Wednesday, May 6, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE I WhIT KNOW MOW HE GOT ' WANTED POSITIONS E'r, t "X CSO Marlon St.. Safem. Or. gon, phone 3-7328 Gardening and awn work, mil MARV'8 PLOWING and discing, prompi ..... - - una CiAIIDCN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paratlon. Plowing, dlaclni. levlin . rototllling. Service Center, Phone 3S73. hl30 beck. phone 3-9674. 1585 N. 6th. hl09 MICKEMIAM'S DAY . NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Phone a-7878. MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run eaar. rnone si-Bait. hl09 PLOWING A DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-9300. hllO- TILLING WITH new M. E. Rotary -tiller. Evenings 3-8333. I3.S0 hour. hllO Carpenter cabinet work, home -modeling, free estimates. Call 2-0411 - -l3. h!09 LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 2-3230. h!29 GRADING, leveling, backfilling, lawns, gardens. By hour, job. Phone 2-3041. 1)120 NEW LAWNS, complete. Free estimates. ruone i-iHi or 38143. hllS PAINTING Local reference, free ea- innate, v. norn. rn. 20181. 1)112 SOTARY HOKlN'fi! 11 ii hnn. Dh 9 1t3t after 6. hll2 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re- - Ph. 2-0365. ' hll2 PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. $3.50 an . hour. Phone 4-3111. M23 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, ; trimming, planting, fertilizing. Serv . Ice Center. Phone 4-3673. hl30 NEW lawns, Rotary hoeing. Free estl - mates. Duane Wolcott, Phont 2-8127. J hill BOTOVATOB work wanted. Vincent - Kremer, 2150 Lansing Ave, Phone 23180. hll4 PAINTING 6 year experience in Salem. Free estimates. Phone 9-7553. hl35 "RADIO TV SERVICE . 4400 21 Inch Motorola T.V. Console, nearly new. plua antenna. Will in ' stall both In your home. 1380, Phone Dayton 12X4. hallo FIIILCO MAHOGANY Console, radio. " phonograph, 3 speed, AM and PM, 2 years old. 2-4067. 1535 Norway. hallO- FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur- 7 niture Co. Phone 3-9105. i WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN, wife and 3 children, want suburban home before May 18th. Phone 3-5056. Jell3 S OR 4-BEDROOM home. Couple with 1 children. References. 3-7097. Jal08 HOUSE WITH lane tarsi, or barn. Op . tlon to bur tf possible. 31087 after 8. JalOU' I OR 8 bedroom house. Must be South Salem. Will Day ud to 1139 per m.nth. Phone 30064 ( to 13 a.m. I, or 8 to 0 p.m.). Ial09 FURNISHED HOUSE, man and wife. H. c. Oalev. 771 Bo. 31st. Salem. J. 110 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM FOR GIRL. Kitchen privileges. me entire house. 643 N. Winter. Phone 3-4372 or 3-9460. JK113 ROT, COLD WATER In large room, close In. 737 Center St. 1113' VERT COMFORTABLE, clean sleeping room, down town. 473 N. uocrly. Jkl 13 BUSINESS DISTRICT, sleeping room. 353 Center. jams' Tv7"KTCIIENWv!lfKM7aleepTnl m' 330.50 per month. Phone 3-7630. JkllO" PLEASANT ROOM, I . block from post office. 658 Ferry Street. JKl13 CirETrGHT "housekeeping room. Lady. 6H5 No. Church. JkllO" FOR RENT HOUSES irRNlsilED clean one bedroom house, aararr, bus, stores, Adults, no pet. 4-51 55. Jrr.nO S BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, 9 block shopping center, atove. 3-50fT5. Jmlio UNrt'RNlSHKU 3-"bwlroom, clo In. 19h and Center. No oOjettlon 2 small chlldrrn. 45. 30463. JnUOS NH'E -i-BEOROOM"furnished house. arane. full bnscmrnt. fireplace, oil heat. couple only. 165. 2-PH94.JmllO IROOM- FURNISHED" DUPLEX. adulU, bus line, atorase spsce. 2-8041. jmllO 2-REDROOM Hollywood dm. Lots of storage, 3B. Rawlins Realty, phone 411761 or 24664. Jm l-BK"nh66W-SUBI'RnAN, partly fur ' ' nifthed. 145. Rawlins Realty, phone 41761 or 24664. LT PARTi.YR'RNISHF.n 3-blroom home, , S70 Pord Street, 335. Phone J-4728. Jml09 t ROtKtl (TtAGE Unfurnifthed, 4 , blocks city center, state offices and shoppinn center. Adults preferred. Avuiiabie May 21st. 448 N. Cottase. 33444. in2l t BrDRblwouse, full basement. 345 nionth. West Salem. 4-4707. jmlOfi ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, garage. lath St., near Market, adults. Do does. electric heat, insulated. 355 month. Water, rent paid. 2-9464. Jml0B t "it 6 O'M Sunfurntslied. storeroom. Adults. Phone 2-4816. 1604 Ko, 4th. JmllO COMPLETELY furnished. Lovely for two Can't duplkateforl4j3-5M5jmljr LOVELTNKW 1-bHroom duplex and aa rase, unlurnlshed except ele-trlc ranae. Couple only, ErsI suburban. Rewrynable. Phone2-00in: nil' CLEANlBEnROOM. mint room, kitch en, dinette, attached garaae. Adults Garden. S37.50. 3-J9- CLFAV, MODERN, 1-bedroom houe In court. Stove and refricerator furn ished. Close to bus. Bif back yard. Ideal for couple, flee at 1846 N. 4th or Phone J7L NICE TWO bedroom hoiwe. tl!tf1 and automatic furnare. f. ""''; I Ohm.rt s calaba. Rltrs. Jm" By Ketcham MY CUPPERS. OR WHY I FOR RENT HOUSES ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, alec trie ranse, hardwood floors, auto matle heat, Insulated. 3333 Maple Avenue. JmlOi REALLY ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom du- ........ ... ,um Dm iwi n. win ter. ' tmlofl OFFICE FOR RENT FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM .ulle. Oregon ounqins. rnon, 3-4)14. Jo' GROUND FLOOR, office or stora specs . 1 1 . . ' r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LEE APTS. Salem'e Most Distinguished Address. Attractive, ipacloua 1-bedroom unlU at 77: large picture-frame windows; cheerful colors; elect, range and re fritterator furn.;- television available. For better living call 4-1041. 585 N. Winter. jplOS ROOMY ONE bedroom furnished apart ment. Lots of storage space. Utilities paid. Automatic washer, electric dry er. Close to state buUdints and shop ping center. Also Pullman apartment. 468 N. winter, after 3 p.m. JpllO FIRST FLOOR, very nice furnished 3 rooms, private entrance. Bendlx. Adults. 39S N. Liberty. Phone 37124 for appointment. JpllO I BEDROOM court apartment lurlnahed. newiy decorated, close in, 2-0714. JpllS- NICE 4-BOOM furnished apt., 1 or 2 BKtmta, close shopping and state build in as, private entrance and bath, elec tric stove, reirigeraior. garage. J-7BB4. JnJ 10 8 ROOM furnished apartment, garage, sio bo. lain, gas monin. jpiob 63A N. SUMMER. Nice clean furnished 3 rooms and bath. Nice yard with lawn furniture. All utilities paid. 160. JplOO AVAILBABLE MAY 1ft Unfurnished duplex. One-bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen, nook and utility with washer and drier furnished. All cood- slzed rooms with ample storage. Walk ing distance to town and State Hoiiine Phone 34459 evenings or see at 106ft Bellevue and make appointment. DOWNTOWN, FIRST floor. 3 rooms, bath, private entrance, 6S8 Center. JP113 t OR 4 ROOM furnishtd court apart ment, uiose in. z-omb. jpiov FOR GENTLEMAN, 1-R. furnished apart ment, with refrigerator. 25ft Center. JplOS' FURNISHED t bedrooms, Also 1 bed room apt. Ph. 45578. JplOS FURNISHED DUPLEX, 3 rooms, clean, Hollywood, adults, 3-bu, mso uccoy. JP112 THE PERFECT tiny apartment, for one person, and very nicely furnished. Rent within reason. Private entrance. Near General Hospital. 2251 Breyman. JplOB UNFURNISHED, modern, 1-bedroom, court apartment, close to bus. Large lawn. Phone 2-3626. JpIU 2-ROOM ground floor apartment, close In. Lady preferred. 645 rerry. jpios NICE; LARGE, furnished, 3-room, up stairs apartment. Adults only. No pets. Close to state buildings and shopping center. 930 Garnet St. Phone 3-7645. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, utilities furnished. Private entrance and bath. Phone 4-2621 or 2310 Lansing Ave. Jpltl APARTMENTS, close In, adult. 760 N Church. Phone 4-3457. JpIU LIVING ROOM, dinette and kitchenette. Call after , 3-8656. JpllO' CLEAN 1 bedroom unfurn. except elec. ran naar hlLsV ciniltrT. 2-IOOB. JpllO ri.osF. IV nice mod pro furnished 3 room apartment. Adults. Phone 38490. JpllO SALEM Housing Authority has vacant units for qualified persons. Inquire at Housing Office, 1200 B. 16th St. JplOB PR1VATB THREE-ROOM furnished court anartment. clean. Adults. $50. 3560 Portland Road. JP1291 MODERN, unfurnished 1 room apt. 1140 8. 13th.' bedroom 4' )pllS J-HEltROOM lurniihed apartment, Hoi lywooa IMSl. AOUiw. ravwm JplOS n'iimA' furnished 1-room. bath ground floor. 1 room, kitchenette. 694 N. Commercial. JP108 DnflU VICE tnirimnL PrlVfttt bath SHU N. Church. Phone 24745. JpH7 NICELY FURNISHED apartments; bassador Apti. 350 No. Summer. SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inoulre H. L. Stiff rurnlture Phone 3-9iar. LOST & FOUND LOST-SIameie iiitlen. vlclnltT of Capitol and Marlon, ennaren a pr. kios LOST Young spanlal dog. Vfrr timid. White on paws .no ....... .... MISCELLANEOUS oeff.iiTVr TRUCKS O-DRIVl MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Si PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 618 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1931 PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD SAtSTlA7(bTORTvK Contract Work Road Clearlni Dtlehwt Sewer and Bssemrnl ' Equipment Rental Duelling br the Pool Phone Bars 1-9108 Eves 3-4417 or 3-7411 Salem, Oregon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR f-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids . State A Commercial Sts itru PH 3-3.111 m1 BUILDING MATERIALS BUI m m SPECIAL-New planed lum ber. 115 per M. and up. hi.iidins at 478 Marlon Street.' all material. lor sale .heap Wadson Wrecsln, C. ' Building materials BAROAlNft V 9enwood (Jep Alreb) A He V Uo :eod Map Birch I A .8e V Mahogany Plywood A c V," Mahoianr Plywood A 30c Mo. 1 Painted cedar shekca, aurantted to be square fll tiDi. complete with under- eourie , IU.1t Colortd bath seta. Orade A cheap Whtto bath fixtures .... lowest prices O Q. LONG SONS Pa, f-8061 l ml. Xo. ol Kelier al08 KEITH BROWN SPECIALS LUMBER 11 ' Kesular Sale 3000' in r1 No. 4 torn. SIS aalutu la est u looc lta r1 No. 4 mi. To m.80U 18.MU 7ar atakss 8' to 16' rouib... .80 as. 116 r1 Beaded Celling. 40.000 M OVERSTOCK 416 U" dupl.r board. 15 MM 48 00U 4i6 V Standard Board 88.00 U 84.08 U hakes Stained Mo., 1 f 18" with undereourse. unoartoned . 13.84 88. rirroa Plrsrood .11 m. tt. NO. 1 MAHOGANY DOORS 1-0x6-8114." HC RO.,,. 10.84 8.61 1-416-liltt" HC RCi.. 11.87 16.61 l-6x6-8alH" HC RC .. 11.40 11.07 1-616-lxl V" HC RC... 11.61 11.74 1-PANEL DOOR B.P. J-OxO-IHH" , 6 6! 1-4X6-SX1V - 6.8S 3-6X6-8HV yr . 8.65 3-8X6-6x1 V 8.H 1-6 o l-8x6-Bxl4a" 1 lite 1 panel 6.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Pront At Court Street Phona 1-6111 WE OIVI a&H OREEN STAMPS ' mi' REDUCED 86.00 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 only Seott Attwster 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 3-apeed ahlft automatlo starter. Starting price April 14th. 8386.80 MAY 7TH -i $188.50 Keith BrownLumber Yd. Front as Court St. . . Phona 1-8111 WE GIVE at H. OREEN STAMPS . ' aaa KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs W, are cloains out our tntlra stock of Lawn Mowers, Electrle and Oas. Aleo Garden Hose. Regular Sale 316" Hand Mower 334.80 416.78 116" Oas Rotary slower 118.06 84.44 314" Elec. Rotary Mower 71.80 87.44 316" Elec. Rotary Mower 16.68 86.80 50 Feet Plastic HOB 6.08 4.76 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Pront di Court St. Ph. 1-9111 We Olvt 3sH Oreen Stampa rot1 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Mo. 3a. II Inches clear, it; No. 9 I lucbes clear. ,14. No aap wood or culls. Come and tet them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 3-1 196. ma NURSERY STOCK CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 500 varieties. Ens ltah American hardy, cushion, spoons, .spider. Geraniums, delphiniums, lu pine. Astelbes, etc. Black', 3370 Cht. mawa Rd 1M miles East of Keiier. 3-43ti0. mblOS COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, ahrubs and bedding plants. Middle Orove Nursery, 4930 Silverton Rd. Phone 44633. mblOfl PEPPERS, cabbage and tomato plants, by the thousand. Tuberous begonias. petunias, geranium and all bedding out plants. Wholesale and retail. Ar thur Plant Greenhouse, 1393 So. 13th. Phone 3-4B7n mom AZALEAS Gift wrapped for Mother's Day. War ing Nursery, 1038 Oak Hill Ave, (turn Vast from 9BK at South Village Tav ern,, mblll CHOICE GLOX1NEAS now blooming. visitors welcome at Salem'a African Violet headquarter. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato A bedding plants. Oppen'a Oreen house, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4 BKD1NG PLANTS Silverton Green House the beat in geraniums, fuchsias, pelagonluma, all other plants. Cabbage and lettuce 3&e per dosen. 317 So. Water, on road to Silver Creek Falls. mbllO HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellia, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 33133. 3407 Hollywood Drive. mblOR For Sole MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUE SHOTGUN 36.00. Olenn Wood ry. nl06' BARGAINS Lawn mowers, 15 it 17.60: hi wheel garden cultivator, as. so; pienei, Jr. Aosvtur. S: 3x10 screw jack. S4.00; 30' trowel A brush. 96.00 for both: bike. 115.00; pipe fitttnas, 10c ea; new gar den hoes. 91. 3 ea: raxe. ai.oo ea; tit wsier heater, 110.00: aueer bits, 35c ea: Fairbanks-Mont K4B mag neto, 910.00; 13"xl8" pore, sink, 96.00: Come In and browse around. Hundreds of bargain at SNOOK'S BAROAIN CENTER 13 Broadway Ph. 41736 TWIN COIL Bed Springs, 3.93. Woodry, 1606 N. Summer BIOS' fifiED REFRUIERATORS from only 975.00 it up. Used Mdse. Mart, 370 So. Liberty, phone 46371. Terms or course. PlO' DUNCAN PHVPK Mahogany I PC Drop Leaf Dlntng Bel, 95.00. Glenn Woodry'a, I60B N. Summer. nlOl TV SET 31" Stromberg Cartoon, excel lent picture, used only 1 months. Extra low price. Phone 431.B.1. niio1 MAHOOANT PIANO. Plain Case, nice one, only 89.00. Terms, Trades. Olenn Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. BlOS SlEST-DESK only 9397987" Used MdT Mart, 370 So. Liberty, phone 46371. nloi STEEL FOLDING Chairs, 3 49. Olenn Woodry'a, 1608 N. Bummer, gl0i A NT IU 1IE FU RN ITI1 R K , g 1 aas war e and china. 340 So, Liberty Street, after noons only. nllO OAk""CHEST O'Drawera, 7.S0. Olenn Woodry, 1608 N. Summer. nl08 LAMPS M low as 1 3.S0, Used MAtt, Mart, 370 So. Liberty, phone 46371. nI01 OWNMOWERS, 9 00. Olenn Woodry. nlOf e.eoe IT. IV black pipe, wed, good condition, 2te ft. Your choice, loni lenttha. Independence Metal CO., 348 Picture St., Independence, . nllO R F.CO R DC A i BIN ETThardwoodV nice, . 78 '. Woodry,. 1606 N. Bummer. nl08 GOOD noi'RLE BED. mattress. iTtV Used Mdse. Mart, 270 So. Liberty. Phone 48271. Ternu of course. nl08 Sr.W LINol;rMRutrX05r"N-w 100 Wool Face Rugs 29.76. Olenn Woodry's. 1606 N. Summer, nl08 Journal Want Ads Pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon For Sol MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances NO DOWN PAYMENT VSKO NORGS REPO. Only 9 yra. oi4, perfect condition, large trees r ompt,, auto, defrost. Only I149.H USED DC LDXI O0LD6POT. Large family aixa, very clean, good run ning cond. Only ,....6S,9 USED CROSLET RaTTO. Good run nlat cond. Clean. Lrte frteslng unit, a 4eal at 4t.oi USED OBNERAL EL. RETQ. Perfect condition, very clean, a good buy at only .....169 Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC , 160 N. LIBERTY, SALEM USEE SINGER Treadle combination electrle cabinet aewlnc machine. Round bobbin. A-l condition. Has new motor, only 149.60. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 110 H. Commercial moe1 USED OARDETf Si Carpenter's Tool. Woodry, 1606 N. Summer. nl08 TWO BABY BUOOIE8, 830 & 133. Used Udse. Mart, 376 So. Liberty, phone 46371. Terms of eourae. nl08 BIKES 16.00. Glenn Woodrj's. 47 NORGE 6-foot refrigerator, O E. washing machine. Both In food con condltlon. .413fi N. Capitol. n!0 USED REFRIGERATORS, Electric Ran kest, washers. Large Stock, Low Prices, E E. Terms. Olenn woodry, 16or. N. Summer. nlos WASHING MACHINES from only 17.00. used Mdse. Mart, 376 So. Liberty, phone 46371. Terms of course. nl08 KITCHEN UTILITY Cabinet 8.00. Olenn Woodry, 1608 N. Summer. nlos PLOUENCE GAS RANGE 4-burner, sot new but good condition. 433. Also 8aa beater, 47.60. 1036 No. 18th. 1-0608. nllO- ZENITH RADIO, powerful, fine condi- tion. 35.00 or trade for anything of value. Olenn Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. nlOS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER 818. 3363 Beacon Ave. B108 7 PC. MODERN walnut dlnlnt suite, like new. Heal value here at as. so. Terms, trades. Olenn Woodry, 1003 N. Sum mer. nlOB SMALL DIAMOND wedding set, like new, terrlllo buy, 340. 3-6468 .Iter 6. H109- SLICE aut.matto toaater, 8.00. Olenn Woodry, 1608 N. Rummer. New wafile irons Va price. t mus' 1A PHILCO rani, and refrigerator'. Husband,,, leaving for army. Phone 3-4318 or 3-3836 after 5. nlOO FLOOR LAMPS complete. 3.68. Olenn Woodry'a, 1408 H. Bummer. nlOB WR CARRY figurines, palnta, brushes, textile palnu, brushes, stencils. Copper, aluminum for tooling, also aupplles, Hanaicrart supplies, gnu. 183 60. Liberty, upstairs. Room 10. nlOO BOOKSHELVES, 11.88. Olenn Woodry's. nlOS POR SALE, Irrigation pip., 44111. trailer. Ph. moe BETTER BARGAINS it Olenn Woodry's. nlOJ' BOLLAWAY BED, wire fence, wood fence, rugs, 300 western magazines, mlscellaneoua artlclea. Will trade. 4-1680. nl08' BETTER BARGAINS at Olenn Woodry's. nlOS1 840.50 BCLOVA wrist watch, allKhtly shopworn, closeout price $24.78. Hart man Bros.. 309 State. nl08" BETTER BARGAINS at Olenn Woodry'. nlos 3 SINGLE lnneraprlna mattresses. Like new. Reasonable. Phone 8-8817. nlOS BETTER BARGAINS at Glenn Woodry'a. nioa RECONDITIONED Spin-Dry wuher, $60. White porcelain table, 4 chairs, $38. 2696 Silverton Road. nioa PLASTIC GARDEN hose 3.98. Guaran teed 3 years. Olenn Woodry'a, 1608 N. . Summer. nl08 FOR SALE Coll aprlng, excelelnt con dition. Phone 4-4547. nl08' OAK OFFICE or reception chairs, fine bargain at 4.98. Olenn Woodry'a, 1605 N. summer. nlos FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted map 'ire. delivered anywhere. 2-0774 or 3-5072. v nlltV ROLLAWAY BED. 7.80 Olenn Woodry. moa TOP SOIL River l)t and fill dirt. Prompt de livery. Phone 2-17.49. n 17. BUYS Velour davenport & chair Oood, average. Glenn . Woodry a, 1605 N. Summer. nlC8 Singer Electric Portable Sewing Machine. Looka like new. Full price 669.80. Includes free sewing les sons and regular attachments. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 110 N. Commercial NEW A I) RED Step Ladders are cheaper at Glenn Woodry'a, 1805 n summer. Shop Us Today. niOfl- GARAGR DOORS, unfinished furniture mad to order. Sraail carpenter and cabinet repair Jobs, Prlcea reasonable Woodworking Fixit Shop 1576 No. 16 Ph. 3-6.-I68 nllS 8TEEL WHEELBARROWS, rubber tlrejt. Spc. 12.96. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N Summer. nlos Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 8-8)27. nlll NEW BABY CRIBS, 13 i us Inc. Can't wet mattress. Olenn Woodrra, Inos N. Bummer. nlos HrCt'll.orB CHAIN EAVTE, 606 Edae- wster. west Balem. Sal.m Logging 8ud pit. Ph. 4-1641. n- RIRRY VAC. At all all.. Inc. waser. A-l condition, not 80.00, but 36.30. Others 7.00 up. ulenn Woodrr s, 1603 N. Bum mer, nioa HOWARD walnut piano and bench, ei- cellent condition. 6336. 370 Bo. ism. J STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rill ing porUi columns, furniture. 1148 N. Libert. . nlll POR BALE A ten cubic foot Leonard r.rrlgerator. Lata model, excellent condition, large (reefing compartment. W. ar. moving so must sell. II nerea sarr will sell for 130 3on At bslsnrc . monthl;. 4-S8I4. nlos ONETAPEFeTorder. Call 3-3004 or see at 170 Bo. Lancaster Drue. nil! Cl.OTIII INK P08TH, Iron less lor ta bles, lurnlture, ralllnss. 1143 N. Lib ert. nl3t ROTTED MANURE 1.600 rards, the best e here aver had. Por good organic reiulls order rotted cow manure that rou ran use without tear. Of. 00 per rard 4 rsrds 816. 6 rsrde 115. 16 Tarda 60 Plss slones. lava atone, fence posts. 4x4 stskejt and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillips Bros. Rt. 6, Bin 483. Ph 43081, s)alem. J snL . 4 Corners, n For Sal MISCELLANEOUS USED HOTPOINT KL. BANGS Very clean, food condition, divided cooking top. Only tl9.9i USED O. I. IRON ER With hand atand like new, auto, heat con trol 139.93 USED WASHER? Alt brands, all fully guaranteed, with & without pump $14.93 349.91 ATT. TV BUYERS Floor sample, nationally known brands, huge dUcounta. Only few at real prlcea. PHONE 20312 HOSPITAL BED for aale or rent. B. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-fcl85. CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrle poles, fence posts, bean posts and atake. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493, 1 miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081. n Wonted MISCELLANEOUS ' LOGS WANTED Top truck scale price for second and old growth fir. Long and Short. WEST SALEM LBR. CO 1160 Wallace Rd. . ph. 4-1784 nal37 WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-81 10. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill Lengths r 4M or 16 I". Diameter 6" to 16" Sawmill, Lmgthe 13' and longer. Diameter I" to 80" Top prlcea paid. ... Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Or,. Phon. 1136 ELECTRIC 1-8110. RANGES, woodry'a. PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, droup No. 1. 3068 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4S33 pill AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will aolve your prob lema and save you money. Free esti mates, :.apeedr aervlc. Center at Lib erty. qc- MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS OR TRADE lor light pickup, 1848 In dian Arrow motorcycle. Excellent con dition. Phon. 3-3603 after 8:30 p.m qa!09 1046 HARLEY-DAVIDSON. See Allan Campbell, 310 N. Church (6-9) days qal06' FARM EQUIPMENT AVERY TRACTOR, model U. 14" turn ing plow and cultivator, can alter a. 4-4187. qblOB" HEAVY EQUIPMENT TD 14 HYD. BLADE, drum, 130 hr. rollers, good track, tractor Is better than average. S67S0. Also White short logger, 256 Tim ken Dual Drive, 10x20 tlrea, 160 AX motor, hauls 34s, stakes, $3800. Monarch loading donkey, good aled. Ideal for big timber, 31500. Ooachle, Ph. 1532, Lyons. qel09 MODEL J JIM Carco Jr. Logging Arch. George C. Turner, Rt. 1, Amity. Ph. 2413. qrI12 FINANCIAL JHilliSglll r:as SEE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgages or contracts State Finance Co. 167 So. High SL Ph. 3-4131 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "If" out ol your money problems. Up to 8300 on email loans. Up to 8500 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 8-316 Phon. 31133 M-313 167 S. High St. rill- LOANS UP TO $1500 on Sistiaiure, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL Ifa "yes" promptly to employed men or women. l-vltlt loan . Phone first. Vo-i select beat payment date. Between payday loan Phone, write or come In TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 108 8. HIOH ST., SALEM State Licence Nos. 6-122. M-166 Loan over 1300 up to $1500 and up to .20 month. to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act or Oreaon rl29 Lie. S-I33 and M-336 and nOV R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" 13 06 Dsllr KSI M 1380 Kc. OENERAI. FINANCE CO LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-6181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMKTTB CRKDIT CO. 183 Bouth Churrh Parking a-PlentT Ph I-34S7 Lie. No. M-110. S-164 MONPY TO loan on real aetata. 3-0194. Phone niT 5o Interest If rou have Idle fundi seeking In vestment, then you are the type of Demon to whom we can be of service. For over Twenty-five Years we have been helplni people In this community find profitable work tor their money. Durine thia period we have promptly paid AO aeral-annoal Interest pavmenls totalltnl many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently pavini 6ft INTEREST on fundi from saw to asow. General Finance Corporation 136 B COMMERCIAL ST Salem. Oregon Phone 8-1161 HOUSE TRAILERS iYrooT trailer hoge, sleeps four, fi eellent ronrtltion. Phone S-0006. talll EOl ITT in 1981 Liberty house tratlar. 11 ft. Phone 4-1118. Wtla 4 IS FORD ti-ton pickup, 6-er Under, l-apeed .heater, defroster, new paint. very clean. Only 1798. No down pay stent on approval of credit. Open evenings. K. Smith and Son aba tors, 343 Union.- Phone 3-3040. '40 DODGE 4-door sedan, heater, da. froster, seat covers, new paint, t nice running- tar ome it and aeei Rt duced to nly 9198. No down Pay fluent cm approval of credit. Open eve- nine. K. Smith and Son Motors, 145 union, rnone i-aoo. '41 KAISER 4-door sedan, good rubber, heater, sport Hah t, seat covers, 9498. No down -payment an approval l credit. Open evenings. K. Smith and son, Motors, iu Marion. Phone 1-3040 CADILLAC 1983 Club Coup. Original owner. Approximately months old, barely 4000 miles, will consider sta tion wagon In trade. 3-4913. ejioi 191 PLYMOUTH, radio, heater, good . condition. 3473 Trade. Phone 1-1909, dill IPS PLYMOUTH, good shape, new bat tery, license plates, 9139. 3-7683. ql99 19M HUDSON Pacemaker Convert. 11184 . or make offerwill take older car aa part payment. '337$ Silver ton . Rd., Salem. 109 1948 CHRYSLER convertible, 9-e Hinder Windsor. Looks and drives like caw. . Can be bank financed. For an excep tional pur. Call 3833, 1979 N. 33 rd, 0.108' 1941 TWO-DOOR Plymouth. Reasonable offer accepted. 1118 M. Winter St.. Salem, Ore. a 101 1838 CHEV. COUPE Thr.-sjuart.r race motor, column shift, pipes. ic.ll.nt body, 8118. 1-4148.- 1314 Trad.. 164- 1841 CHEV. Club Coup.. Oood ondltlon. Radio and heater, 8-8681. .108 1061 STUDEBAKER Champ. Vary nice condition. Low mlleare. Very reason able. O. W, Hall. Ph. 4813 Silverton. .110 FOR SALE OR TRADE, 1990 Chev. Stylellne DeLuxe 3-door or 191.0 DeSoto Custom 4-door. Phone 3-6M8. qua '43 PLYMOUTH, Delui. 4-door sedan. Clean condition. 4666. Will accent trade. Phona 4-4161, 1040 Kapphahn Rd. .110" 1941 rORD Club Coupe. Lota of aitraa, clean throughout, 8186. 433 union. 4-6304 or 3-9668. QUO- DON'T FORGET!. Used Car Department ! Open until 8 p.m. MONDAY THROUQH FRIDAY. 'TIL 6 P.M. SATURDAY For Your Convenience COMB IN AT YOUR LEIBTJRR AND LOOK OVER OUR PINE STOCK OP USED OARS, DAYS OR BVEN1NOB. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1646 DE SOTO SEDAN. A REAL , BAROAIN POR ONLY 6650 BUY PROM A DEALER WITH A LONO-STAND1NO REPUTATION POR DEPENDABILITY, PAIR PRICK, SIR VICE AND SATISFACTION. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. ' 636 N. Commercial Bt. Phont 3-3111 OHO1 v Mighty Good 1 4B Hudaon Commodore "6" Club Ope. Looka good - aounds lood la good $1295 . SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Ooea to Churoh Open ( a.m. k I p.m.. qlOt riG CHEV. f-TON truck, terms. 1041 Pontlac Sedanette, 820 down wui ouy. 1942 Chev. 3-door, 8100 down, days. 34041. Phone qllJ CLEAN, BLACK '41 Bute It Super Sedan. White aide wall itru. cau -zdio. qllO 1081 H-TON CHEV. pickup. Firat Houae aouth of independence onoac. noute a. Box 827, Salem. QUI 3 PLYMOUTH 4-door, A-X body and motor, clean, 1 130. phone 4-6612. 3220 Abrama Ave. i" H-T , Harvest Transportation 40 PONTIAC 4-DOOR Let the kids pay for this on) Let them drive to school I $195 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Whn Chemeketa Ooea to Churoh Open 8 a m. St 6 p.m. 0108' 940 CHEVROLET apeclal deluxe S-pass. club coupe, 61.000 actual miles. En title Just overhauled. 80 rubber. Body and upholstery like new. Must be aeen to be appreciated. Ternu can be arranaed. Phone 2-4313. ql08 liHtf STUDEBAKER tt-ton pickup, loir mileage, excellent condition. qlOS TRAILERS 4-WHKKI, tsndem trailer, suitable for farm or movlnf. Bed 4X13. so. r;nm'l. t!08 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machlnea aold, rented, repaired. Roen, 486 Court. Ph. 3-6773. Rim.DlNd MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Builders' cheap aupplles. 3-7386 evenings. 6116 RUI.LDOZINO Bulldoslnr. road elearlnt teeth. Virgil Huaker, 1010 ralrrlew. Ph. 3-3144. 0131 CA8II REOlftTERR instant delleerr or new RCA each registers All mekes. sold rented, re paired. Roen. 434 Court. Ph. 3-4773 CUSTOM FARM WORK Plnwlne. discing, aeedlng. Pord equip. ment. Marshall, 4371 Market. Phone 3-1343 Ol08 DRKSI4MAK1NG Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckle, covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H M. Allrnder. 3-8811. Ql33' DRIVING INSTRUCTION Lesrn to drive the "Ease Drlvs" a. Call or sr. Mr. Snelllng, Veils. Mo lds Co.. Salem. Phone 3-3147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben Otjen s Bona. Esc.vatlna, arad. Ink, land clearing. Phon. 3-3060. Q113' FURNITURE BEFINIHH1NG Furnltur. rellnlshlng. repairing. Ed. tar Brock, 461 Norway St. Phone 33367. INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum srreene. Free aatlmatea. T. Pullman Ph. 3-6. .113' MATTRESHES Capitol Heading, r.novates. Pull Una new mattresses. Ph. 3-4066. OFFICE FURNITURE a SUPPLIES Desk chalra. files, riling suppllee, safea, dupllcatotra. supplies, desk lempa, type writer stands. Roen, 436 Court. a BHARrP.NIVG AND RKPAIR SERVICE Oberl's Sharpening and Repair Serv Ire. Lawnmowers. knives, aheara, bl' crcle. and email motore. Ph, 34616 or 43163. 18th end "D" Ma. out atPTIC TANKS Kamer, septic tanks eleaned, Una servlra. Ouaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 0136 Mike's Septic Service, Tanks elesned D'motar cleans, dralna, Phon. SUM. .118 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES LODER BROS. 50 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday coupe. 2-tone cream ' & black, white ildewall tires. R&H, Hydro. 1995 'SO PONTIAC ftreamliner Chieftain deluxe 4-door . sedan, popular mist green finish, R&H, Hydro matic, and a one-owner . ,.$1845 LODER BROS. TOUR OLDevMOBILE DEALER LOADED WITH . VALUES S0 BUYS 1837 CHEV, 4-DOOR. OOOD UOTOR ' , FOR $100 1841 DE SOTO 4-DOOR . 1841 HUDSON 4-DOOR, OVERDRIVE - $150 BUYS 1846 PLYMOUTH CM. NEW TWEfl, OOOD UOTOR 4s PAINT 1840 DODOE CPE. '44 MOTOR . 1646 DE aOTO CPE. , FOR $195 . . 1840 PORD V-8 1138 PORD V-8 1 $295 BUYS 1641 CHEVROLET 3-DOOR 1840 PONTIAC 4-DOOR THESE CARS MUST GO! KANNIER'S Used Cars (H. J. "Hiney" Meufeld, Mgr.) 520 Hood St. ; MAJOR MOTORS SPRING SPECIALS '48 BUICK CONVERTIBLE $1195 , Truly one ot the most beautiful convertibles - In town. This cat It Immaculately and In ex cellent condition. It is a light sea mist green with a brand neH black top and whltewall tires. Included' li every custom Buick acces ., sory including the automatic transmission. ' You will be proud to own and drive this car ' at this low price. '60 CHEVROLET" DE LUXE . ..... .$1295 This black de luxe Fleetline tudor is one of our premium cars. It has the de luxe Chevro let pushbutton radio and the de luxe heater -and defrosters. This car also has whitewall tires and chrome wheel rings. It is just as clean as a '52 model' and is unexcelled in condition. This is a genuine buy at this price. '46 BUICK .... ... . . .... 595 This very clean 4-door sedan is dark green with whitewall tires and green and ivory . seat covers. Also fully equipped with regular Buick accessories. A real family car and at uch a low price. '41 OLD'S $ 295 4-Door. This car has the original wax finish and immaculate Interior for '41. It is also equipped with radio and heater. Can be bought for this low price. MAJOR MOTORS 18TH tt STATE PH. 2-051S DIRECTORY SEPTIC TANKS Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter sewer Berrlce. Phon. 3-8337. STkAYINCI L. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phona 4-1461. Q108' TYPEWRITERS Bmlth. Corona, Reminiton, Royal, Un derwood portabjje All makee used mschlnu. Repalra 4 rent. Roen, 484 Court. TEftVISipN Prompt television and radio repair service. Phona 4-1881. 873 Market, day or nlehl. QlH VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canlleld'e Laundry, Repair., Reflnieh- Ing. 1440 istn. rn. a-seus, rica-up. Delivery. oll6 WINDOW CLEANINO Acme Window clsansra. Industrial floor waxing, houseoleanlns, Phon. 33337. 347 Court LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A F A.M. Wed., May 6, Stated Communication, 8:00 p.m. Address by Mr. Charles A. Sprague, 8:30 p.m. 108 Sublimity Sublimity Mrs. Marie Bannister, (Marie Odenthal) of Oakland, Calif., was a recent visitor. Mrs. Bannis ter attended the local schools some yean ago, The athletic banquet was held at the parish gym wed' neiday evening with honors tendered the football, basket ball, baseball and track teams! also the yell leaders. Rev. R. O, O'Hara acted ai toast master with Harry Skarff, coach at Central Catholic high school, of Portland, as guest speaker. Others at the guest table who gave brief talks were Rev. Jos. Scherbrlng, Rev, Math Joans of Stayton, Rev. Gellnas of Shaw, Rev. Bernard Neuman and Rev. Owen Me Kenna of Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pendcrgast. A solo was sung by Duane Heuberger with Marilyn Mln den at accompanist; a reading ragt Z8 AUTOMOIILES Phon. 1-16T1 Phonei 3-9862 and 4-3593 by Mary Jean Ditter and a number by the trio, Jimmy Tate, Ronald Bentz and Ber nard Miotke completed the program. The Century theatre re opened Saturday night with Leonard Hendricks and Ber nard Lulay as operators. Movies are scheduled for Sat urday and Sunday evening of each week at 7 and 9 p.m. Mrs. Leonard Neal and children, Jimmy, Linda and Robert, left by plane Monday for Oakland, Calif., making the 750 mile trip in little more than two hours. They will make their home In that city while Mr. Neal is catcher with the Oakland Acorn ball team. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Hass-. ler left last week for a two months' vacation trip, that will take'tham east to Penn sylvania thence south of Flor ida visiting relatives and places ot interest en route. A brother of Mr. Hassler Is at present living In Florida. ' Miss Geraldine Heuberger, a sophomore, was chosen Qlieen Geraldine I at May day festivities F r i d a.y evening Mary Louise Hottinger, Nancy Nellson and Sharon Meier were members of her court. The grade school PTA will meet Monday, May 11, Instead of May 4. tor. T. T. Lam, N.D Ot. O Chan 14.0 DK8. CHAN LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 141 North Libert Office open Saturday only le am to 1 p.m., I to 1 p m Consultation, blood pressure and ttrln. tests ar. fre. of chart. Practiced alnca 1617 Write tor atlraetlva sift. Mo Milt. tatlcn. ,