Page 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, May 6, 1953 FAN FARE y Wok Dlti.n . . Congden Takes Lead at Halfway Point in Open Portland Uft Professional Chuck Congden of Tacoma led field of 34 finalists Wednes day into the 36-bole champion ship round of the annual Ore gon Open golf tournament at , the Columbla-Edfewater uoun try club. The smooth-stroking veteran , of Pacific Northwest fairways, who turned in a five-under par . 67 in the opening 18-hole round Monday, carded 69 Tuesday to take the lead at the halfway point with 136. Three strokes behind Cong- don was Bud Hofmeister of Hayden Lake, Idaho, who also had a 69 Tuesday. They were followed by defending cham pion Bob Duden, Portland, and Al Williams, Medford, Ore., tied at 140; Stan Leonard, Van couver, B. C, 141; Bob McKen drick, Portland, 142,' and Bill Lees, Portland, who was low amateur, and professional Dick Lundahl, Baker, Ore., tied with 143, Others who fired 153 or bet ter to qualify for the final 36' YBI AMAZIN9 MXO AOS TO REDUCE SWELLING OF SIMPLE PILES... KLUfcvfc AuURf MdlAIIILfl Ainulng Puo rclievef torture of simple pile fait. Acti to relieve itching and pain instantly, Soothe inflamed tissue. Lubricates, lofteni iry( huritened pyt Helnt reduce iwellini, IimI mrlrlnr TVm't niflW netualftu nutter f tunple pile. Get Pato, get real comfort fifi auay. a aocior aoom ... aupmiiwy form or tube with perforated pipe. Pm Qintmtnt m4 SuppcnleruiQ , ' bole round included: H4Cli(f Whittle. LaOranrla. Or.) Vine Olekta. Owtfo, Ore.; Eddie Ho tan. Rlverilde; Joe Oreer, Yakima. 14ft Bobby Lltten. Vancouver, Waib. H6 Glenn Bplvey. Lonivlew. Wash. 147 Dill Mawhlnney, Vancouver, B.C.! Al Peldman, Tacoma; Ken Tucker, Everett. 14ft Tex Smith. Yakima. Earl Schnelter, Klamath PalU; Alex Weber, Prlnevllle, Ore.; Jim Bourne, U. of Waantnaton. ISO Bill Welch, Ttl-CIty; Joe 8 tel ler, Salem: Dick Price, Lonivlew; Jack Walters, Tacoma. 151 Roy Heliler, Vancouver, B.C.I Bud Itoe, Spokane; Bay Homberier. Se attle. 162 Dare Coons, Ken HcLacnian, botn Vancouver, Wash. 153 Bunny uaaon, saiem: bkip Waa ler, Euiene; Paul Johanson, Seattle; Bob Caspar, Cottaie drove. Ore. other acores included: 1M v. Martin, Corvallla, Ore.; Harold West. Pendleton, Ore. 165 Leo Oaloucher, Olympla, Wash.; I Ralph Swan, Vera Zuta, both Vancou ver, Wash.; Carl Larson. Fort Aniens. IS Ed Ripp, Mike Montav, both Van couver, Wuh.; V. H. Bel ford. Lonivlew. 157 Tom suesens, Vancouver, wain. 158 Bump Schmidt, , Alympla; Elnar Allen. Bend. Ore. 16fr Bill Sundstrora, corvallla; Harry Clow. Vancouver, Wash.; Harm Word- it rom, Seattle. 161 Dr. Roy Cornell, Pasco, Wash. 162 O. K. Ttcbener, Vancouver, Wash.; Al Tollefson, Long-view. 169 Del Bert, Medford; Hunter Dick inson, Olympla. ' 174 Charles Kindred, Lonivlew. 175 Juda Laspa, Olympla. Bitterman Flips One-Hitter for Cascade High A tingle by Sacred Heart's Vance Cooney in the second inning spoiled a potential no hitter for Harold Bitterman, Cascade high school pitcher, in a baseball game on the SHA diamond Tuesday. Cascade won the game, 2-0, scoring both runs in the fourth inning. The pair of tallies came on a walk to Brown, a single by Speer, a bloop double by Jerry Waldrop, and a long fly by Wipper. Cascade had five hits off Cardinal pitcher Jim Rodewald. C"Cde 000 300 0 J I 1 Sacred Roil 000 000 0-4 1 0 Bitterman and Sneeri Rodewald and Feari. Salem Vikings Clinch District Baseball Crown Albany Salem high school clinched the district 8 A baseball champioship with a 7-3 victory over Albany at Albany Tuesday. Lowell Pearce went the distance for Salem, giving up five hits. Salem had eight hits off two Albany hurlers Salw Brck.ef Rlee.ea P.Jntse.l Oebopn.e Ortfl.rf AprlDir.S Pedtrin.3 Peerce.p H O A B 1 0Snuon.3 3 S 1 1 DerrM S 1 OOatlicl 1 0 Welat.3 S 1 10 eflhelbr.l I 1 1 OR.ouir.U 1 1(1 Hilwd.r I 1 1 S Brdler.C I iroi.i. i x-Doerflr 1 y.Brford 1 a-Wilfrl S It) Altunr O A ( 4 1 1 t Total, J7 I Jl a TotaU 37 I 11 11 x Orounded out tor Rldtnaer la 5th. r Piled out (or Welae In 7ti. a Pitched for Pol In 5th. a Pickled lor Doerllir In 4th At 7Lh. Salem 101 001 11 3 Albany 000 030 03 Pltchlu: IP AB H R BR SO BB Pearco 7 37 1 1 3 9 4 Pox 4 16 t 4 3 1 1 Wllf.rt .... 3 13 J 1 0 1 1 WP Pearce. Ealk Pearce. HP Pearce. Winner Pearce. LOB Salem t, Albanr 7. Errors Rice, Pederion, Shel br 3, Hazelwood 3, Fox. 3BH Oaborn. RBI C. Jantie 3, Orel, 3, Bprlnaer, Weiss, Gatlln. BH Beck, Oiborn, Sprint er. OP Pederion, Rice, P. Jantie, Um pire, Batee, Worthr. Time 3:00. Church Softball Senior league results Tuesday. First Baptist 5, Evangelistic Temple 0; Lib erty Church of Christ 8, Englewood 5; Good Shep herd Lutheran 14,. Leslie Methodist 2; St. Mark's Lu theran 19, Salvation Army Look beyond tho law fnw iwao Tfcis 1953 GfC Pickup $110 deUvered locally gives you 105 HP Valve-in-head Engine 8.0 to 1 Com pression Ratio "6-Footer" Cab 45-Ampere Generator Double-Acting Shock Absorbers . Recirculating Ball-Bearing Steering Self Energizing Brakes e Synchro-Mesh Trans mission 6-Ply Heavy-Duty Tires. Modal 101-22. DUAl-RANGE TRUCK HYDRA-MATIC ant othar oplioool qvipmant, occettorlei, stole and local loses. If ony, odditionol. rrttet ewjy vary slightly In odjoinino ccmrmmlties due) lo shipping choroat, AM prlcni iubact lo change without nolice. Truck Sales & Service Co. Dog Racing Track Proposed For Eugene Eugene (U.R) A group of about 25' lumbermen is mak ing plans for a $300,000 dog racing plant on the outskirts of Eugene, C. A. Huntington, member of the State Racing Commission, said today. Huntington said he had been informed the group con ferred the past few days with dog track operators at Tuc son and Phoenix, Ariz,, and Tia Juana, Mexico, about bringing greyhounds to pro posed Eugene site. SS5 No. Front- St. Salem, Ore. Salem Jayvees Batter Detroit The Salem high junior var sity baseball squad rolled over Detroit 21-1 here Tuesday af ternoon. The JV's, coached by Hank Juran, slugged out 16 hits. , Harry Santee allowed but two hits and one unearned run as he pitched the entire game for the Viking junior varsity. Larry Newsom came through with five hits in five trips to lead the hitters. 1 Ron Magee and Phil Burk- land each had three for five while Bob Foreman had two for four. Salem scored four runs in -the first, third and fourth; but their big inning was the second. They batted around as nine runs scored. ' Detroit helped the Salem cause by committing 15 er rors. The JV's play again this afternoon with the Jeffer son Lions at Salem and again tomorrow at Albany under the lights. Detroit 000 000 1 1 II Salem 4M 400X 31 11 1 wooaword, Vlckera (31, Hill 141, and Snyder, Woodward (4)1 Santee and Stub blefleld, Schreconaoat (7). Huskies Defeat Lebanon, 8-1 Lebanon Sweet Home hammered three Lebanon pit chers for 12 hits, five of them for extra bases, to post an 8-1 DaseDall victory here Tuesday. Bob Morley and Jim Easter ly shared pitching duties for Sweet Home, allowing Leba non a total of six hits. Bill Lewis had the longest nil tor tiweet Home, a two-run triple in the second innine Doubling for the winners were Jack Taylor, Ed Nordquist, Bill lUKei and Jerry Roller. Sweet Horn, 030 310 01 13 Lebanon 100 000 01 Morler, Faeterlr (71 and Owens: Miction,. Bishop (4), SmIUi (t) and utrnphere. 7 Hendersons caitrpiiur ht$ SHOVtTL CUTS LOADING TIME TO A Ml NIMUM ON THIS lONOVIErV. WASHINGTON STREET JOB. ITS 48 HA CAT DIESEL ENOINC ENABLES THE HT4 TO COME UP WITH A FOIL ltYARD BUCKET EVEN WHEN DIGGING b3 THE TOU&HEST.' SMOOTH HYDKAUUC CONTROt5 GIVE IT A 9 V LIFT. INSET. K.T.HENPEkSON I l l ll" I i Hi . rT.jeT-n eyaeaa-a-j,- m ll. m r a. -. r-e. Parrish Junior High Remains Undefeated Parrish junior high's pioneers remained undefeated in the Salem junior high baseball league as they scored a 7-1 win over West Salem at West Salem Tuesday. . Parrish, which won the league title last week, rapped out twelve hits. The Pioneers opened the game with two runs, and after that all the Giants could do was to get within one run in the second inning. ' ' The winners added two runs in the fourth and seventh frames and a lone run in the sixth. Gary Keppinger was the game's pitching and hitting star as he banged out three hits and pitched the three hitter. Leslie had won the league title for the second time in his tory last year. Leslie's Rockets travel to West Salem Friday for their last game with tha, West Salem squaa. Parrlih 500 301 17 13 1 wen saiem Old CMC I 1 3 Kepplnier and Rueiell; Johnion and Davta. Sandy Stomps ' Angels, 17-3 Mt. Angel Sandy smashed 15 hits off four Mt. Angel pitchers for a 17-3 Willamette Valley league baseball victory Tuesday. . All Sandy players had a good day at the plate. Ron Schmidt hit a two-run triple for Mt. Angel in the third inning. Bandr 063 313 4 IT IS 1 t. Angel 003 000 0 3 I S Tnornton and Hawthorne: Wellman. Lamber 13), WlndKhlile (71. Buchhelt (7) and Buchhelt, Llehttoot (71. Willamette Golfers Defeat Pioneers Portland W) Willamette. led by Dan Callashan who carded 76, downed Lewis and Clark 14(4-3 in a Northwest Conference golf match here Tuesday. Yesterday's Stars BATTING Bob PortcrflekL Wihlnr ton Bent tori, htlped via his own nmt nn nu urn mijor jettut boms run, with th batei full, aifttoit Detroit. The Sen ft ton won, 14-4. PITCHING Mel Ptrndl, Boiton Red Box. cftttered ftrt chlctio hlti in wln nlnt hli fourth im without t low. mt sen record in cither lettue. Sports Results ORKOON rSEP RESULTS (Br The AMMIated Preae) Baseball Cmwell 3, Junction Cltj 4. Dallaa a, Woodburn 4. Eugene d, 6prlnatleld 0. Sheridan 11, Sherwood 3. Warrenton 3, Scappooae 3. Oorbett 11, McLaren Boya School iwoonourn? e. Milwaukle' 4, Central Catholic (Port landl 3. Oretham 0, Parkrone 4. Columbia Prep 3. Hood River 0. Oarlbaldl 10, Jewell 0. Tillamook 131, Aetorla t-3. Selem 1, Albanr J. Weil Linn 4. Oreaon Cltr I. Verboort 4, Oatton 3. Yamhill 4. North aiarlen 3. Portland Scheelo XJneoln 11, Jrfferjon 0. Waahlniton 0, Franklin 4. Orant 0, Cleveland 3. Roosevelt 3, Benson I. Ooir Ullwaukla 11. Oreaham 0. Track Brnler tl. Ualln aoti, Merrill 43i, fionanaa I. COLLEOI SPORTS IBr The Asaorlated Presst RASKRAU. Idaho 11, Oreaon 0. Willamette t. Portland D. T. Lewia A Clark 13-11, Clark J C. 3-1. Whllworth 7-1, Kastern Waihlntton 3-D. OOI.F Willamette 14i, Lewis e Clark 1. PorUand Stale IT,. Llnlleld Vk. TENNIS Willamette I, Lewis At Clark I. Portland U. 7. Reed 0. .SI SAVS NTERSfATE TRACTOR TMB CAT HT4 HOVlL'tEVeil tlXt lOur. DIGGING BASEMENTS, BACKFILLING, GRADING, LEVELING, LOADINcJ OH. STOCK-PlLINGv-ITS A GntEAr ALL AROUND PHOPlT rAAKER ON ANY TEAM I 2355 Ulvirton Id. Phcru 24161 PAY YOUR FUEL OIL BILL By the 10th To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charge service. UUH FUEl Oil DUIEU CREDIT ASSOCIATION O'Callaghan to Speak to SHA Letter Winners Father John O'Callaghan, former athletic director at Sac red Heart Academy, now pas tor of the Catholic church at Rainier, Ore., will speak to Sacred Heart athletic letter men at Catholic center tonight. Letter winners in all sports at Sacred Heart are to be hon ored at the feast, which will get underway at 6:30. Dancing will follow the ban quet. Gallardo Faces Riley Tonight Washington - (U.PJ Revenge and a shot at the "interim" featherweight title are the tar gets for surprising Davey Gall ardo tonight when he tangles with hard-hitting Charley Riley of St. Louis in a nation ally-televised 10-round bout. Gallardo, 23-year-old Mexi can from Los Angeles, is the lad who astounded the experts in his last fight by scoring an upset decision over Percy Bas- sett, the interim champ, from Philadelphia. That triumph skyrocketed Gallardo into the No. 1 rank ing as featherweight contender, and also ran his current string of victories to 12. But he will be trying for that hoodoo No. 13 against a rough puncher who knocked him out in seven rounds when they met in 1951. Gallardo will have to. be wary of that dynamite in Riley's fists this time, tod, be cause Riley has proved his punching prowess against top ranked battlers. Riley knocked out Bassett in two rounds in St. Louis last June, but the interim cham pion gained revenge with a unanimous ecision in a re turn match. Dallas Edges Bulldogs, 5-4 Dallas Rob Olson got cred it for his second win in two days here Tuesday, as he pitch ed the Dallas Dragons to a 5-4 victory over Woodburn In a Willamette Valley league game. Olson had defeated Mo- lalla Monday. Olson relieved starting pitch er Russ Wells in the fifth inn ing opposite Woodburn. Dallas scored three runs in the sixth to come from behind. Olson batted in the tying and winning runs with a bases loaded single in the sixth. Woodburn got five hits off the two Dallas pitchers, while the Dragons were held to three hits by Blanchard and Raice Norris of Woodburn. All eight hits in the ball games were singles. woodburn Ml 300 04 I I Dallaa 003 003 z 3 3 Blanchard, Norris (41 and Oarnero: Wells. Olson (51 and Olbbs. TIDE TABLE Tldee for Tall, Oreiea Mar, I0S1 (detailed br II. S. Caaet and Geodetic Sarver, Portland, Oreton) Mar Hlah Watera Low Watera Time Helaht Time Height I 5:05 a.m. . 13:33 p.m. -0.3 7:30 p.m. 3.3 1 1 11 a.m. 5.3 1:03 a.m. 3.4 :05 p.m. 5.7 1:33 p.m. 0.1 S 7:94 a.m. 4.3 3:31 a.m. 1.3 3:48 p.m. 5.3 3:15 p.m. 0.6 t 1:13 a.m. 4.3 3:01 p.m. 0.3 9:38 p.m. (.7 3:08 p.m. 0.8 10 10:33 a.m. 4.3 4:18 a.m. -0.3 10:08 p.m. 7.1 3:54 p.m. 13 It 11:34 a.m. 5.0 :oa a.m. -l o 10:47 p.m. 7.3 4:tl p.m. 1.8 13 13:31 p.m. 5.1 5:55 a.m. -1.5 11:37 p.m. 7.4 5:311 p.m. 3.0 13 1:14 p.m. i.l 8.43 a.m. -1.8 8:10 p.m. 3.3 14 13:07 a.m. 7.4 7:37 a.m. -1.0 3:08 p.m. 5.0 8:55 p.m. 3.8 14 13:48 a.m. 7.3 8:13 a.m. .1.7 3:57 p.m. 4.0 7:43 p.m. 3.3 District Seven Track Meet Set For McCulloch The district 7 track and field meet, both class A and class B schools within the district, will be run off at McCulloch sta dium Thursday. . Preliminaries in some events get underway at 10 a.m., with finals slated to start at , 2 o'clock. First two finishers In each event will qualify for the state track meet at Oregon State col lege in Corvallis May 15 and 16. Jeff Clinches Marion County B Championship Jefferson Jefferson high school clinched the Marion county B league baseball cham pionshipowith an 11-7 victory over Sublimity here Tuesday Southpaw Lee Cameron went the distance for the winners, giving up six hits. Bill Cottman and Jim Black- well each had three-for-four at the plate for Jefferson. Cott man had a triple and two sin gles, and Blackwell two dou bles and a single. Dwight Bradley got a triple and single in four times at bat for Sublimity, and Ron Ruef homered for Sublimity with one aboard in the fourth inning. Sublimity 033 301 0 7 JeUerson 101 030 011 8 Mlotke and Rue!; Cameron and Wat- tenbarcer. grnPES in the ALLEYS (81 v. atui Duck Pins MEN'S aiT UAOllS , Mewsaan M. Newest 350. B. H.a.?"rS. Johnson 4f. Leo C.PP. 318, B,e 351. Oaalltr Care - "Jf beU 438, B. Boelirova 383, I. Short 418, ... . ,m n. Capoe 438. r. Miner Si. Lea Capps 471. Kara Radio R. Maulhlcr 438, I. Henael l, 471. D. Desn 438, K. K. 483. rrastr uisen ii ;.. York 483, A. Thomaa 413, KallUM'. T Wood 450. Daels u ,;, iundro 331. H. Scharf 487. H. Miller 411, O. Blanton 488. J. Deris 5. Willamette Art sue " ,.,, 458, A. Herschback "'. M. Jacober toi. a. , . nlle Dr.r Ins. (1)-H. aieverui 3". ! out 385, B. Lenta 3J8. R. Greenwood 383. D. Cheitaln 430. Salem Tire (oi-n. " Howe 384, O. Cook JM. '; 408. Tweedle Oil (4I-I. Schart 348 L. Hanaen 388, J. Harrison 383, M. Polln akl 438, A. Pennr 410. Hlih team series Hllh team lame rrojtr Otaon. 857. Hlah tad. eerles-Jerrr Davis. DavU Oil, o. Hlth Ind. aame-Vern York, eTroilr Olsen, 308. 344, Arrea 34. Plt 455, Lewis 438. Hlah leant ame. Snobora, 888: hlah team aeries. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 3411: hlah Ind. aame, Mike Merrell or Snobora, hlah Ind. series, Oeoraa Word or snobors. 654. Felix Radleigh, 32, Is the president oi the National Wheelchair Basketball Asso ciation. He hails from Lynd hurst, N. J. FINAL STANDING 8ND HALF CITY LCACCT Lewis and Clark Wins Two From Clark Jaycee Portland OP) Lewis and Clark beat Clark Junior col lege 15-2 in the opening game of a baseball doubleheader here Tuesday then, won the nightcap, 11-7. The first game in which L. & C. scored 12 runs in the first inning, was stopped after the fifth Inning. Stay ton Drubs Central, 6-2 . Central High School Stay- ton high school defeated Cen tral 6-2 in a Capitol league baseball game here Tuesday. Glenn Hatch tossed the vie tory for Stayton, allowing five hits. Stayton was held to three hits by Jerry . . oble of Cen tral. Nobody in the ball game gotfl more than one hit, and all hits were singles. Hinrichs of Stay ton hit a would-be triple in the fourth, but neglected to touch second base. starton 003 0.10 18 I i Central 030 000 03 5 I Hatch and Hlnrlche; Noble and Btev-ens. I. Froatr Olon florists.. ..48 7a 3. Kara Radio 3. L. Newmans Men's Store 40 33 4. Willamette Art Til 0 33 3. Davis Oil " ?! 8. Capps Used Cars 37 35 7. Tweedle Fuel Oil " J 3. Quality Used Cars 36 " 3. Salem Tire Servlc 31 10. W. C. Dyer Insur 33 to Kaxe Radio Ilnlshed 1st In the first hall and will plar oil with Prosiy Olson Florist, winner of second half for m" and second places at 8 p m. neat Tues day nlht. . In playoff for second plsce He, flril half, between Capps Used Cars and Qual ity Used Can. Capps won In two aames atralaht by total score of 15S8-1455. They will play oft for third and fourth place between the winners of play off match for second half between Les Newmans and Willamette Art Tile. Playoff between Les Newman s and Willamette Art Tile wlU be at 8:30 neat Monday nlfht with the winner to meet Capps Used Cars al 8 Tuesday nllht for 3rd and 4th place winners. Capitol Alleys INDUSTRIAL NO. 1 Ralph Johnson Appliances (SI Hlle 431, Colvln 4M, Preps' 35, Parrish 618, Causer 4131 Snobeys (II Pease 41. Merrell 470, McAUIster 488, Slewert 417, Merrell 548. East Salem Liens (31 Clerk 483, Schlmherl 45, Stevens 383, Byers 453, Dyer 534; National Battery (11 Came ron 473, Moody 383, Wells 481, LewH 436, Bartholomew 535. Elweod'e Maienry (1) Elwood 450, Cracroft 411, Bhlpman 4. Wllkalls 535, Busch 561; Ilks (01 Thompson 414, Cherrlnaton 433, Lowry 471, McKlnney 408, Karr 453. Curly's Dairy ( 503, Hof stetter 385, Edlund 540, Balstrom 434, Miller 643: Salem Police (0) Mathers 487, Frlese 386, Creasr 441, DeVall 408, Nicholson 383. I Hollywood rinanee (41-Clark 483. Al- j brlch 459. Jones 39. Duncan 508. Olner i 483: Mavflewer Milk (01 Brown 332, I Van Hess 418, McFarlane 439, Phlpps I 433, Case 414. Cal Pak (3) Lance 506, Sloan 57, Helnke 339. Werbowskl 471, Seheidecaer 333: Blae Lake (1) Lloyd 641, Eckley Mann IT CASCADE MERC'S TROUT DERBY Over $1,000.00 in Prizes. It's All FREE! ! Derby runs 'til Jure 15th with S prizes. Awarded ev ery week. Four Big Grand Prizes at the end of the Der by. First Prize is a 1953 Evinrude Motor, also Spin ning Outfits, Rods, Reels, Lines, Lures, Life Jackets, Boots, Wadders, lots and lots of FREE FRIZES. THIS WEEK'S PRIZES 1st prize Hadgman Air Mattress 2nd prize Hotshots, 200 series 3rd prize 200 yards Magi-Braid spin line 4th prize 100 yards 15 lb. Western castiine Bogie prize Fisherman's Life Jacket Remember, you must be registered at least 24 hours before entering any nsn. CASCADE MERC. 1405 N. Church - Open 'Til 9 Minor League Scores INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Buffalo 6, Ottawa 1. Rochester S, Sprlnsfleld S. Only games scheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Toledo (-3, St. Paul 5-1. Kansaa Cltr 4. Colurnbua 3. Charleston I, Louisville. 4. Minneapolis 10, Indlanapolle 4. TEXAS LEAGUE Fort Worth 3-0. Bhreveport 9-10. Dallas 3-0, Beaumont 1-10, Houston 4, Tulsa 3. San Antonio 6, Oklahoma Citr 1. WESTERN LEAGUE Omaha 4, Pueblo 3. Denver 13, Lincoln 1. Colorado Sprints 3, Sioux City f. Wichita 9. Dea Moines 3. PIONEER LEAGUE Boise 4, Salt Lake 3. Bllllnaa 10, Pocatello 7. Otden 17. Maalo Valley 1 Idaho Falls 17, Oreat Fella T. Now Save Money onAufn inn.. w ""urancp 1rSri:!2 feral yswj fjrMeJ arfotheir dollar crn auto Insurance... toinpart AllstalVs lower rates Of all the reasons why more than 1,500,000 car owners insure with Allstate, here are just a few of the most important , . . Allitate liability mtei in most cam an tnhstantinlly Irss than thoae of mott other leading insurance companiet. All stale's Easy Payment Plan gives vou six months to pay only 40 down. 30 after three months, and 30 after six months. Allstate is famous for fast, fair claim settlements through a nationwide team of specialized representation. Allstate alone issues the Streamlined Illustrator Policy that gives you more protection at no extra cost. Before you renew, check your nearby Allstate afjent. Let him help you compare rates and benefits. You'll see why more than 1,500,000 car owners knout they're in good hands with Allstate. You're in good hondt with.,, fownslwel by Swears , , , faro.ut (or batter valu R. N. ALDERIN and R: A. PARKS 3S0 North Copol St. Phone 3-9191 1 8.VJhW bry ft Strvt hri V C etfM trV fehlM tSiaa ad mum fn re cert-v rtwirwt Mo Oft-, Cfcenrge 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 U IT i mm ' I: - ; sopiR" . I I HOUSt PAINT y fJi-Ste 1 SUPER, 1 I HOUSE PAINT I m. Hi- iirtmiis iti 9 R'jm tf-.' Paint-of-the-Month SALE Super House Paint Reduced Ssau,ar4.98aaoa 4.46 Buy flow and ,art Buy now ot .ale pric. No fln,r Houte pain) tjdi Rich m linseed oil to 9iv. your hou onger. a.t,ng finish. R.,!ant lo fading ond the de.truc hv. aeon of extreme cold, heat, ond roin. Gollon ov.r, upto 600 ,0. ft. Choice of 1 0 color,, whit.. REGULAR 24.45. 5-gallon, reduced to . . . 21.80 . SUPER .. ' ; SHINGU STAIN ,, 8tlU ! SHUTTER PAINT Qt 2.10 A gloss point mode espe cially for exterior trim. Use on doors, windows, shutters, etc. 7 colors. SHINGLE PAINT Gal. 3.15 Specially mode for re pointing old wood shin gles on roof or siding. 3; colors. 1 5-GAL CAN 1S.25 NEOCETA BRISTLE BRUSH, 4-in. . 2 39 PUSH-UP LADDER 20-ft. ,i 17.43. 24-ft. si 20.4S