Thursday, May 7, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salara, Onto PW 11 STORE HOURS 9:50 to 5:30 NEXT SUNDAY i A You Are Invited to "Charge h" I would like a Charge Account at N.ryfLW W ATI BAIEM, OREQON NAHI. Aoorcss. fMLOVC ' PLEASE PRINT PLAINLY and Mall Ptomplly to Insure Early Validation of Vow Account MOM'S DAY cord, by NORCROSS a., of course!. On'Motheiis Day V aNOKCROSSteard , IihdheartitTeJnnostAopprackited way" to jay Ybu are Inyny . thoughts'today andfa'twayi. V roVcflwcyNORCROSS cards-art, ifhtjrncjtlbecrutifuii cardjinitown, nylon sheer, Sw i f h ' " a "i rl new pmagic face $1795 if M$'$Ml v 4 :!?' Now! Cooi,rosfed nylon with wonderful crinkle finish 4hat gives texture interest, males it easier than evV to care for. Done by Nelly Don in this new-season cardigan coatdress with slim line dramatized by shading of muted dot pattern. Grey, brown or green. 10 to 18. 17.95 2ND FLOOR So sweat, so dainty, so practical and so Important to very Mother All the lovely little things that will bring the biggest thrills ... a dreamy gown, frothy and feminine, a pretty slip, doubly pretty under a summer sheer, a be-ruffled bedjacket for that oh, t so wonderful luxurious feeling, even a little . country style apron for a flippant, carefree mood. These are the dainties Mothers will love ... will enjoy wearing for many summers to come. All In our very "SpecIal-for-Mothers' Day" collection. ?' "The QUEEN of Your Heart" Mother's Favorite Cosmetics HOUBIGANT CHANTIUV U AtrVM IDIM, ouuouis niuM 13 KyTT the only bra styled by a leading couturier!. nemo, A BLOUSE for ; MOTHER Far Ida Ant Mama jolru with fomout dmfgnar, Lilly Oocht, to moki your bra a btauty-wlth the moil grooM Unt, In the mott dtllcat fabrlct. And, you gt an torn-(H j In th Nmo Bra. W think tr remarkablo "living lift" pattam will ihopo yoa pMfKlty.1 and kp you In ihopsl In WMto or Mack.J CORSET SHOP - 2ND FLOOR tong luting Liquid Skin Sachet j .-. Houbigant's won.j derful discovery , . . clings to your skin hour upon hour because it is perfume with a sachet base! Now it is avail! able in slightly spicy CHANTHJLY . . . blossom-fresh QUELQUES FLEURS ... or deeply exotic LB PAR, FUM IDEAL. Each 1.83, plus tax. $R95 $Q95 A dressy sheer nylon blouse or two will please Mother immensely!. She'll like, first of all, the dainty sheerness but the extremely durable wearing quality of nylon. She'll like, too, the styles we have to offer in the lace and eyelet trimmed ones. Also the new blouses of nylon, royon faille in tailored styles. Come shop Miller's for those new jewelled neck blouses on display in the blouse department, 2nd floor. All the pretty pastel shades as well as navy, black or white. Sizes 32 to 44. m 7 J 4 it II A ilyk No. 7903. Whlltv J.M-36, C-34.M Iftff in. hiplinei 0 bJht $098 steflrW-af-wrJtawrt3l thwt. imp u Iraatja it the fSp tint yfrttyom-pmet6 bectwae it's proportioned to matdi not otOy ydw tmie lias, tmt roor height and hip propoftioa M wellt Made of fiocN maltifihuneoc acctaw eat) rayon crepa, tazttriotuly trimmed wkh loo. wearing 100 oyloa Ron Fresco bee. VWse, blade or navy. Proportion id aaca 32 to 41 NYLON TRICO GOWNS .$6.95 to $12.95 Pair Nothing can captivate her mora than our lovely Paris-designed nylons which every woman adores. A famous brand that Mother will like) In tailored or nylon lace trimmed. Gilt wrapped tor Mother's Day. HOUSE COATS FOR MOTHER .$5.95 to $19.95 Duster and full length house coata in all the popular materials auch as nylon seer sucker for summer wear. Rayon crepes, Evcrglaze fabrics, etc. if JTJF .1 iff i t . . t