Page 6 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Wednesday, May 6, 195S Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Alpha Mrs. Todd Heads Chi Mothers New officers were chosen at the season'! last meeting of Aloha Chi Omega Mothers club, Tuesday evening, Mrs. Ernest Todd is the new president, succeeding Mrs. Carl Gustafson. Mrs. T. K. Hobart was named vice president and Mrs. Donald B. Taylor, secre tary-treasurer. The group will resume Us meetings on the first Tuesday of October. . Tea Honors Miss Philpott Miss June Philpott, who Is retiring this year from her work as member of the sci ence department faculty at Salem senior high school. Is to be honored at a tea next Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Stenback. Houri are between 3 and o'clock. Arranging the affair are other faculty friends, Miss Carmelite Barquist, Miss Viv ian Chandler, Miss Irene Hol lenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. George Birrell, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Sather and Mr. and Mrs. Sten back. Guests will include all of the high school faculty, their wives or husbands, - and for mer faculty members who have worked with Miss Phil pott, also members of, the science department . faculties in the Parriah and Leslie jun ior high schools. . Pouring will be Mrs.' H. J. Smith, Mrs. Fred Wolf,. Mrs. Frank Beer of Corvallis, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead. Voice and Piano Program Sunday Betty Starr Anderson, vocal ist, and Dorothy Davis Lee, pi anist, are to give a Joint pro gram on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the First Presby terian church. Both are well known in musical circles here. . Their program Is as follows: I Splrate pur, spirate . .Donaudy O del mio amato ben .Donaudy Mrs. Anderson II Finnish Folk Songs arr. by Palmgren Sommerabend Dort weilt meln Liebsier An das Voglem Mrs. Anderson III Aprlle Gounod Jewel Song from Faust Gounod Mrs. Anderson IV Rhapsodic Hongroise No. 12 ..... Liszt Mrs. Lee V Sleep You to Dream . .Russell The Half -ring Moon . . . Griff es Pastorale , .La Forge . Mrs. Anderson GATESWINGERS are meet ing Thursday at 8 p.m. at the izaak Walton league club house. The new members are to be hosts for the evening. committee chairmen for the Cherry Blossom iestival plan ned on May 16 are asked to meet at 7:30 o'clock Thurs day. wrnmmi i,ii'wwwiii m nulla mmw nww'w.'unai ' eya""N W1 J'faJ i I '- I 4 1 if . ' J I ' j J VWf it i ? i v '-lit''- r-f ii in.) -mi til vv "I w vA Married May I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Madson ( Marie Bosch), above, were married last Saturday after noon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Bosch of Brooks and Mr. Madson is the son of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Madson of Hawarden, Iowa. (Cronise studio picture.) Writers Elect New officers are announced for Salem Writers club. Mrs. Lloyd Smith was re-elected president and serving with her will be Joe Singer, vice pres ident; Mrs. W. A. Merriott, sec ond vice president; Mrs. Lynn Cronemiller, secretary; Mrs. C. E. Layton, treasurer. The group met Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McNallie in Jefferson. Mrs. Robert E. Moser was wel comed as a new member. Origl nal writings were read and criticism presented. The next meeting is to be a no-host pic nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheon on June LEAVING Friday on the Shasta Daylight is Mrs. C. D. Smith to spend Mother's day with her son-in-law , and daughter and family, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Fenston, in San Francisco. While there she will greet a new grandson, Jeffrey Alan, born March 5. He is the third son In the Fenston family, the older boys being Stephen and Timothy. Mrs. Smith Is to return on Tuesday. May Party Due On Friday, patients of the Oregon State hospital will ob serve their annual May Day festivities. A May Queen is to, be crowned and there will be two princesses and two flower girls. in the court. A 45-minute talent program of singing, dancing and baton twirling will follow the crown ing. The festivities will termi nate with the winding of the May pqle by six couples. A MUSIC WEEK program will be presented by pupils of cnaries O. Hargrave on Fri day, May 8, in Dallas. The re cital is to be at 8 o'clock at the Woods home, 218 Hayter. Dal las. Miss Muriel Fltts will as sist with viola selections. DDE TO arrive home Thurs day from a trip east are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Coolev. They have been to New York City and are returning by way of Los Angeles and San Fran cisco. ST. JOHN'S Lutheran Ladies guild will meet Thurs day, May 7. Miss Muriel Bentson of the Salem public schools will talk on "School Readiness in Your Child." Association Plans Tea In Gardens Salem Art association Is sponsoring a silver garden tea next Saturday afternoon at the showy gardens at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke, 280 Richmond. Hours are between 2 and 5 o'clock and the Interested pub lic, is invited to attend and view the beautiful rhododen drons . and azaleas now in bloom in the gardens. Mrs. : Clifford Taylor and Mrs. Jda Nestell, co-chairmen of the activities committee for the association, are in charge of the Saturday tea and among those assisting are Mrs. Wal ter Kirk, Mrs, W. E. Anderson and others. - To Give Review Mrs. George Rossman . of Salem, a long-time member of the Portland Woman's club and active worker in the Ore gon Federation of Women's clubs, Is to be in Portland Thursday to present her an nual book review for Portland Woman's club's current liter ature department. Mrs. Ross man is to discuss Thomas Cos- tain's "The Silver Chalice." The review will be presented at the luncheon of the depart ment at 12:30 o'clock at the group's club house. ; HOSTESS to her bridge club on Thursday evening will be Mrs. Glenn Woodry, a late sup per to follow the card games. Couple Wed, Here Saturday Exchanging thehp vows at a double ring ceremony on Sat urday evening in her home on Academy . street were Mrs. Claire Hammang ' and G. W. Smalley. The Rev. Dudley Strain officiated at the 7:30 o'clock nuptials before mem bers of the Immediate families and friends. Mrs. Irene Irby played the piano and sang. The bride wore a pink silk dress with white accessories for the wedding. Her flowers were orchids. Mrs. Phil Andregg was the bride's only attendant and Phil Evans stood with his brother in-law as best man, . A reception followed. Miss Barbara Pickens passed the guest book.. The room was dec. orated with pink and white snapdragons,, lilacs and tulips The table was covered with an orlon lace cloth and was cen tered with a large double heart cake. Mrs. Robert Orr and Mrs. Phil Andregg cut the cake. Pouring and at 'the punch bowl were Mrs. George Pickens and Mrs. Bud Grossman. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Smalley will be at home at 490 Academy street. . HOSTESS to her bridge club Tuesday was Mrs. John H. Johnson, entertaining the group at dessert, and cards. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty Today's Menu Family Supper Creole Chopped Beef Fluffy Rice Buttered Leafy Spinach Bread and Butter Fruited Gelatin Beverage Creole Chopped Beef Ingredients: 1 pound lean ground beef, 3 tablespoons fat, 1 small onion (finely chopped), 2 large stalks celery (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons flour, 2 cups canned tomatoes, V4 tea spoon chili powder, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 cup bouillon, salt and pepper Method: In large skillet brown beef lightly in fat, mash ing with long-handled fork to break up into small crumbles. Add onion and celery and con tinue to brown liRhtly. Sprin kle with flour; mix well. Add tomatoes, chill powder, Wor cestershire and bouillon; stir well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook slowly about 10 minutes, stirring often. Makes S servings. f CLEANING V REPAIRING VIA KESTYIIN6 MUleik NaturalizerV new. tasseled Moccasin Pump Comp.'efa Comfort end Flexibility in a Medium Heel When men odopltd the new tasseled moccasin Naluralixer was the First to take it off their feet. Now , . . here's the medium heel version-ready Co got Like all Noturatliere, it hat the famous combination lost thot hugs rhe heel, fits smoothly lo the lip of the toes. Costs to little, OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL ADHBODCCiLE'S See me lew rWef version, foo NofuroDter colli H me (end-leas Hot. 481 STATE ST. WV League Sets Event For Friday A special board meeting of the League of Women Voters of Salem and a no-host supper for the group will be Friday, May 8 at the home of Mrs. George Swart sly, 1643 South Summer street. - Miss Katherlne Gurnett, national league organization secretary, will be present to discuss public affairs and or ganization work. For two years Miss Gurnett was administrative assistant to John Foster Dulles, assist ing him in writing and editing his book, "War and Peace," and with his work as consult ant to the state department, also as a delegate to the Unit ed Nations grand assembly. She joined the staff of the League of Women Voters aft er being an officer in the WAVES during World War II. Since then she has worked with many leagues in differ ent parts of the country. Mrs. Albert Logan of Cor vallis, state league president, also will attend the Salem meeting. MEMBERS of the commit tee planning the Fanhellenic party on May. 23 met this morning for coffee 'with Mrs. Bjarne Erlcksen, chairman. The party, a "kotton koffee klash," is planned at the Can dalaria Heights home of Mrs. Glenn Stevens on May 23, the affair honoring all girls of the valley who will be enter ing college in the fall. Coffie Planned By Group Tuesday A coffee is planned for next Tuesday, May 12, by the Mothers club of the Order of Rainbow for Girls, the hours to be 10:30 to 1:30 o'clock. The affair is to be at the home of Mrs. Carl M. Quistad, president of the Mothers club, and will honor mothers of members of the three Salem bethels of Job's Daughters and mothers of members of Che meketa chapter, Ortter of De Molay for Boys. HOSTESS for an Informal tea this afternoon was Mrs. Harold T. Irving, who Invited neighbors and friends in to view her garden and for tea. Mothers Are Feted During the Mothers day pro gram at Chadwick chapter, Or der of Eastern Star, on Tues day, all mothers were intro duced and presented with flow ers. Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, na tional president of the Amer ican War Mothers, was escorted to the east. She will be in Washington, D. C, next week for presentations to be made at the Unknown Soldier's Tomb. Secretary of the Interior Doug las McKay will give the ad dress at this annual ceremony. Mrs. W. J. Trethaway of Lead, S. D., was a visitor and Miss Frances Byram was re ceived as a member by affilia tion. Members with birthdays in May were honored and short talks were given by Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. W. L. Lewis and Mrs.. Zina Sharpnack. Wayne Henry was appointed to the state board of Order of Rainbow for Girls, this being his 17th year of service. . Social committee for Tues day evening included Mrs. Mil lard Pekar, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Frizzell, Miss Fran ces Byram, Mrs. Dean Shoe maker, Mrs. Sallye Goss, Mrs. Stanis Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Ellen Godfrey, Mrs. Kate Elgin. On May 18, Charwlck chap ter will honor Trinity, Salem and Ainsworth chapters for friendship night. ' LEAVING Thursday for San Francisco is Mrs. Frederick Bradshaw, who is to join Lt. Bradshaw who recently re. turned to the east coast from a world navy cruise. He is being released from active duty with the navy after two years service. , b It la III! ODOI OUT I V, NY.V When th grn cslorvanlikM ' All ODOR It OONII New Vanishing Cream Deodorant with Nen-Stalnlng CHIOROPHYU RUB IT IN! RUB ODOR OUT! Ivary day-rub it in-rub odor out! When the green color nniihej, dw odor is gone. New Arrid with Chlorophyll in iorius itutanll on conttd . Jf ru hibbed-in protection. Use it duly to pre rat the sppeuuice of perspition- keep underarms dry tai odorless. New Arrid with Chlorophyll is safe for clothes. Antiseptic. A smooth, pleasant vanishing cream. Preferred by 2 out of J women over their regular deodorant, Get : bw Arrid with non-staining chlorophylll Approved American Institute of laundering T to? MOTHEP1 DAI ufy TjX&VvS ' ' BEAUTIFUL HATS FOR CHARM SFUUM LARQBft HtAOSIIES FOR H0THCM QFCV&tT TAiTe,T1PBHOA LADY FAIR 383 COURT ST. m M 1-1 1tioVs5.rI SAFER, EASIER, FASTER from start to finish Richard Hudnut announces the it.' ... . s . . . alLnew home permanent with revolutionary Beauty Rinse Neutralizer V v : ' 'J 1 NEW! irjurrr WHS! NEYTMLDEIL With ereme rinse Luilt-in. Automatically neutralizes, conditions and beauty-finishes hair in one quick step. Gives you bouncier, prettier, longer-lasting curls with a never-before kind of natural lustrous softness. ' N'ever that "new permanent" look ! I HEW! OOUtlE-qUICK METHOD. Eliminates all nuisance, slept. No messy dripping time. No waiting for hours while hair dries on curlers. Takes less time from start to finish than any other type of home permanent. You can nnwind curls immediately! 3 NEWI MFITY-HUNCtD W'VMC L0TWK. Balanced and buffered to protect hair vitalily and health. Insures t curl that goes right to the ends. Gentlest regular waving lotion on the market today. 4 NEW! UIM COrOM-TIMWS for just your kind of hair. You control the curl with profesiional-typa safeguards. No frits, no fun, no "fail to lake:' Say goodbye forever to lhat "new permanent" look! We make no wild promises, no empty guarantees. Your beautiful hair will speak for Itself. Ost iny plastic curler. But try Richard Hudnut Whirl-i-Wavi Curlers far trtumpbaat riwttt CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. (Corner of Liberty) W Give Green Stamps , (