THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Paw 11 Farmers Told To Be Careful ; Willamette valley farmers en who are now hiring school children to work in the fields got warning Tuesday that they face fines as high as $10, 000 plus Imprisonment. State Labor Commissioner .W. E. Kimsey, who enforces the child labor laws, said rural school officials appealed to him to crack down on the farmers who have Keen hii-lns children for full-time farm Jobs. Kimsev said the school nffl eiala reoort that In nma schools, children have been quitting their' classes in wholesale lots. One union high school in Marion county reponea is per cent of its stu dents have dropped out to work in the fields. During the school var Mill, dren under 16 can work only outside oi school hours. All children under 18 years old have to attend school unless they have finished high school. "There is no excuse for farmers to raid schools for field labor at this time since t there is a surplus of adult workers readily available to any farmer needing help," Kimsey said. - "The schools have co-operated with the farmers by ar ranging their schedules fnr early closings. ' By the time tne :arm labor situation does become tight, children will be out of school and ready to help framers harvest crops," he added. THREATENED , r ' , I Vrw-s i 'ifairMi im iiiii iSl King Sisavang Vong, 68-year-old ruler of Indochina's kingdom of Laos, is virtual ly besieged in his capital city of Luangprabang as Communistlled Vietminh in vaders press within 10 miles of the city. The battle de ciding the fate of the ancient mountain kingdom may be underway within next few days. Laos, along with Viet nam and Cambodia, com pose the three French Union associated states of Indo china. (AP Wlrephoto) LEGALS .IXECUTRIX' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OLADYS LEE hu been, br order of the Circuit Court oi the state of Oreion lor Marlon County, appointed executrix of the Estate of Othel E. Lee, Deceased. Any persons hivlnt elalmi aialnat laid estate ara requested to present them, with - proper vouchers, to said executrix at 110 Pioneer Trust Bulldlm, flelem, Oregon, within alx months from the date or this notice. Dated thli 39th day of April,, Ml. OLADYS LEE Executrix of the Estate of OTHEL E. LEE. Deceased. KHOTEN. RHOTEN & SPEERSTRA Attorneys at Law 110 Pioneer Trust Bld. Balem, Oreton Attorneys for Executrix April 39, liar . 11, 20. 37, 1JJ. You can count on for your quick S cash: LOAN ! for has a loan plan Ior everyone i SMALL (T LUGE AMOUNTS I $25 to $1500 ' Room 200 " ai court ar. I fees n eat suvioa I . WELCOMING COMMITTEE teg 9 i Marine CdI. l?irirA P Itorf tn wnu uv reaches out to pet his collie, Lassie, on hand with his family and friends to greet him at Mitchell Field after plane trip from Korea where he was freed in the prisoner exchange. The Marine's mother is behind him at left. Hart, who suffered leg and shoulder Injuries from a hand grenade, was taken to St. Albans hospital in Queens for further treatment. (AP Wirephoto) Removal of Debris Starts at Lebanon Lebanon City residents are removing rubbish nH rlnnlnn residential areas this week un der the leadership of Mayor Elmer Fitzgerald. '"" ' Trucks toured all east w streets Wednesday picking up free all rubbish left on the curbs. Thursday the trucks moved to the west side for similar work. In addition special attention is being given to the tidy ap pearance of all city property by a clean-up crew of city employes. Operating Here The largest outlet for. irri gation equipment in the Wil lamette valley, and probably in the Northwest, is now a go ing concern in Salem. , The firm is Moore's Irriga tion company, which is owned and operated by Gene Walper, Kenneth Bush and Henry E. Bush. The men are Irrigating engineers, and Walper has traveled all over the world in connection with that, profes sion.. . The firm has been operating in the Willamette valley for four years with an establish ment at Corvallls, which will continue, with the Salem oper- tlon added. The location here is at 82! Bassett street, where the Gerlinger Products com' pany was formerly located. - The company manufactures Irrigation couplings, valves and fittings for portable irrigation, and distributes all kinds of pumping machinery for indus trial and farm applications. At peak operation the com pany employs about 20 men. Eugene Has Fire in Business District Eugene (ff) Damage from a fire in downtown Eueene Tups. day was estimated by Fire Chief Ed Surfus at $15,000. ' ROYAL SALUTE PC iSBKCKaasaspxaxareBlMBBSBPXflint Young King Hussein I Of Jordan salute the crowd as he enters a car outside the Mosque at Amman after his accession to the throne. The 18-y ear-old's cousin, King Faisal II of Iraq, also 18, was enthroned the same day in ' a ceremony about 500 miles away. Hussein I succeeds his father, King Talal I,, who was removed by Parliament ' in August, 1952, on the basis of medical reports that he was mentally ill. (UP Telephoto) The Cascade Title company and the City Cafe were dam aged by the fire which Surfus said spread from box of rub bish in the title company base ment. , Occupants of apart ments above the title company were routed by the blaze. Surfus was overcome by smoke while fighting the fire, but was revived. Magnet Picks 22,630 Lbs. From Roads The Oregon Highway. Commission's traveling mag net picked up 22,6ta pounds of material last year from the state's highways, - The metal picked up In cluded many nails, tacks and other sharp articles, that could puncture tires. The magnet, operated by one man,, traveled 12,584 miles during the year at a cost of 8,Z67. . The quantity of- material picked up Is more than dou ble the amount of metal picked up In 1950. ' The commission has oper ated the magnet for nine years. A generation ago, most hogs were fed for 10 to 16 months before going to market while today many hogs are marketed after five or six months.. ' , A variety of the buffalo or bison once ranged as far north as Great Slave Lake. HI - wirii Sotow Fodrol Ft tilt ss i PROVED f ICOXITY The time-tested policies of our type financial Institu tions assure both safety and income. Let cash reserves earn ! In safety today. 'Planned Bate 560 Stat Strtjtt SALEM, OMCCN Hours: 8 to 4 Dally; S 'til IX Saturday 155 W. LIBERTY PHONE 3-3191 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 i ''j Save $11 to $20 Now on These M-W Appliances REG. 209.95 REFRIGERATOR REG. 289.95 REFRIGERATOR , 13.7 CU. FT. HOME FREEZER REG. 124.95 M-W WASHER 7cu. ft. size 199.88 Ask about Terms 11.7 cu. ft.- 269.88 Ask about Terms Wards OZrt ftC Ask low price about Terms M-W Refrigerator in gleaming porcelain. Stores 35 lbs. frozen food, ice in full-width freezer. Full-width f roster tray, for cubes, small cuts meat. 3 full, 2 half shelves give 17.1 sq. ft. shelving. 5 yr. wrnty. on sealed unit. Full width freezer stores 62 lbs. frozen food, ice. Full-width froster tray for small cuts meat. 3 full-width door, shelves hold small items, eggs. 20 square feet of shelf area, 27-quart twin food fresheners. See it today! Holds 476 lbs. Pays for itself with quantity buying. 2 wire baskets, 2 dividers. Counter balanced lid lifts easily, automatically turns on light. Non-sweat walls. 7.7 cu. ft. 249.95; 17.8 cu. ft. 429.95; 23.8 cu. ft.' 539.95. Fast-acting 1 1 A Q O Ask pump I I o O O about Terms Efficient M-W Washer thoroughly washes lbs. dry clothes. 6-vane Swlrlator washing ac tion is non-tangling. Lovell wringer has fully adjustable pressure. NON-PUMP MODEL reg. 1 17.95--now only .... . . . ' . . . .107.88 r ' ' I ' ' ' " '. 1 r & 349.95 DOUBLE-OVEN RANGE Two QIO QQ Ask 20-in. ovens 3 I iOO about Terms 40-in. cooktop. Fingertips select pushbuttons for 7 heat speeds on A Chromolox top units. Each oven hos light. Electric clock controls ov en with window and 1 of 2 appliance outlets. 2 waist-high broilers. Real buy. ELECTRIC RANGETTE 20-in. 1 Cl OR Ask cooktop" li3tTyV obout Terms Compact, effecient M-W is ideal for small kitchen. 4 Chromalox top units have 7 heat speeds. Giant 18Vi-in. oven has double-seal door, precision heot control. Broiler is waist high. Unit welded frame for strength. Si NEW WARDAMATIC WASHER WARDS BIG CABINET IRONER Fully outomatic n An nc Ask about Terms 174 QC Ask I "T. J about Terms Merely set dial new Wardomotic automatic ally washes 9 lbs. clothes. Top-loading elim inates stooping. Unbreakable aluminum agi tator gives gentle, thorough washing. Vibration-free no bolting down needed. Wards low price Here' Wards biggest Cabinet Ironer with 26 In. podded "floating roll" and chromf plated shoe. Sit comfortably merely guide clothes into ironer. Saves hours of tedious labor. Shop Wards Appliance Dept. for demonstration. 1 D. WALKS,