rage zo FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER 4 bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, double larais, good location. Immediate posseealon. Can let PH. A. i-stta. mi' FAIRMOUNT HILL Exclusive district, by owner, harm- fair cottage, landscaped garden, lot bOxIM, 2 bedrooma, largo livlrtf room, electric heat, set tube, fruit trMi, ber rlM, fine lawn, garage. ITSS Jo bo At. tin I ELL IT YOURSKLP Of eotUM fou may eventually nil, but bsllevo no you will eave t lot of lime, headaches, and iinoDtr (yei. sara money), by cooper at ing with ua oo our " point plan" o! aim Dr. Buyera like it. Ownrra like it. ao why not call ua about tht point plan- and tit action. Clyde Prau. Realtor. Ph. 4-J8M. Ask for V. A. Wiuiama. Evenings call 4-6flU. alio ItEW 1-BEDROOM, 2 block I high echoot. see before you buy. 2-2471. al CLOSE TO STATE BLDOS. t very good rant all and 3-bedroom excellent living quart ra. If you want an Income and a viry comforuble place to live, call Mr. McQueen with JOHN J, DAWN, REALTOR 411 N. Blab Ph. 41482 Eve. 3M7 a no SEIZE B Dlitrlet: Beautiful new J-bed- room home with dinette, large living room, iniide utility, forced air heat. Will take lata ear or pickup to trade. 4-4587, 1-3377. glOt KLUMPP'S EXCLUSIVE HOMES 'A Splc and Span Little Home' with large living room, three good aiied bedrooms on one floor with ad joining bath. Croaa ventilation to all rocme. nice aired kitchen with plenty f bullt-iai. Back yard fenced, plenty ef room for garden and flowers, alee laws In front. Will give very reason able term. Call lor appointment. Ideal Home for Small Family' with two lovely bedrooma, large liv ing room with picture wlndowe, A very onvenlent kitchen with lnalde utility room. Lovely mahogany doore. Nice Jot 18x159 with your own well ayitem, t.ose to acnooi. 214 ACRES Don't Steal Itl Juat Buy Itl Then you will raallaa what a ateal thla really la. Just a 10 minute drive from ghopping center, A nice 2 bed room home with living room, with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with breakfaat nook. A gleued-ln mn porch. A very good lira alarm ayitem goea wun it. Thii noma aiao baa a full baiement with A nice cool room for then hot day. A good double garage. Thla home la all plastered and papereo. mneia forces aale of thla property. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor KM Porllud IM. Eve. Richard Ph. Mill NEW . NEW Located In Xaat Englewood only I blocki from achool thla 3 bedroom houaa la now ready to ahow. Hardwood floor et fireplace, automatle oil furnace, hardwood trim. aJjfcBlrah kitchen with lane breakfaat nook, Pormlca counter tow, built-in vanity in bathroom, full bisement ideal for TV room. On large lot, (66X162). Price la $11,000.00. F.H.A. terma. , Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Maaonlo Bulldlni Real Estate, Inaurance, Morten. Loan Phono 3-9217 Evenlnct: 3.4700 no- fOB BALE by owner. 1 arm im in oorth-eaat. 1 bedroom houte, bars, cnicKcn nuuae, in. irm, hou..t tar I BEDKOCU home near Utile, roroed air neat, win aeii on oontraot with . .mall down payment. Full price H.7S0, or will take bulldlm lota In trade. . '- alM KPcmjaa, tacant, Avray aizi HOMK A alac. for overruling and overr odr. bdrma., nice lint din. rm piut .atlnr area In kitchen. Lovoir wlndowa, fireplace, all hardw. floor., wee., vatlo, Quiet atreet laal auburn, an. 13600 down, V83 per mo. A. A. LAM EN, REALTOR Ml . Hleh Ph. M tvtnln, A, Will,. 5h. 13711 Andr Halvoraen, ph. 1711 , A. c Beckett, ph. 1I5SI alio' BABBLING BROOK BY THS FRONT DOOR. Thll new I bdrm home with hdwd lra aho'ild really pleaaa at the price of moo. Terma I1S80 down balance nn Nw THK loan. Juat 1 blocki from Oil Leille eohool, MR. & MRS. SEE THIS BAROAIN BUT lor MHO. nitre lara. Itvlnf rm, dlnlnr rm. 3 bdrmi. bath, utllltr rm, ..race. CLOSE To CORNER aHOPPlNO CENTER. Term, aioso down bal.nco aaar. BEE van rsuHH, .v., ph. 417M. erne dial, tSwNWi WILL aell nice 1 bedroom home. Located neat to Kiniwood. Wut nr.. lem. Hai nice garden apace, IBoo "iwwrmi, rnone ia-T. al!7 1060 N. 13th Br owner and builder, new lbodroom pi..t.r.a noma, (.lone 10 man oohool 130 Llvlnt Aera. Termt. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER HOME BOTLDER IIU Ollte phono iiih alll . 2 BETTER BUYS BO. 1 YOO ARE THE ONI TO WEAR THE NEW OPP Tina LOVELY oarm Dom. In Al reeldentlal area. All rme beautltullr deeoraud. hdwd tlra, mahor. doora. oil heat, eh J. mint kit with formica counter toi, dlneilr coir ll. rm. Attached aar.ae end oiceptlonallr deep lot. 11,00 will a.ooie. WO. I fNJOY 11VTNO W TKUI n.,na ..NLr (.(JLnNIAL DP ftlON on a twin atreet. Wall to will earoetm, in nr. rm, Ue kllehenelle. beiutiful ahruha a trtei. pull PRior BEE, EVE. PH. 3S171. orricK DiAt 4-'4194,2-4.52 yj al,. I I.AH.HII liu AliVthTlaiNO Per Word I tlmeo u. Per nerd 4c Per Word, I llmoe to, Per Word, I menlb an. No Rrranda Minima Wofdt. EADEIP In leal Nw. C.l.nn Oalr, Per Word to Hlalo.ua II Worse To Plars Ad In Samp Dar'i Paper. Phone t-lW Mot 10 a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES T oWNEBt Niarly new t-bedroom noma. 32M Tow mend Way. a 10 VIEW HOME 1 bedrooma, play room, carpeting, double garage. 1-101J. 226 Poreit Hllla Way. alio1 IMALL I bedroom home, low down pay ment, good Uitrlot. Ml Wut 13th St Albany, a-WH Belem. am BY OWN KB, l bedroom suburban, eloie in, targe utimy ar aitra bedroom, im mediate poeauilon. 10071. alll' XNQUSH SHAKE ENOLTWOOO Wall built I bedroom bom. 3 down, 1 up, double plumbing, nice living room, fireplace, aaparata dining room, nook, full basement, attached garage, lorely enclosed yard with patio, choice Joe a tloa en No. llth St., 114,100. Call fat Kemper, iT ror appointment. J, U H1MMEL, REALTOR Phone I-.3I4 alM' FOR SALE LOTS LOTS, 111 DOWN, til month, with water and oleetrtcltr. Clote to rood itort. achool. General Real Eetate, 309 Cen ter, Phone 333m. ..no FOR SALE FARMS ACBEl. ill good land and to crop. Soma aeed contract!. Owner expects good return thla year. WU1 draw 93100 to advance Auiuit let. Thla and all fully equipped with good machinery modern, I -bid room home with oil heat All for 143,000, 7,600 down, Will take town property for down payment. F. H. WEIR REALTOR Call Porreit Slmmona, farm aaleiman with P. H. Weir. Phone 4-3761. bllO1 SKY RANCH I!' you ilka to live to the country within t mllee of Salem and have city convenience!, view over city, valley, mountain, and need a one thousand 00 eg. ft. ranch atria home that wu built by a matter builder of the but material I ye era ago, and want to aave about 10,000 of the original oit of property, den't fall to look ever this bargain, The home constate of a large jiving room who i i io thermopane winaowe, nrepjace that handjej J-ft. logs, ouin room with fireplace, work-eavlng- kitchen with breakfast nook. Two large bedrooma and 9 complete mm. a a en ror the man of the home. Patio and barbecue. Ex pin live will-to-well aarpet. lnaulated and weather- stripper, stable Daa S large box atalle, noiiy pina tack room, feed room, iiuK mnu umjiQu, .we nine into, ehicken houaa. and cattle ahed, eorrill, 10 acrea of permanent weatura. r. den, family orchard, gprtokler aritem In the lawn. Plenty f maoA tjtin water. There la over 140,000 Invented to thla property. Wa will aell for 3f,000 and taka 13.000 down fram reiponalble party. Call 4-0043 even ings, and Studaya I-5ePS for apnoint- mcov. w OlOB Calline Mr. Farmer LA ROB DUTCH COLONIAL (net) m muej out. I aeli of plumblnr, (orood all oil furnace In loelr tettlne on thlt 1M acre atock 4 frass Raa.h. Oood Irritation well At oumo. llv. ereek. barn Ac ate. RAISE WRl"! PACES OALORX HERE. Nice ahade treea It VARIETY PRU1T. PRICS u fav.wu so uuuu terms. 26 ACRES BUY. TOR 4800 Vt In ault, 1 acr. Snd crop atrawberrlet. 1 bdrm modern home, Blc. .had. rreaa, leno barn, plentr wter and an pared road 7 mlltt out, ACRE NEAR KEtzeH SOHnnr No bldli lome treea, corner lota. Price 1(00 tor I1S0 down. Many Other Good Buys mmm i. s, Anufiitson fun a TAHH. IV E. PH. 42714 ornci DIAL, bim. 3S-ACRE MOLAtlA Taller farm, ttocked and .quipped, for aulck aale. ate Olar uer, rout. J. boi ao. Cell atolalla san. bill l-OB OUICK SALE, in acrea aU aeedod araru ana orate, jencon: apnnfl, old bluldlnea: famllr fruit. Black-top hlahwar. Price, 111.000. which lo cludea crop, tt taken toon. Conalder trade. What hava pour. Ouernaer dalrr herd and maehln.rr can be boutht br buyer. General Real Otate. o center, mono 3331D. bioi fJK 3ALt ACREAGE SECLUDED ACREAGE Juit the plaet to raiie a few head of beef on thla 4-acre tract, which la fenced and croaa-fenced, with Little Pudding rivar running through the back of the property. Large fir treei and lota of flowera and ahrubi. A amall. modern home with a good deep well, alto a good deep wall. Price tl 0,500. L. E, Klumpp, Realtor 10W Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1643 Xve,; Richard Klumpp, 2-S8A4 bbllO Number 3 Business Zone 430X6 aquare feet. Thla la In north cUlim Inside city llmlta, Qood accrai to mam ir-ic route and downtown. There art no building! to buy. to the price . rerr reaaonaoit) ausoo. BI OR CALL A. W. UcKILLOf? 18620 OR S7904 McKillop REAL ESTATE 401 Center 8',., flelem bblU REAL ESTATE MOTEL OWNERS ATTENTION PLEABI. WB ARI HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE TUB ASSISTANCE OP Mr, carl Arndl who will be alTlng inn. clal attention to tht rele and ex- ehenie of MoteU, Court, Apt. Hutu and all typei of rentil proprity. t;iv us A CAUi . Wl CAN HEt YOU. My; ph. 41769. crnci DIAL K 44494, 24552 Today's Special ltM Dandy I-bdrm. t-yr.-old Home. Maple f lra.. auto. riat, top eon dition, auto, wether ft able, eareie, nice lawn A garden, all fenced, doit IO DUI. IMJ0 tnillah type home. Liv. rm. with corner (.replace. No. i ok fire., din. rm., kit. & breakfaat nook, l bdrm. down, t bttrnu. up. full baie ment. ahrubbery, fruit h garden. Salem's First Drive-In Smith Real Estate los Portland Bd. Ph. J-IMl elM' UKIIIWAY riONtAUE IN ALBANY, ORFAION. 114 fool frontaia on Ml Oood two bed room bouee, rarai. fruit and nut trero, plentr of room for a buelneu bulldln,. 1 10,60.1 00. Owner will rotuldrr tradln. for a home In aelfm. Lawrence Edholm, Broker. XI fl. Mat'L Bank Bloa., Al banr, Ore.oa, , .ict tv 4-'4494, 24552 XI REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate FULL PRICE $3200 Pour rtr. .Id. Ob. bodroom horn.. Ble. kltcb.n, UviDl, .tb. L.rl lot la .ic.lunt loc.tloo suUt. CIm, to ttorw od booU Oil Mr. TtDdarTort. iftlMtnto. ONLY $4950 Ktit t bodroom bomi. lnw,, kltehtn, both, at.ru. ..ic. to ottlc. Klu b.d,d bub rd with plck.t I.n. Would nik. alci llol.l. ' , Will trodo lor l.n.r Hon.. CU Uit. Scbullw, jlotnt. . NEW HOME Mica UilT llvlu, dlolai. klleb.n. I bdrmo. both. Alt. llrut. tol Wilto. OdIt IV, blk. to Khool ttoro.. Thli u a ml bur at ICOM. Call air. fliapaoa, Mlaaataa. ENGLEWOOD t bKlrooni, ale. Ilvlnr, kltehtn. b.tb. Wlrad for ram.. Oarua. Lot .61117. Nlca lawa and ahruba. 1 walnut, 1 appla, arapai. V$ blk to bua. Onlr . Call air. Ruch. .al.imaB. $1000 DOWN N,w I bdrB. horn.. Ua. llrlnf, dlnlnr. kltehtn with oit'ra aat antra. UlUltr, foread oil htet. 1130 m. It. floor apace. Ua. i.raia, Corn.r lot Uxloo. Onlr I10.1M. Call Mr. aimpien, t.luman. .THREE YEARS OLD Nice I bedroom home. UtIm, dlnlni, kitchen, bath, hardwood floor,. Intulated a wtatheritrlpped. 1 cherrr tree. Nlca (lowara abruba. Lot loilao. Price 111,100. Trade for ameU acrawe. call air. Jluoh. .aleamaa. ROY TODD, ) (tat. atreet .. Phone: Vandorvort I-IIM Much l-Tlll Grabenhorst Specials ' APARTMENT IKOOalE 1170 per mo. six apartmaatj. Houia la Ho. I aone. Price 1 11,100. CALL PETER a. GEISER CHILDREN LOVE THIS NEIGHBORHOOD (eo will rou) Convenient to aohoola and tranaportatlon on deadend street, I bdrmi., llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., kitchen 4 nook, lull bath, utllltr room, all on one floor, auto, oil forced air furnace, Intulated A, weatheratrlpped, limit .araii. Wired for drrer, outdoor fireplace, an xcellont'home. 111,000. CALL J. X. LAW NO. I business zone Don't be aorrr roti didn't kur then an .till lood bura and location. In tha market. 1. toiioo Corner main Intereictlon .... l(,iu I l.lll 1. 101100 Oood potential I 1,000 I. looilel Area developlnf flat alder horn, on lot ,,,, 1 1,000 I. looi verr aood , , I I.1H I. 1001130 Corner 11.600 I. 100i70O-faln Arterial Trackaie 111,000 1. mioa Reduced from iii.ooo. Now I f.too CALL ROT PIRRia, CO-OP. BROKER IfR. INVESTOR Incom. I16S par month, aood leaae, excellent loca tion. Modern reataurant bulldlna la aplandld condition, completelr ooulpped, 2-bdrm. Ilvlnr quartera, ofMtraet parklni, mala arterial location. Price 116.100. W1U conalder trade on larior commercial bulld Ini. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L. ORABENBORST 11000 DOWN, TMMSDIATB POSSESSION ThU horn, la I TTI. old, hai 3 nlca bdrma. Lie. llv. rm., din. rm. and convenient kitchen. Attached aaraie. Back rard la all fenced and orfora a alca larden aria., rull price N600. CALL H. K. LAVMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit a. Llbertr at. " Ph. J-J471 vinlnn or Sundara .all . at. Larmtm I-K6I J, E. Law l-llll Peter H. Oel:er S-tJCJ Ror PerrU 1-1010 c: Ed Lukinbeal Realtor 433 N. HIGH Pearl St., Englewood Diit. ONZ-etorr 3-br. homa, new carpet ing over oak floora In recaption hall, living dining rme. Good value at l!,150, (Owner wanta to aell walnut burl upright mirror piano $100.) Just an Acre E.UT U haa a real pretty 2-bedroom homa with a fireplace, dining rm., full baamt, with new auto, oil fur nace, a good variety of fruit treea and loadi of flowera. Pvd. road, louLh. 112,800. Private Lake AND S all-year atreami, 47 acrea, SB A. In oata eb vetoh (no buildlnga), fine building eltea, 2 mile from Salem city lmti. 13,600, good termi, EVE. CALL (PECK) PECKENPAUGH 8-5413 ED LUKINBEAL 2-8704 REAL ESTATE limit autiiii HlllllMU Itllltlltl WllUtll 1111111111 - IIIIIIIIIIIMIItll llttlllletlltt IMIIMIIIIIIIIMIIU MMIMIII II llltltllll lltitell II IllltlU lllttl II HHII H W List Buy SULLIVAN APARTMENT LIVING In the gauntry. Ranch aty.e, 144 aa. ft. of floor apace. Cute, compact, nandy. nice view, Beamuui lawn, val uable extra lot. Bua by door. $8600 Trade on larger home, PRICED TO SELL One of tha nlceat and but homei. rmi. on lee, lot) Lovely lindeeaping Clwe to achool A trana. $9360. HOME' PLUS H ACRE. Suburban, l-rm. In top condition, looo eq. it., onir 1 yre old. Fruit treea St place for chlckene. Priced rleht at 0Tt0. BE SMART OFT A START I 10 A., 1$ tillable h leeded to wheat. View prop. 7 mi. from fiiltm. No Improvements. Low down pi y mint a. hit terma. Make ua an offer, call McPariana, eve. ph. 4-3345. A SALEM MOTEL nil., I dbla. Bill, can be convert- ad to do He Ample linen to bed supplies Purnlihed. 1-bdrm. home with dble, bath. Would consider email hie. as a trade-in. BUSINESS BLDG. with 3 4-rtn. apti. upsUlri. 3300 q tt. on eirh floor. About 30 ml. from ajaieni. Maxe otter. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR llll Portland Road Ph. 4-tMI Br. allleei ill N. HUh Ph. t-MJI Eve. ph. I-Itii, i-nii, -iii CllO1 NEW 2-BEDR00M 1750 DOWN Built to riatd FHA specifications aVmrite dining area. Very good room arremement. All hardwood floor i. Attached garege, Paved street Inside fitr llmlta, Rnjli a aood buy at only llflBO. MINIATURE FARM One aero of good land wiih leta ef outbuilding!. Plenty of young fruit treea and berries. A good 3-bedroom hauee dealaned for eay, comfortable living, alio an attached one-room building ideal for a bor a htdeway or a good piece for rotir mother-in-law. All this for only lJO00 with a amall down payment. 3-BEDrtOOM SPECIAL 10 )00. Almost new In a secluded dlitrlet of Weit alem. A kitchen thet'i a woman's dream come true. All hardwood floors. Large attached irate, can be bought at O.L er FHA. terma. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE lot Bouth Hl,h atreet Phcril j-tl(U Phone eventnaa and Bunder: 4-ll7t. llll, l-llll, 4-II1I. l-llll .IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Omioii . Irna til C I IVESTOCK REAL ESTATE REALTOR ottie. noB. i-itti ahultta l-MH . aiatpaoB l-Mtt . Todd 1-1111 PHONE 2-6680 North o Market on 23rd St. UCIUaBNT dlitrlet, quiet atreet, trim, neat 2-bedroom homa, you'll ilka it. $10,203. West Side WOODCD lot, bring your roller akateei H'a a long way ecroaa the S large badroomi and larg living room. Mualo alcove, aun porch, bath half, baiement oU fur. Will taka auto, pickup truck or amall rentable noma In part trade. Price $11,(00, with 7600 loan 4. Wall-to-wall Carpeting BELLING, at 0.1. appraiaed price of 17,000. For-yr. -old 2-br. home la north Balem, Highland Dial. REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES with a very well built ft-room home. east front, large baiement, furnace heat, big garage and workehop, poul try home, jmall barn. Located about 3 ml lea nor the aat of ftalem. Oood rich black Willamette aoii. family fruit. nut treea. Nice aurroundlng homea and neighborhood. Machinery can be pur chaaed with property If deilred. Owner win trade for home in elty or aell out right, full price Including machinery $11,760. Oood propertrMlke this li hard to lino, aeeing tg Believing. One More $1000 Down Nearly completed neat new 3-bedroom plastered home with attached ga raae. Beautiful mahogany woodwork and doori, large roomy closets. One of tha very few FHA loan approved nomes ma. can anil be aoid for lor. down with an FHA appraised value of $8350. If you have been looking for a home with approved financing ana oo not nave much down payment. don't let thli one get by; they are nara to lino. G. I. APPROVED 3-bedroom home with too aq. feet of noor epeee, piaitereo, ineuiatcd, hard wow noora inruout. attached rage, nice fenced-in back yard with awingx, good location near school and surrounding homta are nice. Price reduced to $7800. Property rented and must be shown by appointment. Low down payment to O. I. or wa have en xceiirn. loan ready ior non-o.l. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor lilt N. Capitol Ph. mil CllO" NELSON Unfinished 3 Bdrms. LOOK IT OVER l-bdrra. home with Ideal floor plen approi. 1100 eo. leal. Uwd. IlrtH dble. plumblui, (hike .iterlor, ear., an prd. at. PlnUh a lururr horn, for onlr IHI0. Call Mr.. Wootten. TRADE 3 BDRMS. KE1ZER DISTRICT Opportunltr to trade thla l.rra. aub urban home for a l-bdrm. home on tat floor. What hav. rout iCtll aire. Wootten for parllculart. ' HOW a THia? One blk. to bue, lunlon aanlor hi irhool I bike, awar: I mlnulea bo cer to center of town. I bdrmi., lot ismo. r.Vi. 1i!,l'"l"lr In town. Price moo. ctn al watu. t-im. i-HXX OARDEN COURT JO-rear 4ra PHA loan, aelf-ootrat-In. flneal court apartmenu In aalem. Lata than I rra. old. Wonderful retire, went tneom. propertr. III.OOO win v.u Mr. Bcnmiat. 3 BEDROOMS H1QHLANO DtBTRtCT Newlr redecorated home. Tt la ,o aonrenlenl to achoola, taora. trana. pvriauoB. ua. lot. lie. ear. Priced to G. I. TERMS BUILT TO BI LIVED IK atari la awn that homa rou'ra keen Ihlnkin, of for reart. rleht aowl You'll find thla l-rro. one-floor home located on the couth tde, la ao eetr to Ilka and alao er to owa oa oi term.. Prlc. 111.000. Nelson tt Nelson BPECIALIZINO REALTORS Hi M. Hlth 8U Ph. I-IIM ' eioi1 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RIAL ESTATE j REAl ESTATE REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES we xebd uarnraa. Parilauiarlr blaher priced homaa and all trpaa with law down parmenU. Hollywood Special One ef tboaa good aoltd I -bedroom emee with lull taaemeni. Fireplace. Attractive living room and dining room, Penced yard. Ktceiy ianaicaped, walking diitanee to at. v.neent. Miah land achool and Hollywood abopplng eenter. Juat 111, zoo. Terma. There is no catch - $5250 -bed room home Itf flt. Vincent Dlit Very modern. Garage, in good condi tion. I walnut, S cherry treei. Corner let. Conalder exchange for home near Parrlih achool. SWEET BUY - $13,500 In Candalarle Dlit. Owner leaving. Nice 3-bedroom home only I yra. old. Ore. fireplace. Iruulated. Bua bi door. Lawn and ahruha. Pull price only $13,aoo. Termi. $1000 DOWN on thla really nice home. Diet, la fint. Con t rue t Ion la of the beau Only 1 yr. old. Offered for aale to cloie aa tete. OU neat, insulated. Ate. garaae. Lawn li In. Deep lot. The price hai been reduced to aio.uoo. BUILDING LOT In B I. Salem. Water and aewer eliae loo x iz.). oniy aisoo. New Development Area New aone on tnii property la for buaineii. etiort dtitance from new di velopment diet. Hea good older type a-Dftoroom noma wun oaaement. mow rented. Thla la an Ideal property to hoi dlor a ebort time ai the rent will carry the mortgage, rull price only Excellent Highway Frontage Over A. of the beit highway front' age. New by paaa wiu not Interfe; witn tma properly in any way. H brand new fine bldg. that la aoulDoed with the but equipment money can buy. ideal ror nigni ciub, motor court, drlve-tn theatre or what have you? Pull price for everything Including i7 iiremj iiTanK quavr.eri a&ii.ipo, 'i erme arrenioo. MOTOR COURT Thla la a good one. In very dealrable location on the coaat. Owner reports groaa Income last yr. of $11,000, Each unit la modern and equipped with kitchens, overlooking the aurf. Can accommodate iron. 2 to g in a. n&rt-? Owner will conalder farm up to $40,000 In trade. Better hurry, Pull price CALL PO RMR. CRAWFORD, EVK. PH. a-aw-Mj, or dan ISAAK, BVI, ph. 1-aojB, or MK. KIOCMN8, SVK. PH waw,. ii no answer, call 4-3341. $4950 FULL PRICE for thla modern 3-badroom house built in jvf. m gooo condition. Chicken nouie. some berries. Oood 10-ft. well. raven ra. near eaiam. 8 ACRES Modern houae unflnlahed upatalra. Barn, aaraie, chicken houae. Pvd. rd. A. atrawberrlea, 1 A. blackberrlee. 10 fruit treea. Oood toll. Well worth ne eikmr price or 15000. Mar eon alder lata model car aa part parment. CHINCHILLAS Tot, 10 palra. Plus 30 caica In a new barn. Owner report, one of the beat atocka In the .t.te. Oood modern J nadroom houae, chicken houte. Verr vc.ir.Di. location, yi a. nerriea. Ex. tremeir reatonaoie once. CALIi TOR MR, LEAVENS, EVE. PH. .-.1.0. 11 no aruwer, can 4-aall, MORTOAOE LOANS m-Year Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonee: 4-9111 or 1-7110 I0 PORTLAND ROAD v.. Phonoa: I-4T3S, 4-1401, 4-9SIS, '4-6010 or 9-S5SI If Bo aneweV, phone 4-3341 CllO1 HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS Silverton, Oregon 4 rme. da bath, Juat outald. dtr 11100, isoo down 14 acra Juat outald. cl'.r on hleh way, nearlr new S larse rmi. at bath. .Cement foundation, wired for ranee, .tc. A nice epot 3B60 4 rme. ft bath In alee Oood location, bki lot .... condition 14100 I rma. at bath, cement foundation, wlrad for ranaa, electric water heat er, aaraae, oil lot. Nice location I56M, 1500 down T rme. at hath, full basement, wired ior ranae, electric water heater, plea, tared, fireplace, etc. NIC. bil lot. Pino location. Sc. thla 17500 About acrea, edit of dtr, I rma. a, otui, Nearlr new. 3-car aaraie. A really aood home. Bee It 113,100 jncoma proper!. 3-apt. Cat, One furnlahed rental Ai o-rm. apt. for io. 10 ouaineaa aectlon. 0000 raiu i5eoo T acrea dote to Silverton on paved hlihwar, rood 7-rm. modern home In un conouion, cement foundation. wirea tor ranae, lnaulated. etc. Oood barn, ahop, chicken houaea, olc, Thla la a dandr laooo 1114 acrea. nearlr all ruHlv.i.rf cellent toll, well developed for apec- i.i.r erupt, irrtaaiiDn, very rood 1am-llr-eleed home, baeement, new oil furnece, fireplace, wired for ranie, etc. Machine ahed, barn, etc. A beau tiful place, home alone nearlr worth " P'l 111,100 114 acrea. nearlr all cultivated, on ...n..y, aooo. o-rm. d, bath, verr rood barn and other bldca. A line term 115,000 II acrea, about 13 cultivated, 4 acrei atrawberrlea, rood aprlnaa and rr. ereek. l-rm. houte unflnlthed. Bllver- ton nun atioo 154 acrea. over tllleble, jr. etream, Irritation rllht, farm bldia., on paved road. at. it iii.soo 111 acrei, about 190 tillable. 30 acrea walnuia, 7-rm. houae dt farm bklei. A lood value at 119.900 Wrlta or call for our new buUetla Before rou hur or aell, CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA AW A HALF MINUTED GONE... IWEY'Ra STILL St-U&aiNG., ARE ON Tweia. FEET rVTLDLV.-' HOME OWNER NEEDS CAR Uevlnr .tat., and could ua. a lood let. mod.l lar In trade aa a r.rr ale. H acra, 1 bedrooma. Pine piece outelde. Patio, " werk ahap. Thl, home Juat completed with hardwood floora, and Inald, utllltr. ' A HOME ADDRESS YOU'LL GIVE WITH PRIDE Tea, drive br 7I N. Church, (pleate do not dloturb tenant), and rou will aaree that the location of thla line 3-bedroom with baiement, 'wall to wan carpet In Urine room and dlnlni room, will be an addreaa rou wui alv. with prld.. Aaklna price onlr IMS0. Owner rerr aniloua to a.u, wanta anaoffer oa down parment. Call Chet. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING Here'e a wonderful alarm home of 1 bedroom, bull! of Pumice block, oiceptlonallr nke lot looted 3030 Brown Road. Prlc. la onlr 12050. C.U Ohat for further information. A FARM WITH A FUTURE ThU fine farm haa 1S00 feel highway 99S frontage, 3 good welli, $ etanchlon barn, with cement floor, f.000 feet brooding space, and walk-In fraeaer. Thla $$ acrea haa an exceptionally nice 3 bedroom home. Por more Information, Call Dale Rarburn. 2 BEDROOM HOME NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL 3 bedroom home haa everything for fine living. Living room and dining room combination. Plre place, a dream kitchen, extra larce utility, attached garage. Vary near yard. This homa la neat Inside and out. Por appointment to see, Call Dale Rayburn. ' "2 BEDROOM SOUTH IN CITY Two bedroom, full dlnlni room, nice bli kitchen, lane Ilvlnr room. Attached aaraie, lnaulated, weather stripped, lood lot on peved etreet. 3V blocko to achool, IHOO committment, aelllni for 10300. Hurrr, thu won't laat. c.U Jim. REAL SUBURBAN LIVING Extra large plot of ground with thla neat d-yeer-old 3-bedroom home. Large kitchen with lota of bulltlns. 3 nice alia bedrooms, tile bath, attached garage, good abruba and flowera, and on paved street, with elty transportation. Tha aoll li the beat for that garden. All for SBBOO. Oood financing. Call Jim. PICTURE WINDOWS This very attractive homa with large corner picture windows affords a delightful living room and dining room. Two bedrooms. Located ' eouth near achoola en paved atreet. Might conalder trade for larger heme. $87M full price. Call Tlbbetts. RAWLIN'S REALTY. (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 3010 I. Capitol Offleea 1-4104 or 4-1711 EVENING PHONES Tlbbetta 1-7410 - Jim 1-1571 - Chet I-S330 - Dal. Karburn 3-3049 TOWN FARM 33 acrea of the fined Willamette ,Ut, all In wheat. Suitable for timet anr kind of farmlni. within one mile of Amltr, east. A six-room houae . that la tn tip-top condition. Throe bedrooms, composition roof. Intulated, wired for alectrlo ranee, dtr water, echool hue br door, Porlr br elitr barn, four hundred-bird chicken houae, workshop and aaraie. . Elderlr widow will aell for 110,000 with onlr 15000 down and parmenU will atart fall 01 lirM. or will take amall house In Salem as part par ment. Thla bariala farm la Hated with us onlr. Call today; it won't laat. CL06X-IN 8UBURBAN N Her. Is a trulr fin. ranch atria house onlr four reara old that la lnaulated and wealherttrlppad. It has the best automatic oil heat. It has I lane bedrooms, dlnlni and llvlni roomi. Kie cutest kitchen with lane nook. Expenalv. waU-to-wall carpets In llvlni and dlnlni rooroc and hall. Two-car partitioned aaraie. The lovelr 100x133 corner lot la well landscaped, has larden, eprlnkler eratem and circular drive. It la an exceptional aood bur at 116,500. 13-UNTT APARTMENT Near statehouse and shopplni center. Over 910,000 annual irota In . come. Propertr tn excellent condition. Never anr vaeanclet. Aied owner detlrea to retire and will eell for 105,000, Take houae up to 110,000 and 119,000 caah. Balance mortiaa.. If rou'r. looking for Incom. propertr with top returns, bettar call us at onee. This Is unusual, Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 REAL ESTATE tOO DOWN A rerr lood 3 B.R. home onlr I rears old, located N-E. on paved at. Batter ate thla. 1 BOU6E8 ON 1 LOT Bare la a chance to hava lood Income on a amall Investment. Well located In St. Vincent dlat. Out of town owner asks afloOO terme. 4 BEDROOM HOME Located In St. Vincent's dlst. has 1 seta of plumblni. Basement and S.D. furnace. This it a well built horn, in lood condition. WM. BLIVEN at CO.. REALTORS 147 N. Bllh St., Tel. 3-3917, Eve. 3-4773 CI0D" WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED FROM owner, 3 bedroom house to 110,000. Freieraoiy aunuroan. rnone 31573. call0 TRADE 19iY PONTIAO "8" t-door, like new, as down payment on real estate in Salem. Olve full description where property is located. Write Jack Raachka, 111 Academy, Dallas, Ore. callO NOTICE; if your property is for aale, rent or exchange, list It with ua Wa have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St ca WE ARE badly In need of S and 3-bed room homes, Id Leslie Dlit. Alao need home anywhere with amall down pay ments. What hava your Ab IsSAAK. REALTOR, PH. 41)11 If no gnawer, ph. 4-3341 ea WE ARE In need of good houeti to eell. In or near &alem. If you wish to list your property tor aale. aee ORABKNHORST BROS . REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms Land Co. Sea T. T. Anderson, Perm Agent. Phone 4-4404 Eve. 4-3714. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB TRADE My equity In an apt. hotua in Salem for a small bURlnine, Write Box 86, Capital Journal, cbllO -PI MP gas STATION, repair shop and 3-bedroom home. 123.000. Real nice eetup for younc man who knowe the service station buimeM. Ideal location. Large lot. all paved. Oood location for ctr repair. The piecj la partir equip ped. Termi or trade. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor 1901 N. Cepltol Phone 1.1399 cbloO' BUSINESS & INCOME OR TRADE, garage buiinaaa opportun ity. Located in center or large farm ing community. Near Salem. Phone 31131. eel 0B NEWPORT MOT XL Ideal location, hair block oft Hlthwir 101. Two blocke south of bank and main buitne section. Serving year around buiioees. rull front ocian view. Pour modern apartments, hot water, heat. Re Ir lie ration, ranies, etc. S bedroom manager's residence. Room for additional apartmenu. Por In formation wrlta Boi ll. Capital Jour- sal. calM' SOMEBODY'S GOT OROR.JrVO 6KO0S iw w...urrc tljUNU..,NO STOP ID THE mee ...there's the bell .. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB SALE 11. unit apartment houte 439 monthlr Income, near capltol bulldlm. 26233. cdlll FOB SALE OB TRADE Reataurant equipment and leaae. Parlna buslnets. Box 15, Capital Journal. cd!13 1139 EQUITY and stock In 37 new vend In! machlnea. Wonderful opportunltr ior person wun aom. spare time. Phono 4-4630 or 4-0713. cdllO" I BAKERY BOUTES lor .all. Phone .jmio .ner e p.m. cdios WANTED FURNITURE- LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF-Wnite face Jereford. 30c. Locker pork, a Sc. Nothing down. mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1336 8. 3!tth. Ph. 3 -4Nf.fi ... 4 PETS GIVE "MOTHER" a "MOTHER'S DAY" 3-I3IS. beautiful Cannarr 1340 Cherneketo, ecll3" REGISTERED AKC Boier, female puppy" 10 weeke, outttandlni pedliree. Phone ' ecloo- HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM IQUARIUM ins afecor iii of n. capitoi. in Of Madison. Ph. Milt one block esit eiocks north re 128' MOORK TROPICAL Finn, ParakeiJT turtlea, aupplles. 3 relies from Lancatt J """" road. 4-3713. Clo.ed Wedn.sdart. -.,.-r AUCTION! Complete five rooms of furniture. Everything goe.l Tonight at 7:30 o'clock. East Salem Auction 1225 LANCASTER DRIVE They're still SlU&OINri THE VElLINfJ OF THE CROWP PROWNEO OUT THE BELL... HOYLS STEPS IN ANP TRIES TO THEM ' Thursday, May 7, 1953 PINE ALPINE mllj I..L I"" J''" oer flar. I palamlno, bll wo; CII7L Cap to Lumber Fuel Co. PV up rou. Pri.lo.lc.. Brtauja and Wood. 109 c. com'l., phone 1-1731, . West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, II" J CLE" IMMEDIATE DELrvrRJ Pickup waod-1130 uelir Phone Salem I-IOII Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 90 DAYS Planer trlmmlnis. 99 load. Phone I7T3J FOR SALE POULTRY KH. mvos, 35c lb. Phone 3Ji, op- ...... rih.rtv lehool. I'1 POR SALE, roune pulleu, 4S0. Phone 43300. Rt. 4, Box flOP WANTED Colored ben.. Lee's H.tch I" err. phone r-ruoi. GOLDEN BROAD and New Hamnablra chlckt, netcneo .rr - Thursder Our cnicst erow fox, Uatchtrr. 3930 state BI. ri. 3-4960. FOB SALE, dresied red friert. Averate 9 lbs. each. tc lb. Mrs. Rote Haunt man, trvalPh. 3211 alter 9. 1113' FOR SALE - Twice wcekir. dar-old chicks In New Hampshire. Psrmenlcrs. Red. White Lerhorns. Auitrt-Whlle. a,,,.,, twr. wmt. Wrendottea Par- menter cockercla. Lee Hateherr. Phone f 3-3S91 PRODUCE NETTED OEM and burbank aeed po tatoes. Al Fed, M roru.no Phone 41071. ""'. GOOD SEED rOTATOES-Netted Cema, plant anr time now to Julr, 13.90 per 100. Phllllpa Broa., Rt. I, Box 403, 3 mllet east 4 Corners on Stat, St. Ph. 43081. " f HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERI reiUter nowl 14 mils north North Howell store, Joe While, Rt. 1, Box 320A, silverton 34611. CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. CHILDREN esed 13 to If for etraw berry platoon. South Salem and Leslie Hleh dVtrlct. CaU Harriet Parcher, 4-3417 or 4-3248. gill PICKERS WANTED Register now for strawberry picking. 1 mile weit and north or Keiter achool. Jorglnien Eveni, 611 Weit Eowden Lane, flalem. Ph. 41000. am HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED WOOL PRESSER at Sa lem Laundry Co., 303 .south High. gallo YOUNG MAN for car bop. Woodrofle's San Ahop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone call. ga" WANTED, boyi to carry Morning Ore gonlan routes. Phone 30633. Inquire at 464 Perry St. galOC WANTED experienced foreman, Carding, fiplning, and Finishing. Also experienc ed textile help. Apply at Harrliburg Woolen Mill, Harrliburg, Oregon. galOS GENERAL FARM Cat, and wheel trac tor, amall but attractive 3-bedroom home. Neat and dependable couple. C. J. McLood, t. 1, BRox 134, Brook. i miles north of Brooke and 3 '4 miles esst. gilil HELP WANTED FEMALE RAPID TYPIST for permanent position. Pleasant worklnr condltlona. Old, i tabllihed Salem firm. Call 43390, k for Mr. Ruhl. . iblOD QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER, typist, for aurreon'e olflce. Reference reoulred. Call 3-4013 between I and 11 a,m. for appointment for Interviews. ibll3 WOMEN TO lie fllea. Csmoa Tackle Co. Starton, Oreion. Applr In peraon. IblOie WAITRESS, Woodrcfle'a Sas Shop. 30O Portland Rd. No phone calls. lb' EXPERIENCED SORTER and msrker. sslem Laundry Co. 363 B. Hiih iblOfl. JOBS - JOBS . JOBS FREE PLACEMENT Por all student,. Enroll now and let readr for a lood Job. office lob, are lncreatlni. These Oood Joba io to those who are apeclallied. Nliht school Mon. end Thurs. 9 to I o'clock. Dsr School Mon. Throush Prl. 0 a.m. to pm. CHI 31119 for Information. IIERRITT DAVIS SCHOOL OP COMMERCE 430 State St. . over tht Min't Shop 101 10 WAITRESS. Woodrofle's Ban Shop, 3100 co pnone calls. ,b CAR HOPS-Psrl time. Woodrotfe's San Shop, 3100 Portland Road. Vb TEACHERS AND HOMEMAKERS T. ' and direct activities of children (13 years end wo?,," w" "' harvest ?''',?ri'ct 8t", mPllrment Serv. '10 'errr. abni. Plr at the Dip Ice Cream after II a.m. IblOO Journal. t,...i oj. B7, Capitel gbllO AUCTIONS Ir. furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTET T .Q AUCTION 3ALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6908 ddiofl- AUCTIONS PHONE 4-3971 ddiotc By Ham Fisher