Tuesday, May 5, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wedding Set For Aug. 15 In Salem Revealed at a surprise birth day cartv for Mi Mg.il,,. Springer on Friday evening was me aaie lor tne wedding of Miss Ruthita Willard and Gordon K. Stein. Th hrM.. elect's parents are Mr. and ran. a. wuiard, and Mr. Stein is the son of Mrs. Wil liam Stein of Canby. The couple announced their en gagement in December. The wedding is to be Satur day, August IS. A May day theme was fea tured at the party and the an nouncement was enclosed in a birthday gift, fashioned like a May basket. Mrs. B. G. Kelso and Miss Marilyn Clare were hostesses, the event being at Miss Clare's home. Guests were Miss Wll lard, Miss Springer, Mrs. Don na Sawyer, Miss Shirley Thompson, Mrs. Louisa Dun can and Mrs. Robert Schunke. Fpr Patronesses Alumnae of Alpha Chi Omega entertained their patronesses at a luncheon, Saturday, at the Marion hotel. Honored were Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Mrs. Roy L. Houck, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mrs. Alfred W. Loucks, , Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. Miss Beryl Holt was a guest. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Jr., Mrs. Gordon Cooley, Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs. Walter Wood, Mrs. James . Walton, Mrs. James B. Young. Today's Menu Family Supper , Mustard Glazed Butt Mashed Potatoes Squash Snap Beans Salad Bowl . Bread and Butter Citrus Fruit Cup . Beverage Mustard Glazed Butt Ingredients: 1 boneless smoked pork shoulder butt (about 2 pounds), V cup firm ly packed brown sugar, 3 tablespoons yellow horseradish mustard. Method: Cover butt with water and bring to boil; sim mer about hour for each pound. Drain and place on shallow baking pan; if alumi num foil Is at hand line pan first with the foil. Mix brown sugar and mustard together well. Spread mixture over butt. Bake in moderate (350 F.) oven about 20 minutes, basting once with glaze. If slightly browned surface is de sired, raise oven heat to very hot (450 F.) and leave ham at this temperature for S to 10 minutes. Makes about 5 serv ings served hot. Note: If any of the butt Is leftover, it is delicious sliced thin for sandwiches wltn tne glaze as a savory addition. Attend Meeting More than 300 attended the state ceremonial for Nomads of Avrudaka and order of DOKK in Roseburg on Satur day. The annual event honors grand officers of the Pythian Sisters and Knights of Pythias in Oregon, Don Judson of Sa lem, vice grand chancellor, being one of the spec.al guests. I Going from Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Don Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Decatur, Harry Wilson, Fred Stein, Leonard Hixson and William Bowman. Home From Trip Home from a two weeks trip east are Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Reeves and their daughter, Miss Joyce Reeves. They made the trip by plane, flying from Seattle to Chicago, then to New York City. Later they were In Washngton, D.C. In the national capital they called at the office of Douglas McKay, Secretary of the Interior, and visited with him, also with Miss .Alene Phillips, secretary to Mr. McKay. Then they went to Detroit where they visited at the home of Mrs. Reeves' two brothers and sisters, Dr. L. O. Gelb, Dr. O. D. Gelb and Miss Gladys Geib. It was the first time in 29 years the brothers and sisters had all been together, although the brothers and sister, indi vidually have visited in Salem. After arriving in Salem, Miss Reeves went on to Seattle and will return at mid-week to be here for a time. She is to be married on May 17 to Capt. Eugene Mitchell Beard. Mrs. Sprague Speaks Mrs. Charles A. Sprague was speaker at the guest breakfast for the Credit Wom en's Breakfast club this morn' tag. The program was presented by Miss Harriett Aller and Miss Lizbeth Shields of Wil lamette university. The group will meet again on May 26. Rebekah Meeting Plans for Initiation next Monday evening were discuss ed at the meeting of Rebekah lodge on Monday. Serving refreshments that night will be Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs, Roy Ohlund, Mrs. Elmer Roth, Mrs. Charles G. McElroy and Mrs. Lila Dailey. Theta Rho girls will meet Thursday evening and- the Three Links club meeting is scheduled for Friday after noon. : ID Group Meets At the first meeting of bethel UD, Order of Job's Daughters, Thursday evening, visitors present were Misses Hemingway Winner Pulitzer Fiction Prize New York (AT The Pulitezr Prize in fiction for 1953 Mon day was . awarded to Ernest Hemingway for hU "The Old Man and The Sea." The drama award was given to, "Picnic" by William Inge, Broadway hit play with a setting in the author's native Midwest. Meritorious public service awards went to The White ville, N. C, News reporter and The Tabor City, N. C, Tribune for their successful campaign against the Ku Klux Klan. David J. Mays won the bio graphy award for hi book, Edmund Pendleton," 1721- 1803, The history award was won by George Dangerfleld's "The Era of Good Feelings." The poetry prize went to Archibald MacLelsh for his collected poems, 1917-1952. There was no music award. Don ' Whitehead of The Associated Press won the national reporting award his second Pulitzer Prize for his article entitled "The Great Deception," the story of his trip to Korea with President Eisenhower just before the inauguration. The International reporting prize went to Austin Wehr wein of The Milwaukee, Wis., Journal; for a series of articles on Canada. The editorial writing award was given to Vermont Con necticut Royster of The Wall Stree Journal. Edward D. Kuekes, Cleve land, O., Plain Dealer, won the cartoon award. Th.e . news photography prizes was won by William M. Gallagher of the Flint, Mich., Journal His picture showed ex-governor Adlat E. Steven son campaigning for president with hole In his shoe. Bui ran Grah Island Athens, Greece (P) I&fense Minister Panayotis Canellopou los said today that Bulgarian troops under fire from Greek forces have again occupied the small island of Gamma. In the Evros river between Greece week to ana Bulgaria. Up and Down By SAM DAWSON New York, W) Prices are moving on a two-way street this week as buyers and sellers adjust to new business condi tions. Stock prices have made their best advance of the year this week but corporate bond prices have slumped because traders think their yields are too - low in . new day of dearer money. The cost of U.S. treasury borrowing Jumped again this week to a new 20-year high on 91-day bills and the price of treasury bonds have slipped to record lows. Mortgage Interest rate' are going up but the government reports that fewer new homes have been started so far this spring than last. The supply of money for mortgages is tight, even though the demand for it isn't quite as high as year ago. Commodity prices have staged the broadcast advance of the year but in the market place price weakness is re ported for such items as milk and potatoes. Fork prices have been climb' lng at -the butcher shops but the supply of beef is at rec ord high arid price bargains in that meat dot the grocery ads. Prices on some steel prod ucts have been raised and U. S. Steel stockholders were told Monday that further, price boosts on finished products are being planned but the same day a major truck maker, In ternational Harvester, cut re- tall prices on one line of Its trucks (it takes a lot of steel to make them) by$87 to $152. Soviet General Dice Moscow ff Soviet newspa pers reported today the death of Air Force Lt. Gen. Nikolai Buyanskii after short illness. -He was 52. arYjosiptJ" i MB CHUPM it mi! muiwvwTiaa ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT H & H GROCERY FOLGERi znttm PAY YOUR FUEL OIL BILL By the 10th To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charge service. UlEH HIE Oil DUMB. CREDIT ASSOCUTION Jerrle Wilson, Joanne Jansen and Sarah Winslow of Port land bethel No. 41, and Mrs. Jean Yeo of Oregon City, grand guardian of Oregon. Next meeting of the group will be at the Scottish Rite temple, May 14, at 7:30 o clock.-- I I i ii Journal Want Ads Pay MAY CARNIVAL OF VALUES! ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY 1 60 NO. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, OREGON FREE PARKING SHOPPER'S UR PARK S. High at Ferry :' or ' " MARION UR PARK So. Commercial and Ferry OUTSTANDING BUY! ORLONS! Tf?IT7ifljiiir ON THE HIGHWAY THE BEST WAY IS.., EYHOUHD I Special Purchase! tjSft !'' 9nno sets 160 NO. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, ORE. NO SALES TO DEALERS 10 PC. FAMILY COMB SET BUY A SET FROM YOUR FAVORITE CLERK SET F 1 "" "- g - "mm TT ' s X .. : ijilllll'lliilimmllUtlllfllHalllllllllllll; f llllllllllllllll iiiil , ; -c- ajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHinv Cm J . ; milium i!imnmMl.tUlH"lnmu1 ? rnmsm- Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays till 9 p.m. : VS B f t 1 MM 1 11 mp pnrru 4 -S I t II E 1 I II HO XOI I II 1 II I II 1000 PR. NYLONS RESIST SUN, MILDEW, DRY QUICKLY!? KEEP THEIR SHAPE I MARQUISETTE PRISCILLAS Scoop up a houseful and see your borne look as fresh as garden in May! Marie to see magic to care for, too. No hrink-l ing, 6 raffles. Eggshell. DOWNSTAIRS STORE U 96"xST", 14.88 QRGANDIES! ALL FIRST QUALITY! DIAMOND HEEL 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER SOxtl" i Invitation to a breeze to I spend the 'summer in your I home! Airy frills to trans- I form a room into a garden! ! I 6" ruffles, white, green, rose, maize, blue. DOWNSTAIRS STORE V Filmy ' aheer and Penney high qual ity, these nylons give you good lit, , long wear . .. . at extra savings . . . Brown or Black .; heel. Sizes 8-U.', MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP WOMEN'S RAYON SUITS $JI3 SPRING STYLES sHf SECOND FLOOR ONE GROUP WOMEN'S PLAID JACKETS ALL WOOL $5 SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S SAILCLOTH SHORT SLACKS ( 988 SIZES 10-12 ' fist SECOND FLOOR ONE GROUP WOMEN'S " Cotton Plisse Robes 377 SIZES 10-20, 40-44 SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S COTTON PRINT HOUSE FROCKS $J1 SIZES 14-20, 38-44 DOWNSTAIRS STORE MAY CARNIVAL OF VALUES FEATURE SHORT COATS Beautiful oil wool checks and plaids in the seasons newest styles and colors. Large selection of misses sizes to choose, from. Sizes 10-18. MAIN FLOOR MEN'S FADED BLUE DENIM SLACKS 2 pr. $7 DATTU DrVKTTC. . -aT MAIN FLOOR V MEN'S COTTON KNIT POLO SHIRTS GAUCHO STYLE , ,., MAIN FLOOR $1 SPECIAL PURCHASE! FLOUR SQUARES BLEACHED - EX. LARGE MEZZANINC 4 for PERCALE and BROADCLOTH YARDAGE GOOD SELECTION MEZZANINE 2Su OUTSTANDING BUY! PLASTIC DRAPES M Of FULL WIDTH DOWNSTAIRS STORE CRAVENETTE TREATED SHEEN GABARDINE JACKETS 77 Handsome, In your cholca of favorite colon: Brown, navy, gold, greygreen. Water-repellent and crease resistant. Smartly tailored with rayon yoke and shirred elastlo at waist sides. Sizes 34-46. MAIN FLOOR mmm COLORFUL LOOP COTTON RUGS Brighten up for summer cool off for summer and save now! 3 ply yarn with non-skid bacta In a wide selection of decorator colors. $ DOWNSTAIRS STORE www- FEATURE! SMART STREAMLINED LUGGAGE BUYS Fashionable Luggage of plastic leather cloth. Luxuriously lined, has dust rim for snug closing, set-in locks, metal frame handles. Distinctive stripe design. MAIN FLOOR $ 1 21 "WEEK-END STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.; FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. i T 31 en ei :,i M m L l y v ts m ' n is IK