Page 4 SECTION III THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, May 6, 1953 Advice Offered On New Laws Oregon' forestry ' depart ment and protection districts have scheduled meetings for operators in the Western Ore gon area May 4 through May 22. . Purpose of the meetings is to acquaint the operators with the 26 new forest, laws passed by the legislature and with the forest protective code. In charge of the meetings will be James Walker, fire chief, who will be assisted by Frank Ham ilton and Lee Fort, supervisors and the district wardens. Two years ago the meetings drew oyer 3,000 operators. Dates of meetings yet to be Held and towns were they are being held are listed below, May 8, Southwest Oregon, .wants Pass May 7, Clackamas-Marion-Linn, at Molalla; and Polk Benton, at Dallas. May 8, Clackamas-Marion-Linn at Mehama; and Polk Benton at Philomath. . May 11, Eastern Lane at Eu gene. . May 12, Lincoln county, at Toledo; and Douglas at Ford's May 13, Douglas at Bose-i Place. , burg. ; ' May 14, Douglas at Drain: and Linn at Sweet Home. - May IS, Linn at Lebanon and Western Lane at Swiss Home, May 18, Coos at Gold Beach. May 19, Coos at Myrtli Point.-, ,r.v May 20, Coos at Coos Bay, May 21, Coos at Reedsport May 22, Southwest Oregon and Southern Oregon Counties tree Farm association at Med' ford. . , , tzzZZZl A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAME! -O Talenf District Wins Support Boise (A? Plans for a 19- mllllon dollar irrigation proj ect in the Talent, Ore., district won the approval of Irriga tion district, representatives from the Rogue river water shed Monday. Harold T. Nelson,, regional director of the bureau of rec lamation, said ; the project would provide water for 9,000 acres of previously arid land and supplemental water for 0,000 acres of irrigated land which usually suffers a water shortage late in the season. He said it Involves construc tion of a 62,000 acre-foot dam at rt Howard Prairie, enlarge ment of Emigrant Reservoir to 45,000 acre-feet and construe tion of a power plant at Green Springs. : , Representatives of the Med' ford, Grants Pass, Talent and Rogue River Irrigation Dis tricts flew to Boise for the meeting, ; Frank Arthur Heads Horseshoe Club . At the annual meeting of the Salem Horseshoe club held Sunday at the courts in Bush Pasture Park, Frank Arthur was elected president, Glen Bonlle, first vice president, Ronald Anderson, second vice president and tournament manager- Anderson is the retiring pres ident. The election of a secre tary was deferred to the next meeting. The club is negotiating with the city to havo the courts lighted, and should they be suc cessful it is planned to have or ganized contests in the even ings. The club would expect to contribute to the expense of lighting, according to Eugene Prescott, secretary of the club. It Is understood the Portland General Electric company has offered to assist with the light ing. Last season the horseshoe courts and the Softball field , were the center of interest in the park. Gillispie Sues for $20,000 Damages O. E. Glllispl, has filed suit in Marion countv irf,u . . against Thomas Tretheway bcti4iiB u,ouu damages. In his complaint Gillispie says that on June 9 io t.. visited the defendant's logging operations on the premises commonly designated as the John Aelcsoff Salem - Sllverton highway. wruie inere, ne states, a log being loaded on a truck struck mm. His injuries, states GIUIsdI consisted of a leg and arm damage. He asks for $3000 in loss of time irom rils work, $30 for medical and hospital services and $13,000 general damages Funeral Rites for IS Calcutta, India VP) Mass lunerai rites were held Tues day for victims of the British Comet airliner disaster Satur day in which 43 persons, in eluding three Americans, were Harmony House ' 209 COIL IfJMERSPRIfJG MATTRESS With Matching 72 Coil Box Spring Regular 89.95 PLUS-2 Muslin Sheets, 2 Pillow Cases and 2 Feather Pillows BONUS OFFER! Imagine! You get these 2 mus lin sheets, 2 pillowcases and 2 feather pillows at ne extra 'cost when you buy this mattress combination. SAVE 10.00! Harmony House 180-coil Innerspring MATTRESSES Reg. 29.95 Blue and White Striped Ticking MATCHING BOX SPRING. . . . . .19.95 llf95 r 5a25L ... I 8.00 down delivers! 7.00 month on Sean Easy Payment Plon One of the most outstanding buys of our sale! 209 coils provide comfortable buoyant support. Not just a hard mattress but one designed to give you proper rest. Firm border wire keeps sides smoothly erect during life of mattress. 72 coil matching boxspring is strongly made, firmly fastened on wood frame. SAVE 9.55! Harmony House 180-coil Innerspring MATTRESSES . Reg. 37.50 New Weight Stabilizer MATCHING BOX SPRINGS. ... .29.95 SAVC 4Z50 2f'5 Silvertone CONSOLETTE 3-Speed Record Changer Reg. 129.95 3 Days Only! Here it Is! A smart new ma hogany veneer cabinet." 3 speed record changer plays all siiei, all speeds automatically. mi 5.00 Down Month on Spars Easy Payment Flan SILVERTONE 17-in. ALL PURPOSE TV Reg. 222.45 Modern basket weave leatherette covered cabinet. Table Model Radios 10.88 4-in. Speaker Brown or Ivory Kiddie Phonos 14.88 The perfect gift for youngsters. Plays all 78 RPM Records Silvertone Radios Reg. 43.95 SAVE 15.00! 28.88 5-in. Speaker 7 Tubes Ivory Plastic Plenty Free Parking lV. Store Hoursr Other day 9:30 to 5:30 1 0.00 Down, on Sears Easy Payment Plan Television Tables 8.88 Designed to fit either 17, 20, 2Mn. teti. Sturdy Hardwood Phone 3-9191 550 N.Capitol Salem Kwea. -