Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, May 6, 1953
i'HE CAHTAL JOUKNAL, Bataa, oregoft
All Is Ready
: To Greet
4 Mothers
. (Ctplltl Journal CorreeDoDdtntl "
Oregon State College, Cor
vallls (Special) Mothen who
re planning to attend the fes
tivities this coming week-end
1 will be In for auite a urnri
for lophomore men are now
sporting Dearas. The beard
growing contest ii an annual
affair that lophomore men
must go through to become
juniors, ine sopnomore class
offers many prizes for differ
ent tvnes. sizes and hnrw
The beard growing contest
terminates with the sophomore
picnic wmch is to be May is.
Gilbert Bateson of Salem is in
charge of games for the affair,
, '
Five OSC freshmen men
were picked to run in the Ro
. tary Relays In Longview,
. Wash., last Saturday. One of
the men chosen was Larry
Paulus of Salem who was en
tered in the 100-yard dash.
Recently initiated Into Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon social fra
j ternity was Dick Meyer of Sa
1 lem.
Tomorrow Is the annual As
sociated Women Students
honor convocation.. At this
time the women's honoraries
on campus announce their
newly tapped members. , Also
of interest is the announce
ment of scholarships and
other awards. Closing of the
convocation will be conducted
by Mortar Board members as
they tap their new members
for next year. Mortar Board
is the senior women's scholas
tic and service honorary.
Once again mid-term week
has arrived. Students have
found it a little hard to studs'
now that the weather has
taken a definite turn for the
better. Today's Barometer
carried the spring term final
schedule so students are now
planning ahead . for their
spring term finals and a sum
mer vacation. Seniors are the
lucky ones when it comes to
spring term for they do not
have to take finals for gradu
tion day la the first day of
final week. . -
Many plans have been made
to entertain the mothers this
coming week-end. Friday
night is the honors and awards
convocation which presents
new Phi Kappa Phi members,
and scholarships for both men
and women donated by people
throughout the state. Phi
Kappa Phi Is a national scho
lastic honorary. Saturday Is
a mother's day banquet in the
;j II
First Christian Church Groups Active
Christian Women's Fellow
ship of the First Christian
church headed by new
officers beginning July 1. Mrs.
Carol Capps is president; Mrs.
William Craycroft, vice-president;
Mrs. Harley Miller, sec
retary; Mrs. Ival Utterback,
treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Reilly,
missionary studies; Mrs. Har
old Dalke, publicity; Mrs. C.
O. Gillmlng, equipment cus
todian; Mrs. George Fleshman,
group missionary studies; Mrs.
Warren Thiel, worship; Mrs.
Ervin Sunderlln, missionary
aid; Mrs. Tommy Patterson,
social life; Mrs. Grace Shep
ard, world education; Mrs.
Ben Johnson, world call; Mrs.
Ray Heckinger, service; Mrs.
Monroe Cheek, Sunshine; Mrs.
Ben Gifford, membership.
Leading day groups begin
ning this summer will be Mrs.
D. B. Simpson, Mrs. Eugene
Crall, Mrs. Joe Wilson, Mrs.
Charles Milbrandt, Mrs. Irvin
Sion and Mrs. John Brown.
Night group l'-Jers are
Mrs, Roy Yung, Jr., Mrs. Law
rence Sawyer, Mrs. Harold
Homing and Mrs. Zina Sharp
nack. Group meetings are sched
uled for Thursday, the follow
ing groups to meet at, 10:30
Edna Gish group, with Mrs.
Leslie Carson, 1548 Saginaw,
for a sack lunch.
Hattle Mitchell group, with
Mrs. Clara Brunk, route 8, box
716, for a no-host luncheon.
Gertrude Shoemaker group,
with Mrs. Kate Elgin, 4S0
North 23rd.
Barbara Farmer group, with
Mrs. I. R. Utterback, 1375 3rd,
Mrs. Charles Martin as co
hostess. Hattie Menzies group, with
Mrs. Charles H. Strlckfaden,
1590 North 21st.
Grace Hendricks group, with
Mrs. G. R. Munkers, 725 North
Meeting at 8 p.m. will be
the following:
Helen Sharrock group, with
Mrs. Robert Zemanek, 2780
Eva Marie ' Johnson group,
with Mrs. Harold Dalke, 860
College drive.
Mary Lou Hall group, with
Mrs. Raymond Beard, 2190
Broadway. , ,
Wed April 30 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kraemer (Esther
Belt) are shown above at the reception following their
wedding on April 30. The ceremony was solemnized at
the home of Chief Justice Earl C. Latourette of the su
preme court and Mrs. Latourette, Justice Latourette of
ficiating. The couple will live in Portland. (Kennell-Ellis
studio picture.)
For Mothers
The high school group of
the Methodist Youth Fellow
ship, First Methodist church,
will entertain' their mothers at
a coffee party on Saturday
morning. The affair is to be
in the Fellowship room of
the church from 10:30 to 12
o'clock. Arrangements are
being made by Miss Roxie
Williams and Miss Judy
Phipps and their committees.
Entertainment will be given
by Mac Baker, Miss ' Sharon
Anderson, Miss Judy Phipps,
Miss LeAnna Seal and Miss
Carol DaMetz. .
Five Initiated
Five girls were initiated into
bethel No. 35, Job's Daughters,
Monday evening when the
group met in the Scottish Rite
Memorial Union. The talent
show will be Saturday night
and Sunday Seahorses and
Aquabats, women's swimming
honoraries, will sponsor a re
gatta to add to the week-end
of entertainment. v
Temple. The initiates are Misses
Marion Howser, Sharon Nolan
Sally Tontz, Laurise Kolsky,
Carol Ann Springer. Honored
at the meeting was Clair Hol
comb, bethel grandfather.
At the next meeting there
will be election and installa
tion of a new guardian council.
Dance Club
Sweet Home May pole
dance was the theme carried
out when the U and I Dance
club met Saturday night in
the- IOOF hall. Dick Meyer's
band furnished the music. Min
iature May poles were ar
ranged on the tables and the
refreshments were served in
May baskets. On the refresh
ment committee were Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Parker, Dave Epps,
Jack McKean, Blaine Cobat,
and Dale Weeks.
Attending were ' Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Banke, Mr. and Mrs.
Blaine Cobat, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Epps, Mr. and Mrs. John Ga
ley, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gooch, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Hoeger, Mr. and
Mrs: Max Landon, Mr. and
Mrs. A- E. McCoubrie, Mr. and
Mrs, Raleigh Middleton, Dr.
and Mrs. Monson, Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
American Legion
Auxiliary Meets
Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, na
tlonal president of the Ameri
can War Mothers, received rec
ognltion and a gift from the
group when she met with Cap
ital unit, American Legion aux
iliary, Monday evening. Mrs.
Lockwood is leaving by plane
for Washington, D. C, to place
a wreath at the monument in
Arlington cemetery on Moth
er's Day.
The president of the local
American War Mothers, Mrs.
Glenn Prather, and the presi
dent of the local American
Gold Star Mothers, Mrs. Jake
Lappin, introduced their mem
Representing mothers of
unit members, mothers of four
generations were present: Ann
Matthieu, daughter of Mrs.
Fred Matthieu; Mrs.' Matthieu,
daughter of Mrs. Clark Craig;
Mrs. Clark Craig, daughter of
Mrs. Alma Vaughn. Other
mothers Introduced by their
daughters were Mrs. F. A. En
lish, Mrs. M. Jensen, Mrs. G.
w. JSggan, Mrs. Leon Brown,
Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs.
George Gabriel. Visitors were
Mrs. Dora Crites of Newberg
and Mrs. Irene Ferguson. The
mothers received corsages and
handkerchiefs from the unit.
. Mrs. J. D. White announced
a package of sweaters was sent
to the Korean orphans. Mem
bers were asked to sell carna
tions 'for the American War
Mothers on Friday and Satur
day with headquarters in Rob
erts' Court Street store.
Mrs. Lue Lucas, poppy chair
man, met with her captains,
Tuesday evening. They in turn
will contact volunteer mem
bers to sell the paper poppies)
on the streets Friday, May 22.
Headquarters for the unit will
be in Good Housekeeping store
on Court street and the noon
luncheon will be at the YMCA
with Mrs., Glen Burrlght in
charge. A rummage sale will
be Friday, May 15, next door
to Fitts market on North Com'
mercial street with Mrs. Fred
Matthieu in charge. There were
poppies displayed as a wreath
and a setting of poppies with
open Bible and lighted white
candle surrounded by red pop
ples as a memorial to all de
ceased veterans. The reception
committee included Mrs. Fred
Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Mem Pearce,
Mrs. George Gabriel, Mrs.
Merle Travis, Mrs. James Gar-
i, Mrs. F. Alfred Williams,
Mrs. A. D. Apperson and Mrs.
Lions Group : :
Is Entertained
Silverton Mrs. Fred Ey
man of Canby was guest at
the dinner meeting program
of the Lions auxiliary, Monday
evening at Double J banquet
rooms. Mrs. Eyman, agate and
silver costume hobbyist,
brought many Jewelry-set ar
rangements for the pleasure of
the. members. Mrs. Eyman
fashions the silver and places
the agates that her husband
finishes. . She is a student in
arts and crafts and also a class
Instructor In Portland.
Mrs. Larry Taylor presided
during the business hour. -
Mrs. William Rob bins.
chairman of the nominating
committee submitted the
choice of her group for the
second reading, with Mrs. Nor
man Nyhus for president; Mrs.
Vester Seydell for vice-president;
Mrs. Mae Higinbotham
for secretary; and Mrs. Mau
rice Schnorenberg to be re
elected for treasurer.
Election and installation of
Carrie Frost.
Mrs. Lucas and her commit
tee were in charge of the so-
1 1 i ; .
-iui nuur aim puunng were
Mrs. Archie Brewster and Mrs.
Clarence Blaxall.
. On Monday, May 11, the ex
ecutive committee will meet
with Mrs. Lucas Vogt, 1981
Fairgrounds Road at 8 o'clock.
The entertainment was fur
nished by Larry Springer and
Bob' Payne from Salem High
who put on several pantomime
acts. The next meeting will be
May 18 at the Woman's club.
officers will be Jointly with
the officer of the Lions club
early In June at the Walter
Liesy home on Silver Creek.
Mrs. Higinbotham told of
the spring board meeting at
Astoria to which she was a
delegate from the Silverton
Mrs. Clifton Dlckerson told
of her delivering thread and
yarn donated to the tubercu
losis and Fairvlew patients,
and also reported many comic
books and cards given to the
young folk of Falrview through
courtesy of Clifton Dlckerson.
The president, Mrs. Larry
Taylor, announced that the
Lions auxiliary, as in the past,
will serve at stand during
the days and evenings that the
carnival is in Silverton.
ran. parry snerwooa re
ported on the receipt of $55
in the recent box social given
at the Lions club.
BPW Club Meeting
' Woodbura The monthly
business meeting of the Wood
burn Business and Professional
Women's club will be Thurs
day, May 7, at 8 p. ra at the
home of Miss Hildegarde Dierk-
hising with the health and
safety committee ' in charge.
Mrs. Frank Bentley Is chair
man and she will be assisted
by Miss Dierkhlsing, Mrs. Ray
Glatt, Mrs. Ann McCarron and
Mrs. Clara Johnson.
Ferdie Reller, Mr. and Mrs.
George Reller, Mr. and Mrs.
Art Sherman, Mr. and Mrs.
Mllo Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. George
Sloniger, Mr. and Mrs." Al
Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stokes,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vigue and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gooch of
Salem. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Beebee and Mr,
and Mrs. Olson, Portland.
Cold For Storage
on the premises
Cleaning - Restyling
1348 Ferry St. - Ph. 3-6814
Make This Mother's Doy Memorable! r9 I.J
makes o special occasion even more special! f IZgrJf'W'l
Choose a beautiful corsage, a keepsake con- I Xf lrVV I-lfT'Jkv WV
tainer of growing plants or her favorite blooms. fft- W'M
Zt - jpp, i ,
M lg4&ii
f on Toun fttLZTELTSs nnnrs
What could be lovelier or more appreciated
than FLOWERS on Mother's day. . . . Flowers
can express more than any other gift your
devotion . . . convey your loving thoughts to
Mother on her day. . , .
Phone or come in early for ordering your flow
rs for Mother. , .
Breithaupf's Jay Morris Florist
Eola Acres Florisl 0jcar d. Olson
Flower Box
Green Thumb Florist
Jary Florist
Lulz Flower Shoppe Shafer Florisl
Flower Shop
No strings attached! You get 25c
CASH merely for sending in your
opinion of new. improved White
Magic Soap, along with the pouring
flap from either the Giant or Large
Size package of White Magic, Go to
your Safeway Store sow; get a
coupon at White Magic display (no
extra cost to you) that makes com
ments easy to Jot down.
The makers of White Magic Soap are
sure youll like it, for everything you
wash... once you've tried it. So they're
willing to pay you about as much as
the price of a large size package of
White Magic just so you wil try it
They want you to see how White
Magic's controlled cleansing action
IB 5 rAMCT"t"
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gets out the left-over grime that so
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soft and smooth your hands remain
with gentle White Magic. Yes, White
Magic is kind to sensitive skins. Eco
nomical, tool It costs severed cents less
than ordinary soaps.. . far less than
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