- .... ( v it Oe " -P j )X ir Vj! III-. I I I weainervane Leaaer fLouU!fc , "hibi! form that carried her to vic tory In the San Francisco lap of the transcontinental WeaUiervane Golf Tourniy. Miss Sugfg won the third let with a 75-74 and also surged Into first place In the national standings. (DP Telephoto) Free Baseball School for Kids Here Saturday All hoys from t to II who are Interested In learn ing baseball fundamentals are invited to attend a spe cial one-day clinie Satur day. The clinic gets underway at 1 o'clock, and will be conducted at either dinger or Baker field. Watch this paper for a definite an nouncement. Former Salem Senator manager Bill Beard, Ameri can Legion Junior baseball coach Vlnce Genna, West Salem Junior high coach Bill Hanauaka, and former Pittsburgh Pirate Jim Mos olf will be on hand to teach baseball to the kids attend ing the one-day school. AH coaches of teams in the Salem junior leagues are also urged to attend, that they might assist the four, instructors In direct ing the youths. There Is, of course, no charge for the baseball school. Boys should bring their own gloves. Bearcat Netmen Win Portland U. Willamette won the final six matches to defeat Lewis and Clark 6-1 in a Northwest Conference tennis match here Tuesaay. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 6, 1958 Pago 17 Yanks Sock Cleveland in Season's First 'Big' Game By CARL LUNDQUIST New York UPJ No wonder Hank Greenberg hates the Yankees. ; Look at what they keep do ing to his Cleveland Indians, especially with the pressure on. Last night in the first so called big game of the season, Casey Stengel's New Yorkers pounded out an eight-run rally in the fourth for an 11 to 1 vic tory. Cleveland offered its best, ace Bob Lemon, but Stengel rode along with his little ex GI left hander, Whitey Ford. Ford, pitching with the class of a seasoned veteran and the cold nerve of a sock-footed bur glar, held the Indians to eight hits, struck out five and con tributed two clean singles. Pitchers Field Day The Yankees put together seven singles, a walk and a hit batsman for their eight runs. Gil McDougald came up twice and singled each time, driving In three runs. Bearcats Score 9-7 Victory Over Portland U Willamette, with a big early lead, defeated Portland Uni versity 9-V in a baseball game here Tuesday. : Willamette was leading 8-1 at the end of the third Inning and picked up its final run in the fifth. Portland, which had scored one each in the first and fifth Innings, picked up three more runs in the eighth and two in fee ninth. Dave Gray for Wil lamette gave up 11 hits while Willamette got the same num ber off two Portland pitchers. Willamette U. (9) (!) Portland V. BHOA B H O A t'.l. rt 3 0 10 Lllllch.U 111 4 t uozicu.c, o 1 4 LndlfJ.l i 3 t 1 Torson.rf 8 1 110 Stllrh.lf 4 1 10 1 Jakelrtl.3 1 A A Pv.t.ln 2 4 i 1 0 Hshbsr.c 3 1 1 1 MrshlLP 0 0 0 t.Brks.ph 0 0 4 0 a-OInn,3 1 Oil Kvlaky.e 1 0 0 1 Mrehae.3 1 e.Fser.Dh 1 h.1ilin ft Totell 311137 14 Totals 31 11 34 x Field lor Lewis in sin. y ctch lor Ako In 8th. Field for Perlman in 8th. Field lor Jftkelikl In 6th. b Pitch lor Marshall In 9lh. e struck out for Manhall In ith. d Ren lor Akro In 8th. . eRen for Satallch In 8th. 100 111 134 JS1 010 001 I 11 3 133 131 001 it i) r i nn nn ip tcner r - , 9 38 11 1 8 4 Uarihall ...8 ' Jl, 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 THBP-Hihbrr b orav. PB Huh trier LOB Wlllemette 5. Portland I i Perlmtn 3. Shield. HR Llndwr. lerd Boilch. 3B Hum. RBI Hauien I Reed 3. NoM. Shield, OrT, Borlch. Ilndser. Tonon. SeUllfh, Olennon, Pv Jtln BB KlrkendaU. DP-Lullch to vtaln to LlrMliey: Lullch to Llndeer; tlrkendall to Perlman to Reed. T 3:18. (-Campbell, Pnrakowa. Eugene's Henkle Pitches No-No Game t Springfield (U.R) Jack Hen le, short righthander from Jtugcne, Joined the exclusive TNo No" club when he hurl i Aximen to a 6-0 win over Springfield. Henkle struck out 10 and walked thre?. Hauacn.M 4 1 Perlman,3 9 1 Heed.l 4 3 Akeo.e 3 1 Krkndll.3 4 3 Naone.rf 3 8hleld.lt 4 Oray.p 4 X-Maie.lf 1 J-Pnttn.c 1 Ntlson.3 0 -Srvni.ia 0 Major Leagues (Br Thi Aisoclated Preu) AMERICAN LEAGUE W X, Pit. New York 13 .884 Cleveland 10 .on Boston 10 1 .tas Philadelphia 10 8 .558 Chlcaio It I .838 St. Loull a 9 .too Waihlmton 7 13 .388 Detroit 4 18 .300 Tuesday'! Rasnlilt '' Washlntton 14. Detroit 4. New York II, Cleveland 1. Boston 6, Chicago 1. St. Louis 2. Philadelphia 1. Sth-lFircflinnie Homer WIL Standings (Br Tha Ailoclittd Preu) Lswliton 9 Victoria, S Vancouvar .....T Yakima 8 Trl-Olty I Spokana 8 Edmonton ..8 Wenatche ....4 Caliarr 3 Salem 3 Tuaaday'a Results: Uwliton 8, Yakima 4. Victoria I, Salem 1. Vancouver 8. Trl-city S. Elmonton 14, Spokane 3. Calfarr T. Wenatchea 1, Wednesday's Schedule: Yakima at Lawiston, Salem C, Victoria. Balem at Victoria. TrlCltr at Vancouver. Edmonton at Bpokana. Calaarr ftt Wenatchea. L. Pet. .too .887 .818 .800 .488 .488 .318 .384 .300 J JO (Br UnlUd Preu) Chuck Abernathy, Victoria Tyee first baseman, should ait down and write a book called "How to Win Friends and III' fluenca Baseball Fans." , Nobody needed friends mora than Abernathy in the eighth inning of last night s Western International League game between Victoria and Salem in the British Columbia capi. tal. Consider the script. With Victoria ahead 5-3, Abernathy failed to make friends with a ground ball and one run trick. led across on his error. To make matters worse, Lew Witherspoon stepped up and Portland Downs Seattle, 3-2, Before 4332 Fans . Portland UB Portland op ened its first Pacific Coast League series with Seattle last night by downing the Rainers, 3-2, before 4332 fans. Portland opened the show in the first with a double by Jim Russell and a home run by Dlno Restelli, his third of the year. Seattle tied the score in the sixth when Clarence Maddern and Ray Orteig singled and Artie Wilson gained first on Herm Reich's error. MarriU Combs rapped out a single and Maddern an Orteig gal loped home. The Beavers pulled them selves together in the last half of the same inning as Reich's . single drove Russell across the plate. Royce Lint chalked up his third win of the season against two losses, and Jim Davis came out with a 3-2 pitching record. Expected to take the mound in tonight's doubleheader for Seattle were Bill Evans (4-1) and Steve Nagy (3-2.) Glenn Elliott (1-2) and Jehosie Heard 8-0 were slated to hurl for Portland. PCL STANDINGS Tuesdar'a Results: Los Anseles 8, Oakland 4. Ban Dies o 3, Sacramento 1, Holtrwood 1, San Pranciaeo 1. Portland 3, Seattle 3. . Lefty Mel Parnell of the sur prising Red Sox won his fourth straight game, 5 to 1 at Chica go, and Virgil Trucks pitched the Browns to a 2-1 triumph over the Athletics at St. Louis. Washington topped the Tigers Fiahts Last Might (Br Tha Associated Preu) ham Anielti Sal rioref, lflO, Anaheim, Calif. topped Bobby Lee. 152. Balti more, I. Cincinnati Wallace "Bud" Smith, 137 W, Cincinnati, outpointed Orlando Zulueta, 136 'i, Havana, 10. Miami Beach, Fia. Jacxia iianua, 163 V, New York, outpointed Johnnr Cerky, 163. Dea Moines, 10. Mempht Jewe Turner. 150. at. Loon, stopped James Brown, 157, Memphis, 2. Brooklyn (Ridt-ewood Grove) Italo Scortlchlnl, 1Q4, Italy, outpointed Otr- ry Dreyer, 14B3i, South Africa, 10. nan Antonio, Texas urmio usivan. 118. fialtillo, Mexico, outpointed Buddy BBBttett, 116, Dallas, 16. saeramento, caw Santiago ssie&an, 135V4, Walsenburt, Colo., stopped Mar vin Smith, 137. Long Beach, Calif., s. Worcester. Mass. Paul Rocne, Boston, stopped Pat Kelley, 139, Law rence, 4. "VM i)STWW Wroll MARION MOTORS fcVm OK 0SED tjortland ( mu Wlllamettt ) Hits IP Ittnniinrlnv thm hPl Hpal In town for the purchase of used cars! Rush down now and make your selection. You'll be in tune with our nunareas 01 sat isfied customers. HOT WEATHER SPECIAL 194S NASH 00 sedan radio, heater, seat covers, brand new tires, beautiful two- tsQsflQ 4 tin I 7UU Z3b etcce 14 to 4 at Detroit as winning piicner bod forteriied bit grand slam home run. All National League games were rained out. Opponents Upset The Red Sox, who weren't turjDOSed to he miirn hut fi bunch of green kids, made it six victories in seven games on their western trip with Par neirs fine six-hitter. Trucks gave up eight hits in winning his third game for the Browns and gained his margin of victory over rugged Harry Byra when Vic Wertz hit a two-run homer in the sixth after a single by Hank Ed wards. Washington and Detroit each made 16 hits in their slug- fest but the Senators had more thunder in their blows. In ad dition to Porterfield's homer Jackie Jensen hit a double and triple, and Les Peden and Mickey Vernon also hit dou bles. The Nats put together two six-run innings. By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco U.B The San Diego Padres, hotter than the oven-like confines of Lane field in the heat wave. went after their seventh straight PCL victory today with four games separating them from the first division Lefty O'Doul's erstwhile ragamuffins clipped Sacra mento again last night, 2-1, to make it six wins in a row. Willie "Memo" Luna pitched his fourth win with a six-hit ter. Other Games In other contests, the Los Angeles Angels moved up to a half-game behind first place Seattle by beating Oakland, 6-4. Hollywood, now 214 games off the pace, handed San Francisco its fifth straight loss, 2-1. Clutch Club Los Angeles hustled three runs across in the top half of the ninth to sink the Oaks with Frankie DiPrima's bases Seattle Los Anialea Hollreood Portland San Dleto fian Pranclsoo Sacramento ...... Oakland W b .. 34 11 .. 34 13 ... 13 14 .. 18 15 .. IS 3t .. 13 33 .. 13 33 .. 11 33 Pet. .704 .8T .811 .148 Alt .371 .353 .334 empty homer starting the fire works. Harry Fisher won his third game of the campaign against no losses as he pitched a three hitter against the Seals. Bob Munchief, in his unfamiliar role as starting pitcher, lasted until the ninth. It was his fifth loss against no wins. Dale Long's homer with no body on in the seventh wreck ed him. Al Lyons hit one for the losers in the second. Baattla (8) P.rtland BHOA BHOA robln.cf 10 1 0 Austin, s 4 113 Ooldsbr.l 4 1 ORuuell.T 4 1 1 Tbomea,! 4 3S 3 RstelUl 4 S S O Maddrn.r ,4 3 1 OOldstn.cr 4 1 t O Judnloh.lt 4 0 4 0P.eleh.lb 4 1 t 3 Ortelf.t 4 S S 3Escert,3 S O O 0 Wilson,! 4 1 S lOrant.3 S0SS Oombs.ss .41 1 4 Oladd,o 81 4 1 DCTU.P 10 0 4 unt,p SOS! a-rrnnas i o o o belted one out of the park for a three-run homer, and the Tyees were behind 7-5. The fans were waiting to be shown when Abernathy stepped up to the plate with two men aboard In the Vic toria half of the eighth. Ab ernathy quickly made eon verts of them by slapping a three-run home run to give Victoria an 8-7 lead, and as It eventually turned oat, the ball game. At Vancouver, Lefty Carl Gunnarson played the hero when he came on in relief in the ninth with' two men aboard and nobody out. Gunnarson gave up one single, then struck out Vic Buccola and Ernie Sler- Edges Solem Jaijn 2 Ed0 Vannl on ,n ta"of " even-game losing streak and posted a 7-1 decision , the Wenatchee Chiefs. Edmon ton also registered one on tha winning side of the ledger when it pounded three Spokane hurlers for 16 assorted hits and a 14-3 victory. field fly to preserve a 5-2 Van couver victory. Lewlston'a Broncos won a 5-4 triumph over Yakima at Lewlston. At Wenatchee, the Calgary Stamps shook themselves out SENATISTICS The Box Score Salsa 7 Scrlvene.tb SeballnUI 4 TanselltM 4 Perei.iMa ( Wltherspn.lb 4 D.Tarlor.rt 1 Nelson.e Haller.Jb 1 Btratton.lt 0 Bavcns.p 4 b a o 1 lOdeklrkJS 1 Prles.3b 1 1 Qarrlott.ef 1 3Monla.rf (8) Vlcterle I lOAberntbrMb I 0 SO. Tarlor.lt I 1 ICharlaajb S 1 1 Martln.c S 0 0 Hopp,p ' 1 0 1 ... H O 1 11 ecrlvans .,. witherspoon Hemphill ... Paras Sabatlnl ... TanselU .... Nelson Bavens Lubr ..., Collins , Tarlor , Heller Stratum Mastereoa ,, Rick Borst Strombftctt Collin .. Rick .... BempbUl Borst ... Bavena ., Strombach Totals 38 10 14 Total, 11 0 17 Balem tit 001 400 T 10 4 Victoria 004 001 30" 3 S 4 Pltchlnt: IP AB H It IH BO BB Bevena ..... 8 31 0 8 4 3 7 Hoop 38 10 7 3 3 S Wild pltohes Bavens. Errors Nelson Odeklrk, Abernathr 3, TanselU, Bav ens. Martin. Horn, runs witherspoon, Abernathr. 3BH wltherepoon, Oarrlolt, Sabatlnl, O. Tarlor. RBI Heller, Berlv ans, Orrlott, O. Tarlor 1, Nelson, Hopp, Peres, Witherspoon 3, Abernathr S. Sac Oderklrk, Hopp, Charles. BB Oarrlott, O. Tarlor, Martin. DP Prlaa Odeklrk to Abernathr. Tlma 1:03. Umpires Borenson tnd atslnsr. Mt. 1,813. Horn, aamee Von 1. lost 4. .333! Awav aamaa wfm A lnak AM, - Blns won 1, lost I, .388: Iitra-lonlns lamas von 0, lost 4. .000! Hon, doublehssdsrt i v. mm a, spu i aver aeuDieasaoers von 0, lost O, dpllt o; Total ooablahaadtrs t S, lost 1, split 1, - , Taklma 010 010 110-4 11 1 Lewlston 101 130 00 4 1 Creech, Thompson (0) and Dar: Sut ler, Marshall 7) and Ctatron. Trl-Cltr 110 ON 000-1 11 t Vsncouver 001 on lo 10 1 Tnner tnd Pesut; Flttchtr. Ounntr- ton (I) and Lundbert. Edmonton 400 018 03014 It S Bpokana 030 000 Ml t S 4 Manler tnd Mors an: DsWltt. Worth (1), Palm (8) and sheets. Totals It t It 11 Totals M S 17 10 t Panned for Davis Is 0th. Seattle oot tOl 0003 MtlS oil 103 010 Portland 100 001 00 1 Davkt t 31 3 8 J O 1 Lint 38 3 t 1 1 4 R Maddern. Ortelt, RueeaU 1, ftes- telll. I Reich. 3B Russell. HR Res telli. BH Davie. Lint. Left-eeatUa 1: Portland 8. RBI Restelli 1, Retch, Combs 1. TJ Runta, XacovatU and Pord. T i:n. A 4, ass. ATTlim O AB H 13 30 T 3t 30 30 It 14 I 31 It 13 t 1 1 0 PITCBlNa CO IP H 1 48Vl 31 t 8 S 13s 17 ; 4t, t 17 17 1 1 H It S SB KR RBI Am SB 0 t 10 0 Pet. Mt JS7 Jet .lit .187 .131 .187 .117 .U7 .117 ,ltt .184 .184 .111 .000 ' .ooo .000 BR BO BB 1 It It lt 7 10 10 I 14 It t It 11 W L SUA 1 0 t.ll t t 1.00 0 1 1.71 01 i.n t i tit 0 1 18.0 Caliarr 000 411 000-4 It Wenatchea 010 too 0001 I 1 urreu and BTioEsr, Linard (t)i oubro, Bauhofar (), Monro (I) tnd Cultti, Idaho Shaves Oregon's Lead To Half Game Moscow, Idaho W) Idaho shaved Oregon's lead In North ern Division. . Pacific Coast Conference, baseball standings to half a lame Tuesday, de (MKaf, ,,... aim w uv . i . - - . Hits 310 003 a t leating the Ducks 1B-B in a pitcher: t u i i n bb ao 1 xrxeewneeiwg game Here. , Idle Washington State ad vanced to within half a game of the Ducks on the strength! of the defeat and Idaho moved Into a third place tie with Oregon State. 0 Oregon 008 001 000 t T 7 1 Idaho 380 101 33118 11 I Forbes, Dmechowskr (3), Beltmund (7) and Arerlll, Marlttt (I); Ballstt and Oflt. POWER MOWERS? WE GOT 'EMI TORO COOPER REO JACOBSEN HOMKO JOHNSTON fAAJESTIC Evcrshorp San Prsnclsco .... 010 OOO OOO 1 1 Hollywood 001 ooo 10' 3 4 Muncrlsf. McCaU (8) tnd Torntri Fisher and Malons. Los Anselss OOO 013 003-0 10 Oakland 100 003 1004 t Padset, Ostrowakl (0) and Tappe; waters, Dempser (7), Van Curk Candlnl (tl and Neal. Tha Wide and BsrstSalactionlntha WHIomaltoVaUay. . Aito, RtKwd'rtiOtltrtl ond GuaranttctJ UstxJ Power Mowers Sacramento 100 000 0001 1 Ban Dleto 000 100 01 1 0 Gables and Winters; Luna, and Foca- kar. EngsfTom Wins Mat Tournament Carl Engstrom emerged wln- enr of the one-night wrestling tournament at the Salem arm- Parl-lanrJ State Golf "T "lht, defeating Eric v in. a if. . Pederson via decision in the I earn wins uver cars i finals. McMlnnville Bob Engstrom thus earned a tro- Stoughton and Larry Trogen phy, and the right to meet fired 73s Tuesday to lead Danny McShain, world's Junior Portland State to a 17- heavyweight wrestling cham golf victory over Linfield. pion here next Tuesday. 236 N. Comma rclol tUJUN'SlSTHEUST MACETOBUYYOU raWCR MOWER BECAUU AlXDri OA&KT JUX THS BUT BRANDS). ALLEN'S OIVB UBKsVAL ' ' TRADE-IN ON TOTO OLD ' MOWER. V ALLEN'S GUARANTEE ' EVERY MOWER FOR M. FOIL YEAR. if ALLEN'S HAVE THE EA8IE8T TERMS IN TOWN: ALLEN'S HAVE THEIR OWN SERVICE DEPT. ALLEN'S GIVE FREE , HOME DEMONSTRA- ' HONS. V ALLEN'S HAVE 32 MOD- CHOOSE. . jtV ALLEN'S SERVICE EVEBT MOWER AND GIVE FREE INSTRUC TIONS TO NEW OWNERS. ALLEN'S MOWER DOWN I PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW ' AS 6.50. ALLEN'S GIVE PENNY SAVER STAMPS. if ALLEN'S PRICES START AT5.50. IT MAKES SENSE TO SEE ALLEN'S ABOUT YOUR POWER MOWER NEEDS Why do you need to change oil ir egylarly? l 'llf if'4 4 Jri. 1 '-' li 31 I U .11 EsE Is. -1 t I sEt "T . tCM m itBi ritjtjt.M nits i i i n i f-- - m til ' i Kit ' i 'inl 1- X .WWIiok tj 8vmiywwTOWK T',t"nn Jfc n f'-m-fifmim Kt inairr"" u - i rm r-nnM y . V TjJL -. ' Kv .: J. -;: s w s f ' , ' i J'"!, ' "i , t, Lf ,A V ill s vr- ill v-'t: f v-vr ml t -fe atsssssBBsaastssBBBa 4 1. IT ' ' StUDOtS-fOSMlNO CONTAMIMANTS ?r-i.' T .4 jr VJ il Mm 1,000 MIUS i 1 At- t AMUicAN pmoituM tNsmwTt ;;vii .i,v. , AS tOW OSt:ll$UAN; AOAJr..:? AT..r t.rt Cheapest, surest engine protection you can get! Regular oil changes rid your engine of these dangerous contaminants that shorten engine life impair performance . . . gasolintl that thins out oU, soot and carbon, metallic residues, water and abrasive particles in road dirt. No filter can stop all of these contaminants. Keep your engine safe from destructive grime and acid by changing the oil every 1000 mile. And get full protection every mile with Heavy Duty RPM Motor Oil-guaranteed satisfaction, or your money backl Charge it on your Chevron National Credit Card with Chevron-ma tic the automatic printing card that insures fast, accuratt) aerrios. We take better care of your car i X V. i - 5 I i '5 i I- St: