Thursday, May 7, 1953 . 1 , - it-",.,." BRITISH SHIP LOSES BOW IN CRASH i Jill t - - seu- ,rc, a. 1 H r-j ( K - mm V V with its bow sliced off up to its bridge, after it collided with an American ship in the North Sea before dawn. Passengers on the Duke of York were transferred to Haiti Victory, a transport operated by the U. S. Military Sea Transport Service, the other ship involved in the collision. The Duke of York is a 4,190-ton ship; the Haiti Victory a 7,607-ton vessel. Rescue boats in background. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) , 3 American Women Missing in Collision Harwich, England, VP) Three American women are missing from the North Sea collision of British steamer and Ameri can freighter. A sorrowing survivor told how she and her 13-year-old on recited the 23rd Psalm to Phone Woodburn 7331 ' ' Evenings by Appointment , DR. G. W!KING OPTOMETRIST Hours 9:00 to 6 P.M. Closed Wednesday 392 Pacific Hwy. (99E) Woodburn, Ore. , comfort the agony of possibly one of the missing Americans. Rescue workers toiling through the wreckage of the British-owned Duke of York found four bodies three wom en and a man but they had not been identified. Five per sons are known to have perish ed in the accident Wednesday. The three Americans missing Miss Ann Spring, identified as a secretary of an Army depart ment official in Washington; and two teachers Miss Gilda Jordet of Rocky Ford, Colo., and Miss Viola Larson of La Crosse, Wis. One body rescue workers ber lieved to be that of Miss Spring was removed frqm the wreck age Thureday. She occupied cabin 233. Next door, Mrs, Norma Hoyt of Anchorage, 4T ,.. baa Open 8 IT'S EASIER TO SAVE MONEY with Salem Federal Savlng-by-mail brings our office as close as your mail box. Open and make additions to savings accounts by mall. Earn our planned rate of i per year. 560 State Street Facing Court House SALEM, OREGON to 4 Daily; 8 to II Saturdays Alaska, was trapped for five hours with her son, Harold, 13, before being rescued. Mrs. Hoyt, sister of Miss Jor det, said the woman in 233 cried out: "Oh, I'm in agony. Please get a priest. Get a doc tor, get a priest." . Mrs. Hoyt and her son sang a hymn and recited the 23rd Psalm in an effort to comfort the woman. Police found the cassoorts of the three missing women in the debris of the 4,190-ton Duke of York, which lost its w in a collision with the 7,607-ton American- freighter Haiti Victory 40 miles east of Harwich Wednesday. About 500 passengers and crewmen were rescued. Twelve passengers, including two U.S. Air Force officers, were injured. The only victim identified thus far is Mrs. Argo Ansdel, 54, an Englishwoman who died in a hospital Wednesday night. Miss Larson and Miss Jor det were traveling with Mrs. Hoyt of Anchorage, Alaska, where Miss Larson teaches school. Mrs. Hoyt and her son, Harold, 13, were rescued Wed- nesday .after being trapped in the wreckage for five harrow ing hours. Miss Jordet is Mrs. Hoyt's sister. A British Railways spokes man said that Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Ely of Portland, Ore., were among the Duke of York's passengers that escaped injury. He said they both were landed at Dover Wednesday night. Lane County Men Win $3800 Judgment Two Lane county men, John Potter and David E. Hickey, won a $3,850 judgment in Su preme Court Thursday against Rutherford, Inc. The suit was to recover mo ney for work performed in re moving timber for right of way for State Highway 58 inj Lane County. . " ; This decision, by Justice William C. Perry, upheld Cir cuit Judge William G. East of Lane county. Eugene Jacobs of Brooklyn saddled 13 winners to be the leading trainer at Hialeah dur ing the winter season. TtiS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Ortgvn InuAmUrm V McKAY MEETS WITH WESTERN GOVERNORS JUT CHUG) III Police flews Juveniles filled up a food share of the space on the police blotter Thursday morn' ing after four of them were picked up by city police on eight separate charges, and a 21-yeard-old youth was charg ed with furnishing intoxicat ing liquor to a minor. A 17-year-old Woodburn boy led the list of violation. After he was picked up for driving the wrong way on a one-way street, he was also charged with driving with de fective brakes, illegal posses sion of Intoxicating liquor and carrying a concealed weapon. His 18-year-old girl friend was arrested for juvenile delin quency and turned over to Mrs. Nona White, county juvenile officer. Police said , the lad had a partially-filled bottte of wine in the car and they found an unloaded revolver under the driver's seat in the car.' The boy refused to tell where he got the wine, and said he did not know the gun was in the car. He was cited to juvenile court on the four counts. Richard Walton Shattuck, 21, 402 South 17th street, was fined $150 in municipal court Thursday morning on a charge of furnishing liquor to a minor. Shattuck and two teen-age youths were stopped in Shat tuck's car, which one of the youths was driving. Officers said they found a number of bottles of beer in the car and AJgLzMt J,J7' 13 fr; v " , U . A Secretary of the Interior Douglas McKay plays host to governors of western states at an "Oregon Salmon" lunch eon in Washington, D.C. Left to right seated: Dan Thorn ton of Colorado; Paul Patterson of Oregon; McKay and Arthur B. Langlie of Washington. Standing: J. Hugo Aaron son of Montana; C. J. Rogers of Wyoming; Leh B, Jor dan of Idaho; Charles H. Russell of Nevada; J. Bracken Lee of Utah; Edwin L. Mechem of New Mexico and' Howard Pyle of Arizona. Later the group discussed reclam tion and other problems. (AP Wirephoto) a nearly empty whiskey bot tle. Both teen-agers were cited to juvenile court for illegal possession of intoxicating liq uor and the driver was also cited for reckless driving. . The four boys were held overnight while Shattuck was released on ball and the girl was released to Mrs. White. 'MOONLIGHT GIRL Patricia Nichol, Aumsvlllt, was honored as Moonlight Girl of the Phi Sigma Kappa social fraternity at Linfield college campus, McMlnnville. Miss Nichol Is a freshman liberal arts student at Linfield. . ! nft In 1S8S Rogers Hornsby mada five consecutive bits as a pinch-hitUr for tht St. Louis Cardinals. . LEGAL5 scaooi. DwraioT bond suction NOT ICS ... statb os oaaooa i Ceuu 1 Sbrlaa ! C"'fUk School Dtotrtet Ho. in I aorrei is hbkbit orvn ut u Mil tO b. HIM t U HlUMl houj 3 Otoir Uko actum Dirtrtct, la u lor school DUUlcl No. 1IJ. t aUrlOftCouw to. Oiwoa, liondw, the itth ailTor Mir, UU, BttvMo tho hoan ? two o'clock end uht o'clock to.r. thctoot tho oilttUoa of eonuuuat bOBdod luUtMiw la tho ,um Tw.ntf TtooM.iKl DoUon (SM.OOt.W) f iPoco of piotMIiw ftmoj with which to ooutruct. Improve, notl? J"?,1?. ai ,urnUl1 KiM mm mi bulldlnM or mMIUaii. tH...,K ( ZZZ tot MM Hhool dUtrlct. .,-. .Tho toU to bo br btllot iwd which hou bo tho wordi "Eooo T.i" iSi "BondsNo") oad tbo rotor ihtU nice a oroai (X) kotwoca tho word "Boadc oad too word "T" at bctwoaa tho word Boadi" oad tho word "No" which ladkato hit choice. Tho pout tor tho nooptloa of tho bollou cut lor or Hlml tho too mo tion of Idld ladAUdnau .111 .ZZ dor aad dote oad at tho plact alorc ijld. bo opcaod at tho hour ot two o clock p.n. oad romala opca ntu the hour of oltht o'clock p.m. ol tho wno dar, whia oho lone oh til bo aloMd. !' w1 Mhool board or Lako aehaoi himi h. im hoarloa Couatr, Orctan, atdo thl JOth da? of Spill, 1MI. , , , THSO0ORB B. OntOO, : -Cholrmia. nut.Uk - AttOit: -rm Lorralao Btcaolhtrtor, 1 DUtrlct oiork. Wop T, It, at, MM. - , . ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT HAH GROCERY FOIGERS J&Si 2 m romrjounding a pra scription is a real art with us, for wa taka as much pride, patienca and pre caution in following your Doctor's orders, as a fine artist does with his mas terpiece. For our pre scriptions ore master pieces of accuracy, thor oughness, dependability. Usingonlythefinestdrugs our Pharmacist gives you a "masterpiece" of truly fine workmanship. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stale Sf. (Corner ol Liberty) We Give ?H Gn Stamps Journal Want Ads Pay ESTATE SALE For aalc to Nia klghtrt biddar, dwallirvg. leataJ at 1010 N. Corrag. St. and 2487 Mopl. UJtdm. Ort,5 Tarmi and cofiditiofit of aala may LVa aMalnad fraoi Pioneer Trust Company Pionaar Trust lldg. Salam, OrafM cm tnoich the Teztytes of-the , i ' ii,,,f: 7Til'Tt BBgPBBaaaBawawaiowwawaBwawflBawawaBBawaBaBBBBBaBwaBBwaaawawaBBBBawawa OrWy UUMtXIOkUAT km I WMH-TO-SAVI MM Handy for kadins;, aaaooad sd. Weighs asset oaf aaek aad.Eoda HIMMI COMMi MftHR oHMNaaK " AvOVMltM)ft3r aaaMasMHPaM CenUe, wot 1 daMy Wll Mawtl aaOaW ' Wsh Everything Evet, New Mirode hibrics . . . MrFCS . . . FATia om may nlect kw tomperahire. .niffsimum waeh tine far fabrics hot teirjperntnre, kmger waiAi periocb lor heftvy, diriir doAei a 8aM tw oome oat sparking oleanl " I fc. 1 I f ill I, I i t ' . - snBaw iXPBfiaiPrs WCSrillNOWiarrJr VJlwB?awjsor. wswoi Anrnka't Favorite Laundry 7wsaf kWnay atyWI a tha LaomdrociMt, to hoi HnlaiioT boom Electric Ootbea Dryw with awxhaaiva, kmay lawifrina Door Shetf, 8-Worw Dry Dfar). Ouajuiaj Sawjaaif Boa ttvon aMri 8lraTt. atop, av tapeat wnj art of wflfltomsj agreia at any tvme. And . yon sawaa water kemperafcares! TwVs9 Jdb o o a tLMtmm FtOMT. DaaarrMd far yoosr muTaiiaoiica. Ha atoofiing, or heavy Wting with yoor iAundronat, amr-UANM8. Sedimaot and IM aia Saoahod away, WAMAI4TY. Goaranteed to ba free from dafacts far aaa Staiawuiwiiori h unconditionally oniarantaed for frrs Ml yean. NO ao.TW DOWN NKUSARY AVJUSTABU PtaT.Kawyto on uneven floor. CORROSION ami RUIT RIMSTANT. Naw fstialil ava4bak! No Money Down n Our Apprevad Cradit TRADE IN YOUR OLD WASHER Now! Teka Advantage of Our Liberal Trods-in Allowonta , . . You'll Be Surprised and Pleased at tha Small Amount Difference You'd Pay to Own a Wonderful New Work-Free Laundromat! w w w u r-Va? it m i mAimv i 1