Thursday, Ma? 7, 1953 1., THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, rtgos Far l tissttt, DsaU xnr l.tit. ah?.! 1?, BuSUlii. . CsciSa, m aair iSfiaisa. LeU Rsisi4i5iUt. asbxIU; ituslar SiTi5?a Yi. ;,E4 Wt!ifQh.:!ii r, BiU-.2? ; n;c4 K t .Sin;2, Ctnl: 4 Ho.4ij : tf4t-i is. JnrtLl 8i234h'e fftt ts 8Lit, aiaif i;,i8-r.Soc wm:T4. Cstrl Hevtli; ra M4tliiaBe5t, Bi'.n.a?; C4fc,?n Ada4. Jilft-in, df c sko:iUi ; U 4 .' K 4 . 1 4 Asa Oi,3;4i:, Dates for Opening Posses Announced Dale lor opening moun tain psssM that have ea MARKET QUOTATIONS SALEM MARKETS 44. Show in Closing Phase Staion The Marion county 4-H Spring Show moved Into JU third day Thursday and will tur. K.Ulr; umMt O.Ji:cr. C.f. ier tUI ttit tnult. airF Uirtta, Btu Bih,i, Hi euimii OHM IM Tltttttd, ilwits. cue! ass steitua. Km Dim (m rotTUkxa eccs us? ft i turf tl T until. ubJet $ ti!slt chantt: Pr islam uiUT, saxi mum .Si f as aw taai ttvtnd in Portland ib.i Sit Mitt r Mmi closed for the winter were sn- i i 4S UH-!k. Ull, nounced Wednesday by StaS ii MddalS. JaM lubu. Bass ttt SIM n.irr r4 W IN k. Mt. Start. Good pcnurt derr. 3Citr4Urilt;brt liehtjr. CBUftl He4rtt Wsi tcvlas ?tiIH i34jTfes8, Kttitr. ?srm,l SHif ,hcr&. K?llit. ioit Usttst usi frtUt PtfftoK IM l KtUtt. Ss)thtiii J5J KS.ia, 4HMtBs tart drits. liuniit H7T!Hf. autttisi C.toija SaRatt tenant Artrsd!. bcih of Ch!ro.t; rupeifcM, Highway Engineer E. H, Bai- itf T-1Qc; aae&at. aualitr. r.ailrr B.Jt.f rw .oii routtt and eountrr aoiata. a etas -Batter Wboiuala f.e.s bulk eubaa U y bolt til, T4t a A, W acore, Te; . Rsr. i'd S( ? Vntoa ; C: -.sit The expectsi opening date, are: Diamond Lake, May 18; Mt Hood Loop, May 22; McKen ile Pe5, June 15, and north and east entrances to Crater Lake, July 1, , bora lows. 34c; roaj:ri. . be brought to a close Friday Ei,t - - ... BsyiKS frit. tl, A. w, i with parade through the town at 1 p.m. - . c, is wot; Re. AMm presw 41. Sic: Budhim A. 4K! ui . ti-i4c: ctsmlt 40c. The St Louii Brown lost three consecutive 1-0 games. The daiej were April US, 28, WMuai. rmtt viKKtuw mm Contest winner announced itD.fiuiy -7f ftiimr ir.ic is, she" !. Lin. A gMUr uotl st tc; medium, S6e. Thursday include: 2T, 1809, "Prices cud Thru Siluriiy" lit: So. I, - So. . Mt 1U J MUll, n 4 General Nathan S. Twinini General Hoyt S. Vandenberg Airforce Chief -Retires, Twining Successor Washington m The White House announced Thursday Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg is re tiring as Air Force chief of ctaff and will be succeeded by tjen. Nathan i. Twining. the usual two years. in advance of the White House announcement, the Air Force released an exchange of letters between Vandenberg and becretary of Air Harold E. Twinning at present is vice Talbott in which Talbott said chief of staff. Assuming the , that he had approved Vanden Senate, confirms his appoint- J berg's retirement "with reluc ment, he will step up to the top j tance." Air Force post June 30, when' Vandenberg was originally Vandenberg's term expires. appointed chief of staff for a This is the first change in the ' four-year term which ended Joint Chiefs of Staff since Ei-' April 30, 1952, At that time his senhower took office, and the tour of duty was extended for White House gave no indication 1 14 months, whether it would be followed I Vandenberg asked for retire by other changes. jment. Nominated to succeed Twin-) Vandenberg, now 54, point ing as vice chief of staff was ed out in his retirement request Lt, Gen. Thomas Dresser White, that 'he has served more than who would get a fourth star. 34 years and that the last five Twining's appointment is for 1 have been as chief of staff. Hospital Inmates Attack Attendant and Escape Two state hospital inmates a taged a fight Wednesday night while a third called an at tendant to the scene where he was overpowered and his auto mobile was used by the trio to escape. One of them was apprehend ed Thursday when he returned to his home. The other two are till at large. The trio are not mentally ill, the hospital said, but one is described as a psychopath with a long record of car thefts. The other two are aiconoucs. Valdemar J. Karklins, the attendant on duty in the-con tinued - treatment building where the men were confined, told hospital Superintendent C. E. Bates that lie was called to the scene of the staged fight by Thomas Malone, 19, Spring field. As he entered the room where Eugene P. Ferguson. 20, Portland, and Verlin O, Thay er, 39, Toledo, we.e struggling on the floor, Malone grabbed him from behind and the other two lumped up to help Ma lone. Karklins said. They took Karklins' keys, tied him up and locked him in broom closet, used the keys to get outside and took Kark lin's car for their getaway. The escape occurred about 10:15 while Karklin was the lone at- ipnriant in the building. Karklin was released almost Immediately after the trio left by another Inmate who had witnessed the affair from the ward. Thaver. a self-committed l coholic, was apprehended in Toledo where he had returned to his home. He has been In the hospital three times since 1947 as a voluntary pattern, ms family in . Toledo said they would return him to the hos pital, possibly on a court com mittment. Ferguson is the psycopath, who is described as anti-social and unable to learn from ex perience. He has a long record of car thefts. He was committ ed in March by Multnomah county for diagnosis but was not picked up at the end of the observation period April 1 Malone is an alcoholic com mitted by the Lane county cir cuit court on March 31, He is a Korean war veteran. The escape apparently was well planned. Dr.' Bates stated. as the men knew when only the. one attendant was on duty and where his car was parked QUEEN saw 5b 3 Denial Order In Fish Case The application for a tempo rary Injunction restraining the state fish commission irom en forcing a recent order closing the Columbia river to fisher men above Bonneville dam. has been denied by Circuit Judee Rex Kimmell, The order of closing was at- j tacked in the courts by John Whiz and others of The Dalies. It was contended that the fish commission's action was unrea s o n a b 1 e and discriminatory against upper Columbia river fishermen. The closure order ends June 13 and Judge Kimmell nxeo. June 18 as the time for hearing arguments in connection witn a demurrer meu ujr commission. To Find Owners of 26 Checks for $2700 The State Industrial Acci dent Commission is trying to find the rightful owners of 63 checks, totaling $2,700. ThP commission said Thurs day that the checks have been mailed to persons entitled to onriHr-nt benefits, but thst the commission doesn't have cor rect mailing addresses. IHo Ittt into ttatlfts. Illi U ITbl.irt CudIM CM eonUin'off u last. ui Included t.v b. PortiMHi, A rtS Ur, grtdt mxSium, M-47Hi S tni ia, rrtlai C!rjf feiAA Sutler Prin Vo Or?i i ariot, ei A ettoa Tic; A 9?inU, t etrtoo, 73c; s arte 4c. Mm t wiutn Ciodld I. . . PortUnd: Uc;fHd Ur, -W dot; tcftd AA lirrt. Me do.; A ir Sic 4o. AA medium He lo.; A 2 diuaj, $3-Sle dox. A fd imtlit isomiaii. - S Attklltr Or;.rj AA, 3lM, i3e: A lini. S-0c: AA XBttUus, 9e; A medium, A smU, Bemlnl. Car- teat 1 ecstx aaiuoa3. H-He; tripUti, m lu tbto tin- lu. Premium brtad iaii, ei leaf, KMtL P7setsd Amtrkio 8i5M. lotvet reUH, 436c 36. . ife. a.2c; roasitrt. 4H Ibi, o5 vr, hesrr hni, ail witat. 2S-aae; Uibt hf m, aU eUbU, 33.14c; oW rat- Mi 15-tKc Dressed CfclfktBt No, l ara io retailer. Frrer. breUer. 41-43e 16. roitH, !i i-4Sc; iisbt hem, 34-35c; heavy heat, ST-Ssc; eat-ua frr- ri, aU wu.. 57-585 IB.; wboi orn, 53. lb Babbit A?er to sravtrc: un whittt, -i lb-, S$-27ei .i ib, 3l-35i cslorI cetu. c 10. aaaerj osa do, 10-I4c; fw hithr, Frh ree8 fr?r to rttatitr. i-S3t; eat ap, Caatrv KlUtd Meats Vel To? euamn 4S-4JC A.! rout 8 38 -30c, Ltmba Best, 40-42& 16.; aanaim somlaaUr 48c ib. MtiUtn Beit, 14-lie a.; euu-uni7. Dtiiity cow. 3-30e jb.j cnner- eutteri, 2l-2Se; xhiis down to lie. Fftib DrMS Mean Wasleiera to retamrar yonar p Itraf atacra. etutlz isa S7,00-4S.dS; good, 38.0Q-3S.O0; commercial 33.66-38.63; utiHtr, 11-30-3.00; tow. commercial, 37.OO-30.0O; utility. 38 50- 23 00: eannera-eutters, 25.00-28.00. Beef Cats tCnofet ateerc) Hma eaarura. 45.00-10.00; roaadc 45.00-4i.00 fail IoJdi, trimmed, .0O - 88.00; ti-1 taclM, J 0.00 -13, SO; iore-i3uartr, 3205- 34.00; CRUeU, 37.98-41.; m 42.06. Vest and Cal OoOd-CBOi, ! it; tsmmtreUJ, $36-41. Calves Oood-cboic, 12-M: com mercial, I37-48, Lambs Prima iprintera, -sa us $44-45; toad, 149-44, ferft Cats Loins, Ho. t, -t3 (4 shoulders. 18 $35-43; tpurc- ribs. I50-SU irfah hams, 16S T- brfIe ftrciiiM, 130-170 lbs., $37-33, Smoked Haasi SKinnta, css-n. j- lined lard to drum, $13-18; slab bacon, $53-63. Fenian aflstefiaaesac Celtrr Cal. Ra$ crau, a-i co.. 3.25-4-35. Few to I4.S0 Or., $2 28- 5 aa Onion SO-lb. sacks West Oresoa 1 iowa, med. No. la, 2,18-3.00; Texa white wax. 3,; t cxaa yes, 'ts. mojl a OCT 99 IB. Mt. rotatwea Orejoa Russet He, I, s. nm hrnds 4.4S; 3S lbs., size A, 1.3535; IS lb. mesit, as-ssci iona itii- No. iA. 3.50-8,05; -IS io Bai, SJO-Sfl: Galil. ioct vnttea, o. s J'8- 4 H Bar He. creen aUtifa, da Urersd car Iota f.ob. Pertlana, aommai' Wool areata basis. Willamette ! ir medium, S0-52 lb.; Eaaterc Oresoa fine and half-blood. 55-63c. Willametle Vaile? lamb wool, 43ej 13-moiita wooi, 48-SOc. ' Hides Calves 31-33e lb. according; to sreea buicner caw hide. i-Sc; tlae hide, 60 per eaafc below abort pr&ei lor above c!e. Filbert Wholesale aeHin pric. So. i mrdium Barcelona, 33-24c Ib.j ahell- t6. 4S-Jic Jb. Walnuts Wholesale selling prices, first ouaiitr lartt Prankuettaa, 25-30c ib.; abtiled. liabt amber naive, 10-1ac lb.; ISiht halve, ?s-3e ib. STOCKS (Br Tlil AUOC!fet4l P.M.! 4smli ceraratlo& ..... .,.. 4U1M1 ChamtcU ................. ami GhftUsCfs Aietrfciii Alriia .... ..... Aairlca Power Amiricu Tl k Tct ... aatrieaa TsbAeeo ...... AH,tOS4t4 pp,r .,,, AtcbUoa iuutvaa ..... atthlaatm ait ........ 8oint A!r44& Co. .... Barf Wro Iiirtn AciSlo, iiacati. CIlIorai ...ciiM ... . Caaadiaa faetfte ....... Ciierpniir Tractor .4 Celaacxa Carparatiaa .. Ctemkr CerparAtiea t CtUes Brle ., Caaali4lated XdUaa ,. . CeMOtilt Vittu, ... . Cf 0 O ....... Curtiu Wrtebt ........ DoutlaA Alrerars Du Feet 1 Semeurc . . Saftmsa Xsdaa ...... . Emertoa RfeJs ....... . Qtacrai Geetrls ..,, . Geaera! l&cU ,,,...,, Ocatr4a Wstora ........ Georgia Pc. P;7oo4 , Oaodrear Tirt Komcstak Miei&i Co, . I&UmaUo&al HarvesUl. X&tertKiio&fc! Paper , - . Johns MaavilEa ....... , KaUer A&miBsra ..... SeaaeeeU Casper Ltobj McKrll ......... . Lcckhted Aircraft ..... hotwes Iaearporaiti , . Loaf SeU .... .... . tfoatcomerr Wart ... ,. Kasa Kelvinator Sew Sort CtntTll Harthera Pseifie . Pacific Ataerican Wish . Ptcititf Oh 4k litems , Paeiltc lei At Tel ..... , P?mt4 Voter Car .... Peaaey, 3. C Peaatyiraaia R. R. ... . PepAi Coia Co. ......... Palieo KKio .., fUoto CorooratiQB Rawoaier Xceoro, .... . Raro&fer loears. Pftt, . , Repu&iie Steei Rer&oiai altiau ..... Ricblieid OH &aitw eiorei Inc. ,, Bcott Paper Co. Seare. Roebuck & Co. Bocoar-Yaciium Oil Boathem racute .... Standard Oil Cat. ... Standard OU !M. .... studebaicer coro. ..... Sunahiae afiatas ..... Swiit At Compear , J5 . w .... Ma .... H .... ...,1S5 .... n .... ? .... ti t .... i .... u .... .... n .... .... lit .... .... MS .... M .... 1S .... J .... .... Ji .... 5 .... 11 .... ta .... Jt .... IS .... MS i . SJ .... 5i .... .... t t .... !! .... ',. ..... ..... im jut ..... tUSi Sot4 ,... v ,..IMi ..... s ..... 1i ..... im ..... MS ..... 33 ..... 33 JM 33 ...... MS S!4 ..... 3SS, ..... 3 ..... M as?; ..... 4; ..... 5'i ...... 105. ... 33 Trentaaierica Corp. 36 Tweaiieth ceatury Poa, Oaioa OH Gsmpaar .. .. Baton Peeitie .. .... .. Cuius! Atrlinea Oaited Aircraft .......... Uaited Corporation .. Oalted Btatea Pis.ooa , Ontted feUtea Steel Warner nctana Weatera Oaioa Tel, . . , Wenaote Air nr, Weattaahoaae Electric ,. WooicorUi t ..las ,. SSH 3.' .. 3t ... ... St".! ataek Maraat Ne York Ps A moderate decline- In tha atoek market Tbaradar extended to everr major atvtaios. . .n limited in ope price- Ue with 1oim hittlnt! major fraettona t tha bottom of tlta dip. Oaloa were "a"Wim backed domfn, Iradina larf Euaiaeaa amoantea to an wmb,.. ., aa THat esmoarai witn I,. 110'oCO abarea Wedaeadai, lowaat of the Parliand laalaitla Market Portland ftts- Top tinaittr rn onlona aad radUhea la ahort aupplr aold at mostir 50-cata a dor.a buaehea oa the Eaatelde Farmer Wholesale Pro duce market today. Moat deaiera ouoted IBS pound aack 'of California long white potato at 3.7S- with eitrema at 4.36, California e.l.rr orient continued upward wita name brand atalka quoted at -S S crate or above. Cbfeere Oniaaa Chtcaeo Of. Supplies moderate, de- man dfalr, market about atraar. Track aalea ao ioat: u. a. 1 itn otherwise atated: Texa Tellow Ber mudaa 3 to 3-lnch car 1.35, 3 eara !.e. 3 eara 1.13; Gran 3-inch and lerter 3 cera 1.30. Street aalee m lba.t: Texaa Yellow eBrmudae 3 to 3-tach 1.13-3.25, few 1.85, J-iach and iareer; orano J- tach aad larger l ar.-j.ia. tew a . Portland Ureeieek 4,..t.nrf as cattle 133: market fair .,- ateadr: few tood Iteera 33; commercial gradea alt cutler -utiuir tteera H-3: few leedi utllltr beef eowe ti 3S moderateir aorieo as nitt. mw 12-14: eaaoer-cuuer 11; ahelU dowa to ?; cutter oaia 13; commercial bulla 17-18. too. earlr aales ateady to weak but aome bltla lower; lew wo aonta arte ataaer; u,4.r. commercial gradea 173; culli dowa ta 3 or below. . Hoee 268i market alow, weak to 38c lower; choice 130-333 lb, butcherera moat. few lot 33 and few head nit: choice 130-178 tba. 3-34."iS: 310- sift lbs. 34-34.30; choice 330-s59 lb. ei Sfi-21. rth,.a so: market tteadr few good. choice weoled lamba up to 33; large lot choice-prime 11 to, weanwaar tood hr jearlinti 17-13 ;ewe 3-7. Cbiriia I.ivf!ork Chicago m Butcher hoga wra is to 35 ceata or more ntnaer topping at 334.J3 a hwm" a email lot. Sowa were to mostir so cenu hiiiter. Slaughter ateer nn i!ci'.' . and moatlr ateadr to weak. Cow were t 3S seat lower, buiia cent lower, and realera ateadr to tron, A load of moatlr prime 1,334 pound ateer brouiat J23.WS. Slaugater lamaa were . to SO ceat higher, choice to priaie io a v t tarnln aold at 32S.M. Siauehler ewe were alow aad weak. aVtimated iaete nrao ..- hotJ: 3,003 cattle; too aiea; ano theep. wrttxiiA flraitt Portland Vet-Grain: No bid or onere. i Todar'a ear recelpta: Wheat 34; barter . ; flour 18; corn 3; mili feed 7, I DEATHS Sara B. Carert ,.., Nora B. corert, at trc w... Center St., Uej I. Burrireo Lon S. Covert, salam: daughter, Grace Covert, San Praaciaco, Calif.; Mr. Vlrainia Bumpnr.r. o C.llt.; titters Mr. Cora Bunt Delia. Oreura; iire. Altia Brennan, Inld, Okla. Service will be held Prldar, Mar t at S p.m. at trt virait 4- Dr J. C. HarrUoa offielatlna. 3nwr- ment t Eelcreat Memorial Pari. r.ii !nlrm An r-asi Saiem May Day queen was Patricia Keppingcr, daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Cieo Keppinger, 3185 Lancaster Dr., Saturday. May Day fes tivities at George Clark col lege ,at Newberg opened with crowning of Queen Pat I. Her Crown Prince was Gene Comfort of Green Lake, Idaho. They were chosen by the men students ot tne college. Chirac Oraia Chicaro frs nr.. In lalenslt which increased nrouihout the Mon . knocked price, down ttttl lotse on toe dr. . ... ifttn new All Wheat oritv.rir. ,.,.,... . woa low ground with the M.r coa trlct at a bottom Price for gar whe.t future .lace mld.tMo. Ail rre contracU a.! susKonal los. i,s 1 . , , . in soTbean. Heavif io-'c - - down .everal ot. on fear Ihe .overn ten" would Ior the .uuport Price for "ttoa." ed oil. which compete, with r- "whe't Cled I to IS lower, M.r II ".,... corn , to rent lower, M.r I Si'.-S. o.i '-l". lower. Mar 73 , 73 r'e 1. 10 "h" "'r- u" 1S?;'" .,' aorbran. 3, to 4 efata lower. Mar ..s'-asl'.. and lara v to " hundred pound lower, Sertba Peieraaa Bertha Pedren, late r.wa tH 4133 Center 8t In local htapttal Bar at the ate of 73 rear. Survived hi hu.bad. ChrUilea Mlckoll Federn, Salem; daMWera, Mr. Vlvlaa Deviate, Mt, Bethel, Peon., Mr. Rutb Callantn, Huntlnaton Part. Cam, Mte. Ethel Bill, Lont Heath, Calif, Mr., Maselna Borta on, Wl, H. D, Mtw Clara Pedmea, Mlnneapolt. Minn, rt, tiille Pornea, ... atdnee Pederaan. Lang. 33; don, N. D.l and l ins.. good-chotce Service will be announces later wr 'Howetl-Bdward Co, URGES MEN 17-45 TO PREPARE FORTY JOBS No Previous Experience Necessary Mtr J1S.3J. If. GREYHOUND i in .j CHICAGO (Special) "Young men need no previous technical experience to pre pare for a tm pro niauie, a reer in Tel- e v i i i o n," declared w. C. De Vry, Secretary of DeFor e i t's Train ing. Inc., one of A m e rica's f or e m o a t Teicvis i o n training centers, lo cated here, I I gMaaaaamta .1 W. a DeVRY t! 4a etenarei ta Ptlter the hlwhlw InierMtintT Held of Televl!nn. Radio and Elec .RlM A malter itf fact. it he doesn't have to know how to splice a lamp cord or use soldering iron to be eligihle. are aeekinr men who ar aviilinr to learn . . . men -kft want lit etrpnare for het ter Jobs or a husiness ot their own, "We will be glad," said Be Vrv "to eive any Interested noiWnn full facts, without any nhitontinn whatsoever, on our highly effective program which may ue cameo out interfering witn nis jou. "Simply send a postal card lit netit. AP-I, irerorrst fnrt i I n- . . , : .. r JH;- tA .ntl Ci.4 . n- v.. i 5SI S. Ashland SifitmiHUS .uuiia, iiitrtt, jk .j . ra444i4i,f ...... .,,.:- l ;,!. A.n.i, rhtraro 14, Illinois, "A man need tin previous, stating:' Tell me about experience er special educa-i tision. - At ft-ttf Myr RtmtniJbw Meihr'$ Day May W Laroait SalacrioR Uwest Nets OPEN Friday 'Till 9 P.M. Floral a ; Anuarmm 9e A baautifui decoration for hem, eifica. Mad of clear, heavy, lawless 9133. Artificial fiewar can be . excrtenqed for fresh llswer. ( i . -.'" VARIETY - LUSTRE CREME Hair Dress 50 C Mm Tax $1.00 fiui Tax rwaatt batr total .aaartiwat ttaki Tetter? Stethnt V-. " ! ' m- 1 . Ifes 11 ' ,rlRea.H l Tissues 300 aBiW for &w ...'. ' : .' .' TOILETRY ' - ' : j 1 1 II Reg. 15c Ever Yours Bubble Bath tMBtt 111 Htt f. - (01 Ww DeUgMtul Fragrances TOILF.TK.T lax Four Piece Fire King Mixing BovA Set Iv0iy or $11 ffl VABIETT ; .;-' ' Tele $3.49 York Decorated Tea Pot AGf.Hoflier$49 Would Enjcy Mm , VARIETY Regular $2.00 De Raymond Perfume 39 2 Full Grams TOILETRY Reg. 99c First Qualify Nylons NEW SFRIK6 SHADES 51 Gaue IB w ISDtnier ft, APPAREL 59c Kolynos Chlorophyll Toofftpasfe TOILITEV Limited Time Only Regular $1.00 TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT 50 TOILETRY Can diet for Mof-her'i Doy Inttrtdining Fifth Avenue Chocolates Fancy $1 7 f Aj, .Hortment that will plew mother . . . wn. mels, toffees, fruits and nut, dipped milk and tj .ehocobt. All md In wjr irwrt cw kitchem. Oet i a 4i4. Wr,v irAV BRACKS MIMIATUII CHOCOUTB 1ft MX CASDI 5-YEAR GUARANTEE PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 88 2 MsjBt uarafitaed for t fuB years. Kink proof and water proof ... light weight, easy o handfe. VARIETY Reg. 95c a Lb. Hills Bros., Mannings, M.J.B. or Golden West 85' ib. Your Choice Uiniled Quantities TOILETRY Reg. $1.49 Vanity Mirror Tray Now 79c TOILETRY Fred Meyer Drugs 148 N. LIBERTY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO L1k.IT QBANTITIES Mothers Buy Cakes 98 Anol Nci BAKERY i 4 i Jl 4 t 1