Paw 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon I In the Valley KdlUa kj MIKE FORBES Hopewell Donald Hope well The Salem Sal vation Army bnd member re guests of the Hopewell R.U.B. church at the evening eervk. Sunday. May I Capt. Bennet twas the band Jeader end guest speaker. Mr. end Mrt. 3. Franco of Oiyw.pia, Wash brought Mr. and Mr. Stephen Keed to Hopewell Sunday. Stephen leaves fw Amy service Mon day, May . and Mrt. Reed vt-01 make her home with her parents. Jerrr Marr. son ol Mr. and Mrs. George Marr ol the Web- toot district, formerly ol Hope well, also leaves for Army service May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tar ter were Sunday guests of their friends, Mr. end Mrs.: Charles Tumidce of Troutdale. Mrs. John Oeisler attended a bridal shower at the home of Mass Leon Rogers in Portland, May 3, in honor of Miss Shar on Pcrsinrer. daughter of Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Persinger of Portland, bride-elect of Gene Jaenicke. The wed dine will be an vent of Jane IS at the bride's borne in Portland. The Mother and Daughter banquet at the Hopewell E.u.B. church was held Tuesday eve ning. The program consisted oft Invocation, Mrs. S. C. Wall er, presiden tof the Women's Missionary society: welcome, Mrs. Howard Stephens; vocal solo, Mrs. I. J. Kolln; piano solo. Colleen Kolln; poem. Hel en OJua; vocal duet, suen wm mer and Gayle Larson, accom panied by Helen OJua; poem, Mrs. H. E. Wldmer, and guest speaker, Mrs.. W. C. Hlne of Portland. . Peter Parvln was chief serv er, and Rev. Wldmer, chief dishwasher, with boys of the community as table waiters. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Compton and family spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams of Washougal, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Eino Setela and family of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKlnney of Me- Minnville were Sunday dinner meats of Mr. and Mrs. Kustl Setela. The Eino Setalas arc going to British Columbia for week's vacation this week. Matt Parvln. son of Mr. ana Mrs. Peter Parvln, arrived w vru1av - from An IWIU1 ' I...... j chorale. Alaska. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chat Stephens called on her sister, Mrs. Mary Balrd of Newburg on sunaay afternoon. Mrs. Baird was m lured in an auto accident Fri day evening, while riding with her daughter, Mrs. aivid Christy and baby daughter, as they were returning iroro Portland. Mrs. Balrd suffered cuts and bruises about the head. Mr. and Mrs. William Dykes fHelen Kotka) of Midway City, Calif., were guests of her father, Abram kow ana oin er relatives lsst week. Mrs. Mabel Wood of Ashta bula, Ohio, 1 a house guest of her daughter ana lamny, ua. and Mrs. John Kotka. : Little David Stephens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steph ens is the latest victim of measles. The Hopewell Community club will hold 1U May meeting at the schoolhouse Thursday evening. May 7, with a pro gram of music and scenic mo tion pictures. Mrs. Art Reed will be in charge ol the bust ness meeting. The 8th grade pupils of the Hopewell school were guests of Amity Union high school for the May Dsy exercises May 1 in Amity. Those who attended were Sharon McKenney, Gayle Larson, Ellen Widmer, Ruby Lind, Clyde Frauendelner, Floyd Baker, Allen Polvi, La Verda Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKen ney end family were sll day guests of the Harry Wilcox family of Amity on May day. Mrs. J. D. McKenney was hostess Wednesday afternoon to a coffee hour for the Cancer Fund. Those who attended from out of the community were Mrs. Harry Wilcox, Mrs. Herman Jorgenson, Mrs. Ro bert Haberly and Mrs. Royal Cochran, all of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waller, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Widmer, Harold and Irvln and Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse attended the monthly meeting of the Gideons in McMinnvllle Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Olen D. Latter- ty and daughter, Geraldlne of Layton, Utah, brought Mrs. Oscar Lafferty home Tuesday, following an extended stay with her twin sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nor ton of Wichita. Kan. They vis ited Mrs. Latferty's daughter and family. Rev. and Mrs. Carl PershaU of .Hamer, Idaho, on their way west. Dr. and Mrs. John Widmer of Corvallls were Sunday guests of his brother and fam ily, Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Wid mer. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Loop and family of Toledo, w weekend guests of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Loop. Billy is recovering from severe after effecta of flu. Mrs. Marvel Brown Is car ing for Mrs. Belle Simkins of the Spring Valley district, who has been in a rest home xor some time, but is now able to be ud and around the bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Legg were in Salem Friday evenang. Mrs. Henry Dcedon attended a gathering of Lewis and Clark college Alumni at the Calvary Baptist church In Salem Tues- dsv evening, witn Miss rteien Deedon taking the place of Mrs. Arthur Hauser, (Arleen Deedon) who was unable to be present Sweet Home Sweet Home A family re union was held at the Spain home Sunday and Mr. Trask's daughter whom he had not seen for 14 years was pres ent for the occasion. Mrs. Sam Harmon, Steelville, Mo., has been visiting her father lor the past two weeks. Reunion guests were Mr. ano Mrs. Winston Trask, Mr. and Mrs. Glen PJmer, Mrs. Trask, Marvin and Gene Trask. Week-end guests at the John Postma home at 1332 E. street were Mr. Joe Postma and Har old of Garibaldi, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Don FlUjarrell and children of Portland. Mr. asd Mrs. Arthur Wen- derly and Don, Kathleen, and Danny, returned Monday from a four-day rip to Washington and eastern Oregon. At Benton City, Wash., Mrs. Wonderly visited her brother. Basal Tur ner, who is vary ilL In John Day, Mr. , Wonderly enjoyed helping his uncle and aunt celebrate their SOth wedding anniversary. Stopping In Prlne ville, where the- Wonderlys' son is living, they were in formed that Joe had accepted position driving a lumber truck between Uklah and Pilot Rock. Joe has only re cently been discharged from the army after serving two years in Korea. Donald Mrs. J. W. McClurc of Donald won a blue ribbon on her Sclllas and a red rib bon on her arrangement using wood, at the spring flower show of the Wood bum Garden club Saturday. Labish Mea dows won the blue ribbon for the Garden club arrangement with Scott Mills and Mt An gel winning 2nd and 3rd re spectively. Mrs. Ralph Balr won blue ribbon on her begonia collec tion and her daughter, Betty, received a red ribbon for her small basket arrangement for children under years. Mrs. Ralph Bair was flower show chairman, assisted by some members of the Wood- burn Garden club. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scrog gins are happy over the ar rival of their first grandchild. Stephen Duane Sleight, born to their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Sleight, Saturday, April 25. The child weighed seven pounds, 10 ounces. Mrs. Scroggins is tak ing care of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lin womweu had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Langeliers of Oregon City and Mrs. Lila Peterson and Alvin Peterson of Hubbard. Richard Schackman of Port land, brother of Mrs. L. Peter son, died in his sleep last week. Mrs. Peterson's sister died about a month ago, and her niece died about three weeks ago. John Felto left Monday for a trip to see relatives in Color ado. While he is gone, Mrs. Barney Feller will look after the Pelto Store. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yer- gen visited Mrs. Eldon Pugh of Mission Bottoms Sunday. Mrs. Pugh was In the hospital in Salem for some time, and still has not completely recov ered her health. The Sunshine Division of the Donald Extension unit met Tuesday afternoon, April 28, at the home of Mrs. Barney Feller, with Mrs. Del-Feller as co-hostess. The meeting was under the direction of the president, Mrs. Jack Bush. Reports were given on the Homemakers' Festival held Saturday in Sa lem at the First Christian church. The Donald Unit had an en try at the Festival on herbs for variety and accent. Mrs. Lelghton Whitsett, Mrs. James Myers and Mrs. Warren Fell er were in charge of the exhib it. Mrs. Hal Feller, leader of the 4-H Sewing unit presented her girls to the club. The girls in turn showed the work they had been doing. Girls belong ing to the sewing unit are, Dorothy Railing, Marilyn Goode, Charlotte Sprauer, Di ana Miller and Donna Miller and Judy Feller. The program chairman, Mrs. Isaac Williamson, presented Lois Weinert and Connie Beard of North Marion Union high school home economics depart ment in a demonstration. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Mrs. Robert Maitland, chairman; Mrs. O. C. Lester, vice chair man: Mrs. Ray Maxfield. aecre- tary-treasurer. The next meet ing will be the last meeting of the season with Mrs. Roy Leln hardt and Mrs. O. C. Lester in charge with a potluck lunch eon at 11:30 in uie uonaiu Hall, the date Is Msy 12. Attending Tuesday's meet ing were Mrs. Lelghton Whit aett. Mrs. Isaac Williamson, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. O. C Les ter. Mrs. Ray Maxfield, Mrs. Sid Hendricks, Mrs. Norman Relling, Mrs. E. E. Miller, Mrs. Vernon Miller, Mrs. Erllne Se verson, Mrs. Harlan Feller, Mrs. H. R. Driever, Mrs. J. A. Bush. Mrs. Robert Maitland, and the hostesses, Mrs. Barney Feller and Mrs. Del Feller. Hubbard Unionvale Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sion of Salem formerly at the Alderman farm, at tended the Dayton union high school play Friday, evening. Mrs. Clifford Woodward of near Sheridan underwent surgery at the McMinnvllle hospital and is in care of Dr. Hanson. Mrs. Woodward is daughter of Mrs. Charles Claw and formerly resided in Unionvale. Mrs. - Robert Terry is re ceiving treatments from Dr. Manning at McMinnvllle and Is improving. Mrs. Martin Braat of Unionvale who has . been a guest of , her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and family returned home Thursday and attended the May Day exercises at the Dayton City park and play at the union high school in the evening. She had two grand daugh ters taking part, Marcena D. Fowler, maid of honor at the park and Sharon Flnnlcum in the play at the school nifWrerfliri Start Tonltht - Open 6:4S Robert Tartar . gleaner farmer "ABOVE AND BIVOND" Alio Mnslral Rhert "aerial "RETURN OF GILBERT SULLIVAN" III tmm Hail DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens Old Time and Modem Music by "Pop" Edwards uiiiN mwa, suwwit m Gala Open 7:M Show at Dma SUrt TnlU (Wed.) 1 Tachnlealor Hits TAUT OF THE COMANCHES" Braderkk Crawfard The On A Only 1 DON'T CARE GIRL Mlttl Oaymr DaTieVWaja Sco Hubbard Thalia Rebekah lodge made necessary arrange ments at the last regular meet ing for delegates to attend the Rebekah Assembly In Portland In Mav. Word was received that Mrs. Harry Moore, one of the delegates elected, would be unable to attend. A report on the visit to Mrs. Birdie Butler in Oregon City, noted that five members vis ited her, taking a birthday cake oranges and flowes to her. Re freshment for the evening were served by Mrs. Lavonne Bothura and Mrs. Georgia Can- Scio Three hiih school sen ior girls are in the Fat Lamb Show .Queen contest They are Marianne Bell, Jolly Krossman and Opal Hink. These girls were electee oy the student body. One will be crowned queen rriday night, May 22, at 8:30. The queen and her two at tendants will lead the parade Saturday morning, May 23. Mr. Lamb of Woodburn was guest speaker at the last PTA meeting. The new officers were In stalled by Mrs. J. N. Harding. Next meeting will be May 25. Mrs. David Boshart is pro gram chairman for this meet-ins. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thurs ton were called to Eugene Sat urday morning where their young daughter. Linda, who at tends school there, had become seriously ill with a high temp erature indicating some source of virus infection. She died Saturday afternoon at a Eugene hospital. Services were Tuesday after- noan at 2 p.m. at the Fisher's funeral home in Albany. Rev. McGill of Jefferson was in charge of the services. Burial was at the Willamette Mem orial Park in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rhoades of Waldport are visiting at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Harvey Thurston. Rev. and Mrs. Jay Bovee of Shelton, Wash., were Saturday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wickizer. Rev. Bovee was guest speak er at the Baptist church Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harris of Dallas were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Max Long and family of Eugene called oa rel atives here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Archie Long of Eugene were also recent vis itors in the W. Z. Sims home, where Norman Long makes his home. The boys and girls of the pri mary and intermediate depart ments of the Baptist Sunday school have invited their moth er to a nroKram in their hon or in the church basement at 9:4S a.m. Sunday, May 10. There will be a uauy va cation Bible school at the Bap tist church June 9-18. The grade school's May uay program will De mursuey, May 7, at tne nign scnooi gym and athletic field. This will be an all day affair beginning at a.m. Mrs, Edwards of Corvallls was auest sneaker at the Mary Martha Misslonry meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Bap tist church. " Stayton Webioot Webfoot -Nine members at tended the regular meeting of the Arrawannah Needle club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Benedict in the Webfoot district Thursday evening. Attending were Mrs. John Allison, Mrs. Benedict, Mrs Marion Boulden, Mrs. Ersel Gubser, Mrs. Ivan Gubser, Mrs. Glen McFarlane, Mrs.' Ray mond Palmer, Mrs. James Pen land, and Mrs. Carl Wood.. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Palmer in the Grand Island district Thursday, April 14. Stayton Scholars Stayton Four union high school seniors have been awarded scholarships to Lin field college in McMinnvllle, according to an announcement by Jerry Butler, senior class adviser. They are Deani Mc Donald, William Morgan, Ed Small and Gene Small. Stayton Stayton Union high school band has accept ed an invitation to play at the dedication of Detroit dam on June 10. The band will Join with high school bands from Mill City, and Cascade Union, and will Play as a combtaed group. The band Is directed U.. TVaisiirng. H 1110 11. The bands will hold a Joint rehearsal to prepare for the special numbers that will be featured. - vi Marimret Feller, a member of the Stayton grade school faculty, was confined to her home Monday due to illness. t, "Fiv-uo" promotion ceremony of the Girl Scouts ..... hiri Thuradav evening. T,n,. Rrnwnie ScOUtS bC- ...m. fuilfledeed Girl Scouts, with troops from Mill City. Lyons, and Stayton as guests to watch tne preaemanuu pins, i This will be a new interme diate Scout troop with Mrs. ni-horrt Shtetz as the leader. The leaders of the girls that wore nromoted were, Mrs. Frances Reed and Mrs. Verna Weaver. During the program slides Wednesday, May 6, 1953 were shown of Smith Creek camp for the Scouts. Refreinmeu" vea. by the mothers of the girU' that were promoted. The glrl promoted were: Linda Morris. Mlchiele Mauer,, Maureen u "u: Pendleton, Sandra Humph,; revs Karen Klmsey, Nancy Wodtly, Diane Stillwell, Carol shower. Carol McMann, Caro-: 5ne PhW d J"y Wolves were still serious' menace in Scotland - in the; iv. Century and a few re-; mained there until the 18th! Century. , ACORNS FROM THE V WTH DEL MILNE V 5 or 20 Hr. Privote Closi $10.00 Armstrong Studios 155 S. Liberty Fh. l-IM Say, Dddy, do you know what May the tenth 1st" Why sure it's Sunday, all you have to do Is look at the calendar to see that." "But Daddy it's also Mother's Day and I hope you haven't for gotten to tell your ehef down at , hotel to fix up a special Moth ers Day dinner for all the mothers, m the rlnclnlty of Salem; -that's a pretty fancy word f me to use. osoay. i yuur onei t&u up a fanw dinner bett than for anyone else in the worlH, because everyone want to take their mother out for dinner so daddv you tell the chef to get on . toTbail nd do a really nice Job,r well folks I had not forgotten Mother's Day, but as a matter of fact I dW not reallise it was next Sunday, and for your information; Carolyn dear, we WILL have Uie beaiest dinner in all the land lor the mothers who dine at the Marlon. o'j PS in the main dining rocnT, not in the Oak Boom. bi Mm ift lk HoM MaviM. 3 4t21 sweats s-stm Humphrey Bagart Jane AUysea "BATTLE CIRCUS Bterttng Btyaea In Cetor "KANSAS' FACTFtC" Richard Green Boris Kaxlsff "BLACK CASTLE" . Commwnlns Exposed! "THE BOAXTERS" Clark Gable Larette Yung "CALL OF WILD" Linda Darnell "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE-" ON OUR STAGE! IVHIYTHU1L AT 8:30 P.M HsUywsedTiMkNl Roy Gordon sag Hb Star Dbctrerj "TALENT QUEST" Featuring Salem's Own Talented Folks, Competing for Cash Prises! ALSO GUEST ACTS! ... and Ed Syrinf At the Hammond! I ggCT A A1. AS CHEAT AS ITS NAME! I CAW SAVE 76.05 Price shown is for average-size 12 x 15-ft. LIVING ROOM 12 x 12-ft. DINING ROOM 3x 9-ft. HALLWAY Ask About Proportionate Savings for Any Other Size Rooms Here's what you get: Consulting and measuring service Expert cutting and fitting Heavy, resilient carpet cushion Wall-to-wall installation COMPLETE WITH CUSHION AND INSTALLATION! Ail n 00 down ON SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN Casual, multi-level texture in your choice of 3 colors Completely installed wall-to-wall in all 3 rooms! SAYEUPT0 105.00 ALL WOOL WILTON REMNANTS SIZE 9 ft. by 8 H. 2 In. 10 ft. 4 In. 9 ft. by 15 ft. IS ft. by 12 ft. 3 In. 9 ft. by 20 ft. 7 in. 15 ft. by 15 ft. 10 in. REG. PRICE 102.20 215.15 197.85 269.50 219.50 354.95 YOU SAVE SALE PRICE 4J" 59.93 7000 1 43.15 6000 1 37.85 84 J0 185.00 7449 1 45.01 10500 2 40.95 NUMEROUS TO MENTION!