Page 2 SECTION III Wednesdaly, May 3, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orerai Too Loose Talk Costs Him Job Washington W) Former Rep. O. K. Armstrong appeared Tuesday to have talked him self out of a State Department job which, officials said, he had long tried to talk himself 1 Into. The one - time republican member of the house from Mis souri, who had considerable po litical backing at the capltol, ' made a speech In Atlantic City ' Saturday night at which he was Identified is newly appointed , director o. public affairs for the State Department. According to information ' here it was a Job for which t he had been considered and which at one time he seemed likely to get. However, offi . dais of the new administration - Were reportedly upset by two points of Armstrong's appear-! ... ance before the New Jersey Manufacturers Association. 1 No Shortage of Caffle looms Washington (U.R) The agri culture department today pre dicted that the nation's cat tle population, increasing steadily since 1949, will con tinue to erow to a record 00.. 000,000 head In 1955. The forecast was good news for housewives who can ex pect beef prices to drop ac cordingly. It was a slight revision from earlier outlooks when officials figured on a peak of 100,000,- ouu Jiead by 1855. . . Today's report said the cat tle "cycle" has speeded up and Is "reaching its crest a little iasier ana earlier than ap peared likely a year ago." In the past, the build-up phase oi tne cattle cycle has lasted from six to eight years fol lowed by a period of declines in numbers lasting from four to eight years. Death Plot on Nehru Only 4 Firecrackers Bombay, India, WV-A police spokesman said today that an explosive grabbed from a rail way track Just ahead of Prime Minister Nehru's train turned crackers. Some Indiana, how ever, doubted the explanation. Reports yesterday from Kal yan railway hub, 35 miles from Bombay, said a policeman there removed a live bomb irom a track Just a few minu tes before the Amristar express thundered through, carrying Nehru from Jalna to Bombay. These reports said the po liceman petroling the track, fired on an unidentified man believed to have placed the ax plosive. The man escaped. The explosive was brought to Bombay for analysis. The police spokesman said the four firecrackers were in capable of doing anything but light damage. Librarians Honor Miss Mirpah Blair Bend .B The Oregon Li brary association, which con cluded Its annual convention here, has awarded life member ships to three well known Ore gon women. . Cited for "extra service to the library profession" were Mirpah Blair of the Oregon state library at Salem; Lucia Haley, Oregon State college, and Nell A. Unger, Library as sociation of Portland. Delegates to the convention also voted to name the mitnci. ation's annual scholarship warn in nonor oi tne late Ma ria M. Hill of the Oregon state library. Auto Strikes Bridge Abutment, Kills Man Heppner W) An automobile elammed Into a bridge abut- mem near nere Monday night lataily Injuring a passenger. rnce ureonup, about 80, Heppner. Another passenger. Jack nariman, aooul 60, was badly injurca. ' State oollee ulrl ClamU Tefft, 52, of Heppner, appar ency was ine driver of the car. His injuries were reported as minor. Deputy Taking Bets in City Hall Lobby Fired Chicago Municipal Court Deputy Clerk George Luto, 47, was fired yesterday after a deputy sheriff arrested him for taking horse race bets In the lobby of the Citv Hall When Mayor Martin H. Ken nelly was told about It. he said "Holy smokel Is that so?" It la estimated that added U.S. population by 1975 will require 20 million more hogs 10 million more cattle, and 1.8 mora sheep and lambs. 0 GREAT AS ITS NAMET " Homarf Ballcock 1.79 Brass com plete with fill tube and float rod Plastic Toilet Rao. 9.50 lujtroai Mother of Purl Flnhh Won't tritk "It ON ALL KITCHEN CABINETS SAVE TIME AND STEPS. TIDY UP YOUR KITCHEN WITH THESE BEAUTIFUL WOOD CABINETS. BASE OR WALL CABINETS. SAVE 10 DURING THIS SALE! LIMITED TIME PLENTY FREE PARKING .or r 1 1 Coated Seats Homart Jet Pumps Reg. 139.95 A J AQQ W-H.P. Motor J 1 100 30-al. Ttnkt I I 12.00 Down 10.00 Month on Sears Easy Payment Flan 88 Converts to Deep Well BAIL SAVE 17 AO mmpm . - ' vhi noma rr giass lined ASPHALT FLOOR TILE ,9x IN. TILE As Low E As & Each Brown or Blaek, Other Colors and 10 Material Only Aver. 0x12 room 11.41 PLASTIC WALL TILE Material only Aver. 5x7 Bathroom 52.40 For kitchen or bath. Many marbelised colors. I 8 '5 4Ux4U In. Store Hours: WSm 3 PAYS 3 PIECE STEEL H01WAKT BATH SET SAVE 2QM7 ! Regular 149.95 Complete With Fittings Our Exclusive Design 5-fr. Steel Bath Tub Stainproof Vitreous White China Toilet and Lavatory Complete with Fittings Save 27.62 50 Gallon Glass Lined Water Heater -TV HUli table top WATER HEATER Beg. 147.50 12988 S.00 down; 7.00 month On Sears , Easy Payment Plan Reg. 147.50 119M 5.00 down; 6.00 month On Sears Easy Payment Plan 10 Yr. Guarantee I GLASi wvm I wsse I Ailllliltslhlaa ThafWAaUl SUPER POWER DAVID BRADLEY GARDEN TRACTOR 22.00 DOWN It's easy to be a "Sundown farmer" and raise a garden in your spar time after work! Examine its fine craftsmanship. 14 attachments available. Fine Oak Lawn Fence f' T i iln.Hirh f.-, v - ir n l ai'j iim . TvfMsussaMusr s si.j . .w w .j.: ,ss sa r r.i a 550 WILY!! 13.00 DOWN 10.00 MONTH me 50 Lest Tlret Calf Feeder Pail Rtg. t.9S 1.88 " Calvea " ' Natural 5 Position. i N....U. Galvanised Phone 3-9191 !jI smb' i j if t I "I i . 'i N. Capitol- Salem l 9 XXI t.-:,.:.:.v-.r. V -r... tr.V " - IT. K S.