Wednesday, May 6, 1953 DRAMATIC RESCUE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 1 .S'-i Moments after driver Paul Mmiin r...u- n v of Portland, Ore., was pulled to safety the burning tractor broke from trailer and plunged to valley below. Trailer on bridge was also destroyed. Accident occurred on bridge mannine the Pit River near TOarMino rn ...i . t ! - i . ----- irata steering uiewuiuiu num. mrs. waiter M. schau of San Anselmo Calif., passing motorist made this picture. ( AP Wirrl photo). Johnson Quits Stavton Post Stayton Don Johnson, chief police at Stayton, has re signed and has accepted a pos ition at the Oregon state neni- tentiary. Everett Norfleet. for mer nient patrolman in Stav- ton. WlU replace Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson has been nn the police force in Stayton since May of 1950. The Johnsons will move to Salem it the end of the school term. GOP Women Elect Officers v Portland Vf) The Republi can f?nnnrll nf AMtm Vaium has elected Mrs. H. D. Pettrson 01 Portland its new presi dent. . Other officers! Mrs. Junes T. Gault, CorvaUis, secretary; mrs. uuy a. woods, fruana, treasurer, and Mrs. Philip Buehner and Mrs. MaeCormae Snow, Portland, trustees. Vice presidents elected at the group's convention here in clude Mrs. George T. Gerlin ger, Mrs. John Y. Richardson, and Mrs. Harriett E. Monroe, all of Portland. Other vice presidents: First .congressional district: Mrs. Hanover Deady, Oswego; Mrs. James H. Cellars, Astoria, and Mrs. C. H. Glasaon. Inde pendence. , Second district: Mrs, Paul Kelly, Prinevllle; Mrs. J. M. Cornelison, Pendleton, and Mrs. L. A. Bean, Madrat. ' Fourth district: Mrs. J. H. Mills, North Bend; Mrs. A. J. Buell, Grants Pass, and Mrs. R. T. Burnett, Eugene. To Pick Prince's Wife While He Is Abroad Tokyo () While Crown Prince Akihito is in England for the coronation of Britain's queen, officials of the imperial household are busy choosing his wife the next empress of Japan. The newspaper Asahi said the 19-year-old prince will make his choice from this list The 'choice must then be ap proved at an imperial family conference. Youngstown Kitchens 181 N. High Sr. GEiXB Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial foiligiierlahnff! . 7ts lifted tuperfine through $Ukl .That pre-f luffs Kitchen Craft 'Flour . . . makes it blend more easily and thoroughly with other ingredients. Everything you bake is delightfully lighter, ten der, even-textured. Kitchen Craft works wonders with any recipe. It's guaranteed. Switch to Kitchen Craft home baking. You'll eat better at a saving. Sift 4 .. nip buHtr a. " "P. toll. 171" "?"" "nd and ... 7""' Ytp. wcu. Add d -3 (.k. and cut "n "ith rin, M rn, a" -,?un,arP into ,1 77 toffetl,.. aj. Tr" 'union ,t,J tn :.".na "it of (ruBrf - 1"" - -s ior for miJ T con- Guarantees You Betxer Baking OR YOU MOHCY BACK I . -:- with Kitchen Craft Floor and 2,TJCnrZr infredients you can u. hoS 'nXg-unequaled for good eating and economy. SAFEWAY STOBE Clear Lake Clear Lake Residents of this school district will go to the polls on May 21 to vote on $20,000 bond issue for an ad ditional classroom. Plans are to build a large room with a stage at one end and to make some improvements to the two exist ing rooms. Seven bands, or about 80 students, will take part in a band festival to be held at De troit high school on May 0, be ginning at 1:30 p.m. The grade and high school bands are from Clear Lake, Perrydale, Gates, Mill City and Detroit. Each will play alone and then all com bined, interspersed with instru mental solos. Roy L. Shelton, Salem, is the Instructor. The Detroit band will act as hosts, and they have arranged refreshments and a guided tour through the dam to follow the festival. There is no admission charge. Pair 15, Oregon in New CAA Region Washington W F. B. Lee, Civil Aeronautics Administra tion chief, disclosed Monday that seven domestic CAA re gions are to be consolidated into four regions by June 30. He said greater efficiency and the saving of an estimated one and one-half million dollars were the reasons. Region Seven, which in cludes the four Pacific North west statese, Washington, Ore gon, Idaho and Montana, would be consolidated with a new Re gion Four, with headquarters at Los Angeles. Region Four would embrace Washington, Oregon, Califor nia, Idaho, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. The present Seattle offices, headquarters for Region Sev en, be retained as the CAA's point of contact with the public in the Pacific Northwest. There are some 1,050 persons employed by the present sev enth region. It was not dis closed if any would be cut from the payroll under the new plan. , , ' . Southern Pacific Sued By Doris Keith Estate A complaint asking judgment oi $15,000 has been filed in Marion county circuit court by Betty J. Lewis as administra trix of the estate of Doris Keith against the . Southern Pacific company. The complaint atates that Mrs. Keith died as the result of her automobile being struck June 11, 1992, by a Southern Pacific company train at an in tersection in Hubbard. Mrs. Keith was driving west over D street when her car was struck by the train. It is charged the defendant was op erating the train at a "high, dangerous and excessive rate of speed." George Long, engineer of the train, is also named in the suit. Northern Chile . may have only an inch of rain in 20 years. British Hona Kona to Help U. S. Celebrate Hong Kong This Prit ish crown colony Is going to help the United States com memorate its Declaration of Independence from the British Empire on Jul 4. Trade sources estimate that one million dollars worth of Hong Kong firecrackers will be shipped to the'U. S. this year a new all-time record. ESTATE SALE For sale to the highest bidder, dwellings located t 1010 N. Cottage St. and 2487 Maple St., Salem, Ore. Terms and conditions of sala may be obtained from Pioneer Trust- Company Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon Gsrffr '5 ' j f CTk & Q gk eSK ffT2E3S5 n I J I , m mmm a a STORE HOURS Mon. t Fri. 9:30 to 9 Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 Phone 3-9191 'otjfom fitoftey faui " 550 N. Capitol - Salem i