Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, May 6, 1958
Mr., Mrs. Beer
Wed 50 Years
' Sllverton A large num
ber of relative! greeted Mr.
nd Mrs. Nick Beer on the ob
servance of their golden wed
ding anniversary. The dinner
end social afternoon were at
the Silverton RNA-MWA hall.
Mlu Leah Beugll and Kick
Beer were married In Silver
ton May 4. 1903. Their mar
rled life hat been (pent In the
Willamette valley, the couple
having operated a farm for
many year in the Needy dis
trict and now reside to wood'
All the children of Mr. and
Mrs. Beer, and their grand
children were at the observ
ance. Their five sons and chil
dren are Frank and his son,
Frank Jr.. of Corvallis; Walter,
and Marcia of Portland; Earl
Beer of Wickenberg, Ariz.;
Marvin and daughter Jane, of
Needy; Donald and Ervin,
Myrna, Rubal, Wenda and Kar
en, all of southern Oregon,
Two sisters of Mr. Beer,
Mrs. Rose Wallingford and
Mrs. Emma Milllgan, Vancou
ver. Wash.; and all living sls
ters and brothers of Mrs. Beer,
were present, including . Eph
Beugll, Silverton, Amos Beu
gll of St. Helens, Aaron Beu
gll of Spokane and Chris Beu
gll of Liberal; the sisters, Mrs.
Lena Kleen of Salem and In
Silverton, Mrs. Mabel Kirk,
Mrs. Ida Makinster and Mrs.
Lydla Dawes. . '
Others present were How
ard Beugll of Eugene; Albert
Beer and Catherine Beer, both
of Canby; Mr. and Mrs. Cloy
Millliran of Vancouver; Mr,
and Mrs. Bill Garveson and
three daughters of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kahle of
Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Bcugli of Libera!; Mrs. Violet
Anderson and Leiloni, John
and Janice of Liberal; Andrew
T. Oblack, Lebanon; Mrs.
Laura Geiser, Silverton; Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Dawes and
William, Marie, Kenneth and
Marilyn, of Canny; Mr. and
Mrs. John Schumacher of Can
by; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Con
rad of Canby; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Staehely of Oregon
City; Mrs. Ola Stagen and
Martha of Needy; Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Scholl of Hubbard;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Relnke of
Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. George
Kleen of Salem; Mrs. Stella
Hicks of Silverton; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kirk and Joyce, Jan
Ice and Joe Jr., of Sweet Home;
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kirk and
Calvin and Thresa and Cathy,
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. George
Kirk. Silverton; Mr. and Mrs.
Vilas Kirk and Relta and Da
vid of Sweet Home; Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Kirk and Joy,
John and Linda, Beaverton;
Mr. and Mrs. Eph Beugll, Sil
verton; Scott and Steven Beu-
sli of St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs
Aaron Beugll of Spokane; and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beugll
of Salem.
Giles (Glenva Elliott) of
Bremerton, ' Is visiting at the
home of her parents, the L.
L. Elliotts, for a fortnight, ar
riving last Saturday.
St. Luke's Mothers
Club Plans Events
Woodburn Mrs. Jack Con
nell was Installed as president
of St. Luke's Mothers club at
the meeting Monday night, in
the parish hall. Installing of
ficer was Mrs. Delbert Haener,
past president. Other officers
seated were: Mrs, Robert Mil
ler, vice-president; Mrs. John
Zerzan, treasurer; Mrs. Clar
ence Hagenauer, secretary and
Mrs. Leonard Petshow, audi
tor. Mrs. Fred Geschwlll is
the retiring president.
Plans were made to serve
breakfast to the graduating
class of St. Luke's school Sun
day, May SI, after the
o'clock mass with Mrs. Joe
Sowa as chairman of the com'
mittee in charge. Mothers and
fathers will also be guests.
Date for the fall festival was
set for November 15.
A short program was pre
sented, including piano selec
tions by Charles Nathman and
vocal solos by Mrs. Harold
Eichsteadt, accompanied by
Mrs. Leonard Fuller. Refresh
ments were served by the first
grade mothers with Mrs. Ful
ler as chairman.
Woodburn Bazaar
Site Moved Again
Woodburn The location for
the annual bazaar and cooked
food sale, to be held May 8 and
9, by the Woodburn Woman's
club, has again been changed
and will be held at the Schuler
Furniture store on North Front
street. This is the third loca
tion selected and each time the
building was rented before the
date for the sale.
Mrs. Percy Seely Is general
chairman for the event with
Mrs. James Lamb and Mrs. Joe
Walker, Sr., as co-chairman.
Silverton Woman's
Club Sets Meeting
Silverton Mrs. F. Glenn
McDonald is announcing the
last meeting of the year for
the Silverton Woman's club, to
to Monday. May 11, at Trinity
Lutheran church, the women
of Trinity to serve a 1 o'clock
Mr. Harlan Moe, general
chairman of arrangements, is
announcing a surprise pro
The club's past presidents
are to be complimented and
officers are to be Installed.
Going to Norway
Silverton Miss Muriel
Bentson, Silverton, a member
of the special teaching staff of
the Salem school system, is
planning a six-weeks visit In
Norway and other European
Miss Bentson will travel by
train to New York City from
where she plans to sail, June
Wedding June 6
Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
L. M. Elliott are announcing
the coming marriage of their
daughter, A-2c Lou Ann Elliott
to A-2c Joe Max Layton, son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton,
Sr., of Bayou La Batre, Ala.
Both Miss Elliott and Mr.
Layton are located at McClel-
lan Field and plan to come to
Silverton for the wedding on
Saturday evening, June 6, at
Immanuel Lutheran church.
Webfoot James Richard
son and son, Jimmy, have five
acres of Marshall strawberries
that will be bearing this sea
son on their Webfoot farm.
They are also setting four
acres of Northwestern plants.
Marine Tells of War
Of Attrition by Reds
Seoul W) Thirty-one Ma
rines started out on the pa
trol. Three came back un
scathed. Fourteen were killed.
And a hard-bitten Marine
serving his second hitch in Ko
rea said wryly Wednesday:
"Those were unusually high
casualties, but It gives you an
idea of the kind of war we are
up against
Child of 4
Abandoned in
?. R. Station
Portland WV-Police re
ported Tuesday that a moth
er lost her 4-year-old son in
the Union Station here but
didn't notify them until she
had arrived at Woodland,
The boy, Julian Munar,
was found wandering in the
station Saturday and turned
over to juvenile authorities.
One of them, Ronald McKen
ale, took him home,
McKenzie said the mother,
Mrs. Evelyn Munar, called
Portland later from Wood
land to report the boy lost.
Mrs. Munar and her husband
work in an asparagus field
at the King Ranch 1 near
The Juvenile court plans to
investigate the ease, McKen
sle said. '
Mt. Angel Mount Angel
Seminary and Abbey "Laity
Day," which has attracted
many visitors each year,
brought a record crowd of
more than 1800 guests to Mt.
Angel Sunday. Seminary stu
dents werfe at the Monastery
gate to register guests and dis
tribute programs. '
"In other words, we are
fighting the kind of war the
Chinese want to fight a war
of attrition.
"I think that If we ever get
these Chinks out in the open
we'll cut them to pieces Just
like we did the North Kore
Patrols on the nightly runs
must travel a few well defined
paths. It is almost fatal to
vary from the paths both
sides are heavily mined.
Unfortunately the Chinese
have these paths well zeroed in
and can give the patrols a hor
rible time.
The communists have a wide
variety of heavy weapons 120
MM, artillery, 60, 82 and 120
MM. mortars and a 70 MM.
high velocity piece.
And, the Marine said, "The
Chinese are darned good with
their mortars.
"In a battle on one outpost
the trail to the outpost was
brought under mortar fire. The
Chinese began to walk the mor
tar fire down the trail and
when it came to the point
where the trail makes a 90-de-gree
right turn behind the hill
the mortar fire walked around
it unerringly.
"About 90 percent of our
casualties in the battle were
men leaving or walking Into
the area."
Radio Dispute
Now Settled
San Francisco W The CIO
American Radio Association
and the AFL Masters, Mates
arid Pilots Union Wednesday
announced settlement of a long
dispute involving jurisdiction
over ships' radio telephone
Capt. C. F. May, West coast
head of the deck officers, and
Phil O'Rourke, vice president
of the Radio Officers' Associa
tion, announced the agreement
Under it, the radiomen will
have jurisdiction over all com
munications equipment, in
cluding radio telephones for
merly claimed by the deck of
ficers. The mates will handle
all electronic navigation gear,
including 1 o r a n , formerly
claimed by the radiomen.
Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.
will Tate of Newberg were
Saturday evening supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
L. Fowler. Mrs. Tate and
Dale were schoolmates at
Castle Rock, Wash.
Most of the income of the is
land of Capri comes from tourists.
The physically handicapped
need your help. Goodwill In
dustries needs your discarded
k-lothlng, furniture andVhouse-
hold articles to keep the han
dicapped employed.
Telephone 4-2248
Pickups Tuesdays and Fridays
Easy Without
Nagging Backachd
NftaTff inf backache, Joss of pep and MiriT,
headaches and dizziness ma? be due to alow.
down of kidney function. Doctors mt gooc
kidney function U very important to sow
health. When ome varyday condition, such
aa strata and strain, causes this Important
function tosluw dowu, many foUts suffer nac-
Sins backache fed mUerabt. Minor blad
rlrritatf ona due to cold or wrong diet may
cause getting up nigh ta or f rsuoen t paaaage
Don t neglect your kidneys if thee condi
tions bother you. Try Doan'a Pills a mild di
uretic It's amaxing how many times Doan'i
iva happy relief from these discomforts
help the IB miles of kidney tubes and fllten
flush out watts Ask for new large, economy
lis and aave money. Get Doan'a Pills today!
wmm I
PHONE 3-3191
Bft Sir uv
IM -k J m k m m
ff-aVf lira i hi mv&sK mi.iii '? i
J Y 1 TFTbis. ffl"'
11. i -. ...
I - I Frolt-of-me-Loom, known for quodry, bringi
V A I Sanforized cotton denims that are as
I good-looking as they are long wearing.
3 EfcjO fifv I And see how low Wards prices them.
, Mix or match these carefree washable
f fMT1'''' ploy-togs hove a wardrobe full of dentins
I y ? ' for" sunning, biking, gardening or any
I i : active ,
Gay Match-Mates for Sun and Fun-Wear
Q) Fashion-new Coverall with a big bock .
pocket, wide self belt. 3.9t
(D Cool, sleeveless Blouse styled with
button-tab on pocket I-M
0 Well-made wrap-around Skirt with two
deep carry-all pockets 2.98
Qi) Sun-seeking Wesklt, elasticlied m bade
for snug fit 1.79
fj) Pedal Pushers with slim tapered legs,
All are tailored to really fit and flatter. matching denim belt 2.49
Shorts, Coverall, and Pedol Pushers have Q) Well-cut Bra with lined front, 2-button
smooth zip-closlngt. Choose from charcoal back closing 1'29
gray, faded blue, pink or brown. Come Well-tailored boy Shorts with button
In sizes from 10 to la. tabs over self belt 1.9t
PHONE 3-3191
g) Hits ot any party frothy nylons cap
ture admiring eyes. Billowing net skirts
underscored with rustling rayon taffeta
slips. Cover-up lace tops or off-shoulder
necklines Iced with crisp white embroidery.
PastcJs, frosty white, navy. Sizes 9 to 15.
fj) Captivating, demure styles very
pretty, very festive and they wash M
dreams. Tiny flocked dots add a mint-fresh
look. Ribbon belts, danceable fuB skirts.
Somestand-a-way collars, jeweled buttons.
Soft postek, frosty whrte,navy.9-15fUJ0.
M J 1 ilVSMe