Past THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRK FISCHER fatiMSMBSt! MissRaschko Mr. Krebs To Be Wed The engagement of Miss Marlene Baschko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kaschko, to Ronald Krebs, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Krebs, Is being an- nounced this evening. The news is being told at party given for a group of col lege friends at Maryinursi. No date is set for the wed' din. The bride-elect is a former student at Marylhurst college and is now an X-ray technician In Salem. Mr. Krebs attended Portland university. MRS. WAYNE STANTON entertained the ways and means committee of the Pythi an Sisters, Centralis temple, at . Her home Monday morning. Attending were Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mrs. Clifford Schultx, Mrs. Trllla Oatman, Mrs. Her- ' man Bergner, Mrs. Doris Stan ton, Mrs. w. G. Thomas, Mrs. Tom Romalne, Mrs. William cowman, Mrs. Frank Koisay, Jr., and the hostess. ' District Event To Be in Salem Delegates and visitors from Montana State college, Mon tana State university, Univer sity of. Oregon, Oregon State college, Portland alumnae and Willamette university will at tend the Delta Gamma prov ince convention planned in Sa- . lem May 19, 16 and 17. ' Salem alumnae- of the so rority and the active chapter at Willamette are hostesses for the event. -, Mrs. F. Gordon Reynolds of Missoula, Mont., is province alumnae chairman,' Mrs. Ivan Traynor of Eugene, province secretary. Mrs. Lloyd Hammel Is chair man from Salem alumnae for the meeting and Miss" Gayle XJpdyke is Chairman from the active chapter. ' . Hostess to Group Mrs. Harry Buckley of Portland entertained at lunch eon on Saturday, a group of her close friends attending the event at the Marlon hotel, Invited were Miss Dorathea Steusloff, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mrs. John Minto, Mrs. ver non Gllmore, Mrs. H. H. Bar low and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr. MR. AND MRS. John L. Wehrll are receiving congratu lations on the birth of a daughter, Friday, May 1, at Salem General hospital. The baby, who has been named Elaine Marie, has a sister, Sharon Kay. The grandpar ents are Mrs. Elroy Nash, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton and the . great-grandmother is Mrs. J. M. Dickinson. Two Parties In Farewell Two affairs are on the so cial calendar this week to hon or Mrs. Louis Gerllnger, who is moving to Portland to live. On Thursday, Mrs. R. H. Baldock is to entertain at a luncheon for Mrs. Gerllnger, bridge to be played during the afternoon. Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Harry S. Dorman are to entertain at an informal cof fee on Wednesday, May 13, at the Brand home to honor Mrs. Gerlinger. Taylors Are Feted To honor Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Taylor on their 25th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Castle were hosts at their country home to group of relatives and friends. Sunday afternoon. The lace covered table was centered with a large heart- shaped wedding cake baked by Mrs. Florence Fox and Mrs. Mary Castle, cousins of Mrs, Taylor. Serving were Mrs. Rosa Adams, and Mrs. Flora Martin, aunts of Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were presented with gifts of silver. Honoring the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Edwards, Mrs. Nannie Cannoy, Mr. and Mrs. James Best, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Grlce, Mr. and Mrs. Arba Martin and Ardith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Ostle, Jon and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blankly, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Boehmer and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Cannoy, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martin, Victor Jr., Alan and - Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cattle, Mr. and Mrs. A. D'Eagle and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. William Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Thorn, Charles Schwartz and Frank Schwartz. Mothers Elect New president of the Mc- Kinley school Mothers club is Mrs., Robert W. Fenix. Other officers elected at the meeting Monday evening were Mrs Charles Mills, vice-president; Mrs. Emery Hobbs, treasurer; Mrs. Victor Palmason, record ing secretary; Mrs. Lewis P. Campbell, Jr., corresponding secretary. -Mrs. M. H. Saffron Is the outgoing president. WOMAN'S BENEFIT asso ciation wil meet Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Avis Perrine, 1246 Center. Mem bers of other reviews are in vited to attend, refreshments to follow the meeting. . Mrs. Jones President OtSpinsters New officers for Salem Spin sters club are announced fol lowing the meeting of the group, Monday evening, at the home of Miss Janet Kirk. Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr., is president of the group and serving with her will be Mrs, Delwyn Kleen, vice president; Miss Phyllis Johnsen, corres ponding secretary; Miss Sue Rawllnson, recording secre tary; Miss Mary Louise Lee, treasurer; Miss Luella Camp bell, recorder. Miss Antoinette Kuzmanich is the retiring -president. Plans were made for the group's annual silver tea, Thursday, May 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William L, Phillips, Sr. Mrs. John - P. Maulding and Miss Evelyn Johnson are co-chairmen for the tea. Garden Club Plans Events Two flower shows are on the calendar for spring for Sa lem Garden club members. One will be for the benefit of the Salem YWCA building fund, IMss Ellen Quail In charge. The other will be the Gar den Council flower show in. May, Mrs. N. E. Edwards rep resenting the Garden club in this event. ' , Featuring the meeting yes terday were talks by several members on favorite flowers and plants. The prizes for the best ar rangement set up at the meet ing went to Mrs. Walter Mar tin and Mrs. T. E. Borkman. The surprise table was ar ranged by Mrs. Arthur Martin. Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr.. arranged the tea table. It was covered with a pink organdy cloth and featured white and lavender lilacs. Pouring were Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Walter Martin. Council Elects Trl-Y Inter-club Council of ficers were elected on Mon day, Jane Barlow heading the roster of officers who will take over in the fall. Sandra Carter is vice-presi dent; Anne Tarem, secretary; Leonore Nleswander, treasur er; Judy Bancroft, worship; Jollne Matthew, service; Jane Moorefield, finance; Barbara Bostrack, camp and confer ence; Kay Ruberg, program; Anne Heltzel, publicity; Mary Lou Hasting, social chairman. MRS. TRENT HENDREN (Shirley Evensizer) left by train May 3 for New York City where she will spend two days before sailing aboard the S. S. United States May 8. She is going to Scultharpe, Eng land, to join her husband who is stationed there with the Air Force. WOMEN'S fellowship of the Knight Memorial church plans a tea at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the church. CHANCELLOR club is meet ing on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. at the Catholic Center. The dance class is to follow. I r' "L 7-1 " t ' r x ( r 7 , , W f t s ? f , i . ' ' f lit f'i " v Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham were mar ried April 26 at the Woodburn Immanuel Lutheran church. Mrs. Graham is the former Joyce Graham of Woodburn. Mr. Graham, a marine, will return to duty in Florida May 15, and Mrs. Graham will join him after completing her senior year at Woodburn high school. (Alyce Studio, ' Woodburn.) mm Elizabeth Arden creates PINK perfection remarkable new eolor neTer before seen on lip or fingertips. llsgU LlptticVt In nnc rtaracnon nd riRK rnracnon nos ...... 1.00, 1.50 Cteim Rou ia nm raartonoif . . . I SO, 2.50 Niil Uojaw ia nix raancnon ....... 1 00 rTu JMQfCAt CVMVM r JPBK wDwPBEm ssfeff gflM Amaranth Event Monday Evening Many were honored at the meeting of Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth, on Mon day. Escorted were Mrs. Na dane Janes of Portland and Don Patton, grand royal ma tron and patron of Oregon; Robert Ostrom of Seaside, past supreme royal, patron; Mrs. James Manning, Earl Beeson of Eugene and Francis Hinkle, appointive grand officers; Har vey Aston and Jay Hewitt of Eugene, past grand royal pa trons; Mrs. Charles Hunt of Eugene, grand associate ma tron; Mrs.. Lauette Norton of Eugene, grand wisdom; Mrs. William , Wilson, grand stan dard bearer; Mrs. Carl Shet terly of Portland, grand lec turer; Mrs. R. Lee Wood, as sociate grand lecturer; Carl Shetterly of Portland, grand trustee; Mrs. Gay Zimmerman of Gresham, grand crown bear er; Ray Johnson, Mrs. James Barrell and Lynn Harris of Eugene, grand representatives. Mrs. Don Patton and Joseph Johnston, Junior past royal matron and patron of Hanna Rosa court; Mrs. Charles Mc Cabe ' and Robert Nickens, royal matron and patron of Cherry court; Mrs. Gladys Valentine and Alfred Sorg, royal matron and patron of Willamette court in Eugene Ronald Kern, royal patrons of Washington court in Portland, Past matrons and patrons were also escorted. Mothers of the court were honored at this meeting, Mrs. R. Lee Wood representing the group. All the ladies were given a plant by the royal ma tron and patron. Mr. and Mrs. Don Patton were honored, their 20th anniversary being next Wednesday. During the' refreshment hour, Mrs. Maude Presnall and Mrs. Don Patton poured at a. lace covered table decorated with spring flowers. . Breakfast Saturday For Mothers Group' An annual event In Eugene next Saturday is the break fast to be given at the Univer sity of Oregon Erb Memorial Student Union. Parents who plan to attend Mother's Week-end festivities are reminded to obtain tickets for the event, either by send ing to Erb Memorial or by having .their son or daughter pick them up for them, re ports Mrs. John R. Caughell, state president of the Mothers. ALPHA DELTA PI alumnae are to meet on Friday evening of this week at the home of Mrs. Lewis D. Clark ' with Mrs. A. L. Pfelfer as co-hostess. A CLEANING REPAIRING RESTYLING Tri Deltas Name New Officers rioH. Delta Delta alumnae of Salem elected new officers at their meeting Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Ken neth Carlson. Mrs. C. R. Nelson was named president; Mrs. George C. Hug gins, Jr., vice president; Mrs. Robert Nichols, secretary; Mrs. William Gash, treasurer. Plans were made for a breakfast- some time this month. Attending the meeting were Mrs. J. M. Morris, Mrs. Wil liam Gash, Mrs. George C. Hnoslna .Ir Mr J. Ft Cor- lette, Mrs. . Arthur Erickion, Mrs. Dewey nana, Mrs. u. i;. Moore, Mrs. Robert Nichols, Mrs. Kalph Mercer, Mrs. cnar les Clarke, Mrs. William J. Braun, Mrs. Walter Socolofsky, Mrs. Carlisle B. Roberts, Mrs. Wilfred Cole, and Mrs. Carl son. AAUW Plans May Meeting Members of the board for Sa lem branch of the American Association of University Women met last evening at the home of Mrs. J. B. Beck, Mrs. Gordon Skinner as co-hostess. , Miss Eleonor Roberts an nounced that the modern dance group from Oregon State col lege will be here as the special entertainers for the meeting of the AAUW on May 14. The meeting will be at Baxter hall and will honor senior women at Willamette university. The branch also will elect officers that night. , , Miss Olive M. Dahl was named delegate for the Salem branch at the national conven tion in Minneapolis; June 22 26. Mrs. Robert Y. Thorton, now of the Salem branch and the state president of AAUW, also plans to attend the convention. Plan Trio ' r 1 , Leaving saiem on Daiurunjr for a visit to San Mateo, Calif., are Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Yetter and their daughter, Miss Mil dred Yetter. They will be guests of the Yetter's son, lx. Cmdr. D. A. Yetter, and fam ily. Miss Yetter, president of Salem unit of the Business and Professional Women's club, will be in Grants Pass on May 14 for the state convention of the organization. MEETING Saturday at the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock will be Salem chapter. Order of Eastern Star. Members will observe Mothers day with special, program. Tuesday, May . 8j Mrs. Beane to Head Alumnae i n.. alumnae of Mrs. RobertR. Biw Mrs. George aeane ed president of the group end Mrs' Ernest Hobb. was ned corresponama K,Vn to fill vacan- iwv cles in the two oni" CLOSE OUT TAPE RECORDER 2 Speed Portable With Automatic Shut Off Wot $189.95 Now$13475 Single Speed Portable Was $123.25 Now $86" TWO LOCATIONS: Mirtic Center, Capitol Shopping District Oregon Bldg., State & High 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 AROUND THE CLOCK SUMMER COTTON PIQUE ALWAYS A BRIGHT BUY Wide circle skirt flares full ever Its own ruffled net pittlcoat. Critp white pique In douk lines for a freth, gay note on all-tummer standby. Delicate atl-over Schiffll embroidery like cool teed frosting. Cardigan neckline bound with contrast eolor perfect foil for gay scarfs or )ewelry. Save cleaning bills It washes Irons never loses Its timeless good looks. Turquoise, maize or rose en frosty white. Misses' (lies 12 to 18. 15.98 Wotk er 5 2ba MAY 10 NEXT SUNDAY Remember Mom! QUEEN OF YOUR HEAR! . COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS, WRAPPING RIBBONS AND GIFT PAPERS , Suggestions for Mother's Day Gifts As Noted in Miller's ; Gift Shop FOSTORIA CRYSTAL GLASS BAVARIAN CHINA DINNER SETS (Open itock) COLORFUL WATER AND FRUIT SETS BONE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS CREAMER AND SUGAR SETS HAND-PAINTED METAL SERVICE TRAYS POTTERY AND BRASS FLOWER BOWLS ' BOXED STATIONERY AND NOTE PAPER PEWTER AND WALL PLATES Shop Thruogh Miller's Beautiful Gift Floor For Other Mother's Day Gift Suggestions. Thousands of Them on Display! The PRINCESS Jewel Case It's t charming gift .-. . from its rich leather-grain Texol cover to its shimmering rayon satin and wlvet lining . . . with a ring slot and an earnng oar to hold her gems p proudly. Jade Green. Rose. Blue or Ssnd V? Other Famngtox Fashions from tljiO to $12.50 fashioned by Jamtufton S5 Vi V8& fl- 1 Gift $! Shop X $!. M M. Tax