Wednesday, May 6, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon ' Past II B-Te Bps LE-VlEWS Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMEB PRESIDENT OPENS CONFERENCE WITH GOVERNORS Medford, Oregon's television station KBES-TV lias wrtow mbein8r the CBS teIevi8ion affiliate. KBES-TV will serve as a primary, supplementary inter connected affiliate, starting June 1, when the station goes on the air. The station is owned and operated by the Southern Oregon Broadcasting Co. Everett Faber is general manager. The station is going to operate on channel 8. - . ' . A top notch fight is on tap Wednesday night when Davey Gallardo of Los Angeles, Calif., and Charley Riley of St Louis, Mo., pair off in a 10-round featherweight bout from Washington, D, C. The bout will be telecast over KPTV ... , , Tele-Views received a post card the other day from Art Linkletter. Art informs us that the CBS television, city has moved into their new building. This is the first program production plant to be built especially for Tele vision. It houses four large studios and covers two acres of a 19 tract of land between Hollywood and Beverly Hills.' ' " . ,. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY Bouts 6. Davey Gallardo, of Los Angeles vs. Charley Riley of St. Louis, 10-round featherweight bout from Washington, D. C. Librerace 7. Selections include "Twelfth St. Rag," "Po lish Dance" "Tenderly" with vocal; "Brazil," "Dark Eyes" uand portions from Tschaikowsky piano concerto in B ; flat minor. ., I Married Joan 8. A secret provides the undoing of Joan. Her loquacious tongue causes hubby Bard almost to lose his chance at a Federal judgeship. ,i. This Is Your Life 8:30. Eva McGown of Fairbanks. i Alaska, subject- She is an Alaskan namaritan who came i -to the aid of many new residents, j Kraft Theater 9. "The New Servant" stars John Sey j j mour, Wright King and Helen Auerback in a story of 1 1 a man who murders his sister and seeks desperately to j jusuiy tne act. ! Crusade in the Pacific 10. (part 6) "The Navy Holds." j Captured Jap film shows the battle of Midway and naval j action in the. Pacific through the early Japanese j i victories. ! ' YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY . What's Cooking? 9:30. Cooking show with Barbara '. - Angell. Kate Smith Show 12. Teen-age panel featuring college editors. Andre Engleysky and Melissa Hayden . . stars of N.Y.C. ballet company. Pulse of the City 1. "The Happiest Day." Laura's wedding day ended up in a hospital following an auto . accident. A love story with an unusual problem and a heart-warming resolution. j Kid Magic 4:30. New series running weekly at this j time. Tale of a newsboy who is transformed into the ! young hero of Magic City, Kid Magic ... a space show created around Magic City which is run by good thoughts. My Hero 6. Bean Blossom dreams a dream that has i down-to-earth results during "South Pacific Saga." The Unexpected 8. "The Puppeteers," starring Robert Hutton and Gale Storm, concerns the disappearance of I L - 1-X -1.-1- I a puppeteer in a mgni emu. v i 7"'' K - LT?,:; il ;. . ...CPOJI Pres. Elsenhower (standing, center) opens a conference with' governors of 45 states and five territories in a Hag draped executive office building room in Washington. Vice President Nixon is seated at head of table. President told governors that the purpose of the two-day session is to share with them some of the information the admin istration has and some of the plans it is making for national , security. (AP Wirephoto) . Advice to Vets Seekinq Loans Washington (ff) The Vet erans Administration VA said Tuesday all veterans who plan to seek CI loans should apply lo v A. regional oiuces in ad vance for certificates of eligi bility. ' -.-.....,. , In the past, veterans have been advised to submit their discharge or separation papers to the private lending institu tion making the loan. The in stitution then submitted them to the VAjn behalf of the vet' erans. The change, VA said, will reduce delays in processing loan applications. It said it was necessary because under the Korean GI bill the VA must have information not previous ly needed to establish a vet eran's eligibility. . Certificates of eligibility are proof for private lenders that VA will guarantee or insure a loan if the veteran meets other usual loan requirements. The change .-- applies to . veterans wanting home, farm or busi ness loans. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only proirami aehedulad In 4ranet) MARR RADIO and x TELEVISION INC G atom's Most Complete Television Center - 2140S.Comi Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV WEDNESDAY 1:15 p.m. Search lor Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. Lot. of Ufa 4:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 4-30 p.m. Tootalt Hlppodromt (:oo p.m. etrlkt It Rich 8:30 P.m. Doug Edwards 5:45 p.m. Time tor Beany :00 p.m. PlthU 6:45 Newi caravan 7:00 p.m. tlberace 7:30 p.m. Arthur Godfrey 8:00 p.m. I Married Joan 8:30 p.m. Thla Ii Your Life :00 p.m. Kraft Theater 10:00 p.m. Pacific Crusadt 10:30 p.m. Nlte Theater ' In the past five years, the amount of feed needed to pro duce a three-pound broiler has been : reduced from 10 pounds to about 9 pounds. . Hayesville Officers Elected by Capital Legion Post Officers who will serve a year and a board of trustees were elected at the regular meeting Monday night of Cap ital Post No. 9, American Le gion. They will be inducted in to office next fall. Elected were: Commander, John E. Wood; first vice commander, Daryel Donaldson; second vice com mander, E. D. Spencer; adju tant, Elvyn Zahradnlk; finance officer, Malcolm Page; sergeant at arms, Donald Crook; chap lain, Jason Lee; historian, Con rad Paulson; quartermaster, Clarke Brown; cemetery com mitteeman, Charles Stinette; executive committeemen, Rob ert Hynd, Charles Johnson, Claude McKenney, Joseph A. Paulson and Walter Zosel; board of trustees, Carl Cham bers, Claude Martin and Ken i Muller. . : Hayesville The Hayes ville Mothers club members re cently were guests at the home of Mrs. G. Slddall on Hood Rd for a potluck dinner. This was the last meeting for the club until fall. Mrs. Edith Haulman showed the group the "Birth Atlas". The club voted to give a half scholarship for 4-H. At tending the meeting were Mes- dames D. Don, E. C. Brum- field, A. Katka, P. Wellbrock, M. Hall, J. Bunz, E. ahara, J. Jonesburg, E. Brown, H. Chrls- tenson and the hostess Mrs. Sld dall. Guests were Mrs. Ethyl Archibald, mother of Mr. Sld dall, Mrs. R. 1 tamper and Mrs. Edith Haulman. The final meetings for the "Small Fry" , cooking club, "Wee Stitches" tewing club and "Rip It Out and Do It Over" sewing club have been held. The annual spring style show for the "Rip It Out and Do It Over" sewing club was held at the Hayesville school with Mrs. Bea Humphries, 4-H club agent, as the narrator. Betty Zahara, Jeanette Slddall, Mar garet Katka, Janice Slddall and Priscilla Durham modeled skirts, sport dresses,, formals, house coats, pajamas and re modeled coats. , The "Wee Stitches" sewing club girls, Linda Benson, Car ol Christenson, Sandra Stiff- ler, Linda Hall, modeled head carves. The "Small Fry" cooking club held . a baked foods sale, which gave them $8.47 to be used toward a 4-H scholarhip. ; . Members of this club are Bob Zahara. - Linda Christen' son, Sandra Frey, Judy Bor ders, Sandra Stiffler, Carol Christenson, Lynn Nystrom, Linda Benson and Stanley Bor ders. Leaders for the clubs were Margaret Katka, Janice SlddaU and Mrs. Walter Nys trom. Assistants were Mrs. A. Katka and Mrs. A. Benson. The Hayesville PTA will in stall the new officers for the coming year, Friday, May 8, at 7:80 p.m. They are: Odnl 81a t tum, president; Russell Hodge, vice president, and Mrs. Vin cent Genna, secretary-treasur- Refreshment will be served by mothers of children in Miss Dubuls and Mr. Hilleslind's rooms with Mrs. E. W. Frey and Mrs. H. B. Christenson In charge.' ELECT! HI ATI PI asvAinu D Cherry City Electric III Okemeketa Phone 2472 SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo minal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert titters, private fitting rooms. "Ask lour Doctor" Capital Drug Store MS State St, Corner of Liberty , 8&H Green Stamp ; RHODODENDRONS AND AZALEAS A Gorgeous Display of Bright Colored Blossoms in a Variety of Sizes . WILL MAKE FINE MOTHER'S DAY GIFT Bedding Plants, Geraniums, ; Fuschias and Perennials , "' ' . " i' : , i- s :' i. i . v FERRILLS NURSERY W Mile East of Keiier Ph. 21307 MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Service and Installation 1880 State St, Phone 3-7577 SPECIAL HOUSE CLEANING PRICES ' j Window washing, wall washing, floor waxing . B&B Janitorial & Window Service ARCHIE BJELDE 3-3661 L M Earl A. Gooch - Supervisor - Salem District 1010 North 15th Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone: 3-3314 1 lUBLES?l! I - Can be ioItM U IH ! yar location la l,H bad. Call u m CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1120CEHTER 9 30 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:30 13:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 :00 3:1 3 30 1:46 4:00 8:00 8:30 t n 8:00 1:30 :49 7:00 7:30 8:00 8 30 0:00 30 10:30 THURSDAY a.m. Whafi Cooklnl .m. Preedom Rlna a.m. UP Portland a.m. Mornini Edition am Tha Bit Paiolt a.m-Welcoma TravelaM noon Kat emlth Show p.m. Pla of City p.m. Arthur Oodfrar p.m.-elka It Rleh p.m. Mavinea p.m.-etaroh tor Tomorrow p.m. Lova of Life p.m. fltranier Than Fiction p.m-Howdy Doodj p.m. p.mDoua Idwarda, Hwi p.m. Tlma for Beany p.mlkty Hero p.m. Dinah short p.m. Ni Caravan . nwuLh. Ulrf p.m. Burnt and Allen p m. The TJneipt4 p.m. Pord Theater p.m Martin Kant p.m. Wreatllnt p.m. Nlte Owl Theater TV TROUBLES? technician on duty till 9:30 p.m. dally TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 1410 9.12th Phone 4-551 ;ti M PUNNING i 4 So AIawjq ! SmicQ (M 4S ! & MUm-Bm ! Greyhound offers you a greater choice of routes than any other travel system! Go via ono route, return another ... see twice as much at the lowest of fares! Make stopovers anywhere. Only Greyhound offers you serv ice to all 48 states ... to parts of Canada, too! To a nearby town or across the country... 10 miles or 10,000 miles . . . Greyhound is your best travel buy! Greyhound offers you more Thru Express Buses to and from more cities! Ride the same bus, same seat all the way! No local stops ... no extra fare ... no transfer of your baggage. ' . 90 CHDGQoooOOQ 60 OOOOOQQ Thtrt't O Qrtyhound Agtnt Ntar You Depot: 450 No. Church St. Telephone 2-2428 J. L. WELLS, Agent un it