields hav ing a history of fruit worm damage. Cattlemen to Meet Portlands May tt The Oregon Cattlemen's as sociation .will hold their an nual meeting in Portland May 11, 12 and 13. This marks the tint time this meeting has been held in western Oregon. The program will include a cowboy breakfast at the Mead ows race track the morning of May 12; the annual banquet end attendance at the Ice show the evening of May 12 and a general discucslon of eattle production and marketing. Conservation Poll To Be Held May 21 The State Soil Conservation committee, according to Ro bert Baum, executive secre tary, ruled favorably on the recent hearing of the proposed addition to the Santlam Soil Conservation District. This ad dition covers that portion of Marlon County located In the Ytclnity of Jefferson, Talbot, wlntel and Sidney. The referendum on this pro posed area will be held on Thursday, May 21, from 1 p.m. to 8 p m. The exact poling place has not yet been deternv ined, but it will probably be held tn the efty haU at Jeffer son. f A . "Tl SgfcTS lif LENTHEMC r ,:r-v ( Gyl I ? 1 I H? U Half Pric.Sl-f fhftf 7M & --jpi GOULD tW k 2rff, creams rafloJ- fh, il W I 1 S SKIN BALM:: rfjj Knn I CMUMiUwte V, -.-.' -,.W,iy?li5SM . ii(W3r I saei sj aw l . 'W msm f ssrtriW fc iit CMt I ?! :tl inK Ik fe33"QUAINTANCE QUARTETTE", J S" EERBtl f L lk"'' Teers Mef. fame, Xlf ese . ; mSs? WRISLEy. 5S7llJ,'rt J AI II Friid$liip' Garden X W Sperbe BUBBLE lAlT Z!'0N Tfilnl vt TOUfT WATER X'""'J 52 JtM far Nir rwMetl Hensiri f tiTT AX, 2 wm UMWIV l liINU AuKf BUBBLE sw '''TiJJtyeCaZ . mm' ml. m9mWwmm WmwWMt swifTWl. ........ ISiBLjkr vJl -t t 1 1ss;.cdvDEK Tmi nLT LHe4 lj Plastic PITCHER I For urvinfl kad II MIN,rlC . J refrigerator B , M W Sat I u - ' " . .. U...M " - I t. rzMyvl.y ,3t I I Ullw. I sm- "yf9 iSJ ala'iiaitiai vla I I'tL'traVa I Beg. 0- WR$T WATCH .....a.owi 795 ,m mii f M's Kt "' f,o! 7fee IVewe CAMERA 7o p AIM!" s.acnlW ea? low " HwOrU TUMBLER 659' CHOCOUTES Gi Mom Hot "Vory On" ARVIN RADIO Vlrf.vt4Mri SiprhtrflyB MM bmM M I mint ifl rat twtl abinet In a rq f r.lf) w IomI HNE CHOCOLATpc nuif mocolafes ' ChArnlalii ii.-..- . -.viHib n nu rat Fafrhiff Assorfmenf "Ufi and Huh town Aliorimpni ! A hff Cenfen W and Fujjy . "omen Hair Assorted jb. 1.75 ib 1.85 .b. 1.75 ib. 2.00 ib. 1.50 ib. 1.50 ib. 1.39 ib. f .60 tiKSSlSl r SAAIPiro "o pi 'ectt olk.f yjill-V- ('"'""r WWe MHinq) .T fO 16 1 r r h pTH SCALE I ftfaSffl MSttJYS , m oor oolon. Owl Ml m f ( I or TV . J,"Jn,l 1 NL S50 N. Capitol, Solent 35c TISSUES box 400 23