PWt IS Jean Williams In Queen Lead Lebanon Jean Williams oolc up a 2000-point margin .aid by Darlene Powell last veek and aaiumed the lead thlg week In talei of festival pint for the strawberry fair, June 4-6. Miss Williams held a Slim 11,000 to 10,300 margin over Mist Powell. The third, fourth, and fifth spots are very close: Only 80 points separate Dee Lucas from third place contest ant, Louise Bishop. Janet Humphreys is in fourth spot. The tabulations were an nounced Monday and were bas ed on activities of the queen candidates last week. l AUOII TOWN M J jY, ACIOH THI NATION A HMkar yeaYs iMaag hi tew m s a cUrtans etsy, we ofter the Eeikjwceiy-freemoviniaenr Oar loos storage and moi (.cilitia. era uoaicalied. And ee repreeenUtlTee for AIM ftalfi weeeaylaoaatyoat elkcoaJ ate know-bow of the eaotM'e Uofi loof-dJesaoc aorta eeyaniaatton. Aflied' ewpart peak are, bandkra anal aim evary step of the ways Ma Rtd Star Traniftr Ueer Btknaat n. M1U Program of Church And College Studied The program of the church related college was the topic of a discussion carried on at a dinner meeting on the Willam ette university compos Tuesday night with Dr. John P. Gross and Dr. William A. Rush of Nashville, Tenn. as the princl piil speaker, , Dr. Gross Is executive seere tary and Dr. Rush' is director of public relations and finance, respectively of the board of education of the Methodist church. Representatives of the uni versity and members of the board of education and the board of world service and fl nance of the Methodist church attended the dinner.. The two men from Nashville met with the cabinet of the Portland area of the church Wednesday noon. , Seek Lost Plane Vienna, Austria W) Nearly a score of American and Brit ish planes flew over the Aus trian Alp this morning, seek ing a 17. S. Air Force trainer missing with two officers aboard. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon YMCA PARTY FOR DEPARTING DRAFTEES Wednesday, May 1953 jIIJii vt , iii It- SWEET DESSERTS S3) with 76 LESS CALORIES Los pounds while you enjoy luscious, sweet puddings, can ned fruits, tanas' salad dressings, and other taste treats. Tastl-Dlet Dietetic Foods are sweet with out added sugar, have dd to 76 less calo ries. Developed by Tiilie Lewis, most famous woman in foods. rprc ef Daily snttj MaKtafataaa Bat what daltdoua wall tou MB Mt whiU roil Um walihtt Writ! TllUe Uvw, BeiSie.aiesMea. CaUfarela. DaetTrU-t TASTI-DIET ? at your mourn food stow "MM f I, W.. ,. ' '. - .Ha- mi lU rlJ a Roberts Church Women Plan Luncheon Dallas Circle B of the First Presbyterian church com pleted plans for attending the church's Women's Association annual luncheon on Friday, May 8, when they held their regular meeting on Monday, May 4. Mrs. J. N. Urness served as hostess for the meet ing. The devotions were led by Mrs. J. F. Spooner. Mrs. Earl Ben bow gave an account of the Presbyterlal meeting which she recently attended In Cot tage Grove. Those present were Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mrs. A. J. Cleve land, Mrs. Morris Dalton, Mrs. Haxel Fllflet, Mrs. W. J. Jack son, Mrs. Orrln Kelley, Mrs. Salvation Acmy and women of the Salvation Army were hosts at a YMCA party at the YMCA on Tuesday afternoon for Marlon county selectees departing for service with the armed forces. Shown in the group of draftees are: R. L. Brown, T. W. Bartosz, D. O. Strand, R, F. Cook, - G. E. Roth, R. A. Moyer, J. D. Williamson, R. L. Barnes, E. A. Robbins, R. J. Kuenzl, L. W. Rasmussen, W. L. Tate, P. A. Lee, J. C. Turin, W. F. Hall, N. E. Hosley, W. Kauf man, D. C. Barrow, R. L. Hove, R. J. Kimlinger, M. D. Darby, F. L. Longstreet, L. L. Aplet, E. L. Fetsch, D. A. Sieg, R. A. Sieg, R.' A. Stalp. W. W. Williamson. Jack Power, Mrs. Charles Ze- manek, those participating in the program and the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Jackson. Haxel Green Meet Hazel Green The Hazel Green Mothers' Club will meet Thursday night at 7 p.m. In the Hazel Green School. Mrs. Don Zielinskl will preside. Furnish ing the refreshments for the evening will be the schools teachers, Mrs. Esther Franz, Mrs. Mary Harrison and Mrs. Cora Clark. 155 N. LIBERTY PHONE 3-3191 Marble Tournament' Finals on Saturday Dallas Signs of spring around Dallas include fiqal competitions in the marble tournament. Several games were rained out during the past week but local winners have been announced. First in the 9-12 age group was Merlin Fast; second, Den nis Schiermeister; third, Gor don Hanson. In the age group from 12 to 15 years were: First, Jim Workman; second, Jerry Lanig; third, Larry Lanig (the latter two being twins). These winners will compete with other county winners on Saturday in Dallas. Winners in the county contest will be eli gible for competition In' the state finals to be held later in Portland. OPEN FRIDAY MIGHT Tit 9 ill I':J?F id i- 1 Vinylite Plastic Shower Curtains SOLD ONLY AT WARDS-AS ADVERTISED IN MAY HOUSE AND GARDEN" 2.98 SAonrer Curtain 72x72", luxurious-looking Vinylite platftc sturdy ond practical. Wipes dean with o damp clothresist mildew ond fad Ing won't stiffen or stick together. Beautifully made Into Shower Sets h two delightfully different patterns, 2.98 Window Curtain 27x54?, B Garden Rote Showtr Curtain ond Prfidlla. White on blue, yellow, or peachj yellow on green; red on white. Party Plaid Shower Curtain and Pris cilia. Pink, blue, wine, or silver wfm blade on white. Green ond yellow on white. Ethel Lou Sfanek in Recital Here May 9 Ethel Lou Stanek, instructor in theory and cello at Willam ette university music school, will be presented at a sonata recital at 8:15 Monday night, May 11 in Waller hall auditorium. Miss Stanek, who will be ac companied by Catherine M. Schnelker, will play sonatas by Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. She will also present for the first time In its entirety, James Ming's suite of three concert pieces for cello and piano. Miss Stanek studied with the com poser at Lawrence college in Wisconsin. This summer ..Miss Stanek Roberts The Roberts Moth era club gave an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. E. N. Graves Friday afternoon in honor of the Roberts school teachers, Mrs. Henry Stag! and Mrs. Claud Litchfield. They were each presented with a gift during the after noon. Flower arraniements throughout the bouse were of white Macs and red tulips. Mrs. Richard Sneed and Mrs. P. Martsfield poured. Other present were Mrs. Hen ry Staaas and Mrs. Claud utcn field honor guests, Mrs. Oliver Holcomb. Mrs. Keltn Ausim, Mrs. P. Hamerick, Mrs. Paul Rienschie, Mrs. John Hanna, Mrs. M. Ward, Mrs. J. Apple, Mrs. W. MuUican, Mrs. Mc Clusky, Mrs. R. Snook, Mrs. George Orsborn, Mrs. Jack Ey erly and Mrs. ,Karl Heyden, an old cltlb member, and Mrs. E. N. Graves, hostess. Mrs. Ray Rogers was unable to be present. A youth activities program sponsored by Mrs. Louis D. Johnston, grange lecturer, was given Friday night with the 4-H and Scout clubs of Riverside, Halls Ferry and Roberts taking part. Mrs. Richard Sneed is leader of the Roberts Brownie and intermediate Girl Scout group with Mrs. John Hanna assist ant. Those on the scouting com' mlttee are Mrs. James Marts- field, Mrs. Herbert Miller and Mrs. Oliver Holcomb. 1 Mrs. Len Edwards, leader of the Riverside and Halls Ferry Brownie group with Mrs. W. W, Wilson assistant; Mrs. O. C. Parish is leader of the Halls Ferry intermediate group and miss xuargaret Bogosian assist ant; of the Halls Ferry 4-H sewing club Mrs. Shirley New. berry is leader and Mrs. OS' car Phillips assistant; Halls Ferry 4-H Forestry club, Bob McFadden leader and Mrs. Ray Barker assistant. Gary Barker is taking 4-H entomology under Mrs. Kay Barker. A party wa given at the . .. nlsht in jo. King (Reb. Edward . Those present we Mrs. Joe W.,-I;jkM: Mr. and Mrs. ZuTv hni?on. SSJfW?A Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Higglns, Mr. ana ita RoV J. Kjce. Mr. and M. riifford Kedfern, Mrs. aiiie Center Mrs. WUliam Meiej, Mr. ad Mrs. Roy ele-.Mri; Charlotte Jones, Mrs. B. & Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bidgood. Mr ad Mrs. John Orsborn, Mr, ,noMrs.B.N. Graves and son, Kenny, Lee U. Eyerly, and Mrs. Ethel Davenport. Sunday afternoon guests at the home ol Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Ford Forster and son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bossell, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Evans of Aurora. ? The G. T. club will meet at the home of Mrs. jonn w born, Mission Bottom. Thurs-. day afternoon, with Mrs. Frank Needham, Mrs. Albert Blank enship and Mrs. E. E. Jonea assisting hostesses. Z wlU study with cellist Gabor Kejto of Eastman School of Music at the Music Academy of tne west, Santa Barbara, Calif, T 4h Iflth and 19th Centura ies Great Britain transformed bie areas of wild marsruana iw. fertile farming areas. Ibday Canbeai Red Letter Day IT YOO PONT HAVI J1 ACID lNDfiiwra. Today and nrj Ton'U be "imnoo toe X of UK worid--fcT'n ' foa eating, drinking what ro n wiuw, fear of gaa, heartbarai toai BotneKh if jo oa at mUliooj do. JwK aat lor2Tauaftrmaki or whentrer of-iooai; Ksatataftoodutnaai; f Tamt quickly saw' tralize axtaai add. Com lain do soda lootar; alkalln or ccoae aod I. bound. No mfado, na water needed. M eS Vk candr- Ahran keep Tame haodf foe record-fait rebel ot acta i Get a roll today. The last great auk. a bird which could not fly, is believed to have been killed about the middle of the 18th century. faunting UN VALLEY BREAD the ans wer to "Reducing Starvation" you ' sen est and enjoy SUN VALLEY BREAD .low in calories yet high i energy producing proteins. SUN VALLEY ADDS VARIETY a) "bread hungry diets." mm. 6E0 WARDS COMPLETE SELECTION OF SHOWER ACCESSORIES MM M MM Mi f WITHOUT f JHOITtNINOOIl 10W IR UIOMD N1SN IN MKT T VOIR f liVORITE fOOISTME 155 N. Liberty cms Phone 3-3917 7 Tv??- V.V r 1 s-V'! f 1 jWards f t Mdsiummer v , r i 597 . etr r(fcaevtj.;t - j.'. , .jai turanfiw at v TalTr I r Me i.Tri V.-.K'-i. Free-Wards New Sale Book YOU'LL SAVE ON VACATION NEEDS Here's your opportunity to lava on sum mer vacation needs right at the begin ning ef the season. That's right, there ere summer savings for your entire family In Wards new Sale Book. You'll find cool Nylon sheer dresses for Mother) summer slacks and sport shirts for Father; and rugged play clothes for the children. Need something for your hornet Then notice the large selection of furnishings including summer furniture, electrical op plionces, and remodeling supplies. If you Own car you'll be interested In th lav- Ingi on Hrei, euro radios, teat covers and ether accessories. For vacation fun with your family you'll flnd p!ene oeetM6rtii croquet sets, fishing equipment-ond out board motors, too. All these Items-end many, many more-ore low priced now In our new Sal. Book. To get your free wpy, just phone or stop In our Catalog Deportment. Then, when you're ready to order simply call our convenient direct line Catalog Department number. Our trained salesgirl, will b happy k take) your ortl" lp you make sHo SHOP OUR SALE BOOK AND SAVI