Wtdimday, Miy 6, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Satan, Oron Pag LOCATING THE STEERING WHEEL Remember, kidi, the steering wheel lor the 1693 Derby racer muit be In verticil or near vertical poiitlon. Steering cables must be connected to the axle through pulleys and must have an adjusting turnbuckle somewhere along the cable. Funeral Services Held For Frances Tanzer Funeral services were held at St. Joseph's Catholic church Tuesday morning ior Mrs. Frances Tanzer, late resident of 425 North 17th street, who died at local hospital Mon day. Interment was in St. Barba ra cemetery under the direc tion of the Virgil T. Golden company chapel. She had been ill for eight months. A resident of Salem for 40 years, Mrs. Tanzer was born in Germany in 1870 and came to the United States as a young girl. She lived in Idaho and South Dakota before coming to Salem. She was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic church. Survivors include six daugh ters, Mrs. Frances Wiens, Mrs. Anna Belsher and Mrs. Hilde gard Nygren, all of Salem, Sis ter Rosalia of Woodburn, Mrs. Rose Richardson of Boring and Mrs. Julia Casey of McMlnn ville; two sons, Louis Tanzer of Salem and Joe Tanzer of Honolulu; a brother, Mike Sees of Yankton, S.D.; 13 grandchil dren and two great grandchildren. MARKET QUOTATIONS SALEM MARKETS Ceaspllet lm repent ! alces Seelave or mi tuldanee at Capital Journal leaders. faevUed dally.) fttml Tut rriMn nil remii ei.es ito. m aaai, H.si-l.io cioo-lb. bin. in Bun S6.30-8.M. tiatry raea B3.bb-b.bs iu th IOS-5.M 1100 wt.l. Poultry Barlnt Price Colored ami, Hoi old routers, 16e; colored fowl, I4c; ijiuorQ lowi, xte; roostere, lie. tin Barlnt Prleet EsBa. AA. Mat lira A. 47-stei medium A A, 4tet medium A. 44-sOos mall, too. Wfaoleeale Prieee ba wrwiluela nriau tenerally 6-la hlihat than tha priwi above. Lane trade A tenerally auotod a oici meoium, oeo. Bulterfat Buvlna nrleei Premium, oa. Tlet No. 1. 67.60c: Na. 9. as. Bauer Wholeaala erada A untkiMt i.w w., (ckaii, ,ee. Chleeto Onlone Chlcaco U.ft SJunnltes moderat. A: mand (alrlr tood. market aiiehti airline er. sract aaiee (50 ma.) I V. a. 1 un less otherwiie atated: Texaa Y-liow jHrmuau 1 10 1-lneh 3 earn 1.B0. eara 1.76, oara 1.701 Orano l-lnch and lancr oar i.su. street aalea (So Ihx.i. T.v.a v.u. Bermudas 3 to 3-lnoh 1.83-3.00. fair 1.60 1.40. 3-lneh and larter 1.80-1.66; Orano 3-tneh and laner 1.88-3.16, few I ts. Portland lastslde Market Portland 0J.B On the lutelde Farm- era market today; li-pound apeara of Willamette valley and mid-Columbia aaparatua sold at mostly s.ls. In wholesale produce tradlnt North west cauliflower limited with Califor nia offerlnia domlnatlnt at 1.16-1.71 a lettuce crate. POKTLAftfxy raODAC( UST BalterfBt-Tentatlve, aublect to lm. aodlata chanie: Premium duality, mail. r nna oer cent acidity it' llvered la Portland ee-'lo Ib.i lint dual ity 17-IOei second duality, S4-67C Valley routes and country polnta. a tents leal. Batter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk eubee to wholesale, areata aa. i score, oioi A trade. II score, (to; B, SO acore, itci C. 80 score, 630. Aoova prices strictly Chaos Selllnt price to Portland i,.i...ia.a omimi slnelee. 43M-46c: Oreton S lbs loaf, 40Vi-8HMi trlpleu. sua ) than alntlee. Bin M Wkolesalere candled esse aontalnhu no loss, oaaes Included f.o.b. w.timri A arada larle. 87V-68ttc; A trade medium, 66tt-67ttol B trade lane, 6St-68WO. Parllanl Dairy Manet Batter Price vo retanerat orada AA rlnt, Tic; A carton, 71c; A prints, 71c; carton. TSoi B prlnu, 68c. Etta (To producers) Candled f.o.b. Portland! Ontraded larte, 63-53c dos.! trade AA larts, 66o dot.:.A larse 62c dos. AA medium 61o dos.; A trade medium, BO-Slc dor. A grade smalls nomtnnl. CheesePrlca to retailers. Portland, Oreton alnlles, 45K-60oi 6-lb. loaves. 6J-63ct triplets. H4o less than jin tles. Premium brands slntles, 66'4el loaf, S0c. Processed American cheese, J-lb. loaves to retail, 43va-46o lb. "ia' Chickens-(No. I duality, t.o.b. plants.) Fryers, 3tt-3 lbs. 37-36c; 3-4 lbs. 37-3So; roostsrs, 4 lbs. and over, 1-9Bt h,i hena. all welshts, 36-26Ci lllht hens. aU wallhts, J3-3tci old roost- rirtuaa Chickens No. 1 dressed to r.taiiers. Frysrs. broilers, 41-43C lb.; masters, all Wtl.. 41-42C1 llSht hens, 34-36c; heevy hens. 37-3c; ars, all wts., 67-680 lb.; tn Ih Babbits Ayeraee to trowers: Live whltea. 4-6 lbs.. 35-J7c; 6-6 lbs, 33-36; Ib.i colored pelts, 4c lb. under; old does. 10-14C! few hlaher. Fresh dressed lrvera to retailers, 61-63c; cut up, 66-670, Country Killed Meala Veal Top quality, 40-430 lb.! roulh heavlee, S0-85C. Hois Lean blockers, S4-36c; sows, lllht fa-JOc Lambs Best, 40-430 Ib.i sprinters Bomlnally 4le lb. Matlen-Eeit, 14-IBo Ib.i eull-utllity, Beef Utility -owe, I4-30O lb.t tanner cutters, Jl-aJc; 'Hells down to 31c. Fresh Draeled I e'sts Wholeislen to retailers; Dollars set cut-up fry whole drawn, eut steers, choice 600-700 lbs, S7.0o-M.00t tood, 36.00-39.00: commercial ia.oo.!ta.oot utility. 81.00-S4.oo; cows. eommerclal. 37.00-30.00; utility, 36.50- 90 nn. nnara.Aiitt-rs. 25.03.98.rfi. Beef Cute 'Choice stsersl Hind quarters, 46.00-60.00: rounds, 45.00-61.00; full loins, trimmed. 61.00 - 68.00; trl ansles, 30.00-31.00; tora-duartere, 33.00 34.00; chucks, 37.00-41.00; ribs, 48.00 13.00. Veal and Calve" Oood-oholce, 143 (3: commercial, 6J6-47. Calvea Good-cholct, 143.51; eom merclal, 131-48. Lamba Prima aprlntera, 40-30 Ibs 144-48; tood, 140-44.' Motion Good choice, 616-20. Pork Cuts Loini, No. 1, 8-12 lbs., 160 164; shoulders, 16 lbs., 3-42: apsre ribs, 160-611 fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., 657 0. pork ercaiee, 120-170 lbs., 137-38. Smoked Hsms-klnnsa1, 180-68. Be fined lard In drums, 13-15! slab bacon, 6S2-6S. Portland Mlseellaneoas Celery Cal flat crate. l-3 dot., 3.35-4.J6. Pew to 14.50 Ore.. 12.25 as so. Onlana 60-lb. Backs Weit Oreeon yel lows, med. No. Is, 2.75-3.001 Texas wh te was, 3.60-4.001 Tetee yeuowa, -u med., t.30-75 per 60 lb. ssck. .itu n,ra Rnsteta No. 1. 4.00- 9S: hranda 4.63; 26 lbs., Slse A. 1.36-36: 10 lb, meih, 45-5Sc; Idsho Bus- eta, No. 1A, 6.S0-6.OO; 8-10 lb. bales. S.30-10; Calif, lont whiles. No. I, J 75 4.15. Bay O. I. No. 3 treen alfalfa, ds. llvered tar lots f o b. Portland, nominal' ly 686.00 ton; Besttls, 136-37. tr..i bai l. Willamette Val' it miiiMm so.63e ib.i Bus tern Oreton line .nd half-blood. 66-63C. Willamette Velley iamb wool. 43el 12-month wool, Hides cslres. ll-IJc lb. aceotdlnt to . . hides. t-r! Slut hides, to per cent below above prkea for Above classes. DIPatata, Tmek Crop Beparl Oreton State Collate Increased adp. pllee of new potatoes pushed potato nri ceet lower on the Portland wholaeala market this paat week old potatoes not oilectea. Potato prices durlnt the week and Int May 1 were ateady to unchantel on the .old etock potatoes, but wsro wesksr and lowsr on tha new stock. On tha Portland Wholesale market this past wssk over 7800 saoks. of potatoss ware received by truck. This compares to looo sacka received by the truck tha previous week. Of tha 7300 lacks re oelved at PorUand thla put week, over 8400 aacka arrived from California, and over 1700 from points In oreton. Tha price on tha old potatoes held steady to unchanged with Oreton Rus sets, TJ.8. No. 1 As wholesaling from 14 to 14.7S A hundred pound aack. Near the middle of the week, prlcea dropped around 36 eente A aack at PorUand on the old potatoes, but recovered near the end of the week. On Monday. May 1, the price on Oreton Russete, TJ.6. No, 1 As, was Quoted At 14.25 to 14.60 A 100 pound tack. Prices on new stock potatoee at Port land on Monday, May 4, were from 76 to 60 lonte a aaok lower than prices of week earlier. California loot white potatoes, U.S. No. 1 As, were whole ssllnt for pricee rantlnt from $3.60 to 11.85 100 pound sack, Local vegetables on the Portland wholesale market this past wssk wsre In llbsral aupply and trading waa rather active, washtnston asparstus waa aom at slightly wssker prices due to lower quality but Oregon asparatus oontlnued steady at around 15 to 86.60 a 30 pound crate for the bunched, and 63.76 to 86.35 for the loose. Prices on tha loeai not- house cucumbers remained unchanged durlnt the past week with 30 pound lues wholssallng for around si to si.ou. Onion srlcaa were Also unchanged this past week, oreton Western Yellows, U.S. No. Is, were wholesallnt from 1.36 to 13 a 50 pound sack. Wholesale prices on spinach droppea arouno oen wo as supplies beoame more liberal. On Monday, May 4, an orante box of looal spinach brought wholesalars 11.36 to 1.75 a bos. Portland Llvesteek Portlsnd (uo Cattle 300; market ac tive, mostly ateadyi fed eteera stront to 60c hishen hlth choice 688-10. steero 34 60: truck lot choice 1018-lbt. 84. sorted with tood tlB-lbs. 13; Jew utility steers 17-16; tood-oholce hellers 30.50 oj. nna lot mostly commercial 600-lb. w.if-n 90; utility heltera 16-17: cannar- cutter cowe mostly 3.50-lli few utility buvi 12 - 14: Utility commerotw uuiw la Kn.ifl. light -litters flown it. - Mi market about Bteadyi few good-choice vealera and llsht calvas 35- 30: choice soo-io. si; umir-viiiuin.ii grades 17-34; culls down to 11. Hogs sou; mansei siow, ieu7 , .nta Inwer: choice 1B0-335 ID. ia.io- 28.25; lem choice lou-no ids. .-.bw-.j, sows scarce, saiaoie nrounu -i.nu---. Sheep loo; maraei nominaii? , tood- prime wooled lembs 30.80-33; sprint Iambs to 34; choice ewea to 6. 3 in Oregon Die in Crashes (By The Aiteciited Press) Three men died Tuesday from injuries (uttered in Ore gon traffic accidents. Doyle Johnson of the Myrtle Creek area, died In the biasing eab of hit log truck after it went through bridge, railing, dropped 10 feet and caught fire IVi miles east of Riddle. Police speculated that his brakes failed and that he drove Into the railing to avoid hitting an other logging truck coming from the other direotlon. Jack Hartman, about 60, of iieppner, died Tuesday alter car in which he was passen ger struck a bridge abutment Monday night. Price Greenup, also about 00, died Monday, shortly after the accident. Lloyd W. Wise, 71, of Yon ealla, died after being struck by a car on highway south of Drain Tuesday night. State police aald he had stepped into the path of an oncoming car after stopping his automobile to investigate motor trouble. 3 DayTWail For Weddings The three-day waiting period between issuance of marriage licenses and the wedding cere mony has been repealed. But couples who want to get married are going to have to wait three days anyway. The 1951 Legislature passed a law ending the three-day waiting period, pointing out it is useless to have it in the law. Since couples have to have blood tests before they can get married, they have to wait three days or mora before they can receive the results of these tests. The bill carried an emergen cy clause, so it became effec tive last week. The measure also provides that these conditions shall dis qualify a person from getting a license: Venereal oneate, epi lepsy, feeblemindedness, men tal illness, drug addiction and chronic alcoholism. Any berson denied a license for any of those conditions can appeal to the circuit court. MANAGER H Ml i y..l.vA;V W ft.1:. S : V e- ( aV4 LStaaalat isl'iatll III mi6.mm rf Russ Barker, district sales manager for Frani Bakery; which announces plans to buy property . and erect large building in Salem. Car Lot Burglary - Cleared by Arrest Burglary of the office at McCall't Used Car Lot, 1J97 State street, Sunday night, was cleared Tuesday when a 14-year-old Inmate of McLaren School for Boys admitted that he had broken the window to open the door and had stolen a flashlight and some matches from a car on the lot. The youth had been paroled to a Salem family and had stolen a car later that night from the Major Motors Used Car Lot at 18th and State streets and drove to Portland where he was apprehended by Portland officers. He has been returned, to the boys' school. Franz Bakery To Build Here The Irani Bakery of Port land, rated by Dun & Brad street at better than 13,000,- 000, la looking for property in Salem with the object of put ting up a new building and expanding 1U business. t Owners of the concern are 1. Trans and his son, Joseph Frani, and the company is now represented In Salem by Russ Barker who is district sales manager for the firm. Barker has established a home In Salem. Branching from the large Portland plant the Frant Bak ery has terminals at Albany, Corvallls, Longview and Cen tralis. In Salem the firm now operates seven routes from a depot at the Larmer ware house, but with the construc tion of its Salem plant will in crease the routes to about IS. Tha operation here will be both baking and distribution, which will necessitate a build ing with considerable costly equipment, - In distribution alone the company will have a payroll amounting to about $1800 a week. Mid-Willamette Obituaries MARBLE CHAMPION Valsetz Floyd Francis Lapp, 10, Box 414, Valsets, will go to Jansen Beach May 23 to compete in the state marble tournament. He will be accompanied by Francis Harvey of the V.F.W. that sponsored the elimination con. test Saturday. Richard O'Day won second and Ronnie Cop pie third in the trials. Chile has a population of aoout six million. Emil Schettler Aurora Friends have learned of the death in Port land May 2 of Emil Schettler, late of 818 N. X. 82nd Ave., former Aurora resident for number of years. Following the death of Mrs. Schettler, Mr. Schettler moved to Portland, having lived at the Baptist Old People's Home since that time. Services were Wednesday, May 0, at the Pearson Mor tuary, interment was in Auro ra cemetery. A. A. ScharbaQh Mt. Angel Funeral serV' ices will be at 9:80 a.m. Thurs day, May 7, in St. Mary's church for A. Alexander Schar bach, 68, who died Tuesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs, Sylvester Smith, Jr., in Salem. The rosary will be recited in St. Mary's church at- 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 6. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Mr. Scharbach was a pioneer resident of Mt. Angel but had resided in Salem for the last 29 years. Surviving besides the daugh ter, in Salem, are two sons, Lawrence of Sllverton and Syl vester Scharbach of Salem; and many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Nell E. Dorrance Mrs. Nell X. Dorrance died at her home, BO Golden Gate avenue,. San Francisco. Sur viving is Mrs, Arlie R. Downs of Salem and brother and sister In New York. Funeral announcements will be made later. Saturday at 1:10 p.m. In St. Mary's Catholic church, with burial in Calvary cemetery. Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB, offi ciated. She was born April 10 at the Sllverton hospital. Besides her parents she is survived by three sisters and two brothers, Patrick, Joan, Charlene. David and Sharon. and grandmothers, Mrs. Frank Fisher and Mrs. G. D. Ibner, Unger Funeral home wis in charge, . Initiative Bill to Restore Prohibition An effort to ban sal of 11 quor in Oregon was started here Wednesday. The Oregon Anti-Liquor League filed a preliminary ini tiative petition to put a pro hlbitlon amendment in the Con stitution. If the league gets 37,399 signatures of registered voters, the measure will be on the ballot in November, 185. DEATHS Nora B. OotoH Mors a Coven, at tha rtaldsnca. mba rioter at.. Hay t. Survived by huheand. i a. Cavers. Aalsm: dauihtav ui. ' Oraca Covart, Sao Pranclase- Ca'.lf-t ssrs. wirtiniA Hunptirey, Ban Mates, Cillf.l inters, Mrs. Cora Hunt, Dallas, Oreton; lire, Allle Brenoao, (Did. oils. Serrlcee wiu ae held Prtdey. May t at bi a p.aa. m sna virsu T. uoioen Chapel. ' Or, J, 0. Harrison offlclatint. Inter ment tt Merest lismorlal Park. asse rule aaaah Solar Pulton Hannah, tl tha resi dents, IN tbuostt Hoed, Salsa, May I. survived by eiiler, Mrs, Jessie Phillips, PloktM, Nee. Services will bo held Th.reday, May 1, At I p.m. la Vlrtli T. Ooldtn Ohtvel with the Rev. John Meyer offlclatint. Serllii f Sn sea Bertha Podersta, late resident at 1136 Center St., In a local hospital May 6 At thi ate of to years. Survived by husband. Christian Nlckoll Pederson, Salami daushtete, Mrs. Vivian Divides, Mt. Bethel, Pens., Mrs, Ruth Callahan, Huntlntton Park, Calif.. Mra, tthel Hill, Lont Beach, Calif Mrs. Malvlna Soren eon, Wales, N. O., Mies Clara Pederson, , Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lulls Porness, tayton: aon, Sidney Pederson, Lsnt don. M. D.I and 18 trandchlldren. services will kt announced later by XowaU-Bdwarca Co. . San Marino, which has an area of 88 square miles, is be lieved to be the smallest and oldest republic in the world, having been , founded in 350 A.D. Mary V. Fisher Mt. Angel Funeral services for Mary Veronica Fisher, one day old daughter of Mr. and Mra. Leonard Fisher were held FIRST... for th fuel that is clean, efficient and " i . . economical use "Proo-to-ioflo" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 SMIiPLE SALE! SAVE'UP 4o 2500! STOCKS nk.. uihAU.ale selllnt price, no. 1 medlum8ereelonas, 38-3to Ib.i ahell- wmslMsle selllnt prlcel. i,.i ..m. lane Prantueltes, 35-JOc Ib.i shelled, lllht amber helvea, Ib.i lllht halves, n-63e lb. soft White lescludlnt Ret) lis f.hliBa I.lvMteek Chlcaio ( Uve butcher hot prices nral!v were 50 cents a numircu pounds lower Wednesday. Sows were teaily to 60 cents down. A short load of 306 pound butchere broulhl 1)4 00, Slsushter steere were eteedv to 60 cents down. Helfere were aleedy. Cows were steidy to weak. Bulls held slesdj. v..ir. wars stesdr to stront Several loads of prims steers wei u.,.. than S34.36. )..,- lemni were inuuerBtcir ... ii nit steady, aim a lew cnoicc ...lu. Iinlu At 196.00. WUUiru nnA ..tat.!. rrtar n .iiim.iia v.uwv "' hots, 18,000 cattle, 400 calves, and 1,600 sheep. UJV...I iMdi to arrive market, bsils Ho. 1 bulk, delivered coast 3.S6: Aoft White While Clun i is. ,., Hard Red winter; per cent 3 38: 11 per cent t js. Hard White Bssrt: Ordlnsry 3JJi 10 per cent 3.881 II Per cent I II 13 per cent 3.38 Car receipn; - 3; oats 1: mill leva e. Cbleaie Drain Chlcaso wi-ew" w v .3..,- low lere since "" """" incres.ed Isle In the seislon on the board 01 tr W1- .. .,. Dealints. which h- ' . most of the dsy. picseo up bp... the marsel neaaru wwmw-.-.. -. trsctt went Into new seasonal low around. Brokers laid ma marse. iaq support trorn ir"" """: Aovbeana alio moved lower. Price .... limited to frsellons In cnansr. ,.u allahtl ..n and oats wi.ii - i u in I cents lower. . "V...iTt. ..m unehsnaed to H MOT Sj" .T"..-., a- .ala U. lower a?7... Ill, 1lta-a. tit .-lH i..r tier si-ei'v-. 1" . Use 83.0lta-3.tll. anf lard 10 cents lower .'"' """"" pounds Bltner. lower, bv K-W'Bk mmMkk(t ...ae ai.es sam aa si asss awsesw . awa '" g j us.Bm. jlp- WITH ATTACHMENTS III j r ::. g 1 UmpSh. IVk: ' 'A never needs oiling :::::::::::: J.S a e 1 IXJlW Eytohondit... ..iLxi ::::::::::::: J5 : :::::::.'.':::: JS wk -fcTV- "jSiiirALls i.ia';? ll(if;JfI'- tiir' - OTjl'iiM s t wC r rip t00 ... jikt vS'MtfzJ ,-r "mi , ...-m l.ll EE'S sZn X'tUw ::::::::: S8 W&s: -. -' J r iVSS a mJrsjO&& fit ol thelP 1W V- m .nr. FHL i"J," I rO' s jKB 1 fe in ' Kf SSsli ePV . '' '!4' " ' I it... II II I Bnll. ?fM III. - - IltAiAS,, r w ,,l,Vt..t.l!?i ..KjTaW tAl - k JoLl - 'K'-'-", wi2k CjmLS PLaha' Rcbucli and Co. ' - w rtrlU &ljrrW I S 0nMmen i PlMne send me further Inf or- ,' 7 6"V 5' TaW at iliL , " matlon detoiiblnc Kenmore vacuum! V.'V&rs 1 For Free I-- v 'K v ll(w y&ffZfe J'r (S I4WII1V bviiiwii4iiiiiiwib ; - ; r r , . -e lViiXSr-n?:r-r rI m Mei Th fniinnn : w : (By Tha Associated Prassi Admiral corporation ...36 auiaat Chemlaat 70V. Aim Chalmlri 644 American Allium 13 American Power at htt 3Vb American Tel o. Tel 1J American Tobacco 'J Anaconda Copper 38 Atchison RaUrvad 3H Bethlehem Steel MH Boelnt Alrplans Co 43 Bort Warner Burrows Addlnt Maohll 16 California -aclnt Canadian racuio .... Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation , Cities esrvlca Consolidated Edison . , Consolidated Vultet . Crown Sellerbach ... Curtlaa Wrllht oouslaa Aircraft ou Pont da Nemoure . Ssstman Kodak fimsrson Radio oeneral SlectrlO Oeneral Poods ..... Osnsral Motors Otorala Pac. Plywood Ooodyear Tire Homestaka Mlnlnt i International narve-.. International Paper Johns Manvllle Kaiser Aluminum ... Kenneeott Copper .... Llbby MoMell rviekheeii Aircraft . . . Loewee Incorporated . Lont Bell Ilonttomtry Ward ... Mash Kelvlnator New rork Central . Northern Padfio ... Paclflo Amsrlcan PK-.i Pacific Oa At Electi.c pacllio Tel as Tel Packard Motor car .. Penney, J. C. Pennsylvania B R. . papsl Cola CO Phi CO Radio Radio Corporation . Rayonler Incorp. .. Reromer inoorp. no, Republic Steel Reynolds Metals .... Richfield Oil Bafeway stores Ino. , Scott Paper Co Bears, Roebuck Co Socony-vacuum ou Southern pacliic .. Standard oil Cullf. Standard Oil N.J. . Studebaker corp. . ai..n.l.ln. Mlnlne Swift ! Company ... 16 TransamericB corp. Twentieth Centum Mi. Union oil company Union Pacific ... United Airlines United Alrcrsll United Corporstloo . United States Plywood , United Mites Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel. Westlnlhouie Air Brtl. Westinshouse Sir'' Woolworth . Stock Market n.v York UP) Minor Wednesdsy marked tha oourse slock market. Smell tractions wsrt tha rule with a lane number of stocks tradlnt unchene ed most of ths time. ,. Volume corns to around 1,100,000 shares, a flsurs in tha netshborhood of the low tor the year. Tuesday's total cama to 1,300,000. The rapidly growing freight tonnage of the U. S. inland wa terway system has reached 325 million tons a year says the Nstional Geographic Society. Before there were clocks In England, the king's cock crow- er solemnly crowed the hours around the king s palace, but he has not operated since 1714. SaimJiUmmmAlSmmmmmt 550 N. Capitol, Salem