Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 06, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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WadiiMday, May 6, 1958
local Paragraph
Capitol Toastmasters Capl.
tol Toastmasters Club will
' meet Thuriday evening at 6:15
t the Gold Arrow. Table
toptci will be under the direc
tion of Ross Huckins and pro
grama lor the next live
nwnths will be discussed,
Foresters Visit Visiting In
Salem with Oregon State For-
; ester George Spaur Tuesday
were i, weroert stone, region
al U. S. forester, and Bud Bur
gess, assistant regional Us lor
aster, both Portland, and the
Washington State forester, B
L. Orell. Orel! is a former
Salem man and a graduate of
the Oregon State School of
Barker Returns Herbert E.
, Barker, executive secretary ol
- the Salem Trades and Labor
Council, has returned from
Chicago where he represented
: the Oregon State Federation of
Butchers at an eight-day con
ference ol the International
, Meat Cutters and Butchers Un-
. ion.
; Han Held Fred L. Comp
' ton, 3035 Portland road, was
' held by county- officers Mon
, day for Idaho authorities on
a charge of non-support. He
1 was arrested by state police
j on a traffic violation and a
record check It was found that
! he was wanted.
' Cars Towed Away Cars
J driven by Robert D. Burton,
. 350 Monroe avenue, and Or-
ville J. Moorehead, 687 North
! Front street, collided in the
, state hospital block of East
Center street Tuesday after
' noon severely damaging the
! the front of both cars. Moore
i head was making a left turn
! Into a hospital driveway in
front ol the westbound Burton
car, investigating police said.
' Moorehead said he didn't see
the other car coming until too
) late. Both cars had to be
'towed away. -
. Thursday, May 7
1 ORO school at ORG armory.
Organized Naval Reserve sur
. face division, at Naval and Marine
Corps Reserve training center.
Company D. 162nd Infantry
regiment, at aNtlonal Guard sr-
t Battery 0, 2nd AAAAW bat
f talion, at ouoraet huts. ,
Friday, May t '
i Seabees Reeervas at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
Camnlnteai Bauds
Camp Gordon, Ga Pvt. Walter
Caleb Winter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Winter, 960 North
16th street, Salem, Oregon, has
recently completed basic train
ing at the Signal Corps Replace
ment training center here. Winter,
a graduate of Salem high school,
was employed by the Gilchrist
Iyomber company.
Promoted , ,
Clark AFB James J. Zlegler,
Route 1, Box 119-A, Turner, who
. Is serving with the VS. Air Force
In the Philippines, has recently
' been promoted to an airman sec-
. ond class. Overseas since August
1952, Zlegler, la a radio mainten
ance technician assigned to the
i 196th Airways and Air Communi
cations squadron at this air force
base, which is about 60 miles north
of Manila, He enlisted in the Air
Force In July, 1951, and prior to
the assignment here attended
radio and maintenance school at
Scott Air Force Base, IlL Mrs.
Zlegler and their one-year-old
daughter, Dolores Jean, reside at
Route 1, Box 119-A, Turner.
Homestead Units .
War veterans are offered prior
ity in acquiring 72 farm unite
being opened to homestead entry
In southern Idaho. Applications
must be filed with the Bureau of
Reclamation, Rupert, Idaho, by
July 20 to qualify for the public
drawing to determine the win-
Mi;. m torn iinita cover 7.289
unM In the Minidoka
Irrigation project and are about
An ml M BSISL Ol A Will traua.
wilts go free to qualified, SUCCeSS-
Veterans must have 90 days or
more of honorable service between
Rpntember 16. 1940, and July 3,
Modi ThM must have had farm
' in. enerlence and must own
asset at least. 4M0 above their
. FivVmen from thlJ aect'on of
Oregon are among the Marines
taking part in Sea Jump Navy
and Marine Corps training exer
cises being stagedAprll20 through
- i r- ti West Coast.
All five of the men are with
the Third tank battalion of the
m.i.j vrorina division, wnlcn IS
titinned at Oamp Pendleton,
m 4.alt VlalS
: pfc. Donald ToUne Evans. Dal
las, Oregon, son oi
Walter Evans of Route 2 Box 126,
nVlM. Evans Is a tank crewman,
: di. Rot. CUfford O. nerr
Aiimxvllle. a tank com-
: n. t.h son of Mr,
and wErs. T- O. Hermann. Route
. ... ..m. Th wreeant's wife,
the former Elisabeth Am, i Brant
!of Salem, ana iw iivy
ui . r,omn Pendleton.
i"5ErT Franklin Grimes,
. tank
mander and son of Mr. and 1 Mrs,
n L. iimm polite 1. afferson,
' ""-,""T' ,, vr... Qrlmes
.ImrBeach. CaM
. st Charles William Fox, a
tractor operator and son way.
and Mrs. J. m. v u
; pfc Wavne Louis Cornu, son of
Mr and Mrs. U fila .u '
Route B, Box 388. Salem. The
Marine, a field radio operator and
his wife reside ai i-si
. nnnPITAL
: lZ' . ..rT.i t "ta Ut. 1 Trd M. HOIIU
V,t(ini"i"" ft
Local Woman Honored Tj,
villa M. Perry, R.T., was given
a surprise at the state conven
tion of Oregon Society of X
Ray Technicians last week
when the group presented her
with a sterling pin In the shape
of a miniature X-ray tube. The
recognition was in honor of
Miss Perry's efforts In organ
izing the X-ray society 89 years
Plant Salt Announced The
Lincoln Community Center As
sociation and the Zena Mission.
ary Society will have a plant
sale Friday ol this week from
JU a.m. to S D.m. next donr tn
the Fitta Market on North
Commercial Among plants lor
sale will be gifts appropriate
to Mothers' Day. v
Beer Stolen Burglars took 11
cases ol beer from a Murray
Distributing company truck at
the plant at 347 North Front
street Tuesday night, city po
lice reported. The thieves
broke padlocks off ol two
trucks but did not get In be
cause of inside locks on the
doors, officers said, but the
third truck had a faulty lock
and entry was able to be made.
Salem Boy Nominated Six
Oregon students have been
nominated for various offices
in the student organization at
Gonzaga university, Spokane,
Wash. Election will be Mav 13.
Among them la Frank Windi-
shar of Salem, nominated for
the office of vice president of
the student body.
Expenditures Increase To
tal amount of certificates of
expenditures In connection
with the construction ol the
Marion county courthouse'
reached the $14,947.43 mark
this week. This Information
was received by the county
court Wednesday, The certifi
cation does not Include struc
tural steel that has been de
livered since Sunday.
Hollywood Lions The Hol
lywood Lions club Wednesday
noon elected Carl R. Llndstrom
president, effective the first of
July. Others named to office
were: first vice president, Ray
Rowe: 2nd vice president. J.
L. Battdorf ; 3rd vice president,
Preston Hale: secretary, W. E,
Gladow; treasurer, Del Strand:
directors, Harold Gillespie and
Cecil jLantz; tail twister, Ray
Cates; assistant tail twister,
Harold Davis; Lion tamer,
Curt Ferguson; assistant Lion
tamer, E. A. Raboin; building
custodian. Verne M. Boon; as
sistant custodian, Dale A.
Party Planned Planned
for the night of May IS by
the employes of the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph com
pany la a family night, lor
employes, their families and
friends. The event la 1b be
held at the State street office
of the company and will be
from 7 to 9:30 p.m. A guid
ed tour of the State street of
fice is planned and will be fol
lowed by refreshments.
Climb Iron Mountain The
Chemeketan Hiking club will
climb Iron Mountain next
Sunday, near the South San
tlam highway. The 'driving
distance is 85 miles each way
and the total hiking distance
is six miles. Leaving time
from 248 North Commercial
will be 7 a.m.
Railroad Meeting The Rail
road club will, meet for the
last meeting of the season
Saturday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m.
at 460 North Cottage street.
The Salem Woman's club. A
pot-luck dinner will be served
and a program will follow.
All railroad workers from all
roads are invited.
Save slghtl Safe unbreakable
lenses made to prescription of
your optometrist are featured
on Easy Credit at Semler Op
tical Offices, Waters-Adolph
Bldg., State at Com'l. Ph.
3-3311. i8'
Goodwill t-uck now in Sa
lem every Tuesday & Friday.
Ph. 42248 for pickups, ion-
Road oiling. For estimate,
call Russ Pratt, Capital City
Transfer Co., 22436. 108'
Antlaue furniture, glassware
and china, 240 So. Liberty St.,
afternoons only.- 108
Paint with glamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper seiecuon,
Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib
erty. W8
Air-steamshlp tickets any
where. Kugel, 3-7694, 153 N,
High St. 108
African Violets, in bloom.
Ressonsble. 795 West Mad
Rummage and plant sale.
Thursday and Friday. First
Congregational church. 108
Rood rummage. Thursday,
May 7, over Greenbaums. 9 to
w.nied Plot at Belcrest
for lour. State location, price,
Box 84 Capital Journal. 108
VMh killed hen turkey,
39c lb. We also sell turkeys
hv the niece. Orwlgs Mantel,
arm Silverton Rd., Phone
Ohmarf Talks on
Oreoon Laws
Laws that were passed by
the last session of the state
legislature ' that have parti
cular interest to Marion coun
ty residents were discussed by
Rep. Lee Ohmart during Wed
nesday's luncheon ol the Salem
Rotary club. Ohmart sub
stituted lor Rudia Wilhelra,
speaker ol the house, who be
came 111 alter reaching Salem.
Ohmart had leu than 30 min
utes in which to prepare his
The new retirement system
that combines the state and
federsl statutes will be parti
cularly beneficial to Salem,
said Ohmart, sdnce the re
cipients will have more money
to spend in their declining
Ohmart spoke of the defeat
of the effort to remove con
stitutional inhibitions regard
ing the construction ol state
buildings outside of Marlon
county. He sketched briefly
taxation, labor legislation and
a law that provides for placing
a property tax on trailer
$289.54 Tax Liens
On Medford Man
Medford W) F e d e ra 1 tax
liens for $289,541 were filed
here Tuesday against A. K.
Owens, proprietor ol a coin-operated-machine
R. C. Granquist, internal
rsvnua director for Oregon,
says in tnem tnat tne sum is
owed lor taxes, interest, penal
ty and costs lor the years 1943-
Owens, out of town, could
not be reached Immediately
lor comment.
Contracts Signed The
final legal formality Involving
the Improvement of Pecs: ave-
nut and Mornlngside street
was taken care of Wednesday
forenoon when members ol
the county court signed the
contracts with the biders.
Will 8eU Gravel The Mar-
inn countv court agreed to sell
2000 yards to pit run gravel
from a bar located near Mill
City to Salem Sand and
Gravel company. A price ol
25 cents a yard was placed on
the material.
CImuI Court '
Tfcnmu P.. HUT V. A&4 LWT? R.
,rv. mnA Rnbflrt Sana Vft LocAl Ko.
til, attrnatlonal AUlanca ef Theatrical
atui KmDlorea and Movlnt Picture
.r. .. nnraUM Union. AVlh
Daflt and J. M. Kemper: complaint to
utMn ftfandanta from pleketlng I
u.M,in, with eMratlon of theatre.
petition aeeklne temporfcir Jolvncfelan
aat for 10 a-m- Mar IS.
Clllford 3. Xbarhart at al w) Sjtate
nth commlaalon: Order deniea petition
for temporary uuunctiva kui
..h rim,, to ooanDlalnt. alleatng w-
euflldent facU. ArtumenU to bo aaaid
on demurrer, hbt ta.
u. . pineoia ve Robert at Plaaola:
Dlvorca to plaintiff reetoree former
miller tb tar. and Mrs. Harold
D. Hilie: Demurrer br defendanta bated
on alleialloa of arm In naming da-fendanti-
Haaila K. Baaen n Arthur B. Xeien:
Anewer to amended complaint aaaini
Helen lUnkltvlta, admlnlltratrlx for
aetata of William oJirpn Hinuewita:
Defendant's demurrer on franada of in
sufficient facta.
Berth A. Weltr n Theodora f. Waltr:
Dlvorca decree to piaintui. l-ropem
agreement ratified.
Vlrell V. Brown ea Stata Induatrtal
Accident Oommlaelon: complaint ior
judtment that plaintiff be compenaated
on the baala of total permanent dlt
abllltr. .
amen wlUon tb Keith LaTtor Twaadla:
Plalntlff'a replr to defendants anewer
denrlnt alleiatlona and demendlna
judament at aouiht br amended com
Ben Delker tb Coca Oola BotUIni
Company of Salem: Dafandanla oa-
murrer to complaint on aTounda f Sa-
auffldent facta.
Trrelna ft. UeDcnald TB John AlOK-
ander McDonald: Divorce aomplBlnt, al
lealni cruel and Inhuman treatment.
plalntUf aeka raitoratlon of formll
name of Warlnnar and pottaaelon of
certain houiehold atfKtt. Married at
Salem, Jul 11, 1W1.
Probata Court . .
Ajwumed buBlncas nama aertuwaM oi
Oreen'a Sport Shop filed br A. areas.
turunda Voder aetata: Order deler-
mtnini executor and attorney feat.
Florence OatterUn Irwin snardlaaahlp:
Final account.
AMumad biatseea nama oertlflceta at
Forreet ManufactiiTina Co. filed br
Forrett D. smith. Ma Wast aural
Aaaumed kuelneaa nama eertlflcate at
Tha bo bee Bhoppe filed br T. o. and
Neva U. Clark, 111 North Coramerelel
Sthal Often Oornen snardlaaahlp:
Order appomtint Steven Anderson t nar-
Ro w. Uethla estate: Setata appraised
at 113, .
afarr Frances Hartmana estate! Be,
turn on sale of real property.
Ada wilhalmlna iMndbert aetata: Or
der confirming sale of real and sarsonal
Idna C. BUIott aetata: First and final
account of acuniaiatratioa.
tvutlsba Waalaes aetata: Final aoetint.
Martuerita Alice Roberta euerdlan
ship: eaia or personal property au-
Medelene at. Hanson tuardlanehlo
Feutlon eeektnt eale of personal proper
ty appraiaeo. at ax.vto to ae heard
stay la.
Marriage License
Albert s. Hewby, H retired builder,
and Beetle tntram, al, housekeeper,
both Rosebnra.
William ). Moore, let el. dintel tech
nician, no Mill St. and Tnaima a. Klnc,
lesal, saleslady, eta ma street.
Leila M. Park ol Oregon
State Employment Service,
who has received honorable
mention in an award ol
merit contest, y
Recognition to
Leila M. Park
Miss Leila M. . Park, place
ment interviewer in the Port
land local office of the Oregon
state employment service, has
received honorable mention in
an award of merit contest open
to members of the Internation
al Association of Personnel In
Employment Security (IAPES)
This recognition came to Miss
Park as the result of her long
continued association with the
"Portland Plan," an operation
designed to place selected vet
erans In Jobs which they are
qualified to 1111. Earlier, Miss
Parks had received a $25 prize
as winner of the state award
of merit contest sponsored by
Oregon chapter, IAPES. She
was presented with a check at
the fourth annual institute of
the organization, which con
vened at Lewis and Clark col
lege on April 16.
Basically, the Portland Plan
provides a means for Introduc
ing ' job-seeking veterans to
prospective employers at the
luncheon meetings of civic and
service clubs which participate
in the plan. Its operation has
resulted in the placing of hun
dreds of veterans In this area In
highly desirable Jobs, and the
good results so obtained nave
inspired other cities to make a
similar effort. In many instan
ces, these cities have given cre
dit to the origin ol the Portland
Plan by using that term to
aesignate their own veteran
placement operation.
Miss Park has a natural in
terest in veteran affairs. She
enlisted in the Women's Army
Corps in 1943, and continued in
the service until after VE day.
Prior to her enlistment, she had
been employed in the state
military department in Salem,
where aha had lived most of
her lift.
1,100,000 Board Feet
Offered for Sale
Approximately 1,100,000
board feet of old growth Doug
las fir timber, blown-down and
standing, will be offered for
sale in Lane county June 2 of
this year by the state forestry
In announcing the sale Jack
Campbell of the forestry de
partment said the time would
be 11 a.m. and the place the
forestry headquarters ol the
Western Lane Forest Patrol as
sociation, Venita.
The timber will be removed
Irom state forests in the Trian
gle Lake area and copies of the
prospectus may be obtained
from the Western Lane Forest
headquarters or the state for
Minimum price was quoted
at $20 per thousand feet. All
bidders must post a $2,000
bond and the successful bidder
must post an additional $5,000
Blossom Day Theme
For Cherrian Float
"Blossom" Day" is to be the
theme lor the float to be en
tered by the Salem Cherrians
in the Portland, Rose Festival
Arrangements were made
Tuesday lor entering the float
in tha parade with King Bing
Hunt Clark, Vernon MeMulien
and Ed Randle meeting in
Portland with the Rosarians
and later with Tommy Luke,
Portland florist to discuss con
struction of the float.
Thame for the parade this
year is "Holiday and Flowers.
Tentative plans lor the 24-foot
float to be entered by the Sa-
lem group is for it to be in red
and white, carrying out the
same colors ss the Cherrian
uniforms. Tha marching unit
from the Cherrians will accom
pany the float in tha parade
June 12.
William Healey is chairmnn
of the Cherrian committee ar
ranging for the financing of
the float.
1 lb. Sc
X lbs. 1.S9
' v is
4-H Members
Vie at Show
Staytot Highest honors in
the cake baking contest at the
Marlon county 4-H spring show
at Stayton Tuesday went to
Maria DuRette, Butteville, who
won a blue ribbon and the
right to enter tha state fair
tests. -
1 i
Other blue ribbons in cake
baking were awarded to Prls
cilia Durham, Keiter; Carol
Adams, Jefferson; Carolyn
crura ana usyiene vancieave,
Middle Grove: and Diana Lov-
ell, Stayton.
Winning entries at the stata
lair in Woodworking I were
live out ol seven boys. They are
Kenneth Ware, Stayton; Jim
Lauman, Marlon; Larry Cum
mings, Keller; Donald Brooks
and Rudy Sonnen, Brosdacres.
Other blue ribbons in Wood
working I went to Leonard
Hayes, Kelxer; Larry Baker,
Marlon. In Woodworking II
Willie McGill and Gary Sitton,
Marlon, were awarded blue
The top award in Woodwork
ing III with power tools was
won by James Jones. 13. ol
Fruitland with a cabinet de
signed lor an entomology hob
by. - . .
Exhibits at the spring show
exceed those ol previous years
with 294 cooking exhibits, 291
clothing; 31 homemaking, 53
woodworking, 11 bird study,
130 art, and one in child care.
Ferry Rammed
(Continued from Page 1)
There was no known fatali
ties in the collision in the North
Sea 40 miles off Harwich on
England's esst coast.
Mostly Service Men
No one was missing from the
freighter Haiti Victory, which
was out ol Bremen bound lor
U.S. ports. .
Most ol the Americans on the I
Duke ol York were service men
stationed in Germany and on
their way to England on leave.
survivors were) landed at
botn Harwich and Dover,
British railways said there
were six casualties only one
iisxea as serious;
The Haiti Victory brousht
the bulk ol tha Dasaeniera
ashore here desnlta a vawnina
eight-loot gash In her bow six
feet above the waterllne. She
had the Duke ol York; In tow
lor a while but that task was
taken ovar later by tugs at tha
1 J
our I
' FosWoti prize of ftis Spring taoion . , , rtiti excWnfl
' aaw combination suit marvel with Hi "fwlce-the-prloa"
look, designed to FIT and to flam you
wao ore 0 3" or under . and without eostty
aheratlonil Handtomely tailored In tha famous
Seos-fi-rite manner, of nubby4extured, wrinkle
defying rayon-ocetata-ORLON boucle that has
tha looks the hond, tha wearing qualities of
expenitve pure wonted I Have it In navy
r deep grey, both flashed with contrast white
block pattern on jacket. Sites 14V, to 24Vt
M e karaUe-eHlieva
(Oontinutd from Page 1)
But defense officials were
quoted as saying in private
conversations that the action
is in line with general econ
omy moves and the overall
program of stretching out the
time for reaching full rearm
ament goals.
Thus, the officials said, the
start of an aircraft carrier
with atomic power, once
scheduled lor the- fiscal year
1955, might be put off lor a
couple ol years, but not aban
doned. The Post suggested, how
ever, that a different reason
seems to have been hinted by
Roger M. Kyes, deputy sec
retary ol defense, in closed-
door testimony to tha senate;
house atomic energy commit
tee last week.
The story said Kyes is re
ported to have told the com
mittee the development ol
atomic aircraft and naval ves-
sels would go taster 11 there
were more and freer participa
tion by private industry, and
that whatever time is lost in
suspending the projects now
would be made up later by
more vigorous operations by
tree enterprise.
Barclay Appointed Charles
Barclay was appointed by City
manager J. l. Franxen Tues
day as administrator ot city
parks. Barclay lor soma time
has held tha posts of manager
of the Salem airport and city
purchasing agent.
. phr ipi!p y ' -v
...... ... AAOI
Kneading dough lor bread they baked in contest at
the 4-H Spring Show at Stayton are Helen Watts, left,
and Janice Kaufman, both ol Central Howell, and Jeanette
SlddaU of Hayesvllle. Show will last through Friday.
Dulles Pleads
(Continued from Pago 1)
A barrage of questions fired
at both officials made it plain
that reductions planned by the
new administration were not
big enough to suit many law
makers. The program as out
lined to congress Tuesday is
ii,bud,uuo,ouo twiow tne for
eign aid proposals made by
former President Truman.
Dulles, under questioning
by the house members, set
forth these views in addition
to his forecast ol spending cuts
in the future: .
Forecasts Future Cuts
1. Congress probably will
have to consider the bill with
out knowing whether an In
ternational - European army
wui do created.
S. Tha United States does
not have an "daquate" for
eign policy for vast areas of
tha world because the state
department is too bogged
down in administrative detail
S. Tha Eisenhower adminis
1SS N. Liberty
Nylons for Mother
Bog 276. Carol Brass 15 dest
ier,51 gewge Nylons packed at baow
tiful acetate satin brocade case.
Recrvlar or snort dark aatoeoa. New
spriag atxxiee. Sires froaa 8 to 1U
(3 R-gvtor 98c pr. M-fositeoaied Carol
Brer 15 denier Nylons. Gift packaged
swart gold box. Select diet regular
or glcmrow dark Krone. 8Vi-11j
"fcg-far U5. Sheer 15 den.
60 pcrage, smrt dark
mam and dainty oetfne beet
O sfasmlng
tration does not "think the
danger from Russia has dlmln-,
ished at all" but considers it
"a continuing danger.".
. 4. Cuts in tha foreign bill .
"would require in the very
near - future spending mora
money in terms ol . our own
national defense."
Bassinet Found A baby's
bassinet was lound at tha top
ol the 12th street hill near
Strong road Sunday, stata po
lice reported. It is being held
at district headquarters on East
Stata, street. .
Pierce Weaker Walter M.
Pierce, former governor and
ex-congressman, now is bedfast
and in a weak condition, mem
bers ol his family said Wed
nesday. He will be 82 years old
May so.
We . wish to extend our
thanks and appreciation to
friends and neighbors lor acta
ol kindness and beautiful flor
al offerings received in loss ot
our beloved father, J. D. Wells.
. w. Burroughs family..,
rhona S-1191
t MR
l rants
look. Al M.I