Wednesday, May 6, 1953 Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon GRADUATES A - ' ' Wiley E. Muise, who last month vu graduated from the U. S. Naval pre-fllght school at Pensacola, Fla, aa cavil aviation cadet. Muise. nephew of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jenkins of Albany Reports Building Surge Albany City Issued permits for the new Albany union high school and Albany Elks build ing, with combined con struction cost of $1,437,100, easily provided a new record for total building permits is sued In any one month, City Building Inspector Paul Ash- ton reported. Total cost of construction UwimA St nprmita Issued in April is $1,495,700, Including $1,111,900 for tne nign scnooi and $330,200 for the Elks building. Mill City, Oregon, attended Willamette University prior to entering the service. He entered the Navy in 1952. (U.S Navy Photo) 'Come and Get It' Says Gl in Korea Mt. Vernon, Ind. UJ9 Pfc. Laverne Kaffenberger mailed a South Korean 1,000-won note to Mt. Vernon officials who sent him a notice to pay parking meter violation fine. If the money wasn't enough he wrote, "you can send your representative to my current address In Korea. It is sug gested he dress warmly and be prepared to dodge artillery shells." ' B-36 Lands Safely on 3 Out of 6 Motors Mobile, Ala. (IMS A huge n.stft hom her nuaea tnrouen rain and a low ceiling to an landlm at Brook- ley Air Force Base with three of its six engines out of commission. Nniia nf the crew of eilht of ficers and 10 enlisted men was injured. St. Mary's Music Class In Recital SUyton St. Mary's school music class was presented in a music recital on Thursday eve ning at the Parish hall. Both Juniors and seniors participated. Those taking part in the pro gram included Carl Jungworth, Edmond Sandberg, Shirley Ann venesse, Ruth Ann Farwell, Shery Snodgrass, Judith Lack ner, Katherine Spaniol, Karen Van Driesche, Shery Minten, Kathleen Schottofer, Sharon Deetz, Donna Schneider, Janice Krietzer, Raymond Samek, Karla Van Driesche, Judith i Schottofer, Ceclla Lackner, Dean Brown, Carol Dozler, Linda Pendleton, Yvonne Hen dricks, Carol Venesse, Nancy Gentry, Peggy Likes, John Dozler, Roberta Ashby, Neal Bell, Laneda Minten, Joseph Purdy, Donna Welter, Arlene Minten, Robert Stuckart, Ken neth Van Driesche, Rose Marie Samek, Gerald Wolf, Mary Van Hnadel, and Linda Van Handel. A cubic mile of sea water contains about six million tons of magnesium. f CAR ft TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 Asnrae as- r-A DAY on our sensational new -PLAN" " 0 7. TI-aT it wi . suv m mm m. -s" aw m i UBtRAl TRADE-IN Wth All These features! Super -FrMur holds nearly 14 pounds froien food. Plenty el tall bottle space en each side. Cold-Storaoe Tray far extra In subet, quick shilling. , New, compact, space-saving deitgn for modem) , kitchens . All-porcelain Interior o Qulckube Ice Trays with built-in Cube and Tray ' Release o Powered by the famous Meter-Miter mechanism Built and backed by Frlgldalre and General Motors Come in nowl Ask about ( new Frigidahes! -Including the new Cycla-matlc Frigldoires with automatic defrosting fc the refrigerator, separate food freezers and Roll-to-You Shelves, There's a size, model and price to suit youl larit-u THIS IS HOW IT WORKS! 1 You com in and (elect the Frigidaire of your choice! 2 Hogg Bros, will deliver and install th meter on your Frlgldalre! 3 You deposit 25c a day In th meter to operate your Frigidaire (at many et 22 quarters can be deposited for continuous operation) 4 One a month bring coin box into Hogg Bros, for monthly payment! HAVE YOUR MONEY INVESTED IN A FRIGIDAIRE INSTEAD OF ICE WHICH MELTS AWAY! COME IN TODAY OR PHONE 3-9148 ii ItmWTTI TlUITt IU1BI 1PPIUICI t UN! FIHIIItU 5ALEM OREGON CITY CORNER STATE AND COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATION SALE WE ARE FORCED TO SELL $35,00 OF OUR FURNITURE STOCK -R?,?&3j0l MEET CURRENT CREDITOR DEMAND8 . . . WE OVER-BOUGHT. . . THIS IS ULK. LOSS, YOUR GAIN . . . THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE EFFECTIVE ONLY UNTIL THE $35,000 IS SOLD. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY SALE AND CANNOT BE DUPLICATED AT ANY FUTURE DATE ... MANY PRICES LISTED BELOW ARE FAR BELOW OUR ACTUAL COST ... BECAUSE OF THE EXTREME LOW PRICES WE CANNOT ACCEPT RETURNS. ALL SALES FINAL ... NO PHONE ORDERS . Terms can be arraged If necessary EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE REDUCED FOR THIS SALE. DON'T WAIT ... THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE PRICES . . . 4C GREEN STAMPS GIVEN DURING THIS SALE ... ' (Please note: We will be open Thursday and Friday nights until 9:00 for those who find evenings more convenient) . THE FOLLOWNG ADVERTISED ITEMS ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS AVAILABLE ... WE JUST DO NOT HAVE ROOM TO LIST ALL THE MERCHANDISE WE HAVE IN OUR STORE ... LIVING ROOM Daveno, Far Ba. Reg. 1149.95 ..Speo. 189.95 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, men Eef. $289.9$ Spec. 1175.0 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, men -..Reg. $339.95 Spec, $ 199.00 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, red, used as a leaner. Be $239.95, Spec. $145.00 Davenport and Chair, BUtwell, my, tutd as a loaner. Reg. $239.95. . Spec. $155.00 Daveno and Rocker, BUtwell, Fiber E. Rer. $189.95 Spec. $139.95 Hide-A-Bed, Simmons, Rer. $229.95 Special , $175.00 Davenport and Chair, ass'U colors, Reg. $266.95 Spec. $219.95 1 no. sectional, BUtwell, green Ref. $230,00 Spec. $175.00 2 nc. sectional, SnperbUt, red . B-349; : Spec. $225.00 I PC. sectional, Sellg, Ref. $179.95 Spec $125.00 Fold-A-Bed, BUtwell, Ref. $18955 Spec. i25.oa (Remember, the above are lost a few ex amples of the bargains available.) Rockers & Chairs Chair, Reg. $3455, Spec I22-54 Rocker, Berkllne, Ref. $6955, ..Spec. $39.95 Rocker, BUtwell, Ref. $8455, ..Spec $5955 Rocker, BUtwell, Ref. $4955 .. Spec $35.95 Rocker and Ottoman, Berkllne Rer. $9955 Spec $6955 Rocker, Berkllne (red plastic) Ref. $99.00 Spec. $55.00 Rocker, Berkllne (tan plastic) Ref. $74.95 Spec $39.93 Chair, BUtwell (two styles, red) Ref. $11955 Spec. $75.00 Slumber Chair and Ottoman, Strelt, .. Ref. $149.95 Spec. $9955 Chair, Modern, Inc, Ref. $44.50, Spec. $29.00 Chair, Modern Inc, Ref. $49.50, Spec $3100 (Many more rockers and chairs to select from) BEDROOM Mr, & Mrs. Dresser and Bookcase Headboard, oak, reg. $169.95, spec. $ 1 29.95 Mr. & Mrs. Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Headboard, grey, Harris, Reg. $129.95 Spec. $75 Mr. & Mrs. Dresser, Bookcase Headboard, Johnson Carpen, Reg. $155.00 Special $125.00 All open stock Harmonlzer groupings at Vi price . , . chests, beds, dressers, vanities, nlte stands, etc. ... Several sets ot L. Ronney bookcase headboard styles at the following; prices: No. 1, Reg. $172.50 Spec. $1 50.00, No. 2, Reg. $215.00 Spec. $1 75.00, No. 3, Reg. $289.95 Spec. $1 99.00. 4Pc. Broyhill Cherry Set, a real beauty, reg. $339.95, Special $199.00 CHROME ALL CHROME SETS REDUCED . . . ALSO CHAIRS AND TABLES EXAMPLES OF REDUCTIONS Table and 4 Chairs, reg. $169.95, Special $129.95 Table and 4 Chairs, reg. $96.00, Special $59.95 Also discounts on kitchen stools and metal utility tables . . . DINING ROOM Table and 4 Chairs, 1120-202, walnut Reg. $105.95 Spec. $69.95 Drop Leaf Table and 4 Chairs, Mhg. Reg. $204.95 Spec. $16955 8-pc. Morganton Cherry St. Table, china, 6 chain, hand rubber. (Please see this) Reg. $579.95 Speo. $29955 8-pc. Morganton Mahogany act, tabic buffet, 6 chairs. Hand rubbed, Reg. $59955, Spec. $299.95. (Can you Imagine top quality furniture at this price. Chain only sell for each .. $3955 Prov. table, N.W. Chair, Ref. $110.40 Special $69.95 BEDDING Ref. $99.00 set, Spec. $69.00, (This includes both mattress and box springs. Ref. $119,00 set, Spec. $89.00. 10 year guar antee (Abo satisfaction guaranteed.) Mattress or box spring, Reg. $49.50 Only $34.50 Mattress or Box Spring Reg. $59.50 Only $44.50 LAMPS, HASSOCKS, END TABLES, WALL RACKS, PICTURES, Etc. MANY ITEMS IN THIS CATEGORY REDUCED 25 to 50. MIRRORS (Don't overlook these.) (Guaranteed plate glass Venetians.) 24x4$ Ret;. $31.00 Spec $24.80 36x60 Reg. $65.00 Spec S48.75 30x40 Ref. $33.00 Spec. $24.78 30x60 Ref. $51.00 Spec $38.23 36x48 Ref. $48.40 Spec $36.30 32x4$ Ref. 135.00 Spec $17.80 18x36 Ref. $21.60 Spec $15.98 24" round Ref. $15.00 Spec....$ 8.S0 (All other slses available at special prices.) (Fair warning the last time we afford Mirrors at a reduced price we were sold out on the 3rd day. If you are pUnntar to S of these real fenulne bargains, don't wait.) panning to get one USED FURNITURE range, used washer, rockers, tables, etc. "iterator, chairs, fas LAWN FURNITURE Chaise lounge Reg. $22.95 Spec. $18.98 Chaise lounge Ref. $25.95 Spec $22.80 Lawn swing Reg. $59,95 Spec. $44.98 Lawn swinf Reg. $69.95 Spec. $82.98 Lawn swing Reg. $79.95 Spec $59.98 Lawn swing Reg. $85.95 Spec. $88.98 Lawn swing Reg. $99.95 Spec. $79.98 Umbrella and table ...... Re; 6-9S Spec. $88.00 Metal folding chairs Re$. $9.95 Spec. $7.98 CARD TABLES Reg. 5.95 Spec $3.95 Reg. $13.95 Spec $9.95 APPLIANCES a b n . ."-DOR SAMPLES A.B.C. Automatic Washer Whirlpool EMyer95 S"ee-" . W39.95 Spec. $178.00 SHAG RUGS HXli S9' !M5 5 I1-50 4x6 Reg. $9.00 Soee trn, 30x53 Reg. $4.40 Spec $3.25 12x15 (1 Inly) Jed ..'.$f oioO REMEMBER . . . Everything In Our Store at x Reduced Prices CFAIR TRADE PRICES EXCEPTED) FREE PARKING 1425 EDGEWATER WWW LF UJ FURNITURE WEST SALEM 3