Wednesday, May 6, 195S THE CAPITAL JOITRNAL, Salem, Oregon HELICOPTER COMING r - , n' -J1? HeUer helicPter from the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit Seattle, will be on the Willamette uner! sity campus Thursday to give flight demonstrations and , take Air Force ROTC students at the university and reserves of the various branches of the service on flights. Pilot of the helicopter is Chief Aviation Mechanist Mate 1 Ray Karls, who only recently returned from flying rescue missions in Korea. The visit is in connection with the t Navy's NavCad procurement program and coming with the copter Chief Harry L. Fisher and Lt. D. E. Wilson. (U. S. Navy Photo) . Over2000 Boys in Action At Scout Circus Saturday Boy Scout skills and enter tainment will see more than 2,000 boys in action Saturday night at Waters Field, Salem, ifl the annual Boy Scout circus. A novelty this year will be tHe Flying Carpet competition for older boys racing among teams carrying a Scout on a canvas tent half. Specialty entertianment- will include authentic Indian dances by Chemawa Indian school students. A big display of fireworks is again in pros pect for the 1953 show. jjThe massed Cub Scout act will have a Mardi Gras theme, with Cubs by the hundreds in gay costumes, going through their antics. Competitive events also will include the popular chariot races. After the staged program at the ball park, the crowd will be able to get down on the field to examine special Boy Scout campcraft and other projects bridge building, archery demonstration, demon stration of many Scout skills. One unit with its own reflec tor even will bake and serve hot biscuits to the public. Grand entry ceremonies will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the Scout circus are on sale by the Scouts or at the gate. Proceeds go toward im provement of the Boy Scout Camp Pioneer. Sponsor of the circus is Sa lem Lions club, for which Ver non Gllmore is general chair man. Participation is by all Scout units of Marion, Polk and Linn counties, comprising Cascade area council. Students Recognized For Health Articles The Marion County Tuber culosis and Health association has received word that two high school students in the county have received national recognition for articles which they wrote on "What Does Tu berculosis Mean to Me." Karen Mlchelson, who Is a patient at the Oregon Tuber culosis hospital, has her article published in "The Clarion," Salem high school publication. Karen will soon be discharged from the hospital and plans are that she will graduate with the senior class of' Salem high. The other winner was Bob Linoleum - NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. High Ph. 45751 Lite-a-Bumper Job Continues With the return of favorable weather, the Junior Chamber of Commerce "Lite-a-Bumper" program will resume with Jay. cees manning a station at the Capitol shopping center each Friday evening to install the reflecting Scdtchlite tape on auto bumpers, Chairman George Huggins announced this week. Safety-lighting your car with the red reflecting tape it one of the best Insurance policies you can buy, said Huggins, an in surance man himself. With vacation, fishing and bunting seasons at hand or coming up, motorists should take into consideration the safety value ol the Scotchlite where a car Is stalled on a dark road at night or is left parked on the edge of a nar row, backwoods fishing or hunting road, he added. The jaycee safety program has been endorsed by city, state and national police and safety organizations all over the country, Huggins pointed out. More than 1000 cars have been safety-lighted by the Sa lem jaycees thus far in the pro ject, Huggins said. Proceeds from the campaign go to jay- cee civic projects such as the school boy patrol, scouts and other youth projects. Flies Under 15 Bridges London (U.PJ A 61-year-old World War I pilot who boasts the title "the mad major" flew a tiny silver monoplane under 15 Thames river bridges yes terday "to prove that there's life in the old dog yet." Joseph, a student at Sacred Heart academy. His article was published in the "Cardinal Crier," official newspaper of the school. He is the son of Dr. Robert Joseph, assistant super intendent of the tuberculosis hospital. A check for $25 was present ed to each of these young peo ple by Otto Skopil, president of the local association. MOTHER'S DAY CAKE SPECIAL Decorated With Rosea $1.75 Order Now i ' SALEM HOME BAKERY 1380 N. Church Ph. 3-8645 160 NO. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, OREGON MVFIV tHFFD f RAYON BEMBERGS ft Misses and Half Sizes! For every dress-up occasion your summer calendar in cludes . . . breeze-cool, hand washable Bembergs are gems! And see Penney's se lection . . . youll choose from monotone prints, soft florals, jewel-touched styles ... so many! Come in tomorrow. Sizes 12-20, 14'2-24i2. DOWNSTAIRS STORE STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.; FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M. 5J98 HERE IT IS! JAYSON'S FAMOUS - m ,- r r r FREE GIFT! TO CELEBRATE THIS GREAT ONCE-A-YEAR EVENT A HANDSOME TIE BAR To the First 75 Men Thursday and Friday . Morning In celebration of our 13th Anni versary JAYSON'S have taken from regular stock the pick of the finest nationally advertised brands, and to give our customers truly sensational values, we have reduced PRICES TO WHOLE SALE COST AND BELOW! Don't fail to take advantage of this great Once-a-Year Event offering you the finest quality men's clothing and furnishings at unheard of savings! It's your "Lucky 13th" also! TWO "LUCKY 13th" GROUPS OF MEM'S 'SUITS' SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS Regular to $55.00 NOW ONLY Regular to $70.00 NOW ONLY POUT COAT ALL WOOL Loomed of Fine Imported Woolens WOOL GABARDINES TWEEDS PLAIDS Reg. to $15.95 NO ALTERATIONS Regular to $5.95 FREE ALTERATIONS A J T ,, . i ;'' RcVto$35.(W ' J 'I ,1 V. AND I---l i all cn- Arrc 2 PAIR T-SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS $ 2.13 INITIALED Handkerchiefs "Lucky 13lh" Value! U tztJ Ea. Neckwear SENSATIONAL TIE VALUES ! 2 FOR M13 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 i r r - " jT -. . . . i i Aaixiiiiajriiii-u i Pat h ') .... Smart Clothe For Smart Men