Page II Speech Contest Next Saturday Toaitmasteri from Oregon and Southern Washington will convene in Corvallli May 8 for their annual (peech conteit, John W. Buck, district gover nor, and Lou Smith, senior lieu. tenant governor, will preside over the meeting. The meetings opens with hi-jinks luncheon for the Toast- masters and their wives at the Benton hotel, then there will be business meetings In the af ternoon for the men while the women tour Corvallls. Big vent of the day is the dinner and speech contest which will be held at the Memorial Union ballroom on the Oregon State campus. Speech contest win. sera from the 12 areas o'f dls THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wednesday, Mayii trlct 7 will compete for the championship of the 62 clubs In the district. Twenty-five judges chosen at random from all over the state will select the contest winner. Speakers competing in the contest are: Alvin D. Bauer, J, J. Ferder, Robert Finney, John M. Fleck, Victor MUler, and K. E. Reckard. Area governors attending the meeting will be: F. M. Ginn, Robert Batdorf, Dave White, Ben Silknetter, SamD. Gillette, Vincent P. Derig, Harvey Sampson, Dannlel J. Dunn, J. M. Shlvely, Lee K. King, Paul R. Jinnett and Theodore Kaser, Beds Blown Up Hong Kong W) The inde pendent but pro-Nationalist Kung Sheung Daily News to day said two platoons of Red Chinese soldiers were killed In an ammunition dump explo sion May 1. A Red platoon normally has 29-40 men. I ornctifiDLB rrano V ay r.HOwly,l44 J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-566S - UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY - Canvas Goods of Every Description '" ; ' ' "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICK WORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick ateps, etc. Also patch ' plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties PUD Backers Slap at Albany Albany -A. Northwest Pub lic Power association ouiciai, Executive Secretary Gus Nor wood, took a crack at Albany at a meeting new at ine riv erside hall and called upon re presentatives of five w 111am ette valley counties to leave the city out of a proposal to establish a People's Utility Dis trict in the Willamette area now served by the Mountain States Power company. Norwood said Albany's mil tation against such a proposal in past years might once again mean defeat in a general tiee- tlon. Persons from Lane, Linn, Benton, Polk and Marion coun ties were on hand at the hall to elect a five man steering committee ' and to choose a name for the proposed PUD. . The steering committee, which will be charged with the responsibility of investigating the proposal and calling any other meetings, is composed of one representative of each county. Elected were W. W, Abraham, Linn.; D. P. Larsen, Lane; George Tate, Marion, and Oscar' Kendall, Benton. The Polk county representa tives declined to name a steer ing committee member until a future date. The proposal for a public utility district to serve Willam ette valley residents with pow er is spearheaded by Abraham, Shedd and A. C. Heyman, Riv erside. Abraham was leader of the group until a temporary chairman. Harley Llbby. Jef ferson, was named. Norwood summarized the history of the public power movement. He aaid the pro posal was gaining strength In this area because of a 20 per cent surcharge on electric bills, imposed by Portland General Electric, Pacific Power and Light, and Mountain States. It is expected that the group will attempt to get enough support to warrant placing the measure before the people in a general election, November, Flood Crest Menaces Deweyville, Texas Deweyville, Tex. UJ0 A new flood crest today threat ened the battered levee protect ing this small east Texas town from the savage Sabine river. Dog-tired volunteers won a temporary victory against the river last night when the wa ter, which had lapped within inches of the levee's top, began to ebb. But a new crest was moving downstream and was expected to hit Deweyville late today or tomorrow. Autholties could not predict its effect Fight Over License Lost by Defendant Lebanon First round in a battle to acquit Charles C. Car ter of Lebanon of driving while his operators license was sus pended was lost Monday. Judge Ruby Moore in munici pal court denied a motion to change the 18-year-old youth's plea from guilty to not guilty, and fined the defendant $50. Attorney for the defendant, Laurence Morley, Indicated that he would seek further le gal action by appealing the case to a higher court. Morley said the city had erred in charging the youth, and contended that it should have been driving with an ex pired license instead of a sus pended license. The attorney explained that Carter had allowed his license to expire last October, and in December tne secrexary oi state's office suspended the li cense. But, said the attorney, "you can't suspend an expired license." Rounds Up Perm Foes Buenos Aires, Argentina W Police claim a wave of ar rests throughout Argentina has brike a ring that plotted to terrorize the Argentine people by bombings. One source esti mated more than 150 persons had been taken into custody. It is that t h e enu- . , or. bso.. ,w oceans noio i, aaA nnn tons of um. magnesl- STOP BED WETTING Due to Our New Operation To Announce the New Low Price InTM. The Average $95 00 Case for For Further Information Phone 4-55 , . or write the Bel Lite Co. of Oregon T PARK LANE, SALfcM CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th & E. HOYT Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowera Paint Sprayers - Air Com' pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong &'Congoleum-Nairn-AsphaIt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Glvenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER FALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St. . OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER ' PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing SSSChemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR SERVICE We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 130 5, liberty 310 Court, Downtown 2440 four, Medical Cental 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to B:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Briton to Be Tried As Strangle Slayer London U.R John Christie, accused "Notting Hill stran gler," was ordered today stand trial for murder at the Old Bailey, London's famed central criminal court. Christie pleaded Innocent at his hearing in the tiny Clerken- well courtroom, reserved his defense and called no evidence. Blaze at Albany Albany An estimated $2500 damage was done to an Al bany home before firemen reached the blaze on Tuesday when the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barker, 1230 E. Third Ave., caught fire. Fire Is believed to have started from defective wiring In a wash room near the kitchen. Mrs. Ralph Banton, who was visit ing Mrs. Barker, discovered the blaze. Mrs. Banton suffered slight burn on her arm as e assisted Mrs. Barker from the burning home. Mrs. Bark- has been ill. FORFEITS BAIL Albany Judge Wendell Tompkins in district court here has declared forfeited $200 In bail posted by Wil liam Chester Evans, 39, Sal em, when he waa arrested by state police on a drunk driving charge. Evans had been picked up by officers at U.S. highways No. 20 and 99 on Apjil 18. CHOKED GAS? THANK HEAVENS 1 Mart attack, are Kid Indlfeiuon. wwi it emaea um u-n lableta. They contain in. leaieK-acuna medidnea known to doctor tor the relief oi heartburn and tat. KM refunded It not atlsned. Send empty carton to Bell-ana. Orangeburg, N. Y. Get Bell-ana tooar. w Wonderful Relief lor nClliilGSKIIl! To promptly eootte in tana Itchinf of ruhee, eewma. peortaaia, atbJeU'a loot, plmpiea, and elrailar urfaoa akin anit Mln irritation. BOoly Zemo modern highly medicated etainleea aati eeptle. Zemo aim helps heal and dear the, Irritated akin. Buy Extra SlrenolA Zemo Liquid for atubborn Any arufavore. ' ZEMO Radio Repair Si Ph. 37577 MITCHELL'S Rodio-Televlilon 1880 Stott Motorola H Dealers for W General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 395 N. HIGH Willamette Valley tor 28 Years SERVICE - INSTALLATION SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialist in th. DTTtEJM IWI Mv AmUw Mail trabV wnmr b fuxrtMnir ttm fast WOHtJKR BALV1 m4 Wwmj ModVmlsJd Scap tmm Wlp jo. DmltH 1mr Mm Uj. km M Xmj i notr fr ra Mtn at bum WOKDKtt BA1VB fa wbksk. n iiiIib BntiMpiM. No Qflr appwBM. fWtt for hlMr. Grt WONPKR 8AtVR m4 WON DIOR HICTOCATT.l SOAP RmHi tvfundtd. Truly wtmdcrfM .Aid In tu.tni br Ctll, txtm Mtytr, Owl, rsrlfii, and Bctittftr Drnc Blartt t fomr heraeiowa drmilit. EELB am m. and altier rectal dUorden, cull ui itiuh uimrtt limit (link) On rounder ID DeKjlelte eeeklel 1U11HI " " C 1. 1M. U.D. Write er Cell THI DIAN CLINIC Oeea 10 eMIl t BWeeev Htfeeoa Man. Umii I a.m. Mender. Wedeeeiev end rrlder. Chlraprectk PhrtltleM . . . IN ewr 4jre reef. Ml NOITHIHT SANDY tOUllVAKO Teleekeee lAftleil aertlewd n. Ore. A terrific sale of miss ! mv W THIS GROUP AR EISENHOWER JACKETS PEDDLE PUSHERS SKIRTS n season merchandise you can'r afford to GeHhat summer wardrobe now at prices you want to pay! SALE STARTC runi. , - -- -nuwuAT, 9:30A.M. ONE GROUP CORDED C0TT0W SUITS 88 GROUP OF DENIM CLOTHES 388 UNLINCD t NATIONALLY AbVERTtSED WASHABLE Sizes 10-20 EACH FULL LENGTH V.NtlNED mm soirs coats inno iiia. iwv70 Vr UUL $111188 Ren IDEAL FOR GRADUATION NAVY PINK BEIGE DRESSES DRESSY ASSORTED COTTON PRESSES' . $,6188 Value DRESSES so 29.95 Vol. to 29.95 JJ88 iJ88 Juniors - 72 sizes a mm sses ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SHORTY COATS Values to 39.95 Sflfl88 FULL LENGTH COATS $ v'00 Wool Values to 49 o iWlJtsMiViifl mSfi Ij I II li.l V 1 ...I. I l"i""'-r, . k aaTJaefaepoaaaTaBJSH ONE GROUP PASTEL WOOL and JERSEY DRESSES Values to '$34.95 CLOSING OUT! WEDDING DRESSES AND VEILS Price j Temp. Resisto Insulated LIningi l OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 TTLHIE FALHlD(lDNETrTE 429 COURT ST. ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS