Wednesday, May 6, 1953 Pfcg, tO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVB ROPER ' , I f) A n I n PROGRAMS ff-V II - IF COWI BACK HIM-YA' NAj?wMH WIV! BHN IN X TUB COPS MU M V I W w w lii ... I ,, I I TOOK HAL Mt CaoSSWOSO A T AND OUT 0 40 FLOPWOUtlS. I BOP8R AND COULUrtT 1 I. ONB JPBJ-HAM9URena f PUZZL1 I BfTCHA WW DONT VA HOLD HIM, WHH14 J COMIN' UP-- ansy 40 I KrkrPi LtT THi COP DO THEIR t: INTEND TO N0 S Kofi, W vnfSi?S! rr , r i ,M y rr .-M-a a vnnn I . ; mmMijiff ii - - - j,i ri.. i r . A Wisewr s asssss? 4 swsaR flutes uTJ.r aTMl rfJK& QJt-C ..a7l J !.;lh. -KTV-T UaT i k' jOJ ORPHAN ANNIE , " I llf JV' yiecc rn.My- r- 3oW MR&MVWC- T VEBroiK M I 0EM.-DOV0U KNOW WHAT OH-H-H-BUT V I 1 WANT TO PUTOWH WELUTHW 1 I cTItScIW SCREEN rtELPPUTOVtft II ONE PBtfOWWMCE? T&WTyM S?fi J IVOWtWTO OUROWVfWR I I FIVE-TSN-FIFTEEN . J I WtLLftE BES'tSGS ft2r e iv w " r-N jm w. v if i - - - zri it. P f " xri Iri -7 I ' " z ir - w I I.H. ARVKR , i I OH Se.'AH KATES BE IN' YiM I MY ftATE.POP IVWN I W A WW, PON'T BE'Jfl AAVAOSI I VOU. KJOTCHERUy- BJSSrnH A GAL BUT THE LAW i THE SIOBBOVWN AH"M GLAD NCRVCXJ4.I U fc AWM Ii ?OU AOoSClT PT'l SAVS AH IS AM AH M W SAIlO,IS WAIT1NK A HE'S BLIND. YOU LOOK A -WHO'S THAT? J NOW-COME- auxmu.! RISKS,LOVM,AM'jL WITHVOOR BUNOAH LOOKS tWtVX LETMITTTHE M 70Bo A I " jN HOP ALONG CASSIDY ' TrT I YWa AN RUN6 PIRECTLV I I YEAH, AN' IF M66IPY AN' TW5E I I TH SUW MR. JEU.IMN IT I WILIT VJrT. A BENEATH THAT KWEK RANCHE SET TH' WTBN Of WILL PREVENT THAT. 7 I H-WWf J ' THI Wk? 4HW4 VV v WE PIVERTEP SNEAKIN' THEIR TRWL HER B-oOS W CLP PEXTER 1 W L t55--- THR01WH THAT 6iA4E, YAK r,JL MINg ATTLE FERRY WIU MOKE.' Jf '& MUTT JEFF . . - - ' . 1 1 1 WHAT'S THE V NO, I'M NJ 1 TIME FOR LUNffH 1 1 ? JUST THROW IT U EWTVOU EVEYW) ROTaTFE6DIN' HERE'S VOURS, JEFF J fi0 , BEEH DEEP-SEA -) r CAN'T SlOHJ? -hA THe FISH.' J I AAAVBET VOU'LL FEEL. LSSistf T FI9HIN' Sr1 k uait "Je V -1 V RFTTPSI I Ji- it 'f rex'morgn.m. d. jSr" " - 1M' ' -- - Tr L,m,uuniLltTv ItltM BITUCD . .1 I MTJAMWiS. IN Bit. MOtGAUtt OUTtK Off ICS. . 1 ,r,rf:i,,5. VW.? w55.eVTT IPiJ WIND UP 80LVIN6 THAT onus QUACKS MX I Ht hawt v greuEifSa: CC'i 11 1 i - - r mm i JaV-jKrW t f I Itril ' - " doSald duck ' way tmat(that Poes it? f'PT Sucks, blitv fSfv tisekS 6n w I .vU'V-. (1 . qp & 3 is n isstesJ MARY WORTH , ' yi&k frVg-' T-RlijL rvt STARTED FftVINOMVPtNALTy ANO-KNOW WHAT?.. sF'y cm,. B. 1 l C2.l r -----alLLj-) MC5.W0ftTH!. TODAY I ARRANGED J t ,T MADt ME FEEL PRI"LMEF,J ffiSSS' VlM WMy.llBBy!..THATS00KrrTHVNMr FOROURCOMPANYS PRIVATE PLANE. t) ALL WARM- H ERE ! V NOT FfNO " F kit- -mmi WM$k immMm The Voice of Love : y WILLIAM NEUBAUER (AP Hifturi) CHAPTER II Ourloutljr, Bllen culult and htr husband were having a dUouulon along ilmllar llne. And thla wu uung piao in ma umi aiiung "UlUmataly, Bphralm, Ruth to nni." "Rh' not riiht " "Evarvena aeema to have de tided that Dan la a monster, There 'a A great deal of talk. But, jnvereatinKiy, no pram. "Doctor7! not a liar." ' "How do you know?" t (mt know." !rrim. Ruth ttilnki ehe loves Den Curtis. Ruth thinks enough of him to want to help him. If you're going to make things dlffloult for her, and for him. you'll have to have a batter reason than that." "He's a wrong "un." the man aald stubbornly. "Call It silly, but I feel it in my nones. "It I sillv." "And Doctor' right anyway bout the hospital. What doea the city do U Dan gew urea oi run, nine small-town hosDltal? Bud pose hie uncle goes back to New YorK, ana warns uan hi go wiu. him? Where's wie nospuai men? nmiMn't tha oltv take it over? - "Suppose he tries to hold the city up? "Or couldn't another doctor take It over?" "Where's the city's control over an institution it viisny necuar Where'! the continuity oi serv' They were good points. But It did seem to Ellen Carlisle that you Been the cart was being placed before tho horse. All these things were for tha future to tell. To her the pertinent fact wu that 'at last ner oiaer cnus was in wre, uu that she was so deeply In love she was willing to combat her xauier, Doctor, ana a gnat many of ner ouier inenas just w ram sure that her man was given a lair chance. "I think we ought to invite Dan in dinner sometime soon. EDh- ralm, I think w ought to offer him whatever help we can. Have u noticed that Mr, wunen naa en hAlmhff him?" Eohraim Carlisle nodded. They're the ones who keep us from getting ahead. They're all so airaia uieyii pay mgner taxes that they'll cut off their own noses to prevent it. Mr. O'Brien. Bob, too. CMalley and his crowd. Are they blind, Ellen? Can't they see the facta as they are?" "Suppose you defeat him, Upti lm?'', "I darned well Willi" SuppoM you refuse to accept "I darned well wont accept hlml" "Ruth will leave. Sphralm. She won't. oome back. And I, for one, wouldn't blame her." Thla did penetrate. He drew himself up and nervously twid dled his thumb on his lap. "You think it's that real?" "Then will you Dleaie tell me" "But Ruth does, Bphralm. And It's, that ao-oaUed reality we must J .,.. fyv.,1 - ..... ..,u Dan Curtis would Ilka roast chicken?" "I dont like that fellow," said . Ephralm Carlisle. "I won't have mm in tne oottag. "Eohraim I" "Doctor . was telling the truth aoout mm,-1 attest tne ooy. i won't accept him in my family, and that s that." "Nice graduation," said Sean O'Malley, owner, publisher, writer, printer of the four-page Ooiden City Spectator. "I like to see the kids ail done up. don't you, Ruth?" Llmo after the ions ordeal in the bright sunshine, Ruth nodded aorupuy. He was right behind her, his green eyes amused, his red hair Blowing in the wind like a flag, "I understand Dan Curtis opened his office yesterday. Any patients?" "Just one. A charity case." She paused, struck by an idea. ' You mlRht Drint that. Mr. O'Malley." He nodded. "Consider It done." Sean O'Malley followed her to ward the Administration Build ing. "You spending the summer nere, Kutnr "I am." "Helping your father become our new mayor?" But she wasnt that limp or urea, she laced nun aquareiy, yOUR OVUOOK "At the proper time. Mr. O'Mal ley, I'U see' He said mildly, "Tha reason I asked Is that Mayor Luchettl was thlnklni nf namin you to the school board. He has the right to name a member this year, it car ries three haudred a year salary. as you may Know "I iee." . Her brown eyes danoed. How mucn me ooys men wen, nc i reflected. How transparent, at times, men could be. "Is that called a bribe, Mr. O'Malley?" "Dealu have been made before. And why hot? We think we're right." "mat," she said flatly, "would require uiougnt, mt. u'Mauey. ... ... . . .1. 1 . J - . ... ..nil.. man in a labardlna suit. "Oh. well, tthe campaign won't get started lor a lew weens," He turned and disappeared in trie crowd. (To Be Continued) Amity Amity council of Church Women held its May Fellow ship luncheon at the Methodilt church at 1 p.m. Friday. Mn. P. E. Meeker presided. Toastmlstreis , was , Mrl. Glenn Stevenson. Devotions were led by Mrs. E. H. Leh man. Mri. Eugene Schroeder and Mrs. Lamar Aldrldge sang a -duet, speakers were Mrs. Rosa Rosen, Mrs. R. M. Glahn and Mri. Edwin Wad' dell. New officer! Installed were Mrs. T. M. White, president: Mrs. E. H. Lehman, vice-president: Mrs. Marvin De Raeve, secretary treasurer; world community . day chairman, Mrs. Milton Lehman; world day of prayer chairman, Mr). M. Glahn; May fellowship, Mrs, James L. Payne, public relations, Mrs. A. w; Neely. The group will continue spon soring the well-child clinic. and clothing for Sola village for migrant! in the summer. The next regular meeting of the group is Oct. 2. Mrs. Meeker presented each of the new officer! with a pot ted plant. ' 2867 VY eT En'ioj ood tains Want to fee) happier) Chew Wglcy'i Spearmint Cum! Eaiv-to-Cut and Bewl Here is a casual with wlnn collar and simple un-mounted sleeves In very snort ana uiree-quarwr lengths, rooaets nave nap interest . easy four -gore skirt styling. Mo. 2M7 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 10, IB, 30, 34, 38, 40. fiise 16. 4 yds oi 30-in. laorio, Send 300 for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Sire. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 6S2 Mis sion street. San Francisco 6, Calif. keep a package, handy In puno or nock ROOM ft BOARD NOT ONL7 WILL AN KIFAV GOLF CUIB.'ThE PUFFLE PUTTER,' bfc A SbNbATKJN WITH MILLIONS Of 60LFERS...BUT I WON'T HAVE TO BEG ANY OF VOL) LICK-PENNY TIGHTWADS TO INVEST MONEY INIT...l'MONLy SPENDING f00 FOR A WORKING MODEL OF THE PUTTER 1 By Ahren YOU MUST HAVE SOMETHING THIS TIME, BbCAU56 VYHtN YOU DO WANT TO TAKE tic. FOD ArilPrRflN SOME DAFFY IDEA LIKE A MUSICAL EGG BEATER UK SbXrwiNUINU SPAGHETTI y k a fflEUSELLTHEf RIGHTS ON A 1 ROyALTy BASIS L THURSDAY P. M. - KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KfcAt K0C0 M -.',r." lis - f ifC W rtw. 0.r KM V..M " J Rseori B I,1M 1;4 wa Is os'" K"WM ?1!LJ1 - w.iJ. 'lirTrrTur-t; SS'SSL SS. r.... V.'. JK m H r.r,.ll Oo r. t)l !"' ...j M.,1. iJ! fcfiTwa. t0 !J 5! s-. :H Tn,ll llm W..l Bill S M Dtr ,, 7 ,.B...m. KiJiW TIP, Tn M U... Kid. K.ra., W T.. missus, gaug! .'" . Ed'.rd. pe. Bride Pl.Th.u,. lor FBI B.nd.L.S I ft Wri! K. M..I Minn i",,",2 'T. I S .r ... j. si." abc n. MMU 1111 a.F onn lr. Ml m ciD:sij. l? K c. g.S It mi Bln Cwby Sliri ftlM,,B TJ tZZu, 9-Sl.r rm.i ''" V" m,MN... VXi inrt! riui Inttrfl.wi D.nt, TIB. N..r..l mrti N.M r.h Cldea Tr...r, D.e. Tim. Nw. N t" S..t 1 5:J, Flt.ce B.nd.lMS Tim. Crlm. riln HUM Un, ir Uii Moile !. Tim. Crime rile, NltM Sent T.lwm M.C.IIM..I. n.m. Tim. M..U N lhl i. iJfi Cllr Cewell Mu.l. D.n.. Tim. Nlrtl Sent 4, Cllr Ceinell M.l. P'n.. Tim. Mull. WUht Sent H:r IslraOII Tim. Im. M.lodr Slia Oft I a V fl'1 IB 1 V 'ill Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. - Trader Louie 1820 lint Ave. Ph. 385SS FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. g'M D Weil Oreioo Farm Br. INtwi tBreakfail Wtlltrn '15 Dave Weal KOIN KtMk Farm Hr. TlmekMftr Nook Mclolr Sill Dftvt Wtil rtOIN Kltok Farm Hr. Newt Brcakfail Fara Nawt 4ft Parm Tint KOIN Klock Firm Honr March Tlmo Nook Nowi CBtrr Editor KOIN Kloek Sewi Htmloiwaf Breakfast KOCO Kloek 1 :J5 Johns Willi Newt M. Arroniky Broakfail Nook KOCO KUtk 1 0 Nowo M.wi RobQirrid Breakfait Breakfast KOCO Klock 7l4ff K. Matinlai B. Babbltl Bob Hoion Bam Hotm Nook KOCO Klotk tiff OH Soars News Broakfast Cocll Brown Jim Dan4 KOCO Kloek 1:15 Ola Sons. News Clob Famll Altar Jim Dandy KOCO Klock :tl MasteBot Belco Trent Breakfast Hlblo Honr Jim Dandr KOCO Kltek 1:45 MnsleBoa Gal Snnday Club Bftlo Hoar Jim Dandy Nowo 0 Mailt Boa Road Lift News Dr. Sword Back Fonea Woman's FJ ill Mnsit Bos Ma Perkins Todir'i Star Commentary Matinee Mask fiM Mnslo Bol Dr. Mai ant Break Bank Pastor Call Back Fenoo Piano Pat'm t;45 Lindlahr Paid, tlrht Broak Bank Bsr. Conntei Matlneo M. Whitlni (f) Bsstefli Bso Mrs. Barton Don Gardner alea Hardy Matlneo Bars ' J fill Party P. Mason Chet Bnntlsy Tollo Toil Matin m Beeords t'lf Bulks RIek Norah Drake Troo 8tory Mails Matlneo Rays ;4B Strike Kick Brighter Pay Trio Btory MibIb Matinee Record! HM DoabU Grand Slsm Whliperlny Ladles Fair Matlnea Rays IS Nathtntr Music Spark. Girl Marries Ladles Fair Matlnea Records Phrase Pays Home V. Llndlhsr Qn. for Day Mstineo Bare :U fBob Hope Party Barney Keep qn. for DaylMatlneo Koeordi WU sftf.t KOIN 10 1.1, a.m. A It p.m. KBX M.J, I to p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 551 Thursday P.M.: 5:00. Child-, ren's Theater; 5:30, Europe Report! 6:00, News, Weather; 7:15, Eve nlnr Farm Hoar, B:M, BBC Theiten 9: (HI, Maslot 9:45, Meditation, 10:00, Slrn Off. KOAC KOAC rrldir A. M.l M,M, Vtwi, W.atberi 11:00, Scb.el t Hit lt:00, N.m snl Wtalherl 1,00, Utit Sli.wi 1:80, Oil Sh.lft SUM, r.r W.nea Detroit Detroit Tons of earth cas caded down the north slope of the island known as Piety Nob in Detroit lake recently, tossing green firs like scat tered matches as the narrow slide roared into the lake. Backing water soaking at the base of the island was respon sible for the slide and others may be expected as the reser voir fills. Interruption of Benton-Lincoln power brought inconven ience to homes and business establishments of the Detroit Idanha area Sunday. Power was shut off without notice between 7 and 8:30 a.m. and again for two hours in the evening to permit scheduled power work at Detroit dam. Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum was taken to Santlam Memorial hospital Sunday for treatment but is reported to be improv ing. Alvin White, forest service employee for the past year, left Monday for Maine, where he will visit relatives before en corps at Randolph Field, Texas. Detroit-Idanha Boy Scouts will attend the Scout circus Saturday in Salem with their Scoutmaster, Francis Kettle-son. L. A. Gets CAA Hq. Seattle (P) Moving Pacific Northwest regional offices of the Civil Aeronatics Adminis tration from Seattle to Los Angeles will affect about 300 of the agency's 1,050 employes in the Northwest, the CAA said Tuesday. It is estimated there are 329, 562,688 cubic miles of water in the oceans of the world says the National Geographic Society. ACROSS 1. Weaken ' 4, Iridescent jewel I. Quantity ! J. Hail 13. Home 15. Vegetable plot 17. Except 18. About 19. Is sorry for 20. Swamp 21. Public vehicle 22. Be fond of 23. Equality 24. Head 25. Playing; card 26. Bull lighter 28. You and 1 29. Spike of corn 30. Neck ornament 31. For 33. Hindered 35. Employee 36. Sheet of glass 38. Illuminant 39. Diminish 40. Solid water 41. Dally 42. Place of the first miracle 43. And: LaUn 44. Vapor 45. Well-known European river 47. Aware 50. Everything 51. God of love 52. American Indian 53. Went first DOWN 1. Droop 1. Greed ten -UkJBTIOWN BIntdSI 8JAAME Nfi Skl aneTm LAlM6ltnCIOlPl IIBIUIE LJeIrIr USE lEAP Solution of Yesterday's Puule S Wig 4. Native metal Writing .whirmen, 7. Frees 8. Confronted Article H " 7T- -r, 1 w w " ?r Kr yTr ,yr W !IZH ppr -f!f" tfr n T, -r ir-r r JL jr-- 10, Member of a boys' society 11. Intelligence 14. Press for payment It. Scotch river 20. Corpulent 21. Tribunal 22. Statute 23. Soothing medicine 24. Author ot "The Raven 28. Chart 27. Performed 29. Uncle: Scots 31. Capable of 32. Number 33. Anglo-Saxon St Period of .. an llght 15. Elementary text-book 39. fragment 37. Player 39. Pale 41. Nervous . . twitching 42. instance 44. Donkey 43. Appointed .. to arrive 48 Olden times 48. Not any 49. AlteroaUr V NewefMena i