Tuesday, May 5, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Oregon Pag M Offering More Timber I According to a recent an iouncement by G. F. Home, cting district forester, seven racts of timber under the jur idiction of the Bureau of Land lanagement containing an es- lmated 23,540,000 board feet if timber appraised at $479,769 irill be offered for oral bidding ale at 10 a.m., May 11, at the alem district office at 460 orth High street. A tract in Tillamook county Is being offered in an attempt 10 salvage ,ouo,uuu ouaro xeei bf fire-killed timber In the Til lamook Burn. The contract for flthls tract will require that 135 iacres be planted after the re- Jmoval of the timber in order ito insure the early re-estab lishment of the forest cover. One of the tracts being of fered is located In the Quartz- ville Creek drainage in Linn county and contains 5,425,000 board feet of high value old- growth Douglas fir and west ern Hemlock. Two other Linn county tracts being offered con tain 1,415,000 board feet and 346,000 board feet of salvage timber. Three other tracts of salvage timber are being offered, one of which is located in Lane county, the two remaining be ing located in Benton county. Four Corners V A SALE AS GREAT AS ITS NAME! Y Ul . V '"' IT""1 ' II. ' .-; tmmmm 11 111 13 Four Corners A reunion of a brother and sister who hadn't seen each other for 21 years took place this week in the E. A., Snook home ' when Mrs. Knnnlt'a hrnther. Walter Dob bins of Chadron, Neb., arrived for a visit. . Th , Fmir f!nmim Unci and Gun club will hold its May meeting Tuesday, May o, in Pnmmunitv hull. WltHfntlnnn tfn to Mr. and Mrs. William Garver (Delia McCart) upon the birtn ol a son, April 27, at we saiem General hospital. The boy has been named Vern Edwin and weighed seven pounds and eight and one half ounces. There are two brothers, Wayne and Boger and the grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McCart of Bayard, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Headly of Salem. '"'"' The Lincoln school Mother's club will meet Thursday, May 7, at 1:15 p.m. In the multi nnrnnio mom of the school. This is election of officers. The 4-H clubs will give the pro sram. This is the last meet- ins n1 the vear. The Four Corners Woman's club will hold Its May meeting Thursday, May 7, at 8 p.m. in the Community hall. Preced the business meeting Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Clark and Kathy and Kenneth Clark will pre sent a musical program. Of ficers will be elected. Host esses will be Mrs. Melvin Scott, Front T.nhr Mrs. E. R. Corning, Mrs. Charles West, Walter Dobbins of Chadron, Neb., was the guest of honor Sunday evening when Mr. and . Mrs. Roy Thayer opened their home for a family reunion. A buffet supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mr. snd Mrs. Harold Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nuttbrock, the Misses Janet Snook, Marilyn and Sybil Snook, uetty ana Kathy Snook, Leta and Garnet Thayer, Dennis Nuttbrock, Al len and .David Snook, Aaron and Robbin Thayer. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. O.- P. Pearson, Elea nor and Vicky of Newport. Mrs. Pearson is an old friend of the Snook family when they all resided in Nebraska. Library Association Elects Salem Man Ainsley A. Whitman, head librarian at Willamette univer sity, was elected president of the Oregon Library association for 1953-54 at the annual con vention of the organization held at Bend. Whitman, who Joined the Oregon Library association in 1950 at the time of his appoint ment to Willamette, was for merly librarian at the Univer sity of Georgia and California State Polytechnic school. Association plans for the fis cal year will include a com ' prehensive study of the prob- r . A , llUtitlan with lems OI uregon uuiouo..o, ...... special emphasis given to the county level. "ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed In being restored to active Ufe after being crippled In nearly , every Joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands deformed and my ankles were set. t.iniixi t nrohlblts telling you more here but If , you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this won derful relief. Mrs. tela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 3122 Jackson 1, Mississippi of Yards Formerly Sold up to 1.98 yd. Mil 03CD0 fly RTR)IT)IY? RMS n u X kA ;1v.t nOl Hundreds C Make your selection KKJVV from dozens of par- r 35fTv I A . terns and solid fabrics. ten S3 Lrv'r !eAJ ! I I Iff' MSFZHr&P 1 Oon't 'Aftiss This! Bark Cloth Draperies vn 6 Reg. 6.99 Save 3.001 PAIR Just add them together for any width window. . . . Your choice of 8 decora tor colors. ' yd. Waiting for you at Sears , . . home fashions by-the-yard! These thrilling new bark and pebble prints and solids will bring quiet, drab rooms alive with color. The colors are vat-dyed and pre-shrunk. You've seen these fine fabrics selling elsewhere up to 2.50 Ideal for Draperies or Slipcovers Choice of solid, floral or geometric 55 yd. , REFRESHIN Tier on Tier Rayon (o) (d)c3ff. PAIR (O) (CO Pair This wonderful fabric sale lets you enjoy the glamour of custom-made slip-overs and draperies at budget-welcome savings! Choose yours today! You'll not want to miss this sale! Imagine HIHwfl '.UTtrririrtrlK mttrtSZ? 111 a Spread That NEEDS NO IRONING! Reg. 6.98 Cotton Plisse BEDSPREADS Acetate marquisette with Searset finish. Pre-shirred heading. In iVOry' 1 AO 38" Length 1.1" ORGANDY 1" Pre-shirred rod hems offer uniform fullness. Deep 6-in. French headed ruffles. In White, Sunshine Yellow. : With matching valancel 1 99 Matching valance Yd. 59c NYLON 2 39 30" Good quality nylon has pre-shirred heading. Deep 6-in. French head ed ruffling. Side hems. In Ivory White. 36" Length Full or Twin SAVE 2.01! 97 Matching valanc Yd, 2.79 79c Wonderfully washable . . . need no ironing. In Victorian Pink, Mint Green, Sunshine Yellow, Pacific Blue, Spice Brown, Cherry Red and White. SALE! SALE! Rayon Panels REUPH0LSTER AT BIG SAVINGS! 100 duPont Nylon Fabrics 7799 Compare the Quality With Nylon Selling up to 17.00 elsewhere. Lone wearing beautiful nylon as the price of cotton fabrlcsl Buy ngonJ Z ut Tto $10 00 a yard. Can be washed right on the turn Ue with pnder V. . Save on cleaning. Buy during thU sale and aave!l! ' . During This Sale Only Sheer and lovely, Searset finish minimizes shrinkog Nylon Panels Reg. 2.39 Money Saving Reductions! Work saving nylon beauties. I I i l ln mnrntiketre ll'AYE I.U needs little ironing. Shrinks ess than 1 . less man i 70. mm V I CHAIRS RE-UPHOLSTUIED JOfatUMOUTatO I V 1 tkl. (.! Aula gm m iihi vtiii . - i - 1 - - - v m fW ) .1 ffek 1187 V Srft 5 r:r. 550 N. Capitol - Salem em,