Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 05, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, May 5, 1953
Local Paragraph
Panel Quota William S
Van Meter, chairman of the
drive, aald Monday that the
$6000 goal tot Marlon County'i
Easter, 6eal fund for the bene
.' fit of Oregon Society for Crip-
pled Children and Adults wai
exceeded by $104, with lome
icuiw jrvb fcu i-UMH, 111, jrom
the funds collected a
' tion of over $500 will go to
ward purcnase of an Isolette
uivuubiw lur omen, ueneral
hospital, which ii estimated to
cost 93UU. ,
Expectant Mothers A class
for expectant mothers, soon-
sored by the Marion County
Health Department, will start
at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday at
206 Masonic building. Classes
will be held each Wednesday
afternoon during May, except
for one evening session May
20 , when expectant fathers
will be asked to accompany
their wives. Much of the dis
cussion will cover things to do
In nrHpi in CO VAnrl., 4A 4k.
... tt- uj v MIC
new baby. Actual demonstra
tions will be given on how to
care for the new arrival after
the baby arrives. The film
"Labor and Child Birth" will
be shown.
Lions Club Speaker Oscar
Hagg, dairy marketing special
ist from Oregon State coUege,
will address the Salem Lions
club during their luncheon at
the Marion Thursday noon. He
will discuss dairying and Its
Impotrance to local agriculture
and Industry. Hagg,- In com
pany with a number of dairy
manufacturers, is touring Ore
gon laying plans for June dairy
month. Marion county is the
leading dairy area in Oregon
with growing interest In dairy
Burglary Reported Bur
glary of the office of McCall's
used car lot, 1297 State street,
Sunday night was reported to
city police Monday by car
lot officials. Investigating of
ficers said entry was made by
breaking out a small pane of
glass in the door to unlock It
from the inside. Drawers and
cabinets were ransacked and
cars on the lot were prowled
out apparently nothing was
' Day Proclaimed Thursday,
May 14, has been officially
set apart as Armed Forces day
i in Salem in a proclamation by
Mayor Al Loucks.
: Historical Society The
May meeting of the Marion
County Historical . Society
will be held next Monday
night at 8 o'clock at Salem
Public Library. Constance D.
Weinman, audio visual aide
supervisor for the Salem pub
lic schools, will discuss "Early
Salem Public Schools," which
is the title of a thesis for her
master's degree at the Univer
sity of Oregon. ,
Treasurer's Report The
monthly report of County
Treasurer S. J. Butler shows
total assets of $4,684,688.69.
The report shows that the pub
lic assistance fund has been re
duced to $1,953.80 and that
$1,249,719.86 remains in the
court house construction fund.
American POW
(Continued from Page 1)
. n
. 70(4
. V.
. 13
. a
.155 V.
. ItV,
. 3114
. MH
. tSH
. 42
. 2tt
. 1
. 15H
. 2SK
, 85
i SB
, 19
, 29
, 8
(Br The Associated prun
Admiral corporation
Allltd Chemical
Allli Chilmir,
American Airlines
American Power & Llcb
American Tel ft Tel
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Atchlion Rallrvad
Bethlehem Steel ,
Boeing Airplane Co.
Bora Warner
Burrows Addlns afachU
vauiornie a'acaine ...
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celanes. corporation
Chrysler Corporation
Cities SerYlce
Consolidated Edison
Consolidated Vultet
crown zellerbach
Curtlss Wrliht
nsutlas Aircraft
Du Pont de Nemours Stitt
Eastman Kodak 44
Emerson Radio . 11
nanaral Blectrla 72
Oeneral Foods S4H
eneral Motors 03 K
Georgia Pac. Plrwood is
fliMwlyear Tire 68
Komestake Mining Co. a4
Tntarnatlnnal Harvester 2B
International Paper
Johns Manvllle M
Kiljur Aluminum 37ft
Kenneeott Copper jh
Libbr McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft '
T ..... Tn.nrnnratMl 13
Lon Bell J
Montgomery Ward ;
Naah Kalvlnator 23 V
m.m Vnrlr f?antral .... .........a 33
Northern PaclfH
Paclfio American Pish ln
Paclflo Oaa ft Electrls 31H
Fertile Tel ft Tel 11V
Packard Motor car o
Penney. 1. C
Punnivlvanla R. R. 31
o.n.i nnt no 14H
Phlleo Radio 33V4
Radio Corporation 2BJ4
D.nnlr lneorn 3wn
Raronler Incorp. PId 33,
OnmiKllA At.,1 49
D.aanUl Mat.l. 524
RlRhfleld OH B8ft
c.f.wB- Tne. .. ............. 33
Scott Paper Co "J
near,. Roebuck ft Co 8B
"...v..,. nil 33
Southern Pacific J
Standard OH Calif.
Standard Oil N.J ?
DI.,J.k.v. I-.r. .......... OT
.......... O-T.
Sunshine Hlnlnc .
Swift ft Company
Transamerlca Cor
16 M
. 3.
.103 14
, 3UH
Twentieth Century Pol
Union Oil company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
tl.llul Air-raft
United Corporation J J
United States Plywood
n.iiaH ci. I., steel 391,
o,;,..a 161
..... it
Western Union Tel. ...
Westlnshouse Air Brak.,
Westlnshoute Electric ..
Woolworth ,
New York W) The stock market
eased ahead with difficulty Tuesday In
.w. - , i a, Monday's bit fains.
a The adance went to arround a point
it the best. The downside was held to
less than a point in n .-.
Tradln. slacked off In the foon
brlnslng the total for the day to mm-
im.tari 1.300.000 shares. That compares
with 1.820,000 shares traded Monday
Alaska Legislator Vllsts
Charles Fagerstrom, who was
graduated 23 years ago from
Salem Indian School at Che
mawa, was a visitor on the
campus Monday. He is mem
ber of the bouse of representa
tives In the Alaska legislature
from the Nome district.
Four Due Tuesday Four
men from this area are due to
arrive In San Francisco from
the Far East Tuesday aboard
the USNS Gen. M. C. Meigs.
The men are Cpl. Donald D.
Bauman, Grand Ronde; Pfc.
Robert L. Karris, Lebanon;
Sgt Donald J. Kuenzi, Salem;
and Cpl. M. L. Lake, Lyons.
Moles tine Charged Charles
W. Colton. 22. 2120 River Bend
road, was arrested Monday by
city police on a municipal
court warrant charging disor
derly conduct after a Salem
woman signed a complaint
charging that he molested her
In a downtown theater. Col
ton was in jail on a vagrancy
charge when the warrant was
Boy's Money Taken Most
of the collection money from
her son's paper route was
taken from a chest of drawers
in the dining orom of their
home Saturday - or Sunday,
Mrs. Doris , Willi ver, 1970
Maple avenue, reported to city
police. Taken was a $10 bill
and two $5 bills. Fourteen $1
bills were left.
Each was given the tradi
tional Hawaiian flower lei by
attractive Red Cross volun
teer workers. -
The usual troop of welcom
ing hula girls did not make
this early morning arrival but
Lt. Gen. John W. (Iron-Mike)
O'Daniel. U. S. army Pacific
commander, was there to wel
come them to American soil.
He has not missed a repatria
tion flight yet.
Taken to Hospital
The men were taken to
Tripler General hospital with
in 10 minutes af,ter the plane
pulled up to the ramp. There
they Joined thi 19 other lib
erated prisoners who arrived
Monday night. The men will
get a brief rest and examina
tion by army doctors before
being allowed to proceed
Only two of the liberated
captives remained in Tokyo
Capt. Zach Dean of Douglass,
Kan., having a second honey
moon with his wife there, and
Pfc. Clifford Smith of Lake
Charles, La., remaining for
further medical treatment.
Grease Burns City firemen
were called out about 10:30
Tuesday morning to extinguish
a grease fire on the stove at
the Parrish Food market,
across Capitol street from Par
rish junior high school. The
fire caused only minor dam
age to the kitchen.
Man Held Fred L. Comp
ton,303S Portland road, was
held by county officers Mon
day for Idaho authorities on
a charge .of non-support. He
was .arrested by state police
on a traffic violation and a
record check it was found that
he was wanted.
Favors Idaho
(Continued from rtq l)
Red Cross
(Continued from Page 1)
Dr. John A. Rademaker of
Willamette University, presi
dent of the Community Coun
cil, sponsor of the meeting,
presided. He read a letter
from Gov. Paul L. Patterson,
written prior to the governor's
departure for the presidents
conference, expressing his in
terest in the' project. A letter
from State Treasurer Sig Un
ander and Secretary of State
Earl Newbry was present to
express his readiness to do
anything in his power to help.
Silverton and Stayton were
also represented at the meet
ing. Cooparation In these
communities was promised.
It was announced that Sta
tion KGAE will put on an all
day radio program in behalf
of the blood program Satur
day, May 9 In order to help
raise funds. A souna uuck
will be placed on a downtown
corner from which the station
will broadcast.
Driver Held Wesley De-
Boer, The Dalles, was arrest
ed Tuesday morning by city
police on a reckless driving
charge. He was nr.ea jmdu in
municipal court Tuesday.
Circuit Court
Betty J. Lewis, admlnlitratrlx of
estate of Dora Keith Ts southern Pacific
Company and Oeoree Loni: Complaint
seeklni Judgment of 118,000 as the re
sult of collision between train and auto
mobile June 11, 1953.
' H. J. Bonla va J. J. Ounderman: Da-
fendant's demurrer to complaint based
on Insufficient facte.
The secretary said he be
lieves the government project
is generally leasiable from an
engineering viewpoint but he
However, we cannot be un
mindful of the probability that
the large appropriations neces
sary to start and complete the
work may not be available for
a considerable time.
'This would be of less signi
ficant consequence it the
Northwest were not now criti
cally short of power so neces
sary for its own economic well
being and also for the defense
For these reasons at least we
must, therefore, give serious
consideration to the proposal
of tHe Idaho Power Co. plan
to build dams on the Snake
River at Hells Canyon, Oxbow
and Brownlee.
Involved in the Hells Can
yon situation is tne govern
ment's position on whether pri
vate power companies should
be allowed to construct hyd
roelectric developments which
would prevent possible future
multi-purpose reclamation projects.
McKay's predecessor, Demo
crat Oscar Chapman, interven
ed in the case before the Power
Commission. He opposed the
application of the Idaho Power
Co. for a license for a 23 mil
lion dollar hydroelectric pro
ject at the Oxbow site on the
Snake River.
Chapman contended licens
ing of the Oxbow project would
prevent future construction of
the proposed Hells Canyon
Dam. Water which would be
backed up by the federal pro
ject would Inundate the Ox
bow site..
Originally the Idaho Power
Co. said in connection with its
Oxbow application that it con
templated constructing five
low hydroelectric dams on the
Snake. Chapman contended
these would provide no active
water storage for flood control
and navigation.
The company later presented
an alternative proposal under
which three dama would be
built instead of five, with pro
vision for storage of about one
million acre feet of water.
Chapman told Congress the
mammoth Hells anyon project
which has not been authoriz
ed would provide about 4,-
400,000 feet of water storage,
of which 3,880,000 would be
usable for power, flood control,
navigation and other purposes.
Power revenues from - the
federal project, estimated by
opponents to cost more than
400 million dollars, would be
used to aid irrigation develop
ment In the Snake River basin.
James Street
Hearing Dated
A further hearing in connec
tion with the proposed Im
provement of James street was
ordered for 10:30 a.m. May 14
by the county court Tuesday
after a discussion with two
persons who had signed the
petition for grading, graveling
and hard surfacing.
After the announcement
some time ago that the court
would not sanction hard sur
facing at this time, several of
the petitioners asked that their
names be stricken from the
The court has adopted the
policy of a waiting period be
tween grading and hard sur
facing In order that the grade
may settle sufficiently to eli
minate possibility of deterio
ration of the pavement.
If the project is dropped at
this time, there must be a
lapse of 12 months before a
second petition for improve
ment can be made legally.
It Is believed some of those
who asked that the project be
dropped may reconsider when
the situation is fully explained.
Recent contracts let under
the Bancroft act have been
lower than the estimates. This
is In contrast to bids of a year
ago which were considerably
higher than the surveyor's figures.
Officer in Collision A
police motorcycle suffered
minor damage in a collision
with a car driven by Clarke E.
Lee, 2010 . South , , Cottage
street, Monday afternoon. Lee
was backing from a downtown
parking spot and said he did
not see the motorcycle stop
ped behind him. Officer Mar
ion Brown was on the cycle.
Player Loses Valuables
Someone took his billfold and
watch from the clubhouse at
Waters field Sunday during
a ball game, Bill Nelson, 2120
River Bend road; reported to
city police. About $45 and
personal papers were in the
billfold, he said. The watch
was a 17-jewel wrist watch.
Nelson Is a player on the Sa
lem Senators baseball club,
Pat B
Chamber Will
Move June 1
A definite decision' was
reached by the Chamber of
Commerce board of directors
Monday to move to the Pacific
Building, to make the move
about June 1.
For two years the chamber
ha been located in the Sena
tor hotel. The new location
wlU be 148 South High, which
is just north of the Elsinore
Theater and In space now oc
cupied by the Christian Sci
ence reading room, which also
will move to a new location.
Russel Pratt, chamber pres
ident, said more space would
be available to the chamber
In the new location. On the
street level it space 20x80
feet, carpeted and otherwise
well furnished, and there It
more space on ' a mezannlne
floor and In the basement that
can be used.
.lew Foreign
(Continued from Page 1)
Ray McLaughlin ts Ruby A. Uc
Xieushlln: Oeoree of divorce to plaintiff.
Buraoyne Motors ts Alfred W. Bur-
corn, and Dorothy Buraoyne: uemurrcr
by Alfred w. Buraoyno oases on usuiii
dent facts.
D. Par, Procter Ti ZVerett Procter
Divorce decree to plaintiff providing
that defendant nay ISO monthly support.
Property settlement ratified.
State vi William Sherman: Five year
probation (Ivan April It, 1241 on lar-
oeny charte revoked and defendant
(ranted credit of ltd years served In
state penitentiary.
Genevieve O. Scott vs Lawrence D.
Scott: Divorce decree to plaintiff (Ives
her custody of three minor children
under JuvenUe department supervision,
$210 monthly support and ownership of
real and personal property.
O. t. OlUlsple vs Thomas Tretheway:
Complaint seek!n( $20,300 damases In
connection with logging accident.
Wilfred Raymond chaussee vs Dona
Lee Chaussee: Divorce deoree to plain
tiff wlUi court retaining Jurisdiction
over minor child which is (tven to plain
tiff. Personal property awarded plaintiff.
Probate Court
James Head Ideen estate: Hearing on
final account set for June t.
Charley Rosa Oliver (state:
Ray I. MaeLaushlln estate: Order
provided for wtdow'e allowance of 11000
a month for next 19 monthe.
Oaylord Krnest Berlnaer (state: Order
appointlna K. L. and X. F. Kubin as
additional appraisers.
ADKLMAN-To Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Adelmsn, Rt. 1. Oervals, a boy. May4.
rrrzPATnicK-To Mr. -
art Pltspatrlca, Rt. I, Sox 34, Oervals,
K06TINBORDER To Mr. and Mrs.
Witllsm Kostenborder, 47S1 Skyline Rd,
VALLADAREar To Mr. and Mrs. Vie
toi vauadares, W a. W"
BELOARD To Mr. and Mra. Harold
Belsard. Rt. 1. Wlllamina, a boy, May .
DIOKSOK-To Mr. and Mrs. I-"0"
Dickson, H8 8. commercial St a
BEROER To Mr. and Mrs. David
Berxer, M0 . 8th St.. Slrt, M
iiv.a.nii nnivrrll.
archer To Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Archer, Molalla, a boy. May
Steele-To Mr. and Mrs. Oatold
Steele, a drl, May S.
African Violets, in bloom.
Reasonable. 795 West Mad-
rona. "
Rummage and plant sale.
Thiirsdav and Friday. First
Congregational church. 108
Moving and storage across
tKestreet, across the nation.
Call Russ Pratt, Capital City
ransfer Co.- 107
rustle Permanent Wavers,
305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-3683.
Permanents $5 and up. Ruth
Ford, Manager. 107
Good rummage. Thursday,
Mav 7. over Greenbaums. 0 to
4: , 108'
Wonted Plot at Belcrest
for four. State location, price,
Box 84 Capital Journal. 108'
Fresh killed hen turkey,
39c lb. We also sell turkeys
by the piece. Orwigs Market,
3975 Silverton Rd., Phone
Joseph A. Bernard! estate: Order fix
Ins June $ as time for nearlnx final
Rose S. Carroll conservatorship:
ond annual report of conservator.
Assumed business name certificate of
Willamette Valley Aviary filed by Carl
A. snelllnff, Route 3, Turner.
Brown E. Slaaon suardtanshlp: Re
port of sale of real property In Lebanon.
Marriage License
Robert Lee Addinxton, as, electricians
helper. Albany, and Beverly Alice An-
drews, 17, student, Jefferson.
Harold W. Hanson, 24, ski lodse op
erator, and Oeraldlne M. Lundy, 38,
both ot 1812 Hasel avenue.
While the request is $1,772,
000,000 less than former Pres
ident Truman made, in his fare
well budget for the year start
ing July 1, it ttlll It higher
than many congress members
seem willing to go.
"The reduction is not as
great at many of us would like
to see," Dulles said, "having
regard to the need to balance
the budget, to re-establish our
currency and, eventually to re
duce taxes. The reduction Is,
nowever, at great as, in our
judgment, can be reconciled
with the essential security of
tne united states."
Testifying before joint set
sion ot the Seante and House
Foreign Affairs committees,
Dulles said there is no evidence
Russia's threat to the free
world hat diminished "or
will diminish in the foresee
able future."
The new foreign aid pro
gram, he said, Is "aimed at
retaining the initiative for
peace" which he said Presl
dent Elsenhower seized in his
foreign policy speech April IS.
Traffic Code
Violated by
Salem Rats
Maybe the etty administra
tion It going to go after the
rat nuisance by Using the
traffle code.
It seems that this Is the mi
gratory season for rata, and
In Salem they are moving In
two directions. That doesnt
help, because they dent mi
grate far enough either way.
. Besides that, the rata going
north use Commercial street
and these going tooth ate
Liberty, which Is reversal
of the one-way street system.
8o, at meeting ef the street
department heads today, It
was called to the attention of
Chief of Police Clyde War
ren. Many complaints at
reaching city officials about
rats, which teem to be mere
numerout than for several
yean. They are especially'
bad along the creeks, Jt It
said, which ta believed to be
because of the food that
residents leave en the creek
banka for wUd ducks.
And the rati not only steal
the food from the ducks.
They kill and eat the young
ducks as well. - ,
Squadrons Parade Four
squadrons In the ' Willamette
university AFROTC program
competed for honors Tuesday
afternoon on Sweetland field.
Judges consist of Edwin H.
Armstrong, administrative as
sistant to Gov. Paul L. Patter
son; Lt. Col. Chester Fritz and
Capt. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr.,
both of the air force reserve.
Squadron leaders were Cadet
First Lieutenants Donald Flsk,
Fresno, Calif.; Kenneth Coop
er, Seattle; William Colvard,
Pendleton and Joseph Harvey,
Salem. The winning squadron
will be awarded the Governor's
pennant at the president's re
view, May 19.
Special lataofoa&gty&Ste
by Dorolhy-Jray
il JNtU
Prlngle Elections A lunch
eon business meeting and elec
ilons will be held Wednesday
oy tne prlngle Women's club
at their club house. Since
will be the last meetlns be
fore fall, all members are urged
to attend, club officials
n.o- A-knnli4d A f
"""ft -- 'I .
Haag of Salem has been ap-,in 1951.
pointed to the Marion county I
board of equalization which
will meet May 11. The ap
pointment was made by Judge
Rex Hartley and Delmer Da
vidson, oldest member of the
budget committee of the Tal
bot area. Assessor Tad Shel-
ton and County Clerk Henry
Mattson will set In as advisers.
Persons having complaints to
make concerning the assessed
valuation of their property
must present them in notorized
form within a week after the
board convenes.
Bound Over John 'Payne,
1116 Nebraska street, pleaded
Innocent to a charge of bur
glary in district court Tues
day and waived preliminary
hearing. He was bound over
to the Marion county grand
Driver Fined Wesley X
Chrisman,. Arlington, Wash.,
was fined in district
court Tuesday on a drunk
driving charge and was jailed
In lieu of payment of the fine.
He was arrested on the charge
About 297.6, million tons of
freight were carried on the
inland waterways of America
rVa Baay aw( SWttrSg yasaeits as (exar m tQ aVn, .
' r mm tmiim, Mt fjaligasi sTiia Qrmml
swoti yoxaatjes, xeaxnajri .
V eUei" tajtwi ejjtrat me j 1 1 lfaas aaal
wrinkles... ..
Senate Passes'
(Oontlnued front Pace 1)
' yoaaaajer loot",
Hex, eeriM-yMl
Among the amendmenta bat-1
ted down to defeat was one by I
Sen. Malone.(R.-Nev.) to give!
all states the mineral rights In I
federal public lands. He termed I
tms an effort to "treat all I
states alike." It lost on a voice f
9 MvM 41 "deMwr tMk abfltapel tMoP I
' las. Ill lilslxsia. .fifc '
(SWasffMIKItJatsus VOsK HM eSVssni
Capital Drug Store
405 Stat St., Corner of Liberty
James Horton Wyatt, S, cabinet
maker, Portland, and Anna Loewen, 43,
beauty operator. 1B30 Trade street, Salem.
by. T. T. Lam, N.D. Or. O. Chan. HJ
Upstairs, Ml North Liberty
Office open Saturday only 10 a.m.
ta 1 P.m.. I to 1 p.m. ContultaUon,
blood prassura and urine tests are
frea of eherse. PracUced alnea ltlT.
Write for attractive slit. Ma (bU-
Savings Building
889 N. liberty AND STORAGE Ph. JS1S1
v ROUTE..?.
Make the motl of rour trip tt no more
cost) Luxuriate io superb scentry, ten
- Ice and food as 700 swing cut oa
Canadian Pacific through slcv-high
Canadian Rockies, prairies and
scroti the Great Lakes. Return any
U. S. rail route. Make reienrationi wiih
your local travel agent, or sea
.American Sank Ufa,, forttand M 2044
. n m ttt
(HeritJe t,J
It's easy fo save with
First Federal Savings.
You can save reg
ularly, occasional
ly, or invest large
sums to obtain
our above average
Your savings are
insured for safety
to $10,000.00 and
earn generous di
vidends twice a
They are available
and can be with
drawn without
r Dm. II, 191B $1,768,807
Deo. 11, 1850 SZ,M1,487
Dec. 31, 1951 $3,407,875
Dec. 31, 1952 $4,474,692
May 1, 1953 - $5,000,000
Dee. U, 1948 81,89,181
Dee. II,' 1880 fZ,0S9,8S8
Dec. 31, 1951 $1,138,044
Dec. 31, 1952 $3,878,126
May 3, 1953 - $4,343,039
Dec. 81. 1848 $1,498,556
Dec. 81, 1850 81,875,724
Dec. 31, 1951 $2,804,402
Dec. 31, 1952 $3,755,199
May 1, 1953 - $4,211,449
Dee. $1, 1948 82M.V08
Dec. 11, 1850 1200,000
' Dec. 31, 1952 $400,000
Dec. 31, 1952 $500,000
May 1, 1953 - $570,000
Sarlnp Building
f you're not saving
with First Federal
Savings now, we in
vite you to join us.
Try saving some
thing for yourself
out of what you
earn each month.
It's the a s i e s t
way to save the
surest way to fk
nancial security.
If you open your
account by May
10, y o u receive
earnings from
May 1st.
fftrtr tiiTW-WrififttrriifiiYiT