Thursday, May 71953, Pf It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon MEET TO DISCUSS FOREIGN AID Administration and congressional leaders meet to dis cuss a new $5,828,000,000 (B) foreign aid program at a Joint session of the senate and house committees on foreign affairs. Left to right, seated: Chairman Alexander Wiley (R., Wis.) of the senate foreign relations committee; Sec retary of State John Foster Dulles, and Chairman Robert Chiperfield (R., 111.) of the house foreign affairs commit tee. Standing: Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson (left), and Mutual Security Administrator Harold E. Stas en. (AP Wirephoto) Women's College in Special Program Mt. Angel Students of Mt. Angel Women's college and Academy presented a program to honor Rt. Rev. Edward D. Howard, D.D., Archbishop of Portland, who was a guest of the school Monday. Miss Patricia Brandt, Silver- ton, college student body presi dent, delivered the welcome address. Entertainment was given by the high school chor us who presented scenes from the operetta, "Windmills of Holland," and selections by the school orchestra. Musical numbers were by Patricia Brandt, Carol Rick- ert, Joy Schnorenberg, Wary Jane Mclntee and Katherine Brandt, and selections by the College Glee club. Realtors Will Sponsor Series The Salem Board of Realtors will sponsor a series of four meetings during the balance of May beginning with their regu lar noon luncheon at the Mar ion Friday noon. Friday's luncheon meeting will be devoted to "The Future and Possibilities of Television in Salem," with Earl Heider and Cecil Fames, providing the program which will Include demonstration. "The night of Mty 13, Robert W. Semenow, a lecturer on real estate law of the University of Pittsburgh will give an address at the Marlon. Professor John Hollis of Wil lamette university's law col lege, will address the realtors at noon, May 15, at the Marlon. He will speak on real estate law and will describe the real estate course the university will sponsor during the sum' mer session. The luncheon of May 22 will be known as "Salesman s Day" and May 2B, Governor Paul L. Patterson has been asked to address the realtors. It is not certain whether he will be able to arrange his schedule to ac cept the assignment. MOTHER'S DAY CAKE SPECIAL Decorated With Hoses $1.75 Order Now SALEM HOME BAKERY 1380 N. Church Ph. 3-8645 I ...i .. uui.uwmmm,ijmn,W!ia!)jy ,i m - - Day Camp for Boys In 6-8 Year Bracket A day camp for boys in the 6-8 year age bracket will be held by the YMCA beginning June 9 and closing June SO. Camp will be held each Tuesday and Friday during that period with the boys leav ing the YMCA at 10 a.m. and being returned a t5 p.m. Site of the outing is Camp Creswood where the boys will be intro duced to the essential of regu lar camping. The program will consist of games, hikes, stories, nature' study, handicraft and contests. Larry Woods, younger boys sec retary of the Y will be the di rector and registration will be gin May 11 at the YMCA. Only one member of the Rice 1953 football team hails from outside the state of Texas. The non-Texan is sen ior Fullback Bob Garbrecht of New York City. Cherry City Electric 331 Chemeketa Mono 2-6762 i STOP BED WETTING The Averare $OC ilfi Case for v For Further Information Phone 4-553 r write the Bel Lite Co. of Oregon 2587 PARK LANE, SALEM NEAR ON YOUR ANNIVIRSARY, a Hamilton watch is a thrilling and most appropriate gift. Pictured left to right: The Fay-natural or white gold-filled, matching bracelet, $67.50; The Claudia- , natural 14K gold, silk cord, 171.50; The Vicki-natural or white 14K gold, silk cord, $110.00. Prices include Federal tax. It means so much more to give... or get... a o m THE WATCH OF RAILROAD ACCURACY trD Why is it so many people hope some day to own a Hamilton? Some, because Ham ilton is a reliable timepiece famed as "the watch of railroad accuracy," and powered by an unbreakable mainspring of precious Dynavar. Others, because each Hamilton is a beautiful picco of jewelry. Still otliers, perhaps, because a Hamilton is to often the mark of success the watch favored by those who can afford the finest (Yet prices start at only $19.50.) When you choose a gift for someone you love, remember: ft means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Ask your jeweler he knows your best buy is HAMILTON THI PIRFECT GRADUATION OIFT is faithful Hamilton. Shown, the Ncilscn (Mt)-natural gold-filled with matching band, $71.50; the Sherman-natural or white gold-filled with leather strap, $71.50. Prices include Federal tax. Ease of shopping, wider selections, the fairest prices, coupled with free delivery 30-day charge account priv ileges, makes every day Mother's Day at your favorite Musick Market. Navel Oranges Cabbage Firm ind Juicy 2 doien Hew spring crop " blip, ptr lb. Red Ripe tomatoes Cucumbers U me lira, .net m W Field grown 2 lb. basket Spring Fryers rifho right sl ; gtf t doHghffnl Mflng. Slit II IMI ) to 36 ounces. Etch , UiUVT Breakfast Bacon Sliced, oer lb. Youna Hen'iK.k 55' Skinless Weiners h Economical Ham Loaf m. GROUND Beef ptr pound SPRING Lamb Stew 5 lb. average, per lb. The meat you select of your favorite Buskk Market is better than just good, it's Choke and It Is Branded Premium- Look for the Brand for Quality POT ROAST of Choice Beef . Nicely trimmed; needs no tender liing -r other doctoring; it's good 1 AIM It Itff . Mm LI I B nriAIT oeauiiiui Manama aJ n Roast of Choice Beef, Lb. For delightful tnock try eold cuts and cheese tray. Almost unlimited selection at your favorite Busick Market HEINZ CREAM OF Tomato Soup 2 u 25c I I I SH Catsup 23c Met. bottle HEINZ '4.23 . . . ...... . . - -- ' llriNNt4sHrWS...0XSItUAinr1tKn(linAT0DtSTMO CAKE MIXES 3 for $1.00 70c Coupon In Each 50-lb. Sack Pillsbury Flour Spaghetti 17c YOU'LL FIND IT PROFITABLE AND PLEASANT SHOPPING YOUR FAVORITE BUSICK MARKET BY PHONE OR IN PERSON Margarine ,"3, 43c Margarine "7 54c Coffee mils Bros. 91c Mm , e. 93c Tomafo Juice 23c S&W P'apple cshuf 63c Crackers tKrpf. 39c Court Street Telephone 3-9176 Free Delivery MM Marion Street Telephone 3-7962 Free Delivery n 11 s ft ' II t