At Least 18 Cars to Race In Stock Program Saturday At ( II itrtuM ...III . At least IS driven will com- pete In Saturday night's stock er racing program at Holly . wood Bowl, promoter Henry ; ireiana reveaiea yesterday in i releaslnr the rotter of driven : registered for the event. . AM auuiuuu lu IIIC 11SL or : driven who have dominated the North w at circuit in re ' cent years, there will be Ernie Kasmussen and Ray Chase, making a return to the North west circuit after an absence of a few yean. Raamussen was a popular midget racer in this area a few yeara ago. He'i been in Ari zona ' and New Mexico in re cent seasons, and Saturday will try his luck at piloting the stock cars. Chase is making his first appearance in Salem since 1949. He has been forc ed to the sidelines by a sus pension, arising from his choice to drive as an "outlaw" instead Salem High Win Streak m m U Halted by Corvallis, 4-3 Salem high school's 12-game baseball win-lug streak, was . snapped by Corvallis at Cor vallis yesterday, as the Spar tans hung a 4-3 defeat on the Vikings. , , The Viks had already clinch ed the district 8 A-2 cham pionship. - Willamette Wins Two Games From Portland State Portland Benny Bolt pitched a neat two-hitter for Willamette anlvenity against Portland State here Wednes day aa the Bearcats rolled ver the Vikings, 14-0, in the fist game of a donbleheader. Willamette went on to win the second game of the twin bill, 1-1, as Vern Vannice held the Fortlanders to six hits. Pete Reed homered for Wil lamette in the opener. lit tame: Walaautte V. (14) a H OA () Fertlaiia Stale B O A Uwla.ef 0 Chptl.rf t KlolUl, S 4Plmer,l 1 Dtwt.p I 1 S lUjnt,! S S LchmM S t Adams. 3 1 tAndrin.e t Aman, x-carr.) 1 Kakelo,p 1 1 0 Hatuen.e Pirlmro.t ReeiUb Kotpf.e KlrkndU BhMda.ll Bolt, Totala IS it Jl 10 Totala as i Jl 10 Willamette 30 JOS 3 14 IS 1 rorlUml Stat. 000 000 0 0 S 1 Wlnnlnl elteher: Holt; Loerni plteher Pitcher: pull BliOSI Holt 1 s 1 t 4 Stewart .... 1 '! Koakela .... t 7 10 1 7 t rvn nmiftmett t. Portland At. 7. rrora Ktnrkendall 1, Nichols 1, Adams 1. HR Reed. 3BH Lewli. RBI Lewla s, Haiuen 1, Perlmen 1. Read 3, Noene S. hi.Mi i. jbu Holt. tB -Lewis S. Hau- en t. Koepf 1, Klrkendell 1. DP Holt ... awtmai, Ia need: Nlehola to Locketr malar. Tlma J:10. TJmplrea Hleka and waato'er. Snd tame: winsBMtta (t B H (1) Portland State O A 3 ScrlvenJ. 4 Nelson. Jb t S 1 4 Falmr.l 1 Nlchle, I ODStwt.o t 1 3 M.Stwt.J S 0 Wallce.r S 0 Adams.S S 1 Mntary.p 3 I t Bead, lb Akao.e - KlrkndU Noane.rl Maae.lf Vanlee.p Perlmn.3 Kerial.Sb Totala 34 4 31 Totala 37 31 11 wu? 001 UO - 4 3 Portland Stat 001 000 0-1 1 13 wmnlna Ditcher: Vannice; Loalm plt- Pltohar: IP AB H R BR BO BB Vannice .... 7 37 t 1 1 I J . it it 4 3 0 3 I uromrnntaomery 1. PB Stewart 1. rn uiiimmetti. a. Portland fit. 7. D. fctewart 3, srlvena 1. Nelson 1. 3BH Vannice. BBI Reed 1. D. Stewart 1. Bn.w.i.An i Noana 1. Elsauer 1. DP Wallace to Stewart. Time 1:50. Umpire BlcU and westover. Gallardo Loses For First Time Since 1951 Washington (U.R)It took an; Mr! hand like Charley Riley to halt young Dave Gallardo s rush toward an early shot at the featherweight champion ship. Riley, one of the hardest punchers in the division, scored a . seventh round technical knockout over the Mexican contender last night in their scheduled 10-round bout at Turner's arena. It was Gallardo's first de feat since 1951 when the same Riley knock him out in a fight at Hollywood, also in the sev enth round. Riley weighed 132 pounds and Gallardo 128 Mi, for the na tionally televised fight. Minor League Scores B The Asinrleted Prem INTERNATIONAL LF.AOl'B Montreal 4. Toronto 1. RochMter I. Otlawa 4. Sprlnatleld 10. Buffalo 0. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Minneapolis 3. Toledo I, clj Innlniil. Indianapolis a. St. Paul 4. Other iin poitponed. TEXAS I.EAOtlt Dallas 3. Shreveoorl 1. Port Worth 13. Beaumjnt 3. Houston t. Oklahoma Cltr San Antonio at Tulia, postponel. WESTERN ISAOI'K Sloul Cltr 1. Colorado Sprlnta I, (10 Innlnesl. pueblo I. Omaha 1. Dea Moines I. Wichita I. Denver . Lincoln 4. PIONEER I.EAOl'E Otden 3. Maalc Valler 3. Boise 4. Salt Lake 1 Only tamet scheduled. of with the stock car racine association, Driven and cars scheduled for Saturday action include: Car 1, 1953 Dodge, Bill Weiman; ear J, 1948 Ford, Armond MUlen; car S, 1949 Olds, Floyd Trimble; ear t, 19S0 Olds, Bill Amick; car 15, 1952 Ford 6, Royce Hag erty; car 17, 1951 Olds, Bob Dillon; car 22, 1952 Ford , Art Watts; car 25, 1951 Hud son, Johnny Helper; ear Z8. 1950 Olds, Ray Chase; ear 21, 1949 Ford V-8, Wally Gervals; car S3, 1948 Fly mouth, Don Dehaan; car 44, 19 5 0 Plymouth, Sheldon Johnson; car 53, 1953 Dodge, Ray Elliott; car 54, 1949 Ply mouth, Woody Stark; car 66, . 1949 Plymouth, .Ray Ger icke; car 98, 1950 Mercury, Ernie Rasmussen; 1950 Chevrolet, Larry Gardner. a. Three Corvallis runs in the third inning provided most of the damage for Salem.. The three tallies came .off only one hit. Two Salem errors, one on Rice and the other on pitcher Ken Pingel, aided the Corvallis cause. Pingel set Corvallis down with no runs and no hits after the third Inning. But during the same period Sa lem couldn't manage to core off the hurling Gam- bee, Corvallis pitcher. Salem got two runs in the first inning. Paul Beck, who had reached base when hit by a pitched ball, later scored on Osborn's bloop hit to left field. Curt Jantze, who also gained life when hit by pitcher, later scored on Jerry Gregg's single. ; Salem's other run was reg istered In the third. Cnrt Jantze walked, stole second, went to third on a pessed ball, and scored on Larry Springer's fly te right. Corvallis scored one run in the first inning on two hits, and got their big three in the third. Outside of those two innings, the Spartans went hit- less. Saleaa t Camilla X O A B X O A . Rice, u P.Jntae.l O.Jnue.U Oaborn.o Oreacrl SDotr.Sb t 1 1 t S Devoe.rt 8 Ikrwrd.o t 0 ecott.U t 1 Benlon.a 1 S Younir.l I 1 Ombee.p I t 1 S 1 1 t 1 t 1 6 t 6 11 t 11 Sprlnir.3 Pederan.3 Plnael.p z-Cmpbell 6 Totala 31 i 11 Hotel 35 I 31 14 x etruck out lor Beck In 7th. Salem Runa 301 000 63 4 3 Oorvallla Runa 103 000 64 3 6 Pltchlnt : IP AS H H eR SO BB Plniel 7 36 3 3 6 4 Gemot 7 31 4 3 3 J WP Oambee. HP Beck. C. Jsntie Winner Oambee, Loser Plnael. LOB dalem 6, CorvatllaS. Errors Pineal, Alee. 3EH Dotr. 3BH Devoe, Federaon. RBI Oiborn, Oreac, Springer, Beer, JDevoe, SH Plniel 3. SB c. Jantaa 3. DP Plnael lo Rice to P. Jantaa. Umpire! dates and Vandervort. Tlma 1:4a. Salem to Enter Team in Meet At Alderwood Members of the . four-man Salem Golf club team to en ter the Alderwood Country club invitational tournament in Portland May 16 and 17 will be determined at Salem Golf club Saturday and Sun day. Golfers posting best medal scores for 36 holes, 18 on Saturday and 18 on Sunday, will qualify for the team. This is the first year that Salem has been invited to en ter a team in the Alderwood invitational tourney. Bob Sederstrom, Salem Golf club champion, will captain the Salem team. Feller Pitches Oris. Hitter fftr " Cascade High Cascade High School Dan Feller pitched a nifty one-hit' ter here Wednesday as Cat cade high school defeated Philomath 13-0. Cascade scored every time it batted, with the largest brace of runs coming in the third, when Cascade scored four runs. Howard Speer homered for Cascade in the first inning, scoring Bill Brown ahead of him. The victory put Cascade atop the Capitol league standings. Philomath 000 000 0 0 1 4 Caieade 314 311 -13 13 3 Carter and oarrlotte; reuer am TIDE TABLE Tldra lor Tall, Oresen Mar, l33 (Compiled br V. S. Coast and Geedetle rortiano, urcsen; Mar Hlih Waters Low Watera Time tielshi Tlma Melfht T I :J am. 13 1:03 a.m. 3.4 I OS is. 1.7 1:33 p m. 0.1 I l a.m. 41 3:31 a.m. I t I II p.m. 6 3 3:13 P.m. 0.1 3:13 a.m. 4 1 1 11 p.m. 01 1.31 p.m. t 7 3:09 p.m. 0.S It 10 :3 a m. 4 I 411 a m. -0.3 10:0t p.m. 7.1 3:M p.m. 1.3 II 1134 am. to t ot am. 1. 10:47 P m. 7 3 4:41 p.m. l.t II 13 31 p m. I I 1st a.m. -I t 11:87 p.m. 7.4 t:3t Pm. 3.0 II 1:14 p.m. 1.1 143 a.m. -1.1 t 10 p.m. 3.3 14 13 07 a m. 7.4 7 37 a.m. .l.t 2.0t p.m. 3 0 t M p.m. 3.t II U II a m. 7 3 I 13 a m. -1.7 3 7 p.m. 4 I 7:41 p.m. 3.1 II 1 a m. I I 117 a m. -1.4 :47 pm. 41 1:33 p.m. 31 WVL Senior Lettermen to Be Honored All senior lettermen from high schools In the Willamette Valley league will be honored at a banquet in the American Legion hall at Woodburn next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. standard time. Len Casanova, head foot ball coach at University of Oregon, will be the main speaker, and will show a movie, "Pacific Coast High lights." - . Salem Tennis Team Victor Salem high school's tennis team, enjoying one of Its most successful seasons in history, won another match yesterday, defeating Gresham 6-1 at din ger field. SINGLES John limine, S, orer Bruce Bloomllold, a, 4-J, 7-i: Oarr Boadlthel mer, S. over Jim Perklnl, O. 10, l-ll Dick Wllion, S. over Jack Blchey, O, 1-3, 4-1; Bob Willi, S, over Curt Sol halmi. O, 1-3, 1-4! tlel Wllllemion. s, over Dennla Davli, O, t-1, t-1. DOUBLES John Clajton and Uarshall Jelderks, S over Bruce Broomfleld and Curt Solhelms, O, 6-4. 6-3: Jack Richer and Jim Perkina, O, over Stan Pate and Dale Martin, S, 1-3. 6-3. I LOCaL UNITED PRESS Duden Shines in Final to Portland W3) Bob Duden successfully defended his Ore gon Open golf championship Wednesday, overtaking Chock Congdon, the early pace-set ter, In the final 86-hole round Angels, Padres Continue To Surprise Coast League By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco WW The Los Angeles Angels and San Diego Fadres, rated as strictly second division stuff when the Coast League season started, were speeding along at championship pace today in the wide open pennant scramble. PCL STANDINGS (Br United Preaa) w h Pet. Seattle .... 34 H .680 Los Anaele, .. Hollywood ... Portland . . , . ... 35 13 .7t , 33 M .aoa , It 15 .54b 3 5 ean Dleto ... San Pranciaco It 30 .444 I'.i , 14 33 .310 10 lj Sacramento . , .... 13 33 .343 13 Oakland .... 11 34 .314 I3tt Wednesdar'a Reanlts: Los Anaeles 3, Oakland 0. San Prancisco 4, Hollywood I. San Dieco t, Sacramento t. Seattle at Portland. 3. postponed, rain. How the Series Stand! Los Anaelec 3, Oakland 0. Hollywood 1, San Pranclsco 1. San Diego 3. Sacramento 0. Portland 1, Seattle 0. Only a margin of .10 percent separated L, A, from first place Seattle while the Angels were even up wiih the Suds in the games behind column. And Lefty O'Doul's resurgent Padres were on the fat end of seven game winning streak. Oaks Were Dropped Cal McLish pitched a four hiter yesterday afternoon as the land Oaks to their sixth loss, 300. This shoved the Ser aphs right up on Seattle's doorstep as the Suds' twin bill with Portland was rained out San Diego tripped Sacramen to, 6-5, in the ninth inning and the San Francisco Seals, reel ing from five straight defeats, finally put the brakes on Hol lywood, 4-3. Sloppy fielding by the Oaks helped Los Angeles consider ably although the Angels need ed only one run to do justice to McLish's fine hurling. The other two were unearned. Won In the Ninth Pinch hitter Frank Murray! gave the Pads their ninth in ning win by singling across Dick Faber. Faber had opened the frame with a one bagger off Roger Osenbaugh. He went to second on a sacrifice and "T V 'V, . li XL f" gV '" " I Smith was the winner. It was fkhts Last Night (Br The Aiioclated Press) WASH Rller, 133. St. Lou u, stopped DftTt OtUardo, 13914, Lo Anielei, 7. Sports Results (Br The AAsoclttftl Prtut BA HE BALL Wmt Linn I. Newbers 7. Oswfto 4, Concord It 3. Toledo I. Reed .port 4. St Helens 3, Rainier 0. CftACftile 13. Philomath 0 PnrtUnd Lincoln 14, Rooie?elt . WftRhlntton 9, Orsnt T. Jefferson 11, Franklin Cleveland , Benson I. COI.LBQK BASEBALL (Br The Associated Prem) Oreton BUte 3. Washington State 0. Un field JV f. Oreson State JV 4. Oreton Frosh I. Orerrm State Rooks ft. Seattle Pacific 11-3, Western Wenhlnf ton 14. Punt Sounl vi. Pacific Xsttthtran, rata- Salem Opens Four-Game Series at Vancouver Victoria,' B.C. The Salem Senators left here by ferry for Vancouver, B.C., this morning. The Solons open a four-game series at Vancouver tonight. Salem was rained out of its scheduled series finale with the Victoria Tyees here last night. Victoria won the only two games played in the series. When they left Victoria, the Senators took Joe Clardy, a first baseman, with them. Clar dy had been a member of the Victoria team, but since Victo ria also has another capable first sacker, Chuck Abernathy, Salem manager Hugh Luby was able to make a deal for Clardy. ' Clardy was with Las Ve gas in the class C Southwest International league last sea son, and finished the year with a hefty .346 average, in cluding 14 home runs. He bats and fields left-handed. Les . Witherspoon, who has been playing first base for Sa-1 lem, and will now be shifted to the outfield, also played in I ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 7, 1953 Defend Crown . . i to collect the professionals' $500 first-place jackpot. Well back In the field dur ing the first two days on the Columbia-Edgewater Country club course, .the Portland pro cut six strokes oft par in the his third triumph. The Seals pusned across three runs in the eighth Inning of a see-saw contest to nail down the verdict. With his club railintg 2-1, Bill McCawley singled home Jerry Zuvela and Leo Righetti. Then he scored himself o n Frank Kalln's bingle. Al Lien got hte win his fourth without a loss. Jim Walsh absorbed his third de feat. , Seattle and Portland have re scheduled their twin bill for Friday. Los Angeles 001 000 1013 Oakland 000 0O0 000 0 Meush and Tappe; Bamberger' Meal. t 0 4 3 and SI :ramento : 103 100 0105 13 San Diego 000 050 001 t t Plorea, Osenbaugh (t and Ritchey: Dahle, Malloy (51, Smith () and Fo eekay. Ban Prancleco 100 000 0304 t t Hollywood 000 Oil 0013 7 3 Lien, McCall (II and Tornay; Walsh and Malone. lx-m&md., tiim.-nitti. pjy , , m .,-,... i mji - "' ' f V Ante ' H A 2 way to please' ' ifTi: &Vj " I the Man who is i Sf'l i hnurl ' tr rklnnco Ms1". I t P IB JUU1 u svva' wm.-kj-s I " '''' ' j and like fine whiskey ft I : 4l ' w ' ' Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral the Southwest International league last year. Witherspoon hit .353 and had 16 home runs. Clardy and Witherspoon were both among the top ten hitters In the SIX, last season. (Br The Aesociated Preta) The deal that moved Jake Helmuth from Yakima to Wen atchee in the Western Interna' tlonal Baseball League paid its first dividend Wednesday night. Helmuth acquired from the Bears last Monday, came to bat in Wenatchee's half of the eighth inning in the game with Calgary, with the score tied and two men on. The husky catch er, one of the WIL's top hitters last season, lashed out a triple. scoring the runners, then came home on an outfield fly. That gave Wenatchee a 7-4 win over Calgary, evened the series at a game apiece, and lifted the Chiefs into a seventh, place tie with the Spokane In. dians who were absorbing their second straight beating at the hands of the Edmonton Eski- NEWS AND FEATURES Page 15 final round and wound .up with a 10-under par 278. , " , Congdon, Tacoma pro, who fired super golf Monday and Tuesday and led the pack en tering .Wednesday's round, had putter trouble and settled for 280, good for second money of $300..' Stan Leonard, Vancouver, B.C., and Bud Bofmelseter, Hayden Lake, Idaho, tied in third plaee at 282 and col lected 235 apiece. Other money winners were! Bob McKendrick, Oswego, Ore., 286 and $180; Al Wil liams, Medford, Ore., 288 and 100; Al Feldman, Tacoma, and Ed Hogan, Portland, tied at 280, $119 each; John Lang- ford, Tualatin, Ore., 290 and $90: and Cliff Whittle, La Grande, Ore,, and Bill Ma- whinney, Vancouver, B.C., tied at 201, $70 each. - Ralph Dlchter, Astoria, Ore., and Ed Vanderberg, Fprtland, were : low ama teurs. Each had 293. Others in the top 20 finish ers were: -Amateur iiaroia Salvador, Portland, 294; pro fessionals Tex Smith, Yakima, 294; Joe Steiger, Salem, 205; Vince Aleska, Oswego, 295; amateur Harold Watson, Port land, 295; professional Dick Lundahl, Baker, Ore., 295. Among those finishing far ther down: Bunny Mason, Sa lem, 305. I JF REG. . . wVS7l NOW h-yr rjhi&tM&L. I NOW iitiiwmaTiwnimTrfflJiiiilifiVfiliini 1 WIL Standings (Br The Aeeoclatm Praia) W L Levlston t Victoria I 4 Vancouver 4 Yakima ., 1 ( Trl-Cltr t Edmonton 4 3 Spokane ft T Wenatchee I 1 Calaarr 3 t Balem 3 . Wednesdar'a Reealtel Yakima 4. Lewlston 3, Edmonton 1, Spokane 1. Wenatchee 7, Calaary 4. Other lamea postponed, rain. Tharedar'B Schedule! Edmonton at Spokane. Yakima, at Lewlstoa. Calaarr at Wenatchee. Trl-CIt; at Victoria. Salem at Vancouver. Pet. .til .eT .131 .131 .5 .444 .417 .417 JU JU0 Helmuth's big blow came with. Manager Mike McCormick and Babe Furhman on the basepaths ahead of him. Mc Cormick, who had doubled, crossed up the opposition by staying on second on Furhman's attempted sacrifice. Furhman was safe at first when Jim Mel linger threw to third hoping to catch McCormick. Edmonton vaulted over Spokane Into sixth place with its 7-1 win over the In dians at Spokane. Don Tisne rat pitched seven-hit ball for the winners and also drove In what proved to be the win- ning runs with a second in ning single scoring two men. The Eskimos touched two Spokane hurlers for 11 safe ties." ,y J Yakima shaded Lewiston 4-3 in the league's only other game. Jefferson Wins Rubber Game in Series With JVs The Jefferson Lions edged the Salem junior varsity 8-7 here Friday to take the rubber of the three-game series be tween the two teams. letter son jumped Into al quick 6-0 lead in the first in ning and was never behind from then on. Their five open ing runs were mainly , the re sult of four doubles and a sin gle. - ; , Trie visiting Lions added, a I single run in the second on a double by Meyers and a single By the pitcher, Blackwell. This run came after Hank Juran's JV's had scored two Ira the bot tom of the first. The next scoring came In the fourth when the JVs scored one on errors and a scratch hit. Jefferson sewed up the game in the seventh with two runs. Refusing to give tip. Salem almost tied up the game by scoring four runs on one lone hit. Larry Newsom, who had five for five In the Detroit game Tuesday, came through with three hits in four tries to lead the Salem hitting. Phil Burkland and Ron Anderson each had two for three for Sa lem Blackwell had three hits for the winning Lions. The JVs travel to Albany tonight, weather permitting. Jefferson ...S10 000 3 s 13 I Salem 300100 4 T I 3 Blackwell and Wattenbeneri Anderson; and Luor. Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N. Y. The visiting Bears took an ear ly 8-0 lead which Lewltton wiped out with a sixth inning rally. Bob Day's single scored Howard HJelmas, who had sin gled and stolen second, with the tie-breaking run , in the ninth. Rain postponed scheduled Victoria-Salem and Vancouver-Tri-City games. The Canadian teams swap opponents for four game series starting Thursday OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 O'CLOCK J j. VjSolem's Quality Clottiiert Record Breaking tJITSM J.J. Does It was a Big Success in April in May. We're shooting high for tho Month of May with Greatest Value Giving SUIT In The History Of So Regardless of Original Selling Price We Are Offering These Mew 1953 SUPERF1UE QUAUTY 100 VIRGIN WOOL Including Many With 2 Pair Ponfsi At These Miracle Value Giving Money Saying Prices REG. $45.00 VALUES '35 NOW $50.00 VALUES $60.00 VALUES REG. $75.00 Pants Suits 5CE See Our Beautiful Line of New 195S Styles In Men's and Young Men's SPORT COATS & SLACKS AT GREAT MONEY SAYING PRICES GRADUATION OUTFITS AND NEW SPRING AND SUMMER WARDROBES. BUY NOW AND SAVE! Alterations Included at these airuuint; low prices. All New Sprint; styles, patterns and colors. 100 Wool Worsteds, luxurious flannels, gabardines, twists, also beautiful pat terns In fancy worsted, light, dark and solid colors In all sizes. Regular, long, short and stout. We have the goods and plenty to choose from. You will never get a better deal. So select your Spring and Summer Clothes Nowl You'll Find II Pays All Ways lo Buy Your Clothes at J.J.'s Better Known, Nona Better, for Quality, Style end Greater Value OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'Til 9 O'CLOCK J J. S 2 Doors West of Liberty NEXT TO HARTMAN'S JEWELRY STORE while other clubs complete their present itands. . , T a1"; a .;..WKl4 , Levuton , aoa eo3 aoa t t t Rial, Thetnpeoa (II and Dari Dolltaa. Claw tt and Cameron. . Kdmontoa '.!'.;,...',;.33ioloW7 It Spokane eoooooooi l . t I Tianmt and ttornni Romero, Daacat. ao (I) and ablets. . , 7 77f ; Calaarr ......too 004 000-4 VI Wenatchee lot 100 n-t 11 Bchulte, Stltoa (t and Brtckeri Eiaam. . BoteHo (l am Belmutb. Tr1Cltr at Vancoiarer. rata. '. "' Salem at Victoria, raJn.. , ; .'-: cw for Mew t Youttg Mtj - Price Smashing II Again and w aim to do It again to brook aH oaks rocoros ht. .. ..' ' A Our Retail Career I 387 Stale Street P La O m 1 -M II fn Si i ll l 7 fi i r