Wednesday, May 6, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon SECTION III Page , PRESIDENT HUNDREDS OF UNADVERTISE SPECIALS! Ml'l'a"a"llWMWWWB0aaiaaaaaWOaea ySSTl ' A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAMES ' J f te jm Mrs. Lewi Thomas, Sll verton, who Sunday wn elected preildent of District 20, Auxiliary, Veterani of Foreign Wan. Mrs. Thoma has served two terms at president of the Silverton Post Auxiliary.. Willamina Willamina The Grand Jtonde Women's club held eir annual ' officers dinner recently, when Mrs. Marlon T Weatherford, Arlington state president of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs Mrs. E. E. Hall, Portland, first vice-president of the O.F.W.C., Mrs. H. A. Parrett, Mrs. Vir gil Heider and Mrs. Ray Mor rison, Willamina, were guests. Mrs.-Gue Swanson and Mrs. W. D. McMillan - were in charge of arrangements for the dinner. The next meeting, which will feature nomination of officers will be held May 14, at the club room. Mr. ai)d Mrs. George Kulick. returned this week from Bowerville, Minn., where they flew to' attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. John , Gusinda. Mrs. Hilding Rydell will present her piano students in a two-piano recital Wednes day, May 6, at 8 p.m. at the Rebekah hall. Both solo and two piano nur hers will com prise the- program, with special music for variation. . Officers of the high school PTA were installed at their recent meeting, which was the last meeting of the year until the new term begins in the fall. Officers installed include E. J. Howell, president, Mrs. Walter Murray, first vice president; Mrs. Paul Yoder, second vice-president; Mrs. K. E. Shetterly, secretary and Mrs. Ruth Mishler, treasurer. Carol L. Spicer of Willa mina has been listed on the winter term scholastic honor roll at Oregon State college. She is a sophomore in science, and earned a grade point average of 3.5. She is the daughter of Mrs. Walter Spicer of Willamina. Don Cunliffe, Willamina civil defense director, has learned that the state has approved Willamina's appli cation for a new fire truck this summer, with the state and federal governments pay ing of the costs. The truck will be a class A pumper capable of pumping 250 gal lons of water a minute against 150 pounds pressure. As neither Willamina or Sheri dan has a class A truck at present, the addition of, the truck is expected to reduce fire insurance rates. A 2e Ronlad G. Hofenbredl spent a few days here this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hofenbredl and family. He has been stationed at Sheppard Air Force base in Texas, and was transfered to Langley Air Force base in Virginia. The Civic club met last week for the annual spring luncheon. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. W. C. Trem blay. Mrs. Otto Hlrn, Mrs. ' Rulrk Hendrickson, Mrs. Arthur Soules, and Mrs. Carl Wise. Mrs. Marian T. Weather ford, state chairman of the General Federation o f Women's clubs, was guest speaker for the day. Other guests were Mrs. Ernest Hall, Portland, vice-president; Mrs. Walter Murray, Grand Ronde Women's club president; and Mrs. Hubert Garrabrant of Hood River. 1 Officers nominated were: president, Mrs. Arthur Soules; vice president, Mrs. Axel Wakkure; secretary, Mrs. Ray Mirrison; and treasurer, Mrs Max Rasmussen. The new Union service station on Main and C streets held its grand opening May 2, DuWayne Grosser is man ager of the new station. ' A group of Intersted per sons met this week with the purpose of organizing a Chim bcr of Commerce. Dr. Otis Barr acted as chairmain, and a nominating committee con sisting of Dave Paine, Fred L. Bunn, Mrs. Esther Fawk, H. A. Parrett and Mrs. Ken neth Shetterly was appointed to nominate officers. The next meeting is scheduled for May 12. C Harmonyouso Fine Muslin 1 j - - I ""T'TCv. 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