Thursday, May 7, 1953 Page 18 The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER lAP NcwifMturttl CHAPTER U The atory was duly published In the Golden City Spectator and Ephralm Carlisle was duly an noyed. He came clumping Into RutH'i room the following Thurs day, a copy of the newspaper in his hand. 'That's the sort of fel low he Is," he shouted. "He does one piece of charity, and right way takes a bow for It." "He does no such thing. I gave that story to the paper. And don't you dare explodel You and Doc tor have spread so many rotten rumors that someone had to do something to counteract them." "We speak the truth!" : "You don't. You're Just so In tent on having your own way that you won t even listen to outer deas." "Don't you talk mat way to your father I" "And stoD shoutirur at mel This is my room. How dare you come into my room and shout at me?" Ellen uarnsie came running. She took in the two flushed, naif Durole faces, and erupted laugh ter. "What a fine sight the two of you make. Shall I fetch knives? Shall we have a blood-letting here on the pot7" Sheepishly, father and daugh ter suDsiaea. "I have a date." Ruth an nounced. "Incidentally, Dad, I e dedided to help Dan dig up some customers. Doctor could send some . to him, but he won't. So that means I u nave to use some sales manship." "Dan Curtis should go and beg Doctor's pardon. He should de clare for a community hospital. He should prove himself willing to crawl In order to learn to walk. Then, mayoe. Doctor would take him under his wing." "He won't do that, Dad. You wouldn't, either" He turned and went out of the cottage. The door banged loudly behind him. "Thank you for not laughing, I Ruth." ' "Hello, Mom, are you still talk ing: to mt t Merrv were the brown eves happy was the warm young face. Love naa mace sr.e gin siccm. Now she stood there woman, or at least a reasonable facsimile of one. She led her mother over to the made-up Hollywood bed. She waved Her to a seat on ine dull green monk's-cloth cover. "Dad's crazy, Mom. So's Doctor. You can't talk with them. You men tion Dan and they wax almost apoplectic! So on It goes. And the first thing you know, someone will have a great fall." Mrs. Carlisle nodded her head. I've been thinking of visiting my sister down in Los Angeles. You know how your Aunt Harrlette's been wanting me to come down. Well, how'd you like to take charge of the hotel this summer? That would leave your father free to campaign. We'd pay you well, of course. And It would be a great hem to me." "Mom!" "And, of course, It would be a great help to Dan, wouldn't It. If you were ultimately to marry him? You could save money. But more Important you'd learn to admin ister the affairs of x big, going business. Or are you to be one of those wives who sit at home and let their husbands do all the work?" "You see, Mom, they're all against Dan. You should hear the people in town. Doctor's stirring them all up: He's out for Dan's throat, and he doesn't care who knows it." "And Dan. dear, could be named the doctor for this hotel. It would bring him in a certain amount of money." That was an Ideal , "Well, think it over. Ruth. I think I won't leave until August at the earliest." The bell rang out In t he living room. Bob O'Brien, grinning, bowed gallantly as Mrs. Carlisle opened the door. "Long tune no see, Mrs, C." . "Bob, how nice. My goodness, fA n... r,n ulntit " "Too much weight," said Ruth crisply. Mrs. Carlisle left them alone in the Datlo. Bob sat down. He was in work clothes and looked somewhat warm and tired. "Can't stay but a few minutes. I m ud to my ears in a business deal, you look wen. "How formal we are!" "Have to be. You're a lady of distinction. At least everyone's talklne about you all over the area. You'd be surprised to know what a celebrity you've become." Am i Dcufr or jieru, duu i "What do you think you are?" "I hate to be on the outs with Dad. And I don't want to become Involved In this light. But, fairs fair. People are entitled to a chance. Doctor's not giving Dan that chance. Neither Is Dad. They don't like one of his ideas, so promptly tney leap to uie ram parts and scream all sorts of hor rible tmngs. I aoni neueve in that. I do believe people should nave tneir cnance." So do I." said Bob. He chuck led.. "I like your eyes, Ruth. They're sweet eyes. Do you think our children will have your eyes? I hope so." "Bob!" He said dryiy: But you be lieve that everyone should have a fair chance. You just said so. A growl rasped In her young, shapely throat. "But go on," he said suavely. "Why won't he and Doctor get together?" "Let me answer that." said Dan Curtis. (To Be Continued) STEVE ROPER THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 3&&fcP vou AN wtT if-nice in the tv A RTSfa- BfTiV' lTZr ,DEA 15 REAU BAR6 DETECTIVE -TYPE PCTURES--THI5 T-'tSjZTyiSM.ij. Ant,iEf?EELS"VVHA'r,S,T? GCUUWKKPTV STAC? 1Z&SfiglJti&A3Z r-M? Mff ArTfT'W FROM COMIN' BACK--2P P? GAS AN SHOE-LEATHEQiW LTn ifeS2g rue Scene Of rue vcah WlJL -I I T a1 ' " ' ...-- 1 yi iii POGO RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. fvt. KGW ! NBC AS V :15i.a4 el U' :3H!Ttt. i mm :4S Hapeiiina AA n.w.t. Wll. 13 Sttllft lift" KOIN I KEX ,;, CBS " BC " Harvey II N..A tilll.1 '.odr Winn"" Aunt Jf any Hllllo, Hit. jack 0i :3lwlr Brn ,Gedfre. Warn. I HielGeair.r Gndfrcr Geafrt. Cert MtlMJ Kiln Aihlen Wktl Rnientmrr Taoffallr -AA Pl.t. BUI ISif. r. raneii :3AL. Jenei :45Dec. Wl'e QO.W.tcem. 1SI Tral .10 Dr. raal 45lG.rrewr rr ji eyug-TOMe-1 ur Amount. wAHr.oumttmm mow on iopy&u J Immo totmi vk mvicuth i I TW WW TO HaNPU a' V. "y M. WiU.ft MOtS AffPClVf TneyUTINwf L LOVAIOO&: could mow M0U1TAT ! lt7 WTW MIM FKOM THf - 1 1 CrV ANOTHK 1 mCTXt laxiTM t&Y.J ..-wwcau 1 ' ffmivx pup pc can wl io&cm'K. AVakpmr Is ORPHAN ANNIE ' j i i n in v ii my v i !? I " t i III WHY, ITS THE SAME AS. HOW MUCH f HARD TO SAY I !! I MEAH-TOWMRS.MVW0C V" II ASIONQ SURGEON TO OPEW8 f " I GAU. DO PEOPLE LIKE HER W. I 2 I I TMC NWETO EXPECT T-l SURE- FOR NOTHITW-OR A GREAT ( EXAOiy- SOME PEOPLE KEEP BREAKING THE TTl fir fj mi M a . firrsr JKtv wi .HQUFni :.:LJ f urn Tr LIL ABNER wedding of Mrs Toepfer'g "F''0NG CASIy ,. " nephew, Thomai McCausland, I THAT MINE WA6 NEVER 1 I CWPEKTY PEEP6 I JST at Our Lady of Sorrow! Yf mc M ,.,71 pi"jT INCLUPEP in SOtit cah BE ALTEREP Jtf I -kJ 1 1 , . ' M w PIWTEiT MY INTERKTiiYtftl WEUE V 0WN ft f M$Mt PROPERTY PEEP j k I-iSfi Church- I TP BUY UP Alt THE WMTELANP FROH V . SJfWJ O vizv . VVfM H HloH KIPtlE TO PEiERT WELLS IN MY WmX. - r" S&s OLZAl -- lA NA.MEWW PARE YflU oKANT ;A64IPY g. - II V" '5?W-5V-' T Ef". UV RIoHTS Tfl THAT ABANCWNEP MINE V -JliC A .Mfe. 11 VJL v:. 9 vjSSSf9 1 TTOlr0 MPCT JEFF . " 1 Tf - . IT XViS! VV.j M ' lTO- 1 JInewLIoRhTh- ..(".bW Ml (THI3LL TEACH Tl ' S rga vyff lh- mii'.scAT your ri:vioTSow jf:) thatat y 1 " 'p 'lffi y flf REX MORGAN, M. 1. . BfS 5S-- . ' I . l' ii KlTr--'ffffcjVjgL- gl rvvlHV POWT YOuVo OUT f I'M NOT LECTURING I'AA JU5A I I PHYSICIAN, " 1 J 3fr i W .IsK.!" 'Tk AIMO PLAY SOME 60LP. REXf ll TRVIN8 TO TELL YOU WHAT I ' ( HEAL THYSeLf.'" ) Jftttfrff " 4vjJ ! i 'A 'J? bvbn thouohTthe food and atvi you've got to po some- II you usoally tell you J V . V iSj-ft'fr-' a?1 Wr4 I'm a nusb. AOMinnTnoN thins to snap yourself f patients SS )J MfXvS. '4r iy5so ''11 ! fii' --"r" id never. I has been the out op this Vs what i tell my r. Jv I wSi &'T$ ttvSS&A 1m X' Tx-'lJr MSAo op thi Ouiet suatoian depresseo i please, june.' n( patients is no t-TO boS xlng.yU Jn iP " Li Q s linen with bright-colored cotton med ,wiheart neckline and a :V"PkWP;i fll f CtZmrti LB i--5jfa5i553 floss embroidery, in pink shan- utu. bolero to match with un- (71- ilMiSihA Ml l V .vCTT l!XriKr; At-L Ea3 lung w th white or silver thread mounted-sleeves and collar cut in Jbdff VFA ff -1 4.lLlI 15-t1 ' m l I m- embroldcry! Grand for dress-up one wlUl Ironl. stitching trim can -.--I'M -V ,--.C rl Wc an .fr:jB-l 1 J lg-1 , I I bech " 8 P e smart accentl DONALD DUCK imiiiii.ii ,1 Bend 30c for the EMBROI- .g' "fS "si"' M-JUfM L I KvkY NOT SELL V BVSOLLyVI I 1 I (theE') ,1 -d DERED BAO (Pauern No. 491) yds V-ln y'df kin MHAAATIrTFDA f "'S lace tmatSa' C' ?V.-jn"' transfer for embroidery, color m.trlai Vt3S&BUNeM OF cup5rNS AVP Buy ONE J (SOOD ictea! A VvJLl.- chart cutUng sewing finishing mRt'm'' . AeWUTf (t5iS hBDSEf hSHJV STJ-' t'Fi dlrecUons for b.g. YOUR NAME. Send 30c for PATTERN with ---rr ifOSTJ , y Tl ' ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER Name, Address, Slvle Number and -4!!, V jG'UCVH 1 7'l'k -IVJ 7l) to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour. Site. Address PATTERN BU- .-, -' f ' AE$W i 1'k Jj? U CKtf rr-'-cl &1? affl- 8t"et-san Fran- igy jjggj.'g cr lferT53:'" j iMTk Tmj ROOM . BOARD By AHren 7gV (i "I OKiM W LOCK SUM, YOU PLAY GOLF; W ONLY WAY I CAN J&f S-. jHT Ufodfl 'feSffitttR SHtU ti& I SO IN WHAT VAY COULD THE FIGURE TO IMPROVE J J f$fi?'S Vm ffkVl Tt t f 3 f JKt? M JUPGE MAkE A PUTTER SINU PUTTING IS TO ( LAVUw LX" W -V "15 'EAA 80 PERCENT BETTER?..., y MAGNETIZE THE METAlA Sf T A AU-lY -l. 'J S I MAYBE HE HAS SOWE GOOFy ( CUP IN THE HOLE AND I LF r VWfYL 'l'f&Z V IDEA FOR A PUTTER WITH A M USE A BALL WITH fl -1. TEIESCOPE EXTENSION TUBE TO V AM IRON CORE J 2rTn M I REACH THE HOLE. AND THEN TAP rl--"X MART WORTH t T r.WTT" li REPORTING TO MV FAROLC t vrvllftftv? I pTomEFUoSe M S F,KjE; 1 S't4;" ;i0RT 0(" ' MTERIOUS. .. i MILKa Bcinttf. 15 Moils Box ;3f Mmle Baz :4.Vrl Bikrr 4: 4: 4 4 a.aaiHIII Star AlSlStwil'artfl 5-:5e! Mtc.ii 5:451K. Plnii g.lrUl H'll :, Mutie :45 Judr Canora Hlrkham Aant Jamma Klrkham Klrkha- r.i Murtaw Ntwt Marr Clrela Pinkler WarM TaSHiCbel Hunllar 'Frank Gai IBeS faarrea KSLM 1IM MBC Tat TtaSh NW Ns Car Ma Mtlilo Balder KalSar SrIOr Klrkwaa Klrkaiaal Laekr II Banch Vaa Maila stasia Snarpara Haila Maala Muilc Fait. Uwla HamiDBwar Carl Maaaar San Barca 3-Bar-B B-Bar-B Wild Bill Hlrkak KGAE Si6ar Sldr SMer SaiSar Matla Malair Haila Hc Bmai Bee. Beeaa Bee. Beeaa Bee. Beea Jlaa DanSr Jla D.nir Jla D.Bdr Jla OanSr KiSSlaa Krari Haila Marl Maile Marl Mluie Mart Traffic Jaaaberae Uvaser Club Isaeper CIab KOCO LSI Km Mast Mel, Mule Mule Mtici-r Hmtlt IMnile Jt9 want iMmie want f'rw'4 Hare) Snd Uek Vlir c( rUlicaiUr it ntn-ti Shore YciJUIAlUt fnild. Sfljj.'c. 6w7 ;5 Huta-FUfe. llSlWerfai Kew ;3fljPoft.nd rToalli Spotllfbl MediUtion L.Ih-m Borkr Mr. Keen Mr. RB I Jo SUfferd I Jr. Miu flfljBut PliH 1jBeit PI km jfl; Freedom 45 1 Forom . M Bcportcr IS I Sparta fw 3(lJDanerom 45 At-r&mnl. McCali jfliCilr Counrll :nn'filrn Off Was therm an lllmt Edition bd. tit.nlnf B. Biarkbnrr Flfhti Fitbts Flihti Fifhta gjrmpbonttte 8rntpbantl Fun for All Fan for All Mr. J. C. Rtoorti Capitol Cloakroom 5 Star Ffaal Inlerriews Trearj Banddand Cll Club Addreis Muilo iMsle Sttent Onfe- Harriett Icorliu Areber Fln-l edit. Dane Tlma I Dane Tlma Danea Tin Dance Tine Da net Time Dane Time Dane Time I Dance Time Gab. Heater NW Nfwi 8porti Newi 8am Hare Supper Club Supper Club .Supper Club Kupper Club Mutie Muaie Slca Oft lohn Steele Adrenturer Herman lea Din. Coneertl Glen Hardy Fttlten tew ill Mutie Muile Behind Ster Newsreei Newa Official Det, Official Del. Msel Newt Muile Melody Man ,Cand!elitt CsndlelUth news EKoiarr Star KlBf nanasiand Bandttand Duteut Dp Baicball BaiebiU Baaeball Baseball iBaieball Baaeball Baiebatl Baseball Nlrfai New. Nffht R,B. Nlcbl Soni Mfht Seni N'lfht Stmg Sight Sent N'ixbi Sane Sira Off i fi'A uun I diow luur i Don't Blow Your hp aT- j k r "-. fv - 41 xw - Trader Louie will take mosi snything In trade. Trader Louie 1820 Iin Av. ' Mi. 385SS SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 6:90 Record Roam West. Stare Farm Hear Ntwe Saturday Weaters 6:15 Record Room KOIN Slock Farm Bear Timekeeper Salute Meledim 8:30 Record Room KOIN Kleek Farm Bear March Time Saturday Faraa Neva V45 Record Room KOIN Kleeh Farm Hoar N'ff Newi Saluta Neva 7: Record Room KOIN Klaek lit Edition Heminnray Saturday KOCO Kloek 7:15 Record Room Newi Arro&iky Breakfast Salute KOCO Klaek. 70 Record Room Newi Veti Newa Breakfait Saturday KOCO Kltk ft- Manning Contsumer Bob Haien Newa Salute Exten Sen. a.M Mule Boi Theater ef Smiilnt Ed Carter Show Saturday Froadlr Bali jj.'fS Muile Boi Today McCeauell Msile Salute Preudly Ball J-3n Mofe Boi Stan Over What'i New Haven ef Saturday . Concert 45 Muile Bo Hellyweed Home Arent Reit Salute Concert .M Howdy Doad: Fan for All Toyland Newa Polk County Newe " Howdy DaedFun for All Tune March Time Platter Parti Public RtH S'Sfl Row-r Dood:Cltj Heipltal Space Patrol Paiter'a Call Platter Parti Club Time :4S Utw City Hoipltal Space Patrol Bargain Platter Part) Ktdi Corner 11 -en Adventure Muile with Stare ef Glen Hardy Platter Part) Ann! Battle Bk. Carnival Glrli Tomorrow Carter Shew Platter Parti Aut Battle 16:30 lrwoed Meet Mtuua Stan of Our Town Platter Parti Serenade 16:45 Breakfait Meet MUiai Tomorrow Woodburn Platter Parti Sat. Serenai 1166 M" Lt Nw" New Hl-B Sebool Platter Part) Major 11:15 Taylor Grand Cent. Playland Muile Hear Platter Part; Leatu ;,6 Farm and Give and USA Farm Pre Platter Partj Majer 1:46 Home Heui Take Playlani -Farm Preae Platter Partji Laf ue PM Mer.i KOIN It 1.1, a m. to U p. at. KEX H I, I to t p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC. 556 . Friday P.M. - lt:H, NewihlrTkAr Sat. A-M.-U: Newei 11:11. ifwf-t. .... N - . (Navy Show: 2:00, EiDeelally for Womesi IHM, Oreaon Reporter) 4:00, Sporti Fire caitt 6:00, Children'! Theater: S:00. Newi, Weather. 7:15. Farm Hoar: 1:00. ra.r Union Forum. 9:00, Muile: p:tfi, Medita j Eipeelallr for Women. !1:M. Coneerl Ball; I!:00, Newn m, Muile of Ma iters 4:00, Eieurtion i Science. Kan; 10:00, Sim Off. Sublimity Sets Firemen's Ball Sublimity Final plans are being completed for the Bene fit Firemen's Ball which will be held at the Sublimity par ish hall Friday, May 8, under the sponsorship of the Sublim ity fire department. Music will be furnished by the Midnight Serenaders with dancing from 9:30 to 12:30. A special event will be the TV set prize during intermis sion. A special meeting of the Sublimity fire department has been called for Thursday evening. ACROSS 1. Cronies 5. Skill 8. Heart 12. Spoken 13. Supper 14. Greedy 15. Prima , donna 16. Spread loosely 17. Body of a church 18. Sloped 20. Loafer SI. Snug room 22. Thirstv 23, Hazardous enter prise 57. Grow old 30. Filament 31. Mountain In Crete Fat Lamb Show Set for May 23 Scio The tlnn Countv Fat Lamb Show will bp Sat urday, May 23, beginning with the parade in the morning. The free street dance will be Friday nieht. Mav 22. The Lamb Show dance will be Sat urday night, May 23. Many organizations are planning for this event. The Grange is planning to serve a dinner. Prior to the development of the oil industry after World War II, the chief revenue of Saudi Arabia was a tax on pil grims traveling to the Moslem holy cities of Mecca and Medina. 32. Heavy SESEJNBIU SI wagon H k'EEpl"barlPlfl T PI elh Kwfflr.S H I IIJ-I 0 36. Male off- K-LL MPE D IT DOSE N 37. Silkworm I gpfir 0 Yfl? fe Afl ;mc liiiSfi 46. Japanese 47. Cry nf a 4t -1 f- Solution of Yeiterday't Puule rinnlrAw I. Feminine. name Corroded Italian coins Short jacket Legal action Long fish DOWN 'Legumes , 2. Seed cover ing J. Volcanic , matter 4 Speak ill of 5. Ear r r r tl' I' p N" i i" i f Pr- y (M Z " 4- -- my i-ip . tTr s-rr T5T if T 57 L 1 , m uf 'wm- sjv,, . irytyr ar -H " 1 M- J -t . Vibrating part 7. Urchin 8. Confection ery I. Elliptical 10. Split 11. German river 19. Half scora 20. Wrath 22. Curtains 23. Exclamation 24. Blackbird 25. Contend 26. Japanese salad plant 37, Constella tion 28. Ship channel 29. Organ of tight 32. Trickle 34. Mountain pass 15. Period of time 36. Closed car SB, Rabbit 39. Death notice 40. Forbid 41. Swinging barrier 41 Kind of cheem 43. Nobleman 44. Stains U. Sailor