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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1953)
Pax 22 FOR SAL! HOUSES THE BUYERS' GUIDE ''".' CANDAIiARIA SPECIAL , ad what apeoloL B.. rumpue room with fireplace, M. and ana cenialarta'a flneet view. irs sorms. This u do iwiut kome, b nr. Tov xurht ta ee it 010,000. Tirmi that art pin. ' , Would consider ratlin home also. Want ta aea lt PJJ. We have thm alto, (11,100 and 110,000. , NURSERY AND HOME Why not wroudlr announce to rour boss, Ton. nave btan a, great toy t work f or ana I appraclata It ta, but t tm thrauib, I quit. I bava bought home ana a Ilia nureerr." Well, lerlno all poking aside, wa hare that minor? and bona. Tba owner needs to ratlra. But the reaaon ba oaa retire la baoauaa thli nurterr made him bla eteke. Mow roil ara . . Beit. 017,000 (or home, nureerr and land. Terme o aourio. (No doubt that oaa ba worked out to avorrbaar-e oatletaetloni. A BUSINESS AND HOME Tbla mar ba the aniwer to rour problem, eo whr not read thli. Hera la a ana bedroom home with an adlolnlni altracllre atora about 10 ft. frontase, on tba main atreet of a eommunltr near Salem. It la now occupied br a. I hoe atore and aboe repair ehop. (A bualneea rou can bur If rou wish). But It la aleo a food apot for a beautr parlor, barber ahop, radio ahop. or a doaen other things. Home, atore, garage and 00 ft. lot all for 00000. Ae to terme. owner aara "Work If out I" Would aostldar a Salem home. How honeetlr here la a chance ta sat fain wbr awl ; CLYDE PRALL r. 4-moi uMtunm , Ask for D. A. WILLIAMS to. CaU o-OOM ' HOMES 0V4 Acres, beautiful view and In setting of beautiful All klnda ef fruit, lovelr flowere and ahrube. Large garage, chicken bouee and fruit houee. Cape Cod trpe home, nice living room with picture wlndowe, aeparata dlnlna room, kitchen with plentr built Ine. One bedroom down and partlr flnUhed two badroome up. Inalde utllltr room, priced at anlr 00,100. Three-bedroom home on H acre of (round. "3-ft. Jiving room. Laraa kitchen with plentr bullt-lne. Inside utllltr room. Nice garden apot, flowere and ehrube. Clota to achool and onlr three blooka to but. Priced at onlr Ot.OOH. Oloaa In, tbla two-bedroom home, onlr three reara old. Automatle oil beat, and plumbed for automatle wather. Nice aarden apot, flowara and ahrube. Oloaa to eohool and two blocka to oltr bua. T0X110 lot. Priced to eel! at 7,0. "Beet Duplex Bur onlr one raar old, ranch trpe. Bach unit haa one bedroom, llrlur room, kitchen, utiutr room. All hardwood floore. Tbla la a real food investment. 1130.00 a month income. 2 3 4 Well bum ana in exeeuent oonaiuon. rnoea at aia.vuu. No parking worries when you drive out to Salem's first Drive-In Smith Real Estate 8425 Portland Road Aik for Smltttr or Clrda on these. FOR SALE HOUSES . kkizer District: Beautiful new 3-bed room bome with dinette, larie llvlni room, lnalda utllltr, forced air heat, Will tike lata oar or pickup in trade. 4.-4J07. 1-0277. al00 FREE BASEMENT! If you havt been looking for horn In new condition with thm bed room! on ont floor, but nnten't felt that you eould ifford t, basement, too, then htra It rour ehanoa to ttt both I it it located in a dutriblt odlstrlct, louth. Hit horn has man? "itrft' features, such m birth kitchen eablnets, wardrobe elos ti, ate, Tht prlct will pitas too, and don't worry About the flnanelnti any . terms within rtuon will bur thli flat borne. . REALTOR PHONE: 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. atvenln- phone: Mill 10' KLUMPP'S EXCLUSIVE HOMES A Splc and Span Llttl. Horn.1 with largo Hrtng room, three good suied bedroom on on floor wiin ad joining bath. Crou ventilation ta all foomi, nice atsad kitchen with plentr f bull Mm, Back yard fenced, plenty f room for garden and flowers, nice lawn In front. Will giro Terr reason able terms, CaU for appointment. Ideal Home for Small Family with two lovely bedrooms, largo Hy ing room with picture windows. A very convenient kitchen with Inside utility room. Lovely mahogany doors. Nice lot iixiw with rour own weii system. Clots to school. 24 ACRES Don't atael Itl Juel Bur Itl Thin rou will rrallae what a at eel thlt reallr le. Juet a 10 minute drive from ahopplng oentar. A Blea 1 bed room home with living room, with fireplace, dlnlna room, kitchen with broaktaat nook. A ilaeeed-la aun porch. A rerr food ftro alarm aretem oaa with It. Thlt homo alio baa a full baeement with a nice cool room for thete hot dare. A good double araie. Thla homo le aU plastered and papered. XUnoea torcaa aale at vole vropertr. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor lotl Portland ltd. Ph. 1-TOU lie. Richard I-1000 eloo NEW NEW Treated In (eat Iniiewood onlr 1 . . wtlm m BuroQ) houee la now raadr ta thow. Hardwood .., luumiui oil rurnace. hardwood trim, all Birch kitchen with ' '""" nook, rormlea counter . --- - .Miitr in eeinroom. lull baamani-idaal for TV room. On laree I. " " P.HJt. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Maaonlo KulMtn Heal tittle, tnauranea. un,i.... Phone mil tvenlnaei .4too alio Home find Rental So-.?Id,om 5?" m ' 'ot. north. wmur.irowr.'pr7.rA,,.,',KJ, C. W. Reeve, Realtor laao HWton m p. ,WM " "". 1 aeraa, aloee In north-eaat. I bedroom homo, barn chicken houee. tile fralt home, eir- aee. 1010 Laniln ml1n "opaf home near Utile. Ported aas awowaliejaaw. W tUi pnQOJ U,7M will take bulldino lotl n trade J-I7. ,M CLASSiriED ADTIBTIIINO Per Ward tlmaa Par Ward 4, Per vTerd. I elaeoa ' let Per Ward, I Math ooe Na Bafaada Mlalmaaa M Warde. BIAOtBa la lel Kewa Column Omtr Par Ward v Mralmaa 10 OTarda Tt Plaoo Ad In Bant Dr1 "per. Phono l-MM Mfowo) U fun. FOR SALE HOUSES IM so. Hlfh FOR YOU! Ph. t-7007 Dar, or Ive. FOR SALE HOUSES SMALL S bedroom home, low down par- ment, oood dlitrlct. 031 wait lath St. Albanr. 3-0973 Salem. ellj- OWNEB WILL aell nice 1 bedroom home. Located next to Klnswood, Welt Sa lem. Hee nice aarden apace, toooo with terme. Phone 45470. all7 BIO MONEY, on mall Investment, fix ing ou tilde of house. 8 bedrooms on main floor, Urge Uvlnt and dln.nt room combine tlon. Redecorated, nice kitchen, 60x135 lot, all fenced. Large garage. Bui by door, A blocks to ichool, excellent location. Eur money for someone. 2276 Claude. al08 1060 N. 13th . Br owner and bunder, new 0 -bedroom plaetered bome. Cloae to blah eohool. 1200 Llvlni Aara. Terme. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER HOMB BUILDER 1140 Olive Phone 13BO0 all!1 2 BETTER BUYS NO. 1 YOTJ ARE THE ONK TO WEAB THI NSW OPP THIS LOVELY 1 bdrm home tn A-l reeldentlal area. All rma baautltullr decorated, hdwd flra, mahor. doora, oil heat, etuzmino kit with formica counter tons, dinette a ooar Uv. no. Attached taraia and naptioaaiir deep lot, 01000 will aanma. NO. 1 SNJOY MVTNO IN THIS HOltt OP EARLY COLONIAL DE- SION on a oulel atraat. Wall to wail carpeuno in nv. rm, lie kitchenette, 1 bdrma. attached car.. Tard f.nit.ji beautiful abmba at treeo. PULL PHIOE IB OWL.Y 07OW. BEX MRS. OOLK8 BEB, EVE. PH. 31371. ornci blu. 1494,24552 yj BY OWNIRt Nearly new 1-btdroom nome. saw Towneend way, aloe BEST BUY IN SALEM OHARsflNO R6U1 In Falrmount dlitrlct. Less than t yri. cad. This home Is exceptionally well built of flrst-dass materials and located In quiet, strictly residential dlitrlct. Lorely fireplace and picture window in eomoination unng and dining room. Large. Hint, well arranied kitchen. Two extra large bedrooms with huge wardrobe closets. Tile bath, hardwood noon, automatio oil heating furnace. Basement. Attached double garase. Large corner lot with beautiful trees, fiowera and shrube. If you are looktni for an extremely fine home you an not afford to miss seeing this one. 1 Shown by appointment only. FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate K7 oPirorounda ltd. 4-olU aloo $3,200. OSOO down can cat rou thla l-bed-roora home. Extra laraa kitchen, rood Used llvlno room. Bath and lntlda atllltr. Aeiume 11,300 bal. Lane lot on a paved at. In Seat ealem. Bee or call Prank Tlaalo 1-0030 or 4-1070 with McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 403 Cenler at.. Balcm al0l BABBLING BROOK By the PRONT door. Thta new 1 bdrm home with hdwd 'Ire ahould reellr pleeee at the price of 10400. Term, ,1000 down balance on New PIIA loan. Juat It blockt from tht Leille echool. MR. & MRS. SEE Tina baroatn buy for urns. Extra IV.? "" iMr" m- 1 ! UJS'JL' "" oaraae, CL06K TO o coRNma sRoppma centtr wV3"ni!JL0 40,0 b"" our. BEE vak rorn, eve. ph. eiToo. . OrriCE DIAL 4-'4494, 24552 I qii(BnB I W8$ i J2Jasi.tSt FOR SALE HOUSES SPOTLBaO. VACANT. FAMILY B1ZB HOklE A nlaca for averrthlnt and avtrv body. 4 bdmu., nKa lane din. rm., plue aatlnr area In kitchen. Lovelr wlndowe, fireplace, all herdw. floore. treee, patio, quiet etreet Eael auburb- an. 03400 down, oavper mo. A. A. LARSXN, BEALTOB 101 B. Hlfh Ph. JOOJO -Evenlnta A. WelU. ph. JJ710 Andr Balvoreen. ph. aim A. B. Becicit, pn. alio1 VI rw home 3 badroome. plar room. carpatlni, double eereee. 3-4013. 2it Poreet HUla war. NEAR NEW SCHOOL 0o this S-bedroom home on deep lot for te.too. concrete rounasuDD. m..i...i U.ulaiajt Waal tDDairi . , riBBbCrrU, lllatuiaaama, - v-...--. wr r -- Good TV reception. Mar trade, call Ramsey Real Etate, Hill. aive NEW 2-B.R. HOME New dlst, lo?ely yard, gOxllO-ft. lot oil furn., hdwd. fin., att. garase, priced to sell, 7,OS0, with $1.00 down Geo. Marshall. LOVELY HOMK SOUTH hr nit L.R. with fireplace, D R., Kit. ok Brk. nook, lots of bullt lns. full daylight burnt, with extra IlrepJice m oatn. oaruie joqi, -ibiv. garage. Prlca $10,000. Oeo. Marshall. N1TW 4-B.R. HOU8B North ,oak floon, floor turn., good Well, lot 10PX HQ 1 1-, ocn Ol own, 10300, with $1000 down. Allan Fletcher CHOICE LOTS Mr. Builder, here are 3 choice lotl. Lou 80x100 ft. On ono lot Is a 30x84 ft. bldg. 600 and $800. Allan iieioaer, OOOD VTFW - a dot ox. U acre west with a 3-rm. garase house, good view. $1(00. Allan rietcher. CHOICE APT. HOUSE ai hiuineu site on No. Winter St. Only 6 bl. from capital bids, and S bl from St. Josepn's cnurcn. sa,ow, with $12,000 down. Auan netcner. Burt Picha 170 N. Blah at. off.: 3-on Bret.: Allan Plebcher, 1-3700 alOS' PRICE REDUCED TO 18390 on tbla verr nice 0-rm. home. Bdrme. ara line and thle home le In excellent aondltlon lnalda and out. Att. oaraie, patio and laree lot 110 x 110, FAIRAfOUNT HILL t-bdrm. home onlr 10000. All on one floor. Verr cleen. JOHN J. DANK, REALTOR 410 N. High Ph. 43U3 Eve. 38170 41943, 30310. 37401 alOO FOR SALE LOTS LOTS 00X132, no reatrletlona, 0475 to 09OO. in down, oio a montn. s. a. Mcalautlln, Owenr, 444 Center, 3-8011, Eve. 3-0013. aalOO1 FOR SALE FARMS 68 ACRES, aU good land and In crop. Some seed contracts. Owner expects good return thli year. Will draw $3500 In advance August 1st This and au luny equipped with good machinery; modern, 3-bedroom home with oil heat All for 142,000. $7,800 down. W1U take town property for down narment. F. H. Weir, Realtor. Call Forreit Sim mons, farm salesman with F. H. weir. Phone 4-3758. bl08 Calling Mr. Farmer LAROB DUTCH COLONIAL (east) 4H mllea out. IV, aete of plumblnc, forced all dU furnace In lorely eettlno on thla 100 acre atock dt oraaa Raujh. Oood Irrlaation well dt pump, live creek, barn & ate. RAISE WHITE FACES GALORE HERE. Nice shade treea a variety fruit, price la O&U.OOD on QOOO TERMB. 26 ACRES BUY rOR 00900 H In cult, 1 acre Ind orop atrawberrlee, 3 bdrm modern nome, nice ehade treat, laroa barn, plentr water and on paved road 1 mllea out. tt ACRE NEAR KEIZER SCHOOL ho oidce, eome treea, corner lou. Price leoo for 0100 down. Many Other Good Buys Nil . j,, nnucnoun run A FAIiM EVE. PH. 43714 OFFICE DIAL bioo I5-ACRE HOLALLA raUer farm, atocked ano aquippea, zor oolck oale. see Olav Buer, route 3, box 00. Call Uolalla 38P4. bin REAL ESTATE MOTEL OWNERS ATTENTION PLEASE. WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSISTANCE OP Mr. carl Arndt who will be olvlna ape olal attention to the ale and ax ehanoe of Molela, Court. Apt. Htoe. and all trpee of rental propertr. OJVE US A CALL WE CAN HELP TOU. Eva. ph. 41700. ornci dial 44494,24552 yj r iJl DECORATOR'S CHOICE luit being finished, I -bedroom home in new addition. Living room with Roman brick fireplace, dining room, modernistic kitchen and bath. Pull site bsietnent with raised hearth fireplace. Utility. Come out and see mem. cnoote your own color scheme. TRADE FOR CAR Very attractive new 3-bedroom home on corner lot. Bit fireplace, forced air heat, bath, shower. Oarane and car port attached to house. Will take oar, lots of acrease for part or all oi equity. TRADE This U-eere tract has a tnv1 ! bedroom home, living room, extra large kitchen, utility room. Wilt trade for larger noma norm or northeast. SEE THIS A darling a-bedroom home. Beauti fully finished. In South Village, Liv ing room with fireplace. Dining room. Neat, compact kitchen. Bath and util ities. Hardwood floors throughout. Forced air furnace. New lawn Juit put BUILDERS HOMES Real Xstate 3TW Bo. Commercial fit. Office phone 4167b Evenings 11770 clot e g-UNTT MOTEL all ft. frontage on BOB. Room for expansion. Nicely furnished. Hdwd. firs., 4 yrs, old. IW.&oo, or will trade for larger motel. Call Mai Kntttel, eve. 4-2310. SAIaTM'f NICEST BKAUTT PARLOR ffetebllihed II years. Best of equip ment. 10 to 14 open tori during sum mer. Shows excellent Income. Shown by appointment only, No phone tntor m it ion. BV 44494,24552 y - . THE CAPITAL JOUKNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate FULL PRICE $3200 Poor reere eld. One bedroom bome. nlea kitchen, llvlno. bath. Una lot In axceUent location north, cloae to atoraa and achool. Call Mr Vandervort, ealetman. u ' ONLY $4930 Neat I bedroom home. Llvlno, kitchen, bath, ataraoa apaea tn attla. NIC aheded back rard with picket fence. Would maba ntca raVtaL WU1 trade for laraer bome. OaU lira. Schultea, aaleawtrniat NEW HOME Nice 13x17 llvlni, dlnlnr, kitchen. I bdrme, bath. Att. aaraie. Lot ooiioo. Onlr 1W blk. to ichool eo etoreo. Thli la a real bur at taooo ' CaU Mr. Slmpeon. aaluman. ' " ,MW- ENGLEWOOD bedroome. nlea llvlnr, kitchen, bath. Wired tor retiie. oaraae Lot 49x117. Nice lawn and ahrube. 1 walnut, 1 apple, orapee. v blk to bua Onlr 00. Call Mr. Hueh, aaleeman. $1000 DOWN New I bdrm. home. Lea. llvlno, dlnlno, kitchen with axtra eat apaea ' Utllltr. forced oil heat. 1130 eo. ft. floor apaea. Lie. aaraaa corn., lot ooxioo. Onlr 010,000. Call Mr. aimpeon, aaleeman. THREE YEARS OLD Nice t bedroom home. Living, dlnlno, kltehen, bath, hardwood floor, Imulated a weatherttrlpped. 1 oherrr tree. Nice flowere a ahrube Lot 70x190. Price 011,000. Trade for email acreaxa. Call Mr. Ruch, aaleeman. ROY TODD, REALTOR 030 State Street office Phone 1-0001 Eve. Phone: Vandervort 1-0300 ahultea ' 1-1130 Btmpaon 1-0310 Ruch 1-7010 - Todd 1-1711 . Grabenhorst Specials APARTMENT Excellent location. 4 unite plus owner's quarters. Com pletely furnished. Very good condition. Terms. For further Information CALL H. K. LAYMON. OWNER LEA VINO TOWN Has priced home and furniture at sacri fice. 4 bdrms., llr. rm., din. rm., nook, fireplace, full basmt. for ohll dren to play In winter, acre for the gardener. Economical sawdust heat. See today-CALL PETER H. OEISER LUTE A QUIET STREET IN A FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD 3-bdrm home In to pcondltlsn inside and out. Beautiful llr, rm. 18 x 23 ft. 1000 so. ft. $9960. For full details CALL J. E. LAW . ROOM I NO tb BOARDING OHUHE bdrms. In one of Salem's choicest locations, lse. lot, 130 x ISO, nice Interior, basement, hot water heat, No a sone. Can be converted to apt.. Plenty of room for expansion, good potential business site. CALL ROY FERRIS GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Evenings A J. E. Law Roy Ferris 3-8010 iioMotaoo..ittiiaoiia f rfffffWf,fJ REAL ESTATE milt tutu iimitt tiimii oiiiiiiuto imiisui OWtlttltl Otltlllill List wmmmiimi Buv IttllllttSltSlttllltt Itmimi at itittittit mittii it imint 0IIIM 00 0IIIII 01 00 SULLIVAN APARTMENT LIVING In the country. Ranch style, 844 sq. ft. of floor space. Cute, compact, bandy. Nice view. Beautiful lawn, val uable extra lot. Bus by door. 8600. rrane on larger nome. PRICED TO SELL One of the nicest and best homes. 6 rms. on lse. lot. Lovely landscaping. Close to school ds trans. $9350, HOME PloOS H ACRE. Suburban, B-rm. In mp condition, igoo sq. it., only a yrs, old. Fruit trees & place for chickens priced risnt at $97&o. BE SMART OCT A START I 10 A., 10 tillable 8t seeded to wheat. View prop. 7 ml. from Salem. . No Improvement!. Low down payment & easy terms. Make us an oner. Call McFarlane, eve. ph. -d9. A SALEM MOTEL ssli., I dbls. Sili. can be convert ed to dbls. Ample linen tb bed supplies. Furnished. 3-bdrm. home with dbia. bath. Would consider small has. as a traoe-in. BUSINESS BLDG. with a 4-rm. apta. upatalre. 3200 an. ft. on each floor. About 30 ml. from eaiem. Make oner. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR 0309 Portland Road Ph. 4-OSSi Br. office: S07 N. High Ph. 4-0433 Eve. Ph. 1-0704, 4-3349, 4-0441 ollO' NEW 2-BEDR00M $750 DOWN Built to rlslil FHA specifications. Separate dining area. Very good room arransement. All hardwood floors. Attached garage. Paved street Inside city limits. Really a good buy at only ftJOOtf. MINIATURE FARM One acre of good land with lots of outbuildings. Plenty of young fruit irees ano oernes. A good 3-bedroom house designed for easy, comfortable living, also an attsched one-room1 building Meal for a boy's hldaway or a good place for your mother-in-law. All this for only 16000 with a small iown payment. S-BEDROOM SPECIAL 10,600. Almost new in a secluded district of West Salem. A kitchen that's a woman's dream come true. AU hardwood floors. Large attached arase. can oe ooutiit at Q.I. 01 F.H.A. terms. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlth Street Phono 1-0301 Phone evenlnxt and Sunder: 4-1071. S-3J8. 4-I3S0. 4-0310. J-SJM rlfHl" WANTED REAL ESTATE W ANTED FROM owner, 1 bedroom house 10 n 0,000. rreierably suburban. Phone wig. calio1 TRADE IMS PONT I AC "8" 4-door, like new, as nown payment on real estate In Salem. Olve full description where property Is located. Write Jack Hascnaa, u Academy. Pallas, Ore. . callO NOTICE. If your property is for aale. runs or ixcnange, UU It WHO UB. We nave au unoi ot easb buyers. STATS FINANCE CO., REALTORS 159 8. Hi ah fit. ft 8 ARE badly in need of I and 3 -bed room nome i. In Leslie Dlst. Also need home anywhere with small down pay- mfnu. wnst nave your AL laSAAK, REALTOR, PR 3U ii no answer, ph. 4-2341 ca WB ARE In need of good houses to vm, in or near oaiem u you wish to llt your property for sale, tee ORABKNHORST BROS.. REALTORS. . .ivrr rn. 4- 1 1 ca" GREAT BUT1NQ DEMAND for farms oiiu itriM, ui. yours witn coibatn Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Farm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES roE OALE OR TRA1IK ReMaurenl equipment and leaie. Parlnx bualneu. Roa 00. Capital Journal. cdus 0110 QI lTr and atocr In 17 new vend- inr macninee. Wonderrul opportunltr for pereon with eome apare lime. Phone 4..O0 or 4-07H. rdlio , BAKarir 8(11 TtS lor eale. Phone JMieerier pm. odioo' REAL ESTATE Ph. a-1471 Sundays call 1-3118 H. K. Laymon S-S4M reier h. oeiser 3-9968 in. REAL ESTATE Outstanding 2-BEDROOM HOME Only $8500. About 4 years old and in excellent condition. Dining room and also breakfast bar. Plastered In terior and shake exterior. Only 3 blocks to school and bus by door. Paved si. uq a aouDje 10c. . 3-BEDROOM $850 down, no loan costs. Lots of room for the money. Only $4B50 full price. Plenty of storage space. Extra large lot with assorted fruit and nut trees and good garden spot. Bus by ooor, paveo street. DOUBLE GARAGE Attached to a new S-bedroom home with a beautiful view of the city of Salem. Extra nice dining room. Lots of storage space. Will trade for your smau nouse, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Blah St. Phone Mo. 3-0303 Phone evenlnga and Sunday: 4-1071, 1-3008, 4-1380, 3-1870, 4-0310, 1-3304 OlOfl" 500 DOWN A verr oood 3 BJt, homo onlr I reara oio, located K.s. on paved St. Better aee thla. . 2 BOD&K8 ON 1 LOT Hera la a chanca to bava oood Income on a email Investment. Wall located In St. Vincent diet. Out of town owner aaka loooo terme. 4 BEDROOM BOME Located In St. Vlncent'a dlat. baa 3 eete of plumbing. Besement and S.D. furnace. Thla le a well built home In food condition. WM. BUVSN or CO., REALTORS 047 N. Hlth St., Tel. 2-3017, Eve. 3-1773 OI09 HIGHWAY FRONTAGE IN ALBANY, OREOON, lit foot frontage on 00E. Oood two bod room houee, oaraae, fruit and nut treea, plenty of room for a busrneu bulldlne. tioAnnnn Owner, will conalder trading for a uuuBv in csaiem. Lawrence Sdholm, Broker, U. s. Nat'L Bank Bldg., Al bany. Oregon. i,iro EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE OROCERY TO TRADE Por a Salem home or acreage. 1053 troaa aalea 133,000 ell caah. Rent 030 a month. Subttantlal neighborhood. No phnne Information. E. A. Mcolau flln Realtor. 444 Center St. 1-0011. cbiot' FOR TRADE My acuity In an apt. muuso in o.iem xor a email nuelnesa. Write Box 00, Capital Journal. cbllO" 3-PUMP OAS STATION, repair ahop and ,-wwwiu uuuic, ...,vuu. nni nice aetup for young man who know, the eervlca atatlon buetneae. Ideal location. Large lot, all paved. Oood location for car repair. The place la partly equip ped. Term, or trade. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor 1000 N. Capitol Phone 331S5 eblOO BUSINESS & INCOME OR TRADE, aaraie. buslneaa opportun ity. Located In center of laraa farm ing community. Near Salem. Phone 3133S. mim FURNITURE FOR SALE ILLNESS FORCES tale of houee full of nice furniture, see at 4100 N. River Rd. dioo Journal Want Ads Pay 'a4dt'ot WANTED REAL ESTATE Selling the 6 Point Way The old method will of course eventualy work, but why the "event ually" system If you want to sell? If you wish to try a proven and effective approach, why not cooperate with us on the "e-POINT WAY" and sellf At your convenience, why not call us an4 let us work out for you a sales approach other than the old-fashioned "eventually" sys tem. When we work together, things usually happen. 134 SO. HIGH Evening, JOE PALOOKA Xf VE6, ANN MOTHER, ITS TOO "M HONEY. ..rU. 6WEaiN&THAT HEAT A IISTEN AN MUST BE TORTURE I L COME AN' -JUST CANT LISTEN J TR-t. WO-. jf- AWMORE-jatgPTE JOSEPH REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WX NEED LLSTrNOft. Pertlcularlr htaber priced home, and aU typee with low down payment.. 3 BEDROOMS $7500 Yes, $7500 ii the full price for this S bedroom suburban boms. Approi. K A. lot.8tone throw from school. In good condition. Oaraie. esveral fruit uses. Terms arranseal. YOU HAVE ADMIRED this home many times as you have driven by. it's really nice, me set ting, view and yard la beautiful and breath taking. Aluminum window frames. You couldn't spend a dime on It u you wanted too. Fireplace, mm la ted. Large utility room. 4V A. Owner leaving. Pull price only $13,250. Terms arranged. UNUSUAL FEATURES GALORE This Is really lovely. One of Salem's choicest dlsts. Pull basement with par ty room. lWt bathrooms. Beautiful wall to wall carpets. Le. corner lot. Lovely back yard. Beautiful drapes go with the home. New furnace. 3 car garage. rm price $23,290. ' $1500 DOWN on this older type home. Location de veloping Into more value daily. Larse corner lot. Pvd. on both sides. 2 bed roome. Oar&ge. Bus by door. Full price $8,900. MOTOR COURT It units Inside city. Approx. tt A. lot. Lots of room for expsnslon. Own er will consider home, up to $15,000 as part payment. It's not new but it's clean. Panel ray gas heat. Price Is only $29,000. Better hurry. . . 10,000 SQ. FT. BLDG. Very suitable for dance hall, skating ring, small roanuf. plant, warehouse or wha bays you? Lots of plate glass. Heated. Concrete floor. Extra large lot. Lot eof room for parking, owner may consider another property as part payment, run price $35,000. INCOME $140 PER MO Plus owners quarters. Almost new du plex. Trailer spaces. 100 by 134 lot. De- slrable location. I unit furnished, Owner wil accept home up to $7,000 as part palyment. Full price Is only la,,DUV. ' MOTOR COURT. This Is a good one. In a very de sirable location on the coast. Owner reports a gross Income last year of $11,000.00. Each unit Is modern and equipped, with kitchens. Overlooking the surf. Can accommodate from 2 to 8 In a party. Owner will consider farm up to $40,000 In trade. Better nurry. Full price 155. 000.00. CALL FOR DAN ESAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3533 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5020 or MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-6494. If no answer csll 4-2248. 85 ACRES 12$0 ft. aluminum Irrigation pip. 28 sprinklers, water rights to 36 A. Mod ern S bedroom house. Part basement. Barn, machine shed. School bus. Full price only $17,500. SELECT CHOICE SUBURBAN Almost T A. suitable for sub-division, flub-dlvlsion Joining. 6 tone throw from school. Pvd. highway. Very nice home wun uniinisneo upstairs. 2-car gar age. New chicken house. Best of soil. May consider trade for city property. fuu price $14,850. iy2 ACRES Modern 0-room houe built In 1040. Chicken house, garage, work ehoo. will eon. Near Salem. Only $1600 aown. run price ol 07.250. CALL POR MR. LEAVENS,, EVE. PH. 3-4730. a no anewer call 4-3240. MORTGAGE LOANS 30 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 1-7030 3030 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4739, 4-S494, 4-3533, 4-5030 or 3-3550 If no answer, phone 4-2348 eioa WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CUSTOM MADE double rlg-Qullled sad dle. Hit" tree. Like new, costa 0220. Bell for 0100. See at 335 N. High St. el0O FINE ALPINE milk (oat, give. 4 quarts per dar. 3-1262. elio ONE GENTLE kids pony, 3 Palamlno, 1 bio work team. 4745 Sllverton Road. eJW" FOR SALE Quarter-hone. Leaving for army. Phone 4-4547. .IDs" LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White fsce Hereford. 36c. Locker pork. 35c. Nothing down, 6 mos. to pay. Custom killing, Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 132$ 8. 2Hh. Ph. 3-4B58. WANTED REAL ESTATE 43651 call 4-0044 THE BEU LAST ROUND. A HEAT EXHAUSTED CROWD WATCHES TWO VALIANT ATHLETES START TOWARD ONE ANOTHER. TO Vie FOR A CROWN. WTTH A LAST SPARK Of, strengths: 2 ggi rfrvm. PH hlr- I DEA1 ECTATE HOME OWNER Leaving .lata, and eould nee a oood lata odel oar In trad. a Kp utility. A HOME ADDRESS YOU'LL GIVE WITH PRIDE lSS anllou. to aeu" wenta an offer on down payment. Cell Chet. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING Here's a wonderful atarter home of 1 bedroom, built of Pumice block, wceptlonally nice lot located 3030 Brown Road. Price Is only 12050. Call Chet for further Information. A FARM WITH A FUTURE SScffi ''Tem'tnt 'W'tSsI ' w"fcln freese?: This 00 acres hat an exceptionally nice I bedroom home. Por more Information. Call Dale Rarburn. 2 BEDROOM HOME NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL ... . . . iiin T.ivin. room and dlnlno 3 oedroom nome naa everrvmn T., utility room combination. Fireplace, a dream kitchen, tra Ian e u llllty. attached aarage. Very near yard. This home It neet lntlde and out. For appointment to eee, CaU Dale Rarburn. 2 BEDROOM SOUTH IN CITY Two bedroom, full dining room, nice big kitchen, lerge living room. Attached garage. Insulated, weather stripped, good lot on paved elreet. 1H blocks to achool, 09600 committment, selllni for 00300. . Hurry, thta won't latt. Call Jim. REAL SUBURBAN LIVING Extra large plot of ground with thla neat --'' V?'0!?. hS , I Large kitchen with lots of bulltlnt. 3 nice sue bedroom, tile bath, attached garage, good ehrube and flowers, and on tr",'"'"1 city transportation. The eoU la the beat for that garden. All lor .8.00. , Good financing. Call Jim. PICTURE WINDOWS Thle very attractive noma with large corner picture wlndowe affords a delightful living room and dining room. Two bedrooms. Located oouth near achools on paved street. Might consider trade for lerger home. 00750 full Price. CaU Tlbbetlt. RAWLIN'S REALTY f HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 3000 N. Capitol KVENTNQ Tibbetta 1-7400 Jim 1-0570 - AUCTIONS Sudtell's AUCTION .Livestock and Furniture, Thursday, May 7th. 10:00 A.M., MISCELLANEOUS 1:00 P.M., LIVESTOCK 1:00 P.M., FURNITURE Lane Sudtell's Auction Sales Yard 3010 Sllverton Rd. Phone 3-0090 ddlOB- PETS GIVE "MOTHER" a beautiful Oannary "MOTHER'S DAY , 1340 Chemeketa. 3-4385. ecllS REGISTERED AKC Boxer, female puppy, 10 weeks, outstanding pedigree, pnone 3-9604. eclOO s AKC registered black cocker female pups, 0 weeks old, 320 each. Phone Springfield 0-1497. eclOO HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1960 McCoy, one block eaet of N. Capitol, Itt blocka north ot Uadlson. Ph. 1-0897. acl28 MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeets, turtlee, supplies. 3 miles from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed Wednesdays. ecllO- FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pick up rour rreeto-Looe, ariaueta and Wood. 190 So. Com'L, phone 3-7721. ee ANDERSON'S hand picked Blab wood. a cords, oio. Phone 27751 or 44753. eelOB West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 10" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1520 Edgewatar Phone Salem 3-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR SO 17AXB Planer trimmings, 00 load. Phone 17721 ee FOR SALE POULTRY N.II. FRYERS. 350 Ib. Phone 33019. op posite Liberty school. ills NEW HAMP CHICKS, $17.50 per C. at ward s Farm store. hob1 FOR SALE, young pullets, Rt. fi, Box 480. pnone 43ao. w WANTED Colored bens. Lee's Batch- ery, phone 2-2861. f GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire cmcas. nawnea every ssonaay and Thursday. Our chleka trow faster. Fox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. f FOR SALE, dressed red fryers. Average 3 lbs. each, oso lb. Mrs. Rose Haupt man, Gervais. Ph. 3282 after 6. WW lFOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks in new Hampsnire, Parmenters, Red. White Lee horns, Auitra-White, White Rocks, White Wrandottes. Par menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-2S61. ft PRODUCE NETTED OEM and burbank seed po tatoes. Al pea 5330 Portland Rd. Phone 44078. fflio GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oeme, plans any time now to Juir, 13.80 per iuu. raiuipi Bros., Rt, a, box 493, 3 miles east 4 Corners on State fit. Ph. 43081. tr HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED WOOL PRESSES at Sa lem Laundry Co., 363 south High. gatlO YOUNG MAN for car hop. Woodroffe's San flnop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. ga WANTED, neat appearing man over 30 years oi are for taxi work. Apply Shorty's Cab Co, 898 N. Liberty, Salem. taios WANTED, boys to carry Morning Ore- gonlsn routes. Phone 18622. Inquire at 484 Ferry St. gal09 WANTED experienced foreman. Carding, Pinmg, ano nnianine. juso experienc ed textile help. Apply at Hanisburg Woolen Mill, Harrlsborg, Oregon. HIM' WANTED -Window and Interior display njn. preieraoiy oeiween meases of IS and 25. Experience essential. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gomery Ward. g fiooo HEAVENS. HOW CO THEY oo rr BOTH MEN ARE SLUGGING IT OUT IN THE CENTER. OF THE K5 Wednesday, May 6, 1953 REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAR Offices 1-4004 or 4-1701 PHONFS Chet 3-023O - Dale Rarburn 1-3040 HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKERS register nowl mile north North Howell atore. Joe White, Rt. 3, Box 320A, Sllverton 34804. alio CARRIER BOYS Now is the time to register ' for a Capital Journal news paper route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. HELP WANTED FEMALE BEFINED, middle-aged woman to share new home with widow as companion and helper. -Wages. Write Box 83. Capitalf. Journal. f bl08 RAPID TYPIST lor permanent position. Pleasant work ins conditions. Old, es tablished salem firm. Call 43359, ask tor Mr. Ruhl. gbl08 QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER, typis., for surgeon's office. Reference required. Call 3-4013 between fi and 13 a.m. for appointment for Interviews. sbU3 WOMEN TO tie files. Camps Tackle Co. etayton, Oregon. Apply In person. gblOfi HOUSEKEEPER for country. J. D. Hart well. Phone 31346. cblOS EXPERIENCED 8ALESGIBL wanted. Apply In person. Hartman Bros.. 39 State. iblOS LADY OR experienced girl for day time baby sitting. Close to Oandalarle Dlst. Phone 34581. fbioe WAITRESS, WOodroffe's San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls, ib EXPERIENCED SORTER and marker, Balem Laundry Co. 363 6. High iblW JOBS - JOBS - JOBS FREE PLACEMENT For all students. Enroll now and set ready for a good Job. Office Jobs are Increasing. These Oood Jobs go to those who are specialised. Night school Mon. and Thurs. fi to 9 o'clock. Day School Mon. Through Frl. 9 a.m. to p.m. Call 31415 for Information, MERRHT DAVIS SCHOOL OP , COMMERCE 420 State St. - Over the Man's Shop gb HO WE HAVE AN excellent opening for young j tuny onicc assistant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Must be food typist and accurate. Permanent po sition. See Doctor Brown at Brown's Jewelere. 184 No. Liberty. gb Waitress. Woodroffe's San Shop, 34no yiion. cans. go" CAR HOPS-Part time. Woodroffe's San oiiop, j-iw i-oriiano Road. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THINKING ABOUT CHANQINQ " YOURJOB? S1,,ttour u,tui "jitter todar. well keep rou posted on J obi rou want at ther turn p. M-Oen. otc. must trpe m M cost acctg. clerk i3M M-Bkkpr., lmbr. it., out t3JJ M-Qen. ore, It. bkkpg ml M-MultUlth opr !! W50 M-Olc. credit mgr. Retail.. .to ,J50 o'c.. lnsur. erp jn0 P-Ceehler, recept. 30-35 i0 P-Recept. DentUt 0Ic opln J-Recept. typlet ,-i ,.m...01. hr J-At. to bkkpn THemp. ..0 7i, Jr F-Beelnner dr.'s ole, recept.. type P-ewltehbotm opr. p-Bkkpr.. p. K-Rept., bkkpr., dr.-s ole .Y' lYm F-cashier. ateno laS J-flleno. Oen. olc. TOirMTRCIAL PLACEMENT AOEVPV 0t STATE BTREtTT (411 ORB BtjSTl Portland onice-oo, CoS SS?J ANJiD-SALESMAN REAL tSTlT Broedwa, W S& Viz WANTEDPOSITIONS BOTOmiilt Vt'ORK. 1.. . r lijm N. Bhurcr" h'.,.- ....r.nn ROM. ft. aconomlcal work. oTaVi. "r nui By Ham Fisher Wmaaemt.aeaBaaeiainnememw.J ltnt "O " "" baOkMOO) A10O.I cdOO Journal Want Ads Pay