Thursday, May 7, 1953 Pat 14 ADLAI LOST PHOTO WINS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon AH- , , , .,.J s m -. Y- AA 44 ; William M. Gallagher, photographer with The Flint 1 (Mich.,) Journal, displays the picture of Adlal E. Steven- - eon, then Democratic candidate for president, baring a : worn sole,, was made during a campaign atop at Flint, (AP Wirephoto) Honor Goes fo Silverfon Girl ;: lllverton Mis Glenva Mc- . Klnnty, daughter of Mr. and i' Mrs. Glenn McKinney, was se lected by the members of the , i&h school faculty as the "out standing aenior class girl mem- , bar of the year" and was ell- : gible for the $25 award pre anted at the Sunday afternoon ; tea by member of the Busi ness and Professional Women's . club, ' Miss Marguerette Hal . lock, president, made the gift i announcement and presented the award to Miss McKinney, ' The members of the faculty baaed their decision on gener i al activities, scholastic achieve ' nenta and personality. Rating for honorable men tion were Miss Nadine Small ; and Mise Shirley Sled. The annual tea was held at Fireside room of Immqnuel Lutheran church, from 2 to 5 . o'clock. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. Howard Balder- stone, Mrs. Vlnnle Heinz, and Miss Thora Arestad. Miss Edith Boss poured the punch. Pipe Bids Let Dallas At the meeting of the Water Commission on May 4, pipe bids were let according to Chaunfty Crider, chairman of the Water Board. Supplemental musical num bers were a vocal trio in two selections by Mrs. John La licker, Mrs. C. Clark, and Mrs. Kenneth Webb. Mrs. Bennett G. Leach directed singing by the audience of an original composition. In violin duos, were Mrs. William Iron, Mrs. Fred Trick, and at the piano, Mrs. Merle Frlzzell. Mrs. Frlz zell also gave two piano solos. Mrs. Irene Roubal gave a reading and was mistress of ceremonies. PAY YOUS FUEL OIL BILL ' Br the 10th To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charge service. llMFUaORDUUM CREDIT ASSOCIATION " ,; ' 8 y Only Cream of MNTDOff owes you I THE HEART N sr-- A V OF THE J Only "Cream" giw you $1)40 PREMIUM KENTUCKY QUALITY see . $3.70 '4 0T. inriCIT HitUM HUI-m rtoornx iun wmii smm.witiiin wiijuciunfoii.p Mr. Angel Purchases Site For Sewage Disposal Plant Mt. Angel The purchase of property for right-of-way and sewage disposal plant was reported at the meeting of the Mt Angel city council Mon day evening. The property, purchased from M. Van Bus kirk, John Blelemeler and R. J. Martin, is in the vicinity of the present city septic tank, located west of the city. Ordinance No. 249 was read In full for the first time. It relates to alcohplic liquor, providing penalties for vio lations, and maklntf minora r- sponsible when buying liquor as well as tavern owners. A report given by the spe cial committee appointed re garding the erection of an ad dition to the fire hall to house the new fire truck which was purchased during the month, stated that William Predeek and Fred Baumgartner, local carpenters were 'consulted, who will construct the build ing. At the request of a prospec tive purchaser, the council set a selling price on city lot No. 1, with the written under standing that a building be within one of signing erected en same year from date agreement. , The rebuilding of the main highway through the city by the state highway commission will necessitate the raising and lowering of sidewalks along the route. To date more than 50 percent of property owners along the highway have promised to reconstruct their sidewalks to grade with the new street - Water Commissioner Joseph Hassler reported having low ered necessary fire hydrants and other water valves, and installation of catch basins in the city. The repairing of a sewer line at the Norb Butsch property also was completed, and property owners were or dered to trim overhanging shrubs along the sidewalks. In giving his monthly re port, Chief of Police Merle Grace was asked to check on the matter of street lights be ing broken by vandals. The council commended Chief council commended Chief Grace for keeping up the grounds at the city hU. Fire Chief Schmidt was au thorized to attend the annual fire chiefs convention at Eu gene, June 8, 9 and 10. Four Corners Four Corners Arriving home on Monday of this week was Lee Genteman, A1C Air Police, son of Mrs. G. D. Sav- ... whn hat been at Laken heath, England, air base for two and one-haix years. ivnnuin hia SO days leave he will go to Smoky Hill air base at Salina, Kan. Another son, Ge-e Gent- . i. thn Francis C.Wen.lrb.U, Cheyenne, wy-. . .,, win Circle oanw meet inthe C Uty W. May 0, ai o p-m. ""T" .ii wiU be instructor and caller. ROAD OILING . 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE OIL ROADS NOW TO SETTLE THE DUST ECONOMICAL LARMER TRANSFER mN LlbertyAND STORAGE Ph, m fill ZJ U lyJW Is IK U IM EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE IN OUR STORE MUST BE SOLD RE GARDLESS OF COST. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE TO BUY QUALITY FURNITURE AT COST AND BELOW! cMftffrrv LOOK AT THIS VALUE A beautiful modern daveno ' and chair upholstered in "J stunning new decorator fab ric. Regular 169.50 11 WE STILL HAVE A LIMITED STOCK OF USED FURNITURE AT GIVE AWAY PRICES! STORE HOURS! 9 AM TO 9 PM 4 MONDAY thru FRIDAY SATURDAY HOURS 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MAKE WASH DAY A HOLIDAY SAVE $50 THOR ti if SAVE $35 II SPINNER WASHER A SSSY W If World's fastest wash- II If 5. 1SJ: II vi7350 JJ V mnjf WE CAN SAVE YOU 100 ON A CR0SLEY REFRIGERATOR Here's a Steal 5-Pc Bedroom Suite Large 9-drawcr dretter Plata glass mirror lockcate bed Two marching nira stands Compore Hie Quality of This Beautiful Bedroom Group with Sere Selling At High As 169.00 $Og.87 V'L IUUK . GAIN V 8-pc. I II msr. W W w OnraalMd 1. Tnn If f It Bnlr 1S9.M II II We can't- give it back to the fac tory, and we have no place to move it, so we must sell 250, 000 worth of fine furniture and nationally advertised appli ances at o n I y a fraction of the regular price. SAVE W ON THIS Deluxe Push-Bulfon Electric Range f Famous make. Wanner drawer, Chromalux 7-heat units, giant burner in deep well becomes surface burner. Automatic clock controls oven, outlet, right rear unit or deep well. Concealed bake unit In oven. Reg $379.95 Now DON'T MISS OUR DOGIES IN THE WINDOW! Dining Luxury Dining Suite Big extension table Attractive buffet 2 Host chain 4 side chairs Silrertone oak Save 1 00.00 $11 ).oo 2 Yes, Watch Our North Window. It's full of "Buyer's Mistakes" and the price on every one of them will be reduced every day UNTIL THEY ARE SOLD. Some prices will be ... Cut as Much as W A DAY FREE DELIVERY A- little down on a big bill ' ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS NO RETURNS NO EXCHANGES FURNITURE CO. 275 N. LIEEPTY II esssase.-ssssssssssse.sssMSSHaMMS' MHMBsBMBBsaMaaMaB lt II ,