HI''"' Tuesday, May 5, 195S . fHE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Paw 17 DENNIS the MENACE WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS MAN wanti to rent or leaie good - hotue, would lit n one rear leaaf, par good rental, reitore prop erty In tint class condition. Need , three bedrooms, prefer felrlr well out. Olve location of house In reply. Write Box 80, Capital Journal. JalOT PURNISIIED HOUSE, man and wife. H. c. Osier, 171 So, 91st, Balem. JsllO FOR RENT BUSINESS BUILDINQ In Keller. In quire at Kelaer Beautr salon, 2-3278. J107 liARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture -Co. Phone 3-9185. J FOR RENT ROOMS BOOM WITH bath, close In. Gentleman. Phono 3-4761. . JH10T BUSINESS DISTRICT, aleeplni room. 25S Center. jklOS tV, KITCHEN privileges, sleeping room, I20.W per month. Phone 2-7830. JkllO" PLEASANT BOOM, 1 block from post office, 668 rerrr street. Jr.112' BICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Ladr. Hi No. Church. JkllO' SLEEPING BOOM for 1 or 2. Church. Phone 3-4338. 7S0 N. lkl07 FOR RENT HOUSES ROOM COTTAGE. Unfurnlehed, 4 blocks city center, state offices' and ahopplng center. Adults preferred. Available May list. 448 N. Cottage, 33444. Jmll2' 1 BEDROOM house, full basement. $43 month. West Salem. 4-4707. Jmioo ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, garage, 18th St., near Market, adults, no dogs, electrlo heat, Insulated. 888 month. Water, rent paid. 2-8484, Jrnlot t B O O M B unfurnished, storeroom. Adults. Phone 2-4818. 1806 No. 4th. Imll0 COMPLETELY furnished. Lovely for two. Can't duplicate for 348 . 3-8088. imlll' LOVELY NEW 1-bedroom duplex and ga rage, unfurnished except electric range. Couple only. East suburban. Reasonable. Phone 2-0010. JmlOB CLEAN 1-BEDROOM, living room, kltch en, dinette, attached garage. Adults. Garden. 337.80. 2-1328. Jmlll- CLEAN, MODERN, 1-bedroom house In court. Stove and refrigerator furn ished. Close to bus. Big back yard. Ideal for couple. See at 1846 N. Bth or Phone 2-7480. Jm- NICE TWO bedroom house. 0-as stove and automatic furnace. $4. 1639 State. Ohmart & Calaba, Rltrs. ImllO- ALMOST NEW 2 bedroom house, elec t.i,. r.n. hardwood floors, auto matin heat. Insulated. 2332 Maple Avenue. w1! fcKAT.r.v attractive 1 bedroom du- plex. Available June Bth, 460 N. Win ter. JmlOO' OFFICE FOR RENT POUR OB FIVE-ROOM suite. Building. Phone 3-4114. Oregon Jo1 GROUND FLOOR office or store space for rentjcaH Fjtts Markel. Jo? FOR RENT APARTMENTS I(UIH furnished apartment, garage, is So. 12th, 338 month. )P108 U N. SUMMER. Nice clean furnished 3 rooms and bath. Nice yard with lawn furniture. All utilities paid. 360. JplOO AVAILBABLE MAY IS Unfurnished duplex. One-bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen, nook and utility with washer and oner lurnianea. aii euuu id rooms with ample storage. Walk- In. distance to town and State Hou-ie. Phone 34430 evenings or see at 1066 Bellevua and make appointment. fp!09 DOWNTOWN, FIRST floor, 3 rooms, bath, prlvata entrance, 668 Center, Jpll3' S OB 4 ROOM furnlshtd court apart ment. Close In. 2-0646. JP109' FOR GENTLEMAN, 1-R. furnished apart ment, with refrigerator. 266 Center. Jrioa- FURNISHED bedrooms, troom apt. Ph. 46678. 1 lied. JplOB FURNISHED DUPLEX, 3 rooms, clean, Hollywood, adults, 3-3642, 1880 McCoy. THE PERFECT tiny apartment, for one person, and very nicely furnished. Rent within reason. Private entrance. Near General Hospital. 3261 Breyman. JP108 tiNruRNlRHKn. modern. 1-bedroom, oourt apartment, close to bus. Large lawn. Phone 2-3528. IP"' l-EOOM ground floor apartment, cue In. Lady preferred. 646 Perry. JP10I FURNISHED APT., by week or month. Utilities furnished. 2-6808. JP107 MICE. LARGE, furnished, 8-room, up atalrs apartment. Adults only. No pets Close to state buildings and shopping center. 830 Garnet Bt. pnone j-io. JP10H' l-ROOM furnished apartment, utilities furnished. Private entrance and bath Phone 4-ttm or 2310 Lansing Ave. Jplll I APARTMENTS, close In, adults. 760 N Church. Phone 4-3457. )Pin LIVING ROOM, dinette and kitchenette. Call after 8. 3-8666. - JP"" clean FURNISHED apt. Close In. Ph 45376. JPl" CLEAN 1 bedroom unfurn. except elec ranee, near bus. cannery. 3-6009. IP110 MODERN FURNISHED unit for a couple, Bo pets. 4368 South Pacific highway. CLOSE IN nice modern furnHhed 3 rnnm aoartment. Adults. P h O n - 36490. J"110 SALEM Housing Authority has recant units for qualified persons, inquire a Housing Olflce, 1200 B. 16th Bt. JPIOIV PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults, fee. Portland Road. 11 MODERN, unfurnished 1 room apt 1140 B. nth. bedroom JpU3' l.REDROOM furnished apartment, HoJ. iai mat. Arfulta. Phone 3-6300 JP1081 arfri v ri'BVtallEn 3-room. bath .....mi riAA. i .Mm- kitchenette. 884 By Kercncm FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM NICE apartment. Private bath. 686 N. Church. Phone 34746. JpU7 ttlM Furnished l-rm. apt., utilities IP107 paid. 340 Division. 45938. NICELY FURNISHED apartments: Am bassador Apts. 550 No. Bummer. Jp SEVERAL furnished apartments, food location. Inqulro H. I Stiff Furniture. Phone 1-9185. Jp LOST & FOUND LOST Young black spanlal dog. Very timid. White on paws and chest. Kel ler district. Phone 2-6166. kl09 MISCELUNEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE VODRBELP SAVE M PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 811 COURT ST. PHONE J-1M1 PAOE STEVENSON Bad AL HEP FORD SALKll SAND at GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sowar and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Daya 3-8408 - Bras. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem, Oregon . m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY 8EMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State As Commercial Bte. SALEM PH. 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS SPECIAL STRAND v STEEL GARAGE DOORS WITH HARDWARE 856.50 by T) , , HI FREE DELIVERY x7 16x7 DRAYTON LUMBER CO. PH. 2-4302 mal07 BARN PAINT, white, Oal 62.00 BARN PAINT.grar, gal 82 00 BARN PAINT, red, gal 32.00 BARN PAINT, green, gal 82.00 Norris Walker Paint Co. 1718 N. Front - Salem Ph. 4-2279 mslol REDUCED $8.00 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater lo-H.P. outboard Motor. 3-speed shut automatic starter. Starting price April 14th, $286.50 MAY 6th $191.50 Keith BrownLumber Yd. Front 4s Court St. Phone 1-911! WE GIVE t. as H. GREEN STAMPS ma1 Building? New weatherstrlpped windows, com pletely assembled, hundreds In stock ready to go, 114 up. New picture window, M-JO New doors 2'8"x6'8" $5.50 3-tab thlckbutt rooting IJ.95 Unpalnted cedar eheke, .15.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete . 335.50 New 20"X18" wash basins 117.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete . . .168.50 New shower cabinets, complete. 643 00 Colored bath eeu B,r"!" BOO-gal. steel septlo tank 362.50 .ll nln. . 70 New electric water heaters ......161.50 New steel garage doore $55.00 Aibestoe sldlni New plasterboard 4x8 61 JO Exterior white paint (gal.) ...13 96 Mahoiany A birch plywood. ..barsaln Water proof wall board. 4x1 ....11.76 Screen doora '6.96 DOORS u,,nrf.i. t fir and hardwood doors birch, mahoiany and gumwood. Pick your choice. Bargain. SHINGLES Nn I ner so 19 35 No. 2 per sq No. I per sq 00 CASH & CARRY DISCOUNT 360 M. C. O. LONG & SONS Phone 4S05I 1 ml. north of Keller ma' KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs We are closing out our entire itock of Lawn Mowere, Electrlo and Oas. Also Garden Rose. Regular Sale 218" Hend Mower 834.80 118,78 1 18" Oas Rotary Mower 118 08 94.44 2 18" Elec. Rotary Mower 71.80 67.44 218" Elec. Rotary Mower 78.88 58.80 50 Feet Plastic Hose I PS 4.78 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front as Court St. " Ph. 3-81 II Wo Olve MB Ore, Stamps building materials BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum btr. 111 par U. tad up, delivered. 3-3043. mell6 WRECUNO building 4t 476 Marlon Street, fell metorlalg lor .al. cheap, afadson Wrecking Co. oialll Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Ho. If, II Inchei dear, $5; No. I. I Inchti clear. 14. No aap wood or culls- Come and get th.ra. Tod Uulltr. Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem Mill ma NURSERY STOCK PEPPERS, cabbage and tomato plants, by the thousands. Tuberous begonias, petunias. getniutns and all bedding out plants. Wholesale and retail. Ar thur Plant Greenhouse, 1296 So. 13tfc. Phont 3-4670. mblll AZALEAS Gift wrapped for Mother's Day. War ing Nursery, 1028 Oak Hill Are. (turn Bast from MB at South Village Tar era), mblll GERANIUMS. PUSCH8IAS 23c DELPHINIUMS 3 for 8100 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS .. I for 31.00 DAHLIA BULBS NAMED for $1.00 GLAD BULES 3 Da. for 31.00 EVERBEARING BRAWBERRY PLANTS MERRILI6 GREENHOUSE, BROOKS mbl07 CHOICE GLOXINIAS now' blooming. Visitors welcome at Salem'a African Violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomatoe a bedding plants. Oppen's Greenhouse, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4 BEDDING PLANTS SUverton Green Houses the best In gersnlums, fuchsias, pelagoniums, all other plants. Cabbage and lettuce 23e per dosen. 817 So. Water, on road to Silver Creek raiu. mono' AZALEAS IN bloom. Hardy varieties. Popular colors. 28e to $2.00. Sales yard, 8630 N. 6tb. Btrayer Azalea Gar den. 855 Locust. mbl07 HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 32182. 2497 Bollywood Drive. mblOB For Sole-MISCELLANEOUS Gym Dandy play yard sets 18.75. (These are display samples and have a few paint scratches.) Glenn Woodry'e. 1605 N. summer. 107 USEE SINGER Treadje combination electrlo cabinet sewing machine. Round bobbin. . A-l condition. Has new motor, only S40.&O. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Commercial 4tt" BENCH VISE, like new, 8.08. Many otner tools, cheap. Olenn woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. 107 '47 NOBGE 6-foot refrigerator. O.E. washing machine. Both in good con condltlon. 1136 N. Capitol. nl09 CUSTOM MADE double rlg-qullted sad- ale. 14tt" tree. Like new, com 1328. Sell for $166. see at 336 N. High St, nlOB UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITES Beacon Ave. 111. 3365 nl0 BARGAINS Davenos 817.50 At 883.50. Club Ohalrs 89.05 & 817.60. Dressers 30.00 & 17.50. Baby Crib 11.95. Basslnett 35.50. Lamp Tables $1.00 to $9.95. Maple 4-Drawer Cheat, $16.00. 6-pc. Hdwd. Dining Set $38.76. 4-PC Bkfst. Bet 31.96. Gas Ranges $7.50 to $33.00. Elec. Ranges 322.50 to 399.00. Refrigerators $54.00 to 184.50. Washers $17.80 to $47.50. Bpln Dry $68.50. Terms on approved credit. Come In and browse around. I've got an aisle thru the Joint go you won't have to olimb much. SNOOK'S BARGAIN 1258 Broadway CENTER Phong 41736 B107 SENSATIONAL rug value! I Reg, 44.95. 100ft wool faced rug only 29.88 this week. Glenn woodry's Thrllt store. 1605 N. Summer, Terms, trades. nl07' SMALL DIAMOND wedding set, like new, terrlflo buy. 140. 2-0469 after 4. nl0' MAHOGANY RECORD cabinet. Very nice, only 832.50. Used Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty. Phone 46371. nl07 CHEST OF DRAWERS, only 114 06. Used Merchandise Mart, 270 So. Liberty. Phone 4-6371. nl07 PLAYER PIANO rolls 1.00. Glenn Wood ry's, 1605. N. Summer. nl07 1852 PIIILCO range and refrigerator. Husband leaving for army. Phone 2-4318 or 3-2836 after 5. nl08 SINGLE box springs B.00. ry'e, 1606 N. Bummer. Glenn Wood-M07- WE CARRY figurines, paints, brushes, textile palnte, brushes, stencils. Copper, aluminum for tooling, also eupplles. Handicraft supplies, gifts. 158 So. Liberty, upstairs. Room 10. nl09 SCHWIN BIKE, only 17.50. Olenn Wood ry's, 1605 N. Bummer. nl07 PIANOS, new end used, wide selection, Spinets, grands, studio uprights. The Music Center, 470 N. Capitol. Phone 2-5371. nl07 18x24" PLATE mirrors 3.85. Glenn Wood ry's, 1605 N. Summer. nl07 FOR SALE, Irrigation pipe, trailer. Ph. n!09 44121. METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental types, resi dential and Industrial. No Job too large or too small. Material only or job complete. Free estimates. EORKMAN LBR. fc HDWB CO. 3430 State street Ph. 3-3701 ni07 BOLLAWAY BED, wire fence, wood fence, rugs, 300 weitern magatlnes, miscellaneous articles. Will trade. 4-1680. nl08' CHESTS O' DRAWERS Choose from over 200 new and used, 7.30 to 30.00. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. nl01 S4u.no DULOVA wrist watch, slightly shopworn, closeout price $24.73. Hart man Bros., 19? State. nl08 I BINGLE lnnerspring mattreiiea. Like new. tteaionaoie. rnone s-pbh. niua APT. ELECTRIC range, all white, like new, less than H price at 69.50. Also reg. 90.00 Virtue chrome dinette only 49.50. Terms, trades, lower prices. Olenn Woodry j, loos N. summer. 1107' THREE-PIECE bath room, Includes cast Iron leg tub, lavatory and cloeet out fit, with fittings. Ree to appreciate at 149.50. Mr. Carryll Brown, er enlngs between 7 and 9. 1127 Hlnes, nl07 RADIO-PHONO console combination, very spec. 39.50. Table radios 8.60. Olenn woodry s, 1003 N, Summer. nl07' RECONDITIONED Spin-Dry washer, too. While porcelain table, 4 chalra, 835. 1595 SUverton Road. nl08' CHROME CHAIRS 1.95. Glenn Woodry'.. n!07' DELTA 10" band saw, pain sprsger and pot. 82, Capital Journal. also . portable Bargains, Box nlOT WROUGHT IRON t-pc. dinette set. It's new, It's different. It's only 89.93 to Introduce this modern line to Bslem. Olenn Woodry'., 1606 N. Summer. nlOV FOR SALE Coll spring, excelelnt con dition. Phone 4-4547. n!08 8450 RCA Victor TV, 31-Inch console plu. 30 foot antenna. Only $371. 3515 Bo. commercial. 3-0965. B1071 DAVENPORT sets, closing out, prloed 15.00 to mak. quick room. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. nl07 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 2-0771 or 2-5072 nlll' SIMMONS METAL beds, only II. Slnsle and double. Used Merehendlso Mart, 170 So. Liberty. Phone 41171. B107' For Sola MISCELLANEOUS TOP SOIL Blver slit and flu curt, Prompt de livery. Phone 2-1748. u" BOUND OAK dining table 1.00. Olenn Woodrr'a. 1804 N. summer. 107 tires, truck paru. 626-20 and 760-30. 4-382L 2310 Ave. mm UNDER BIWINO maehlna 13.00. Oltnn Woodrr'a, 1805 w. Bummer, jot- Singer Electric Portable Sewing Macnine. uou tut new. ruu piiM 19.90. includes free sewing Iss aona aukd regular attachment. Singer Sewing Machine Co. , ISO V. Commercial USED DAVENOB and davenports. Com In and look. Used Merchandise Mart. $78 So. Liberty. Phone 46371. n!07" 6-IR. HARDWOOD baby crib, dropaldo. rail panel ends, wet proof mattress. 838. Ph. 33447 after 4:30 p.m. nl07 NEW 4I-GALL0N Seldehuber elect, wa ter heater, discounted 60.00. (Never used.) Olann Woodry'g, 1606 N. Bum mer. Terms, trades. pl07 GARAGE DOORS, unfinished furniture maoe to oraer. small carpenter and cabinet repair Jobs. Prices reasonable. Woodworking Fixit Shop 1878 No. 18 Ph. 3-8368 BUS BUNK BEDS 6.(10. Glenn Woodrr Ber genia, leoo N, Bummer. nl07 Organic Fertilizer 1 Free of weed eeeds. end odorless. Seek or bulk orders delivered. Phone 8-8137. nils- MAPLE AND WALNU- full panel twin oeas complete witn eon springs and good quality mattresses. Not 41.00, but Just 24.50. This week at Olenn Woodry's. 1605 N. Bummer. Bt. fll07 Mcculloch chain saws, 608 Edge- water. West Balem. Balem Logging Bup- piy. fa. 4-1541, n HOWARD walnut piano and bench, u ceuent conoiuoo, tin. 370 so. 14ttt. . - gtlOS TRAILER S5.00. Olenn Woodry's. nlOT STEEL clothesline posts, nlantara. rail. lng porch columns, furniture. 1146 N. Liberty. nlll CLOIHLINE POSTS, Iron legs for ta. Dies, furniture, railings. 1146 N. Lib. on. i nlie' HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phong 2-8168. n" ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, the best we have ever had. For good organic - results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. 36-00 per yard. 4 yards lie. e yards m. 10 yards $40. Flag stones, lava atone, fence posts, 4x4 stakes and rustic red cedar fencing. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493, Ph. 43061. Salem. 1 ml. B. 4 Corners. n 13-GACGE shotgun 10.00. 13-gauge shells i.ro oox. uienn woodrr's, 1608 N. Summer. ' n!07 SALXU filEBEL Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 3778 SUverton Road - - ' n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo poles. lence Qoats, Dean poets and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493, t miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3031. n Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck Kale price for second and old growth fir. Long and short. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. 1180 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-1784 nal37 WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Pbona 3-6110. t na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths 8 4" or 1C 8' Diameter 6" to 16" Sawmill, Lrngthe la' and .longer. Diameter " tjf. $0' Top prices paid.- . Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1128 na ELECTRIC 3-8110. RANGES, woodry'e. EXCHANGE MISC. WILL SELL or trade for cattle, bean pounder, bean etakee, 12 and 14 gauge wire. Terrell Atwood, 4698 Stata. nnl07 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1. 2088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4537 P1171 AUTOMOBILES 1940 CHEVROLET special deluxe 5 -pass. club coupe, 41,000 actual miles. En gine just overhauled. 30 rubber. Body and upholstery like new. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms can be arranged. Phone 3-4313. q!06 1949 8TUDEBAKER H-ton Pick UP, low mileage, excellent condition. 25373. ql08 1941 TWO-DOOR Plymouth. Reasonable offer accepted. 1715 N. Winter St., U-P UNDER PRICED 'SO Chevrolet tudor. This beautiful French gray sedan ready to go Is actually A STEAL at only $1195 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Goes to Church Open I a.m. to 8 p.m. q.107' DONT FOROETI OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT IB OPEN UNTIL 8 P.M. EVENINOS. MONDAY THKOUOH FRIDAY. 'TIL 8 P.M. SATURDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE COME IN AT YOUR LEISURE AND LOOK OVER OUR FINE STOCK or USED CARS. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1848 DB SOTO SEDAN. A REAL BARGAIN FOR ONLY $050 BUY FROM A DEALER WITH A LONO-8TANDINO REPUTATION FOR DEPENDABILITY. PAIR PRICE, SER VICE AND SATISFACTION. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 135 N. Commercial St. Phonl 1-3178 Ol07 1988 CIIEV. COUPE Tnree-quarter race motor, column shift, pipes, excellent body, $178. 3-1745. 2274 Trade. 0108' 1941 CIIEV. Club Coupe. Oood condition. Radio and heater. 8-8531. 0108 1951 STUDEBAKER Champ. Very nice condition. Low mileage, very reason able, a. w. Hall. Ph. 4911 SUverton, qllO L-D T.UtlRY DELUXE 48 Hudson Commodore 4. four-door edan. RAH. OD. forest green, dual spots and forllchU . . . Plus, plus, plus amazing beauty I $1145 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Ooee to Church Open I a.m. to I p.m. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 1950 ' Chev. Stylelln. DeLuxe 2-door or 1950 DeSoto Custom 4-door. Phone 1-0846. qlll 1$ FORD "4-ton pickup, $-cyllnder. S-tpeed .heeter, defroster, new paint, very clean. Only 4785. No down pay ment on approval of credit. Open evenlnee. K. Smith and Bob Mo tors, $46 Union. Phone 1-3040. q AUTOMOBILES - NEW 1953 FORD VICTORIA V-8 Flaming Red Finish With Ivory Top $225 DISCOUNT! XZE-EYB GLASS WHITE WALL TIRES DIRECTIONAL S10NALS THIS CAR HAS ONLY 350 ACTUAL MILES. IT HAS MANY, MANY CUSTOM FEATURES ! HERE'S A BUY AT A BIG SAVING ! RON'S 114$ Broadway LODER BROS. .. -. '50 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday coupe, 2-tone cream & black, white ildewaU tires, R&H, Hydro. $1995 '50 PONTIAC streamliner Chieftain deluxe 4-door . sedan, popular mist green finish, R&H, Hydro matic, and a one-owner $1645 LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSMOBIL1 DEALER AUTOMOBILES '40 DODQK 4-4oor sedan, heater, de froster, seat covers, new paint, s nice running car drive It and seel R duced to only $19S. No down pay ment on approval of credit. Open eve nines. K. Bmlth and Son Motors, tit Union. Phone 3-3040. . cj' '47 KAISER 4-door sedan, good rubber, heater, sportllsht, seat covers, $493. No down payment on approval of credit. Open evenings. K. Smith and Son, Motors, 34ft Marlon. Phone 1-3040. RON'S '51 MERCURY Club coupe, sharpest In town, low mileage, clean, overdrive, heater, new set premium white aide walls just Installed. $1995 '52 CHEVROLET De luxe tudor, R&H, fen der skirts, white fide walls, jet black finish, 1 owner, low mileage. $1745 '50 OLDSMOBILE ' Be luxe 88 sedan. R&H, fender skirts, hydramat lc. This is another very clean, 1-owner buy. . $1791 '51 FORD Club coupe, custom, heat er, O.D., 1 owner, low mileage, very clean in side and out. $1495 '49 FORD V-8 Custom club coupe R&H, very clean. $845 '47. CHEVROLET Coupe, R&H, 1 owner, very good ruteber, clean. $645 '46 CHEVROLET Convertible, R&H, cus tomized hood and trunk, white side walls, very clean in and out. . $795 RON'S 1245 Broadway Phone 26808 q!07 CADILLAC 1952 Club Coupe. Orlllnal owner. Approximately $ month, old. barely 8000 miles, will consider sta tion wagon In trade. 3-4983, . 10Sa 1930 PLYMOUTH, radio, heater, good condition. 2173 Trade. Phone 8-1900. quo 1949 CIIEV. convertible, power top, yel low. Cell after 4:30 p.m. 1-7211 or see at 1080 Boone Road. ql07 1947 KAISER, mutt ..11, nsw tires, $385. Phone 4-3296. 0107 19.18 PLYMOUTH, good ehape, new bat tery, license plates, $131, 2-7883, qlol 1950 HUDSON Pacemaker Convert. 81180 or make offer will take older oar as part payment. 3171 SUverton Rd., Salem.. 0100 1948 CHRYSLER convertible, l-cyllnder Windsor. Looks and drives like new. Can be bank financed. For an excep tional buy, Call 36163, 1970 N. 33rd. q!08 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLED Valley Motor Co. expert, wiu solv. your proo- leme and eeve you money, pre. su matea. aneedy service. Center At Lib erty ao MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS OR TRADE for light Pickup, 1949 In dian Arrow motorcycle. sTwcauen con dition. Phone 3-3803 after t;IO p.m qalOO 1949 BARLEY-DAVIDSON. Bee Allan Campbell, Hv n. wurcn is-o; aars. oaioa' FARM EQUIPMENT AVERY TRACTOR, model U. 14" turn ing plow and cultivator, uau aner s, 4-4187. qblOO HEAVY EQUIPMENT TD 14 HYD. BLADE, drum, 130 nr. rollers, eood tracks, tractor Is better then averate, II7M, Also white short lotser, 351 Tlmken Dual Drive, 10x30 tires. 160 AX motor, hauls its, liaaee, 13600. Monarch loading donkey, good aled. Ideal for big timber, 11600. Ed Ooschte, Ph. 1532, Lyons. qel09 MODEL IxM csreo Jr. Logging Arch. Oeorse C. Turner. Rt. 1. Amity. Ph 2413. eel 12 ..rea.....4e.a.. BOATS II foot CALKINS Craft TJ-bottom boat. Been In water once. Will sell for half price. Phone 2-1676 evenings. qql07 FINANCIAL SEX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRXAOI LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUT Real estate mortgages $k eon tr sets State Finance Co. 187 So. High St, Ph. 2-4121 AUTOMOHLtS AjA CONDITIONED HXATER e) DELUXE RADIO UHDERCOAT7NO Phone 1-68(1$ cjlW FINANCIAL MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "lis" out of your money problems. Up to 300 on small loans. Up to $500 on auto leans. STATE FINANCE CO. S-3II Phong 14122 ' M-221 117 B. Hllh St. rll3 LOANS UP TO $1500- . on SIs-nituK, Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL lt'l "yes" promptly to employed men or women. l-vnit loan , . , phone first. You select best payment date. gs Between payday loana. rnone, write or come in todayi Personal Finance Co. 108 8. HIGH ST, SALXll i State License Boa. S-132, lf-l$l Loans over 3300 up to $1808 and op to 20 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under me industrial Loan companies Act of Oregon rl29 Lie. 8-133 and M-33S .. and ROY R. SIMMONS ' INSURANCE AND &OANB , Hear "Top Trades" 13:05 Dally KflLM MM Kt. ' OINIRAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 331 Bo. Commercial 8ft. Tel. 3-3141 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. , 182 South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. t-2487 Lie No. M-1M. S-1H MONEY ,T0 loan on real aetata. Phone 3-0794. . rll7 5 Interest If you have tdlt fundi seeking vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of service, For over Twenty-five Team wo have been helping people In this community find profitable work for weir money. During this period we have promptly paid M aeml-annaal Interest paymenls totalling many Tnousanas or uonars. We are currently paying 6 INTEREST on funds from sow so soww. General Finance Corporation 136 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon Phone 1-9101 TRAILERS 4-wiiEEL tandem trailer, suitable for farm or moving. JBed 4xi a. 4bd so, Com'l, tl09 , 2-WIIEEL TRAILERS, 185 and 75, or will exchange for deer rule. 910 Broad street. Monmouth. tl07 HOUSE TRAILERS EQUITY In 1961 Liberty house trailer. 31 ft. rnone i-oiib. ta.io- 27 FOOT trailer house. slCCDS four. pollent condition, pnone 2-oooa. iviim DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 466 Court, Ph. 3-6773. O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Builders' cheap supplies. 3-7298 evenings. QU6 BULLDOZING Bulldozing, road clearing teeth. Virgil Hiwkey, 1010 Falrvlew. Ph. 2-9146. ol21 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. 3-6773. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Ford equlp mant. B,arzhalL 4371 Market. Phone 2-1343. oVii DKES8MAKINO Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 3-9011. DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Cal) or see Mr. Snelllng, Valley Mo I., -n A.iitm. Phona 1-2147 or 4-3074. ' 0 EXCAVATING Ben Otjen Sona. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. on.' FURNITURE REFINlnniNO Furniture reflnUhlng, repairing. Ed ear Brock. 664 Norway St. Phone 38367. Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Fret estimates. T. Pullman, Ph. 3-5965. MATTRE8SE8 Capitol Ueddlng, renovates, new mattresses. Ph. 3-4069. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES ru.k chain, files, filing supplies, safes, iiiinilrttntr lunDlles. deik lamps, type writer stands. Roen. 456 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert'e Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knives, shears, bi cycles and small motors. Fh, 24618 or 4S165. 18th and "D" ens. SEPTIC TANKS Kamel's service. 3-7404. septic tanks cleaned, lino Guaranteed work. Phone 0136' Mike's SeDtle Service. Tanks cleaned. D-rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-9468. ollO' Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to -Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-8327. L. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. oioi TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes wed machine. Repairs es rent, Roen, 468 Court. M A R K f T QUOTATIONS Be turf at Tentative, subject ia lsa- mediate change; Premium quality, maxi mum 33 of one per cent acidity de livered In Portland 63-Tle Ib.i first qual ity I770ci second quality, S4-I1e. Valley rou.es ana country points, i cents lees. Baiter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk cube to wholesale, grades aA, 93 score, . Olci A grade, 93 score, 03c; B, M score, 44c I C. 09 score, 43c Above prices strictly nominal. Cheeso Belling price to Portland wholesaler, Oregon singles, 43V.-44e; Oregon lb. loaf. 43Vfc-llVal triplets. IVso leu than singles. gss to Whelesaiejrs Candled ecu oontaintnt no loss, cases mcluded f ob. Portland. A grade large, 67Ts-6BVic; A grade medium, 64tt-37Ttc. B grade large, UVi-ftSttC. Portland Dairy 3tarte Baiterprica to metiers: oradt AA print, 7ln a carton, net A prints, 71ci carton, 73ct B prints, 4e. eggs to rstauers. oraoe aa urge. 62c : A large. 69-fl0ci AA medium. 40ci A medium, eso; A small, nominal. Car tons, aaoiuonai. uneeie trice to retailers, Portland. Oregon singles. 4BV-60o, l-lb. loaves, 53'i-334c: triplets, lVto leas than sin gls. Premium brands singles, SflVici Ivaf, 60 Vie, Processed American cheese, 3-lb. loaves to retail, 43ft-46o lb. Peultry uti sjucasns wo. i qnuity, g.o.D. plants.) Fryers, 2V.-I Bts. 38c( 3-4 lbs. 18c; Toosters, 4Vs lbs. and over, 23o; heavy hens, all weights. 33-Me; lit ht hens, all weights, 3l-14cj old roost ers, 15-18c. Dressed Chlekeae Fryers, IV4-3 lbg 43-45c; roasters, 43 -44c i light hang, 31- 33c; heavy hens, 38-3701 cut up fryers, all weights, 43-440. Rabbits Average u growers: Live whites, 4-3 lbs., 3B-27C, ft-4 lbs., Jl-36e lb., old does, 10-14c: tew higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 41-64CI out UP. 66-69C. 1 . Coantry Killed Maata Veal Top quality. 0-43o Ib.i rough heavies. ao35c. Hoes wan bioenrg, J4-30c; sows, light 38-30C. Lambs Best. 40-430 lb. I springers nominally c lb. MaUen-Eeit, 14-18c Ib.i cull-utUltr, 9-12C. BeefCtlllty cows, 34-300 Ib.i canner- cutters, 91-23c; shells down to 31c, rresn ureseea sseau Wholesalers to retailer! Dollars pat ewt.: Beef Steers, choice 600-700 lbs. 37.00-40.00; good, 86.00-89.00; commerolfc. 33.oo-30.oo; utility, ai.oo-se.ooi cows, commercial, 38.00-32.00; utility, 27.00- 3100; canneri-cutters, 25.00-29.00. Beef Cuts (Choice steers). Rind quarters, 45.00-50.00; rounds, .45.00-51.00; full loins, trimmed, 61.00-88.00, tri angles, au.Oo-is.ot): fore-quarters, 82.00 34.00; chucks, 37.00-41.00i ribs, 48.00- 62.00. Veal Good-choice, $43-53 1 commer cial, $37-48. Calves Oood-cholcs, $42-53; com mercial. $37-48. Lambs Prima springers, 40-60 lbs., $43-45; good, $40-44. - Malton Good choice. 818-20. Pork Cats Loins, No. L, 8-12 lb $51 $67! shoulders, 16 lbs., $39-4$; spar-1 nut, mo -67t ireth nams, 10-14 lbs., $51- 60. Smoked Bams Skinned. 857-62.80. Re fined lard In drums, $11.60191 slab bac on, $48-06.50. rortiaaa Hiseeiianeema Celery Cal. flat crate, 1-2V dog., 33.25-4.36. Few to $4.50. Ore., $2.25 $2.80. Onions 50-lb. sacks West Oregon vel- I lows, med. No. Is, 2.76-1.001 Texaa White wax. s.Tio-s.oQt Texas reiiowa. t-in. med., 2.50-76 per BO lb. sack. wSJSEJSJS. i. 4.. 25: name brand. 4.85: 28 lbs., sis. a. 1.25-39: 10 lb. mesh, 48-55CI Idaho Rue- seU, No. 1A, 8.60-8.00: t-10 lb. bales, 3.30-50; Calif, long whltea. No. 1, $.78 ul,xrtAJotVhJixi,ViU. Alsosurvlv- iy em.oo ton; Beauie, i-ii. 1J,r.VS,'t,o.''?; fine and halt-blood, 86-63. .Willamette! ther, H. M. Pratt Ot Oroville, vauey lamo wool, mi u-monui vool n ides Calves, 19-llo lb. aocordlna welghte; green kips, 17-19ct bulls,. 4-8c: green butcher cow hides. 7-fic. Filberts Wholesale selling pries No. large Barcelonas. 24-26o Ib.i grower prices, orchard run, 14-160 lb. Wain ats Wholesale selling price, first quality large rr enqueues. 33-330 lb. grower price, orchard run, 16-180 lb. few bast to 190. Portland Llvatoek Portland (UiO Cattle 125; fed steers steady, cows slow, early sales about steady with Monday's 60c iowep c'wp load choice 892-lb. fed steers 24; good- choice 10I2-Ib, 23.25; few uUUtv-com merclal heifers 15-18.50; choice he.'fers Monday up to 23; canner-cutter cows mostly 9.50-11: few utility cows 12 13.S0; commercial cows Monday up to lo.so; few eutter-uttmy nulls 15-17 60. carves ao: no ruu test any, ouotaoie steady with Monday's weak to 61 lower close; good-choice veelers 23-30; prime held to 32j culls, calves and vealera down tO 8.00. ' Hogs 360; market rather slow but about steady; choice 180-335 Jb. butchers 26-28.25: few medium 26.601 choice AM- 315 lb. 24.60-26; choice 360-550 lb. sows 21.50-23.60. Sheep 100; no early price test; msrket nominally steady; gooa-prime wooiea lambs Monday 20.50-23; spring lambs 23' choice ewes up to 7.00. Chicago Livestock Chicago tvn The hoc market climb ed higher Tuesday In a continuation of Monday's active but uneven trade. Butch ers and sows were up 60 to 76 cents. A few loads and lots of choice 190-280 pounders brought 134.60. Slaughter steers and yeaning! were uneven. All grades of yearlings and light steers and mature steers grading good and below were fairly active with pri ces steady to 25 cents higher than Mon lay's average. Heifers were steady to 26 cents higher; cows were steady. Slaughter lambs were fairly active ana steady to mostly 25 cents higher. A few lots of utility and good wooled Iambs brought 623 to 324.50 and a load of SO pound choice fall shorn 824.76. Salable receipts inoiuaea an fiumiin ,000 hogs; 9,000 oattle, 400 calves and 500 sheep. Portland Eastslde Market Portland u.R) Most raounes ioia at cents a dozen buncnes on trie Eaiuiae Farmers Wholesale Produce market to il reen onions on surplus side and sold to wholesale buyers at 46-60 cents and above. Dlitresscd stocks of strawberries, sold shaded prices with senarai range for top quality new arrivals around 4.25 a 12-cup fiat. Chicago Grain Chicago tffV-Oratns drifted downward on the board of trade Tuesday after an early upward push ran out of steam. Wheat closed ft-lH lower, May 62.17- corn W-M lower. May 61.6614- .57. oats H-H lower. May 74tt-., rye H to 1 cent lower, May 81.58V. 1.69, soy beans lower to Vt higher. May 13.03 .03, and lard 10 cents lower to 8 cents hundred pounds higher, May 310.72. Portland Grain Portland (flH NO coarse grains. Wheat bid to arrive market, basis No. bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3.38; Soft White excluding Rex 2,38; White Club 2.38. Hard Red Winter; Ordinary 2. 38; 10 per cent 2.38; 11 per cent 2.36; 12 per cent 2.38. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.381 10 per cent 3.38; 11 per cent S.SBi 12 per cent 2.38. DIRECTORY Prompt television and service, Phona 4-8981. day or night. radio repair 71 Market, 0116' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canlield's Laundry, Repairs. ReflnUh lng. 1440 ft. 12th. Ph. 4-6402, Pick-up, Delivery. oll8 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Induitrlal floor waxing, houaecleanlng. Phona 1-3337 347 Court. LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A F, A.M. Wed., May Stated Communication, 8:00 p.m. Address by Mr. Charles A. Sprague. 8:30 p.m. 108 SALEM MARKETS CasplleS Iran reawt, af ialm, sealen - - -- v- vftfiw jearaaj readara, (Bevased a.ll..i BetaO Feed Prteeei Baakll Pellela $311 in. Oj. kg,,. $4.88-8.10 (100-lb. bag. ass saasa i8.30-8.80. Oalrt FeeS 13.11-l.el ta. a. k... ,14.38-8.18 (100 WLI. ' P.Utry Baying PrtMa-Colued Iirera. 38ci old roosters, 18o: colored fowl. Mel leabora (owl, 24ei roosters, 21c. Eggst Baring Prleaa bra aa io., um . -8Sei medium AA, Met medium A, 44-IOc: emaa 40c. Whelesale Prieaa-Bg, who! aisle price, generally e-7o higher than the price. .mo m generally quoted at lie: medium, sic BatUrtat Buying prleet Premium, 70- 71c:No. 1, 17-1901 NO. 2, 88c. Batter Wholeisle Brad A parchmeal. 71. ll. retail, lie a, Chleag. Oalens Chicago UB-Supplleg modtrate, da. mand fair, market about steady. Track aalee 80 lbs.: OS. 1 tinlea, otherwise stated: Texas Yellow Bermuda, 2 to 3-Inch 1 ears l.SBi Orano 3-lnch and larger let care 1.80, mostly 3-lnch and larger, car 1.88. Street sales (80 lb,.): Texas Yelfow Bermuda, t to 3-lnch 1.85-1.88, few low aa 1.80, 3-lnch and larger 1.80-1.781 Ora. no 3-lnoh and larger 1.88-3.00, few 2.15 2.23: Crystal wax S to 3-lnch few 1.78- 1.15. Mid Willamette Obituaries Robert Klecznski Woodburn Robert Michael Klecznski, 10, died in a Salem hospital Tuesday. He was born Aug. 6, 1942 at Woodburn and was a student at' the Sacred Heart school at Gervais. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo . Kleczyn skl, Gervais; two sisters, Dar lene and Marilyn; three broth ers, Donald, Kenneth and Pat rick, at home; and grandmoth ers, Mrs. Mary Kleczynski, of Portland, and Mrs. Victoria Zembal, Montesano, Wash. The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m., Wednesday, May 6, at the Rlngo Funeral Home, Woodburn. Requiem mass will be at 9 a.m., Thursday, May 7, at the Sacred Heart Catholic church, Gervais. Burial will be in St. Luke's Catholic ceme tery, Woodburn. Minnie Kobiaskie SUverton -Funeral servicei for Mrs. Minnie M. Kobiaskie, 77, will be from the Memorial Chapel of the Ekman Funeral Home, Wednesday, at 1:30 p.m., may a. Mr,. Kobiaskie was born April 19, 1876, in New York, i She had lived In SUverton for 1 18 years. Her home was on S. Fit St. She died at the SU- I verton hospital Saturday. srallna n - .nn T.ln-wrl I - - --. - 1 xxouge oi ruituna, una laauuiter. Mr,, units. u'Leary i ing are lour granacniiaren. one great grandchUtk. and one bro- I Calif. Final rites will be at Port land Lincoln Memorial Park. Rev. Young will officiate. to DEATHS Edgar Fnlton Hannah Edgar Fulton Hannah, at the resi dence. 2S0 Hrubets Road. Salem, May 3. Survived by sister, Mrs. Jessie Phillips, Pickens. Neb. Services will be held Thursday, May 7, at 2 p.m. In Virgil T. . Golden Chapel with he Rev. John Meyer officiating. Eleanor May Tiros Eleanor May Titus, former resident ox Turner, at a local nursing home May X Survived by husband, Raymond L. Titus, son, GJen Titus, Salem: daughter, Mrs. Joseph Harter, 6lem; and brother, Mer- rel D. Richard, Bonneville: and two grandchildren. Member of Turner Chris tian church and Rebekaii Fidelity lodge of Turner, and Surprise Orange, also of Turner. Serviceo will be held Wednes day, May 0, at 2 p.m. In the Howell Edwards Chapel with the Rev. Guy Armstrong officiating. Interment at the former IOOF Cemetery, fialem. Bertha Pedersen Bertha Pederson. late resident of 4135 Center St., In a local hospital May at the age or 70 years, eurviveo oy husband, Christian NIckoll Pederson, Salem; daughters, Mrs. Vivian Davids e. Mt. Bethel, Perm., Mrs. Ruth Callahan, Huntington Park, Calif., Mrs. Ethel Hill, Long Beach. Calif.. Mrs. Malvlna Soren- son, Wales, H. D., Mies Clara Pederson, Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Lillle Forness, Stay ton; son, Sidney Pederson, Lang don, N. D.l and 13 grandchildren. Services will be announced later by Howell-Edwards Co. Ella (Roady) Borneman Mrs. Ella (Roady I Borneman, lata resident of 690 8. 17th St., In a local convalescence home May 4. Survived by slaters, Mrs. Sara A. Dumphrey, Eu gene; nieces, Mrs. EI Me Tyler, Salem; Mrs. Violet Kelson, Eugene: nephews, Albert Johnson, Salem; Dan Johnson, Portland. Services will be held Wednes day, May 0 at 1:30 p.m. In Clough Barrlck Chapel with Interment In City View Cemetery. Rei. Elder R. O. Schaff ner officiating. Mark Johnson Mark Johnson, Infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Alva Johnson, 796 Sandy Dr., Mar Also survived by one brother, Floyd Raymond Johnson, Salemf grand par en to, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Salem, and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer R. Davis, Walla Walla, Wash. Services will be held Wednesday, May 6 at 3:30 p.m. In Howell-Edwards Chapel with the Rev. Llayd Anderson officiating. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Nora B. Covert Nora B. Cofert. at the residence. 1765 Center St., May 5. Survived by hubsand, Lon 8. Covert, Salem: daughter, Miss Orece Covert, Sen Francisco, Calif.: Mrs. Virginia Humphrey. Ban Mateo. Calif. t sisters, Mrs. Cora Hunt. Dallas, Oregon; Mrs. Allla Brennan, Enid, Okla. Announcement of services later by Virgil T. Ooldeo Co. Aleiandst Sebarbaeh Alexander Scharbach. passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sylveater Smith. Jr., of Salem at the age of 86. Recitation of rosary May 6 at 6 p.m. at the St. Mary's church. Announce ment of services later by Unger Funeral Home, Mt, Angel. Eugene Clay Halter Eugene Clay Ha lev. at the residence. 680 Thompson Ave., May 4. Husband of Ruth B. Halloy; brother of Floy L. Beamish, Ernestine McNerney, both of Salem; Edith Sansana, San Francisco. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May In the Chapel of W. T. Rladon Co. Concluding services at Mt, Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Rev. Oeorte Swift officiating. Rltuallitio servicei by B. P. O. Elks, Chapter 836. Frances Tamer Mrs. Frances Tamer, at A local hos pital May 4. Lata resident of N. 17th St. Survived by daughter, Mn. Frances Wlens, Salem; Mrs. Anna Belsher. Sa lem; Mrs. HUdeeard Nygren. Salem; felster Rosalia, Woodburn; Mrs, Rose Richardson, Boring; Mrs. Julia Caaer, McMlnnvlllei two ions, Louis Tamer, Salem; Jos Tamer, Honolulu; brother, Mike Sees, Yankton, S. D.i 13 grand children and two great grandchildren. Services will be held Wednesdny, May 6 at 10 a.m. In the 8t. Joseph church. Recitation ot rosary Tuesday at p m. In the Vtrgll T. a old en Chapel. Inter i ment at St. Barbara Cemetery. 1 s H. Commercial. lplM ,. $ . - - y .. v.-... .r