Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 07, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Thjrsday, May 7, 1953
I In the, alley
I , . Edited by MIKE FORBES 1
Falls City
Fall City Mrs. Bertha
Harrington and Mrs. Cordia
Fox of ' Salem visited Mrs.
Phoebe Ward at the Evans
Rest Home in Dallas recently,
Claude Graham of Salem
was b recent caller.
Callers at the Joe Lam
precht home the past week
were: Mr. and Mrs. MacCulley
of Valsetz and Kenneth and S.
Amos of Vallev Junction,
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Frin, I ents, Mr. ana Mrs. Floyd Gra
in Portland, where he will at
tend the barber college.
A farewell dinner was given
at the Christian church Thurs
day evening honoring Mr. and
Mrs. Fredric and Mrs. Lind
who have spent the winter In
Falls City, and are returning
to their home In Minnesota
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rook of
Coos Bay, visited over the
week-end with their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Strauss.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Regelll
spent Sundry with her par
Warren Frink. . Mrs. ' Lulu
White and . Mrs. . Margaret
Thompson and Hal took a trip
, to Silver 1 Creek Falls Sun-
clay afternoon.
E. D. Williams and daughter
Joan of southern . Oregon
spent the week-end with their
Barents. Mr. and Mrs. A. it,
Reed. '- - '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickin
son and Stephen Letterman
called on MyrJck Bancroft at
the State hospital Sunday,
' : Mrs. George Kitchen, Mrs.
Leslie Grippin, Wayne Grip-
pin and Glen Grippin were in
Dallas Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hend
ley and son were transacting
business at Dallas Saturday.
The last Quarter V confer.
' once of the' year was' held at
the . Falls City Methodist
church on Sunday ' evening,
Dr. George Roseberry, district
superintendent ol. Sale m,
brought the message.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Frink
and family, enjoyed a trip to
the beach. . . "
Mrs. Maude Thrasher of
Philomath, MSgt. Kenneth P.
Thrasher and Richard Duke
of Texas were recent callers
of TV. P. Letterman, Mrs. Mar
ion H. Bennett, Simon Robin
eon and Loren Cooper homes.
. Kenneth , has just returned
from overseas duty in Africa
and they will make their home I
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lovell
and family of Portland spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Henthorne.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Ferguson
and son of HiUsboro visited
Sunday with his brothers
Chauncey and family.
Mrs. . Marie Lylle of Val
setz was a Monday caller of
Mrs. Nellie Mack and Mrs,
Clair, Goodell at Oak Creek
Park. '
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fergu
son and daughter of Longview
were week-end guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ames
and family and Vergil Davie
took a fishing trlD to Salmon
river Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Hasse,
ma nof Eugene came Monday
10 visit nis Brother and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair, Goodell of
Oak Crest Park,
Grants Pass, () Raymond
Bennett White, 42, Grants
Pass, fell to his death In the
Rogue River Wednesday while
at work on the rehabilitation
project at the Savage Rapids
Dam five miles east of here. .
Eugene Jacobs of Brooklyn
saddled 13 winners to be the
leading trainer at Hialeah dur
ing the winter season., ;
Ends Todayl (Thun.)
"Bartlt Clreiu"
i "Kansas Pacific"
Starting Tomorrow!
F- will?
I I f4 tarMSfUtUsssI
mi)! l
Lyons Mrs. Franklin Mc
Dowell, the former Miss Max
ine Scott, the honor guest at
bridal shower held at the Re,
bekah hall Monday evening
with Mrs. Otto Weldman, Mrs,
John Kunkle and Mrs. Alex
Bodeker as hostesses.
Kathryn Johnston favoring
with an accordion solo, follow.
ed by opening of the gifts and
Those present to honor Mrs,
McDowell were Mrs. Ed Davis,
Gates; Mrs. Frank druthers.
Mill City; Mrs. Wayne Lelr-
man. Stay ton; Mrs. Ray Rob,
erts, Mehama; Mesdames Har
vey Grimes, Hugh Johnston,
Jim 'Lande, Glen Julian, Pat
Lyons, Earl Allen, John Lea
gacher, Oscar Naue, George
Huffman, Chester Roy, Floyd
Bassett, Alex Bodeker, Bud
Johnson, Harley Scott, George
Berry, Albert Carr, John Wor,
den, Clyde Bressler, Bob Carle
ton, Orvllle Downing, Ralph
Downer, Clyde Lewis, John
Kunkle, Otto Weldman, Mrs.
Elva Kulken, Mrs. Alice Hu,
ber, Misses Beulah Lewis, Ruby
Naue, Chelta Lande, Norma
Miller, Virginia Boyce, Janet
Huffman, Jeanette Huffman,
Hazel Neal, Judy Kunkle,
Kathryn Johnston, Juanita
Kunkle, Marjorie Worden,
Kathleen Kuikeh, Nona Mc
Dowell, all of Lyons.
Sending gifts were Mesdames
Percy Hiatt, John Prldeaux,
John McClurg, Fred Steinfelt,
Mrs. Cora Jenner, Mrs.. Hazel
Wirth, Pat Tate and Dorothy
Stienf elt.
The Lyons Women's Society
of Christian Service members
went to Monmouth Monday
where they held an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Ed Hargreaves, a former mem-
ber of Lyons. A no-host dinner
was served at the noon hour,
followed by the business meet
ing with Mrs. Alice Huber,
president, in charge, and Mrs,
Hargreaves in charge of the
devotions. '' '.
Plans were made for the
mother and daughter banquet
which will be held in the all
purpose room at the Mari-Llnn
school Thursday evening, May
Installation of pfficers will
be held at the next meeting
with Mrs. Laurence Walworth
of Salem doing the installing.
Going to Monmouth were
Mesdames Ivan Smith, Leonard
Cruson, Charles Cruson, Floyd
Bassett, Glen Julian, Virgil
. Mat. Daily From 1 P. M.
I "BtA
Rogers, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs,
Hudson of Lyons, Mrs. Albert
Julian of Scio, and Mrs. Anna
Johnson of Rlckreall, former
members of Lyons.
The Community Methodist
Youth group were hosts for
farewell party held at ' the
parsonage Sunday evening
honoring Donald Sleg, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg,
who left for the service Tues,
day morning.
Present were Donald Sieg,
the honored guest, .Hazel Neal,
Doris Neal, Marjorie Prlchard,
Verna Sleg. Sandra Knox,
Gloria Carr, Norma Miller,
Bill Morgan, Donald Olmstead,
Ervin Thompson, Bill James.
and Virgil Trout. At the close
of the evening refreshments
were served by Mr. and Mrs,
Ed Sieg and Mrs. Merwin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg
were hosts for a dinner at their
home Sunday in honor of their
son, Donald, who was called
to the service and left Tues
day. Covers were laid for the
honor guest, Donald Sleg, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Free, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Sieg, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Free, Bobble and Hrjlle,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Free,
Michael, Gretchen and Pattie,
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Knox,
Sandra, Roger, Pat and Mike;
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sieg and
Mrs. Hugh Johnston was
among those attending the
Leaders 1 Week-end held ' at
Crest Woods Acres.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle
had as their guests over the
week-end her sister and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sal-
chenberger, Donald and Mari
lyn from Areata, Calif. They
also visited her father. Ben
Bodeker of Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuni of
Cresweil. were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Roye. ' '
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Carle-
ton, Larry and Carolyn spent
the week-end as guests at the
home of her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Brown in Med
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stev
ens returned home Saturday
from Sheridan, Wyo., where
they were called by the death
of the two men's father.
Thursday, evening dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Allen were Mr. and
Mrs. Gail Fox of Salem.
West Stayton
Ballston Mr. and Mrs. El-
win Smail are being congratu
lated on the birth of a new
grandson who was born last
week to their son and daugh
tcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
He has been named Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ruepke
of The Dalies, former residents
of Ballston, visited Tuesday at
the Shade Snow home.
Mrs. Mary Bowman moved
back to her home last week.
She had spent the winter at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Ora Anderson in Portland.
Sharon, the six-y e a r-old
daughter of Mrs. Lloyd Lati
mer, is ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Mae Yokum, who is a
patient at the McMinnvllle
General hospital, is showing a
slight improvement. '
Mrs. Howard Shafer has been
ill at her home the past week.
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Silvis and
C. A. Butler of Eugene spent
Sunday at the home of Mrs. N.
E. Tufford.
The last Community club
meeting of the season will be
held in the Community hall
Friday evening, May 8. . .
There will be an election of
officers for the coming year
followed by a program and re
freshments. f
Mrs. Lloyd Whitney of Red
Prairie spent Tuesday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs.
Ezra Kilmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reice
and three children of Portland.
spent the week-end at the
home of Norman's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Reice. '
Aurora Real estate and
construction of homes in the
making include the house "be
ing built for Mrs. Inez Gorm
ley, on her son's place, Frank
Evans, in Aurora : Donald
Rider's house north ot Aurora;
the Frank Sperb residence
near Milk creek, the house on
McNeff road under construc
tion will be occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Miles, a new
dwelling for occupancy by Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Dletz near New
Era, the Ivan Kropf residence
at Yoder nearlng completion.
Renovation and repainting of
the huge barn on the Sather
property in Aurora, formerly
owned by H. N. Everhart, is in
Mrs, Jennie Ziegler is re
ported ill at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Hurst.
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller
of Yamhill were Saturday eve
ning guerts .t the home of Mr.
anH Mrs. George Aakin.
Mrs. Ida Garrett is the house
guest of her sister, Mrs. George
Miss Muriel Wettsteln,
dauehter oi the William Wett-
steins, has completed basic
training in the Waves. She will
report at Jacksonville, Fla
May 7, for lurtner training.
Sweet Home
Sweet Home Vigue's Coun
try Club was the scene of the
last regular meeting of the
Business and Professional
Women's club.
Attending as out of town
guests to earn credits for their
club were MrB. Ethel Littler,
Mrs. Hilda Cochran, Mrs.
Jeanette Krupp, Mrs. Helen
Bray and Mrs. Irene Graham
of Salem B.P.W. ;
Convention plans were dis
cussed and completed, at this
meeting. The next meeting
will be held May 18 at which
date the Girl of the Month
will be honored.
will be presented. Friday, May
8, in the high school auditori
um. The theme will be "Over
the Rainbow" and will be pre
sented by the choral depart
ment under the 'direction of
Mrs. Myrtle Gates.
. Several numbers will be giv
en by the different groups in
the music department. The a
cappella choir, mixed chorus,
freshman chorus girls glee,
girls octette, trio, and sextette.
Specialty numbers include a
clown dance by Norma Saw
yer, South American dance by
Gerildean Guthray, a two-piano
concerto, "Rhapsody in Blue,"
by Carol Krogh and Bobby
Jean Davis, solo and ballet
number with Sharon Burnett as
soloist and Chrlssle Dayton as
ballerina in "Sweet Alice Blue
Gown" number.
SUverton Miss Hannah Ol
son, chairman, has announced
the May Day program by the
Eugene Field grades will be
given twice on Friday, May i
8, in the early afternoon and J
in the evening. Miss Joan Mc-
Ewen, 11 yean of age, is to
reign as "Queen." J
Patricia Nichol, Aumsville, J
was honored as Moonlight Girl i
of the Phi Sigma Kappa social J
fraternity at Linfleld college,
campus, McMinnvllle. Miss '
Nichol is a freshman liberal
arts student at Linfleld, ' t
Dance Lessons
, 5 or 20 Hr.
Private Clan
Armstrong Studios
155 S. Liberty Ph. 2-7523
'Visiting the Royal Neigh
bora of America Chapter re
cently were District Deputy
Mable Miles and Oracle Hll
degarde Prentiss of Salem.
During this meeting Louise
Johnson, and Esther Hopper
were obligated.
Estrelita Messmer and Lou
ise Young were prize winners
for the evening1.
Refreshment committee mem
bers were Lucille Poppe, Mar
garite Thornton, Doris Harvey,
and Wilda Jenkins.
Instruction and draping the
charter was given by Drill Cap
tain Sadie Kaeding.
It was announced that a pass
word drill for convention is to
be held in Lebanon May 21.
The next regular meeting
will be held in the Eagles hall
May 19 and the refreshment
committee at this date will be
Louise Young, Abigail Lundt,
Celeste Pappan, Mary Lyon,
Nancy Womack.
The annual spring concert
Robert Taylor - Eleanor Parker
. , Alio
Special Musical Short
m; t;nE
Con ourW
TONlIf 8:30 P.M.
On Our
Clark Gable
Loretto Young
. Linda Darnell
Featuring Salem's
Own Talented Folks ,
In Competition for
Cash Prizes!
Plus! Guett Acts!
-and '
Ed Syring
at the
West Stayton Stanley Van
i Ruckman of Monmouth will be
! guest speaker for the West
I Stayton School commencement
exercises Friday evening, May
22, as announced by the prin
cipal, H. E. Fettey. 1
Nineteen students will re,
ceive their eighth grade diplo
mas. Jean Stinnett has been
selected as valedictorian and
Gary Downer, salutatorian of
the class.
Graduates include Eugene
Huber, Elaine Zlesler, Charles
Choat, Ruth Gilbert, Wayne
Wilkinson, Ronald Hilton,
Terry Ruggle, Lulu Reed, Ron
ald Foltz, Lola Moppet, Albert
Green, Myrtle Kendell, Beulah
Reed, Gary Downer, ' Tryva
Ridenour, Fred Burnett, Mar,
jorle Fowler, Jean Stinnett
and Laverne Wright.
in 1 11
I Cub Scouts from West Stay
ton and Aumsville will parti
cipate in a Jamboree circus to
I be held on Waters Field, Sa
len, May 9, for the benefit of
the state Scout camp facilities
I funds.
! West Stayton Cubs unders
I the leadership of Mrs. Robert
Shepherd, den mother, will
dress as Lil' Abner characters
; for their part in a Mardi Gras
parade on the field at 7:30 p.m.
i A small crowd attended the
last meeting of the Commun
ity club at the West Stayton
I school, Friday evening. The
school will have the annual
; picnic, May 23, with the Com
munity club furnishing the ice
! cream. A pot-luck dinner will
; be served at noon, followed by
; an afternoon of fun.
West Statyton pupils on the
honor roll of the "School of the
Air" art contest for the last
program of the school year
were two honorable mentions,
Sharon Doran for the first
grade, and Fred Kendell, third
The last year In which an
American league pitcher won
SO games was in 1931 when
Lefty Grove won 31 for the
Gates Open 7:00
Show at I)mk
. NOW!
t Technicolor lilt
Broderlck Crawford
on unmet uJt twhf love iecutfifrd frvwitmc
I 1 1 III I
For the first time ever, in famous
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You know, the moment you see this wonderful fabric,
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CLASSIC SUITE. Solid air-foam cushions. The new
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Try it yourself and learo
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