Past 16 FOR SALE HOUSES THE BUYERS' GUIDE CANDALARIA SPECIAL and whit 4 ape-Mai. 1 B.R. rumpui room with fireplace, DR. and one of Candalarla'a finest views IT'S SUPERB. Thla Lb no average home, no air, You ought to see It. 126,800. Termi that are open. Would consider smaller home aUo, Want to aee It? P B. Wa have 3 others alio, 117,500 and $10,000. NURSERY AND HOME Why not proudly announce to your boas, "You hava been a treat guy to work for and I appreciate It to, but I am through. I quit. I have bought a home and a fine nursery." Well, laying all poking Mlde, we nave that nuraery and home. The owner needs to retire, tut the raaaon he can retire la because this nursery made him hU stake. Now you ara next. 117,600 for home, nursery and land. Terms of course. (No doubt that can be worked out to everybody's satisfaction). A BUSINESS AND HOME This may be the answer to your problem, so why not read this. Hera la a on bedroom home with an adjoining attractive store about 30 ft, frontage, on the main street of a community near Salem. It is now occupied by a shoe store and shoe repair shop. (A buslneaa you can buy If you wish). But It is also a good spot for a beauty parlor, barber shop, radio ahop, or a dozen other things. Home, store, garage and 46 ft. lot all for $3850. As to terms, owner aays "Work It outl" Would consider a Salem home. Now honestly here Is a chance to get going why not CLYDE PRALL REALTOR Ask for D. A. WILLIAMS Cra. Oil 4-5644 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ft room house, lot 300x60 ft. a bargain, contact a. a. Kfcsa, Falls City, Ore. a 107 NEW LARQK 3 bedroom house, Inside utility. IV Dlumblng, large double aa rage. 1435 Evergreen Ave. Owner and builder, Earl Beams ter. al07 Home and Rental S bedroom home on nice lot. North. with one bedroom separate rental, Will take 1000 down. Priced at $8500, C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1H0 Mission St. Ph. 34590 gve. 39533 or 43943 alOS1 OLOSS TO STATE BLOCH3. S very good rentsls and 3 bed rm. excellent living quarters, If you want an income and a very comronaoie place to live call Mr. McQuesn with JOHN J. CANN, REALTOR 413 N. High Ph. 4W, Eve. 73473 a 107 i BEDROOM "home near Leslie. Forced I air heat. Will sell on contract with small down payment. Full price aS.vso, or will take building lots Jn trade. 3-5379. al 09 OWNER WILL sell nice 3 bedroom home. Located next to Klngwood, West Sa lem, Has nice garden space, 19600 with terms. Phone 45479. . ali7 1060 N. 13th , By owner and builder, new 3 -bedroom plastered home. Close to huh school. 13S0 Living Aer. Terms. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER HOME BUILDER 1340 Olive Phone 33800 ana iVoR SALE "by "owner, 2 acre, ' close in north-east. 3 bedroom house, barn, chicken house, tile Irult bouse, gar age. 3010 Lansing. a 109 KEIZER Dlitrlct: Beautiful new 3-bed-room borne with dinette, large living room, Inside utility, forced air beat. Will take lata car or pickup In trade. 4-4587, 3-3377. al08 I-REDROOM HOME Large garden spot, fruit trees. $5,000. 310 Broad fit., Monmouth, Oregon. a 107 FREE BASEMENT! If you have been looking for i home In new condition with three bed rooms on one floor, but huven't felt that you could afford a basement. too. then here la your chance to get bothl It le located In a faat-growing desirable district, south. The home has many "extra" features, such as birch kitchen cabinet., wardrobe cios els. etc. The price will pleaie you, and don't worry about the financing; any terms within reason will buy thta line nome. iM REALTOR PHONE: 4 4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Evening phone: 38341 KLUMPP'S EXCLUSIVE HOMES 4A Spic and Span Little Home' with large living room, three good alied bedroom on one floor with ad joining bath. Cross: ventilation in all rooms, nice sited kitchen with plenty Of butlt-lns. Back yard fenced, plenty of room for garden and flowers, nice lawn in front, will give very reason able terms. Call for appointment. Ideal Home lor Small Family with two lovely bedrooms, large liv ing room with picture windows, A very convenient kitchen with Inside utility loom. Lovely mahogany doors, Nice mi H5X1&9 with your own well system. Close to school. 2i4 ACRES Don't BUM HI Juat Buy III Then you will realise what a steal this really Is. Juit a 10 minute drive from shopping center. A nice 3 bed room home with living room, with , fireplace, dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook. A glassed-in sun porch. A very good fire alarm system goes with it. This homo also has a full bailment HLh ntixi rnnl rnnn for these hot day. A good double erase. This home Is all plastered and panered. lllneia forces sala of this property. , L. E. Klumpp, Realtor JOSS Portland Rd. ph. -76t3 Eve, Richard 1-3684 - alOa NEW NEW Lorsled In Kant Knilraood onlT 3 blocks frm school this 3 bedroom twine la now ready to show. Hardwood iiuuib, nrremre, automatic oil turner hardwood trim, all lllrrh kitcin -,,, lane breakfast nook, Formica counter tons, built-in vanity In bathroom, full basement- Ideal for TV room. On lure 101. iDBxiszj. rnoe is 113.000.00. P H. A terms. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 411 Masonic Building Real Mate. Inmirance. Mortises Loan Phone 3-331? Kvminss. I-4-00 . l le KKKO " POINT" I.ISTlNtiit Why list the old fashioned "ICvenlually win sell" way. Cooperate with tw on o ir 4w poh t plain" and sell. We nerd ITftOO to $.5,000 homes. A'eo aer rases and bmlnesa proprrllea. You wan, 1c sell, we want to sell, so let 111 10 over our point plan" and get ecllm. Clyde PraU, Realtor. Ph. 4-38M. A-k for D. A. Williams. Eveninia c:i 4-6644. iiri LI.ARH1HH) AllVCMIaiNQ Per Word time. lit. Pee H'.rd 4, Per Word. 4lasea in. Par Word. I aa.nlh ao. N Jtefanda Mlnlmam It W.rde. rADKRH In Loral Nei r.lana Only. Per Ward la Mlnlmaaa It fforde To Plica Arl In Same Haj't Faprr, Phone l-240 Befor 10 a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES 164 So. Hllh FOR SALE HOUSES BABBLING BROOK BV THE FRONT DOOR. This new bdrm home with hdwd lrs should really pleat at the pi Ice of 13400. Terms $1080 down balance on Nw FHA loan. Just ttt blocks from the Leslie school, MR. "& MRS. SEE THIS BARGAIN BUY for 34950. Extra large living rm, dining rm, 3 bdrmi, bath, utility rm, garage. CLOSE TO CORNERS SHOPPING CBNTFK. Terms 31950 down balance easy. SEE VAN HORN, eve. ph. 417OT. orrics dial K 4-'4494, 24552 aios BIO MONET, on small Investment, fix ing outside or nouse. s pea rooms on main floor, large living and dining room combination. Redecorated, nice aiccnen, box. as jot, ail lencea. Large garage. Bus by door, A blocks to school, excellent location. Easy money for someone. 3378 Claude. a!08 SEE IT YOURSELF Of course you may eventually sen. but believe me you will save a lot of time, headaches, and money yes save money i, by cooperat ing with us on our "8 point plan" of selling. Buyers like It. Owners Use It, so why not call us about the "8 po'nt plan" and get action. Clyde PraU, Realtor. Ph. 4-3851. Ask for D. A. Williams. Evenings call 4-5844. al07 2 BETTER BUYS NO. 1 YOU ARE THE ONE TO WEAR THE NEW OFF THIS LOVELY 3 bdrm home In A-l residential area. Alt rms beautifully decorated, hdwd firs, m eh of. doors, oil heat, chi.ming kit with formica counter tons, dinette It coxy llv. rm. Attached garage end exceptionally deep lot. $1500 will nandie. NO. 3 ENJOY MVINO IN THIS HOME OF EARLY COLONIAL DE MON on a. quiet street. Wall to wall carpeting In llv. rm, lxe kitchenette, 3 bdrms, attached gar.. Yard fenced. beautiful shrubs trees. FULL PRICE IS ONLY $7500, SEE MRS. OOLES- ME1S, a, VS. PH. 25373. OFFICE DIAL BY OWNRR: Nearly new 3-bedroom nome. 2jou rownaena war. atoo BEST BUY IN SALEM CHARM I NO HOME In Pair mount district. Leas than 3 yrs. old. This home Is exceptionally well built of tlrst-clasa materials and located In Quiet, strictly residential district. Lovely fireplace and picture window in combination living and dining room. Large, light, well arranged kitchen Two extra large bedrooms with huse wardrobe closets. Tile bath, hardwood noon, automatic oil healing furnace. Basement. Attached double garage. Larta corner lot with bekuttftii tru flowers and shrubs. If you are looking for an extremely fine homt you can not anorn to mm srelng this one. Shown by appointment only. FRANK LOCKMAN Real Estate 1037 aFlrtrountU Rd. . -) alOR' $3,200. 500 down can let ou thli J.bed room home. Elra lane kllchrn. aood alBl llvlnc room. Hath and Inald miiiiy, AjMimn ii.aoo oal. Large Jot vii a pavfQ .1. in Klin Balem. flee or call Prank Vlaslc l M0 or 4-M70 !lh McKILLOP REAL KSTATE 4BS Center flt , li.lem alofl FOR SALE LOTS BISIMSS I.OT-N. K. ror. Market"" "',,,l"n' j-bb.13, wall Bocolofnky FOR SALE FARMS Calling: Mr." Farmer LARlllc DUTCH COI-ONIAL 4 mllM out. 3', aril o( pluinhin rorced all oil furnace In lovely lettli on thla loo acre .lock Jfe araaa Ka:t' ClooH Irrigation ell A puran. II creek, batn ft etc RAISE will" Mem ciAi.onr iintt. mc .hj. tree. M VAIlllTY (KUIT. PRICS 26 ACRES BUY rOR KH0O 14 In cull. 1 aer. J crop .tra.brrrlr.. I bdrm modern .nr. enati. tree., lereo barn, plenty traler and on paved road 1 mile out. l A(-HK NEAR KE17.KR SCUOOL- No biim, , corner lot.. P. ice woo lor aiMO jon. Many Other Good Buys rt t. T. ANumaox por a parm 'E PH. JJ714. OFflfS DIAU 4-'ii9i,2-'i:,r)2 A agaggawaagawaggsawaa m 4. 44494,24552 yj I 1. I FOR SALE FARMS Sky Ranch If you like to live In the country within f miles of Salem and have city conveniences, view over city, valley, mountain, and need a one thousand 00 sq. ft. ranch style home that was built by a master builder of the best material 3 years ago, and want to save about $10,000 of the original cost of property, don't fall to look over thla bargain. The home consist tf a large living room with 8xio thermo- pane view windows, fireplace that handles I -ft. logs, dining room with fireplace, worksavLng kitchen breakfast nook. Two large oedrooms and 3 complete bath. A den for the man of the. house. Patio and barbecue. Expensive wall to-wall carpet. Insu lated and weather-stripped. Stabla has 3 large bog stalls, knotty pine tack room, feed room, shop and hay Jolt. Machine shed, chicken bouse, and cattle shed, corrall, 10 acres of per manent pasture, garden, family or chard, sprinkler system in the lawn. Plenty of good tasting water. There Is over (45.000 invested In this proper ty. We will sell of $30,000 and take $12,000 down from responsible party. Call 4-5943, evenings and Sundays 3-509$ dor appointment. bt07" HOW PLACE, 1 acre, lovely 3 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, basement, 3 car garage, large C. bouse or barn, all kinds of fruit and shrubs, priced $19,500. Might take to 3 bed room boma south In city. 37 acres view farm, all fenced, new land. 1 acres cultivation, 3 springs, 3 acres fruit and berries, largo barn, 3 room bouae, electricity, garage. Priced $7500. For quick sale, 139 acres all seeded to rain and grass. Fenced. 8 springs. family fruit, old buildings. Full pr.'ce $18,000 Includes crop. Large Ouermey aairr nera can oe oougnt and mi ohlnery with place. OENERAL REAL ESTATE 3v5 Center Phone 3-338 bior REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WX tma UBTJNaa. Partloularlr hlfher priced home, and all frpea with low down paymenta. 8 BEDROOMS $7500 Yes, (7500 Is the full pries tor this 3 bedroom suburban home. Approx, A. lot. Stone throw from school. In good condition. Oarage, Several fruit trees. Terms arranged. YOU HAVE ADMIRED this home many times as you have driven by. It's really nice. The setting-, view and yard la beautiful and breath 1 taking. Aluminum window frames. You couldn't spend a dime on It If you wanted too. Fireplace. Insu lated. Large utility room. Vi A. Owner leaving. Pull price only 313,350. Terms arranged. UNUSUAL FEATURES GALORE Thla Is really lovely. One of Salem's choicest dtsts. full basement with par ty room, Va bathrooms. Beautiful wall to wall carpets. La. corner lot. Lovely back yard. Beautiful drapes go with the home. New furnace. 3 car garage. Full price $33,350. $1500 DOWN on this older typw home. Location de veloping into mora value dally. Large corner lot, Pvd. on both sides. 3 bed rooms. Oarage. Bus by door. PuU price $6,300. MOTOR COURT 13 units Inside city. Approx. H A. lot. Lots of room for expansion. Own er will consider home up to $13,000 as part payment. It's not new but It's clean. Panel ray gas heat. Price Is oniy szv.uoo. setter Hurry. 10,000 SQ. FT. BLDG. Very suitable for dance hall, skating ring; small manuf. plant, warehouse or wha have you? Lota of plate glass, Heated. Concrete floor. Extra large lot. Lot eo f room for parking. Owner may consider another property as part payment, run price INCOME $140 PER MO. Plus owners quarters. Almost new du plex. Trailer spaces. 100 by 134 lot. De - sirable location. 1 unit furnished. Owner wll accept home up to $7,000 aa part paly menu Full price is only I12.T.O0. MOTOR COURT This Is a good one. In a very de sirable location on the coast. Owner reports a groas Income last year of $11,000.00. Each unit is modern and equipped with kitchens. Overlooking the surf. Can accommodate from 2 to B In a Party, Owner will consider farm up to $40,000 In trade. Better hurry. Full price J 55. 000. 00. CALL FOR, DAN ISAAK. EVE. PH. 4-3.S33 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH 45030 or MR. KIC1U1N8. KVK. PH. 4-5404. If no answer call 4-2343. 85 ACRES 1360 ft. aluminum Irrigation pipe. S3 sprinklers. Water rUhls to 33 A. Mod ern 3 bedroom house. Part basement. Earn, machine ahed. School bus. Full price only $17,500. SELECT CHOICE SUBURBAN Almost 7 A. suitable for sub-dlvlslon. Sub-divlelon Joinlnn. Stonethrow from srnooi. pvd. highway. Very nice home with unfinished upstairs. 3-car gar- ate. New rh ckrn home. Best of so 1 May consider trade for city properly. run price SH.BSO. 1!1 ACRES Modern 6-room rioiue built In 190. Will soil. Near Balem'. Only H!0 n,wn. run price or S7.3S0. CAU. FOR Mil. I.EAVENS. BVK. PH. l-73. It no aneaer call 4-3141. MORTOAOK IJANS JO Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Olflce Phonr.v 4-3311 or 3-7820 3035 PORTLAND ROAD tie. Phonei: 3-4735, 4-1494, 4-3333. 4-5010 or 3-3S5I It no aniwer, ptiona 4-2341 MOTEL OWNERS ATIKSTION PLEASK. W! ARB HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THE ASSISTANCE Of Mr. Carl Arndt ho will ba tlvlnl apo dal attention to th. rale and et clianie o Motels, Court. Apt. Heea. and all type of rental property. OIVE US A CALL WS CAN HKIP YOU. Eve. pll. 4I7J9. orricc DIAL. 4-191,24552- K INCOME PROPERTY MODKHN 11-unlt court, low operat Ina rott. over 31000 mo. Income. 30.000 will handle. REAL CLOSE IN HOME plua 3190 mo. Income. The condition of thla property la absolute ly beyond compare. Real value here at 21.000. BUSINESS BUILDING THREE business rentals phis I apt. rentals. Income 3271 mo. Main drat looatlnn. will take small house tn part escjiansa or aell on aood terms. Value 123.000. DUPLEX Ida by aide, tach unit with I bri and full batn, 3-car ear, central utility hae. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N Hleh Ph. - EVE CALL 11704 3-4113 ltV THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE SOUTH Lovely I Br. boma. S yrs. old. Fenced yard. Inilda utility, dlnlni room. 3)-ar taraia. A view home. South. 14.000. Terms. CLOSE IN Older f Br. modern home. Neat de clean. Batra larsa lot. blocks from State offices, te.004. Terms, alaka a aood Investment cental. . WANNA TRADE? Your I or 4 bdrm. home for n smaller one aueh aa 1. Cute 1 Bdrm.. flreplaee, knotty pine, lane fenced yard, trees. Bxcellent rental. Price 38.730. 1. 1 Bdrms., attractive I yr. old plastered, .baked, nicely arranied horns. Price II. IM S'. Very close lo older I Bdrm., basement, furnact, fireplace, laret a, small lot. Price 13.930. '. "NEEDS LARGER HOME".. Only reason for offering thta nrarur new two Br. for aala Is Mother has coma to llv with us, and wa must hava mora room. Buy our ' equity. Pull prlco 119,430. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor i 101 M. Bleb Phona 388J Andr HalTOnan - Ph. 17 1 A. Walla - Ph. 13711 A. X. Back It Ph. 34591 3-BEDR00M RANCH STYLE, Nictat homt of thla typa that wa hava been privileged to offer tn ft lour time. Wide entrance hall baa combined wood and lane planter. Roomr dlnlni room plua nook In handy birch kitchen. 3 very laraa bedrooms. Fully plaatered double Ka rate. ThU home La Juat 3 yeara old, lawn and shrubbery are lo. It'a priced at tll.ftOO and worth the mon ey. Call us now I Lt Ohmart ' GOOD LITTLE SUBURBAN BUY AT $7750 A 1-year-old home wlUi 1 bedroom and larit lot fruit treat in the Balem Helshta dlitrlct. 3-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE Thla rental unit 1 In aood condition, llvlnr cuartera and bachelor apt. down, 1 apt. up 111,900. ' JUST SUBURBAN -Larfe B-bedroom home with VU acre of ground, fine well, amall barn. Thla hokie la In excellent condition and a aood buy at til, 650. EAST ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT - S BEDROOMS Nearly new, modern home In excellent condition both lnilde and out, att. far eat, overalxed lot. Hera la a chance to own a fine hopia for . juat 113,500. JUST BEAUTIFUL - NEW SUBURBAN HOME How would you Ilka a 19 x 90 denf Plua a 14 x 38 llvlni room and dlnlnv room? Yea, ltt bathe (tile) plua double taraia and double lot. Hera 1 a home you MUST aee $18,500. . ON fl9E - NORTH , . 10. Acres approx. 33' on highway, aood black loam aotl. 1-bedroom home, well-cared for, barn and chicken house, land laya aood for aubdlvldlna. 115,000. Will consider Salem property aa part payment. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court St. ' EV0.: Henry Torvend 33033 Ted Morrison 25044 Ralph Maddy 33488 Grabenhorst Specials MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Lovely 1 bdrm. horn, on Nob Hill. Tile bath, llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen with lots of bullt lna. Utility, oil forced air furnace. Por Detail-CALL J. B. law, OWNER LEAVING TOWN Muat aell 4 bdrm. home on acre. Tire place, din. rm., nook, full basmt. Will sacrifice at 1 3,000. for Im mediate sale. CALL PETER H, GEKER. f McKINLEY DISTRICT Juat completed S bdrm. ranch type home, hdwd. lira., fireplace, lnilde utility, auto-oU forced air heat. O. B. Dishwasher, planter box, tree, paved atreet A real buy at Ill.tOO. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP BROKER, PARM 13 ACRES Approx. 70 acrea In cultivation. 4 bdrm. modem home. Oood 40xSO barn, 10 stanchions, 3 poultry houses, 360 capacity each. 4 cowa and 1 calf. Oliver 70 tractor, tandem, disc, mower, combine, drill wagon on rubber, soma other equipment. St. Louie Dis trict. Price 117,000. or without stock b equipment $14,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Liberty St. Ph. 33471 Evenings k Sunday call Roy Ferris 3-8010 J. K. Law 1-8111 H. K. Laymon 1-146 -Peter H. Oelaer 1-9908 cli ROY TODD Real Estate FULL PRICE $3200 Pour years old. One bedroom home, nice kitchen, living, bath. Large lot In excellent location north. Close to atorea and achool. Call Mt. Vandervort, salesman. ) ' ONLY $4950 Neat 3 bedroom home. Living, kitchen, bath. Storage space In attic. Nice shaded back yard with picket fence. Would make nice rental. Will trade for larger home. Call Mr. Schultes, aaleswoman. NEW HOME Nice 13x17 living, dining, kitchen, 3 Mr me. bath. Att. garage. Lot 06x160. Only l blk. to school & stores. This U a real buy at 18000. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. ENGLEWOOD 8 bedrooms, nice living, kitchen, bath. Wired for range. Oarage. Lot 45x137. Nice lawn and shrubs. 3 walnut, 1 apple, trapes. H blk to bus. Only $8900. Call Mr. Ruch, talesman, $1000 DOWN New 3 bdrm. home. Lge. living, dining, kitchen with extra eat apace. Utility, forced oil heat. 1130 eq. ft, floor apace. Lae. garage. Comer lot 68x100. Only , .0,500. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. THREE YEARS OLD Nice I bedroom home. Living, dining, kitchen, bath, hardwood floors. Insulated & weatherstrlpped. 1 cherry tree. Nice flowers V shrubs. Lot 70x150. Price $11,500. Trade for amall acreage. Call Mr. Ruch, salesman. ROY TODD, 130 State Siren Kve. Phone: Vandervort IMM Ruch 3-7513 REAL ESTATE NELSON $1000 DOWN 3 BEDROOMS - KK1ZKR Thla 5-rm. coxy home la situated on a rolling knoll, haa good view, ap prox. 4 yra. old, Insul.. gar., lot 7Tx 313. PuU price $4950. Call Mrs. Woot en. $5500; $1000 DOWN 3 bdrm. home close to Salem HU. school, lot 73x170. fruit trees, berries, aood chicken hse.. ear., pvd. at., ulll. rm.. apuroi. Its yra. old. IV. bias, to achool s bus. Only StiOO. Call lira. Wootten. OWNER SAYS SELL Uuat sell thla tood attractive I bdrm. home, appraised lor 310.400. You make an offer. Will aell on terms or cash. Lorallon 3180 Moody Avrnue near Hoover school. Call Al Watts, I-7103. SUBURBAN GROCERY TRADE POR HOME located neighborhood Well itote. serving a large territory, profitable family operation, llvlni quarters on premisea, inv. $5000 to KOOO. Call Mr. Schmidt. 30 ACRES - $5500 Ideal setting tor country home and farm Income, only 64 ml. from city. 10-acre train land; $ ac. pasture fenced and cross fenced; 10 ae In wal nute Interspersed with filberts and peers, 9 ao, strawberrlea; 3 ae. cher r: apples k walnuts, all for only 15500. UNUSUAL DESIGN tftNOWOOD I1S10HTB Hous, aet apart by Its charm tven tn this section of lovely home,. This I bdrm. A den horn. Is situated with east and west view, built by owner, beautiful lot 801)20. Cell tor appt. Price IK.IOO. Nelson & Nelson SFRCtAUZTNO REALTORS TO! N. HUB St. l-3Mt Cl07 REAL ESTATE C107 Phone 34115 . 34110 Louia Loreni 33590 REALTOR Otllca Phone 3-8541 Shultea 3-8H36 - Simpson 3-81JS Todd J-173I WANTED REAL ESTATE N'OTICK: If your property is tor sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua We hava all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8 HUh St ca WE ARE badly In ned of 1 and 3-bed room hornet in Leslie Dm. Also need home anywhere with mal) down pay ments What have your AL laSAAK, REALTOR, PH 43311 It no a rawer, ph. 4-3341 ca WE ARK in need of good houses to ell. lo or near Saiem If you wish to 1LU your propm? for sale, see ORABENHORST BROS . REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty Ph 3-3471 ca WANTED from owner 3 bedroom house to $10,000 In aouth dlrtrirt. 3-8573. ca!07 1U Il.tHNO LOT WANTED South, walk ing distance Calvary Baptist church. Phone 4-1848 eves. cal07 GREAT BIYINO DEMAND for farms and acreage. Ltst yours with Colbath Land Co. Set T. T. Anderson, Parm Aarnt. Phone 4-4194 Eve 4-3714. re BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIKL SELF SERVICE laundry showina," net profit. Mtut sell at once. Will accept home, farm, equity or what hava you to ai down payment. Balance terms. 488 N. ChurcH tit. odl07 JOE PALOOKA tSS5ESS VORA ON THEM ARMS, I'LL SURE W I I Giwue our- V 1h.m mf UCM IftOK DOft-TIREDN Vs HARRV... HE'S PONE J ( TRY i WHErV.-!; M HOVLE ATHEMMLT ssJ rlFVBOTttTfREAS 1 HAMOLERS IS CASa'PISSER.... HE'S'PUM LOOKS PILLS T fcsS: K !cTsTRENGTW I TO J ARE WORKIN& FINISH MM flow, ) (mWINO' THAT I BEAT.. THIS SHIRT ' N a ? r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I BAKERY SOUTHS lor sale. Phone 33418 after 4 p.m. cdloo FRANCHISE Salesman for exclusive distributor ship. Salem territories available. Nat. campaign on proven Industrial equip ment. 11000 Inventory should net $1000 mo. up. Box 7$, Capital Journal. edl07 REAL ESTATE 500 DOWN A very good 3 B.R. home only t years old, located N I. on paved St. Better ate this. 2 HOUISE8 ON 1 LOT Here U a chance to hava good Income on a small Investment. Well located In St. Vincent dltt, out of town owner aska $0000 terms. 4 BEDROOM HOME Located In St. Vincent's dlst. haa 3 acta of plumbing. Basement and SD. furnace. This Is a well built home In good condition. WM. B LIVEN & CO., REALTORS 847 N. High St., Tel. 1-3017, Eve. 2-4773 clM HIGHWAY FRONTAGE IN ALBANY. OREGON, 114 foot frontage on 90E. Oobd two bed room house, garage, fruit and nut treea, plenty of room for a business building, 1 10,60000. Owner will consider trading for a house In Salem. Lawrence Edholm, Broker, U. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg., Al bany, Oregon. el CP Outstanding 2-BEDROOM HOME Only $8500. About 4 yeara old and In excellent condition. Dining room and also breakfast bar. Plastered In terior and shake exterior. Only 3 block to school and bus by door. Paved at. On a double lot. 3-BEDROOM $050 down, no loan costs. Lota of room for tba money. Only $4050 full price. Plenty of atorage apace. Extra large lot with assorted fruit and jiut treea and good garden apot. Bua by door, paved atreet. DOUBLE GARAGE Attached to a new 8 -bed room home with a beautiful view of the city of Salem. Extra nice dining room. Lots of atorage apace. Will trade for your amall house. REIMANN REALTORS I LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South High St. Phone No. 9-9203 ! Phona evening and Sunday: 4-1871, 3-3858, 4-1388, 3-4878, 4-5319, 3-3364 el08 BUSINESS & INCOME NEWPORT MOTEL Ideal location, half block off Highway 101. Two block aouth of bank and main business section. Serving year around bualneas. Pull front ocean view. Four modern apartments, hot water, heat. Refrigeration, ranges, etc. 2 bedroom manager's residence. Room for 8 additional apartments. Por In formation write Box 81, Capital Jour nal. cel07 OB TRADE, garage bualneaa opportun ity. Located in center of large fann ing community. Near Salem. Phone 31338. celOD FURNITURE FOR SALE ILLNESS FORCES sale of home full of nice furniture. Sea at 41W N. River Rd. dios' WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE GENTLE kids pony, 3 Falamlno, 1 ble work team. 4745 fillverton Road, FOB SALE Quarterborse. Leaving for army. Phone 4-4547. eios1 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF Whit, face .lereford. 86c. Locker pork. 35c. Nothing down, t mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free, flalent Meat Co., 1325 B 25th. Ph. S-4B58. PETS REGISTERED AKC Boxer, female puppy. 10 weeks, outstanding pedigree. Phone 3-9664. eC109 LOVELY SIAMESE kitten, ' 30638. rlth papers. eclOT 3 AKC registered black cocker female pups, 8 weeks old, $35 each. Phone Springfield 8-1497. eel 08 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1958 McCoy, one block east ot N. Capitol, 1 Vi blocks north of Mad b on. Ph. 3-6897. ccl28 MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeet, turtles, supplies. 3 miles from Lancast er on Ma clear road. 4-3773, Closed Wedtii1av, tellfl' FUEL Canitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Pre to -Lots, Briquets and Wood. 198 So. Com'l., phone 3-7731. ee ANDERSON'S hand picked slab 3 cor da, $14. Phone 37751 or wood. 443S3. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1525 EdsewaUr Phone Salem 8-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trimmings, 88 load. Phone S772I FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMP CHICKS, Ward's Farm Store. 117.50 per C. at floe" FOR SALE, young pullru, Rt. 440. Phona 43208. 8, Box flOft WANTED Colored hena. ery, phona 3-3861. Hatch- f sis caaas: da REAL ESTATE HOME OWNER NEEDS , CAR Leaving atate. and oould us. a very nlc. t. acre. 1 bedrooms. Fine place "'J1;,;,' ,d inside work enop. This Soma lust completed with hardwood uo. utility. A HOME ADDRESS YOU'LL GIVE WITH PRIDE 71, drlv. ., 7t H. Church, (Pleas, do '.ffi' will' that tho location of this fine -, f Nn"ddrs. wall to wall carpal In living room and dining """"j"; "', ,nUoUa you will give with pride. Asking price only "?'""'" to sell, wanta an otter on down payment, call cnei. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING H.r.'s a wonderful starter hom. of 1 bedroom built of Puml a Wort, eiceptlonelly nice lot located 3030 Brown Hoed. Price Is only Call Ohet for further Information. A FARM WITH A FUTURE This fine farm haa 1500 feet highway 9K ''"' ,nJ tanchlon barn; with cement floor. ,000 feet ;'" " walk-in freeser. Thla 18 acres he. an exceptionally nice 3 Bedroom home. For mora Information. Call Dale Rayhurn. 2 BEDROOM HOME NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL . . . . . . I,.,,., r.ivtnr room and dlnlnf 3 Bedroom noma naa everyining ior ime ........ utility room conftlnatlon. Fireplace. dream kitchen. ;r .V."e-Jl TJ' attached garage. Very near yard. This home Is neat lnilde and out. For appointment to aee. Call Dale Rayburn. 2 BEDROOM SOUTH IN CITY Two bedroom, full dining room, dice big kitchen, large .living room. Attached garaae. Insulated, weather atrlpped. good lot on paveo atreet. 2ts blocka to achool, 89500 committment, selling for Hurry, this won't last. Call Jim. REAL SUBURBAN LIVING Extra large plot of ground with thiet neat -year-old 3-Bedroom home. Large kitchen with lots ot bulltlns. 3 nice sue bedrooms tile Bain, attached garage, good ahruba and flowers, and on paved "" city transportation. Tho aoU Is the best for that garden. All for 88M. Oood financing. Call Jim. f PICTURE WINDOWS This very attractlv, home with large corner picture window, affords a delightful living room and dining room. Two bedrooms. Located outh near schools on paved atreet. Might consider trade for larger home. 387M full price. Call Tlbbetta. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) 1080 N. Capitol Tlbbetta 1-14M FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicle i, batched erery Monday ana Thuraday. Our chlelta trow faater. Pox'a Hatchery. 3830 StaU St. Ph. 3-4989. I FOB SALE, dreased red fryera. Average 8 lbs. each. 68c lb, lira. Roae Haupt- man, Gervals. Ph. 3383 after 8. 1113 FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chick In New Hampahlre, Parmentera, Red. White Lechorna. Auatra-Whltt, Whlto Rocka. White Wyandotte.. Par- menter wkeitla. Lea Hatchery, phona 3-3881. V PRODUCE OBOANICALLT GROWN tret ripened orangea and grapefruit. The .most de- llcloua juice you will ever drink. Rhubarb, aaparagua and spinach for freexlng. Tour complete produce needs at prlcea Ilka wholesale. Phillips Brothers Parm Market, 5590 Portland rtoad. 2 Dlocka .north Lancaster urive. 3-4512. ffl07' NETTED GEM and burbank seed po tatoes. Al Fed, 1330 Portland Rd. Phona 44071. ffllo GOOD 8EED POTATOES Netted Qenw, plant any time now to July, 33.60 per 100. Phllllpa Bros., Rt, t. Box 493, 3 miles east 4 Corners on State St. Ph. 43081. ff Help wanted COLLECTOR wanted with car. Call 3-8414 or 3-7671. Room 138 Grand Hotel. ,113 FURNISHED apartment In exchange for 1 hour dally light work. 140 No. 33rd. s-hojd. ' giov HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN lor car hop. Woodroffe'e Ban ehop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone call. WANTED, neat appearing man over 30 years of age for taxi work. Apply Shorty'a Cab Co. WS N. Liberty. Salem. a a 108 WANTED, bora to carry Morning Ore gonlan routca. Phone 86632. Inquire at 484 Ferry St. tal09 WANTED experienced foreman. Carding, spin in r, ano sFinianing. also experienc' ed textile help. Apply at Harrlsburg woolen Mill, Harruburg, Oregon. ial09' WANTED Window nd Interior display man, preferably between theatea of 18 and 2ft. Experience essential, steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gomery Ward. en' HELP WANTED FEMALE REFINED, middle.aged woman to share new nome wh widow u companion a no neiper. wages, write Box 83 Capital Journal. gbios1 RAPID TVPI8T for permanent position, PI en Ant working conditions. Old. es tablished Salem firm. Call 43359, ask ror Mr. hum. gblOt)1 QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER, typist, for surgeons ornce. Reference reaulrtvl Call 3-4013 between 8 and 12 a.m. for appointment for Interviews. gbll2 WOMEN TO tie files. Camps Tackle Co. Stay ton. Oregon. Apply In person. sbl09 HOUSEKEEPER for country. J. D. HarU well. Phone 31345. iblOS WOmXng"roCErV clerk. Da?leinro" cery. 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. gblO E XPE'iu V. NCED 8 AI.ESOl It T. wanted! Apply in person. Harlman Bros., 399 State. cblOft LADY OR experienced girl for day time baby alltlnt. Close to Candalarla Dlst. Phone 24581. ibl09 WAITRESS, Woodroffc'a San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. No phone call, eb EXPERIENCE!) SORTER and marker! Salem Laundry Co. 263 fl. High gbl09 JOBS - JOBS - JOBS FREE PLACEMENT For all studrnts. Enroll now and get ready for a good Job. Offke Jobs are increasing. Ttiexe Oood Jobs go to thoaa who are specialised. Night achool Mon. and Thura. 8 to 9 o'clock. Day School Mon. Through Prl. 9 a.m. to 4 pm. Call 21415 for Information. merritt Davis school of commerce 420 Slate St. . over the Man'a shop gbiio WK HAVE AN excellent opening for young lady orflce assistant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Muft be good trplst and accurate. Permanent po sition. See Doctor Brown al Brown's Jewelers, 184 No. Liberty. gb Tuesday, May 5, 1953 REAL ESTATE Offices i-4t4 or 4-1781 XVXNtMa PHONES Jim 3-8578 - cbet 3-633 L Dale Rayburn 3-2046 e...eewe.eeweweeweeee HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS. Woodroffc'a Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phona calls. ib' CAR HOPS Part time. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Road. cb WANTED SALESMAN THIS IS IT If you're between tba ages of 31 and 50 and have a good car, are making lesa than 8100 week, are Interested In k position with a top national or ganizationwhere you never have to worry again about unemployment, with wonderful promotional oppor tunity. You might be the man we ara looking for. Drop In and see Mr. Ludlow, Senator Hotel, Tueiday, Msy 6th, 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. SHARP. ggl07 REAL ESTATE Salesman. Write boi 70, Capital Journal or call Mlu Welch. Broadway 4333 Broker, Portland. ,t,ittttitttttttitiittt"tt EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs flea us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our ex perience In the community. Check our listings Uon, & Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 4(4 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) 4-1351 gfl07 WANTED POSITIONS EARL COX 660 Marlon St., Salem. Ore gon, phone 3-7338 - Gardening and lawn work. hill . MAHV'S FLOWINQ and discing, prompt service. 4-5449. hlie GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leveling, rototllllng. service center. Phone 43573. h!30 CEMENT WORK and flnliblnt. A Bom beck, phone 3-K74. 1535 N. 5th. hlOS DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE In country home. Pickup and delivery. Phona 35108. H07. MICKENIIAM'S DAT NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Phone 3-7878. hl31 MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run easy. Phone 3-6314. hl09 PLOWING Si DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-3300. hU0 TILLING WITH new M. E. Rotary tiller. Evcnlnge 3-8333. 13 50 hour, hi 10 CAlirENTERCablnet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call 3-8411 blow LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level Ing, grading. Phone 3-3330. h!3 GRADING, leveling, backfilling, lawni! gardens. By hour. lob. Phone 3-3041. h!3 evenings, Saturdaya. Sudars. Kelier area. Phona 1-5383. hl07 NEW LAWNS. complete. Free estimates. Phone 4-3311 or 38145. hill rimi l.YCi-Local reKrences, free es ii"JJC.Hrn. Ph. 36181. hI13 KOI ARY HOEING. 84.00 hour. Phone hill' site. 6. " "OK- Topping, trimming, re! Ph ,. To'385 "",n P""; PLOWING. DIsciNoTieVelinir hour. Phone 4-3111. 3.50 an ni33 LANDSCAPE mslntenance. prii' tnmm)ii?. Dinntin f..(Mi.if: planting, fertlllilnj. jser. lcentePhone 4-W7J. h!30" ...., ttoiary noelnr R... .... t. Duane Wolcott, Phona J-im. - hill PAI1U !..(., P.p,t.n,,,. , mate Don Lucero. Phone 3.55ii Wi". ROTovAT0RVo7irrrST-57r.r: Kramer. JIM Lansing . Phone 33180" WANTED TO RENT ,- . JalOB up"!,- .SV Ja.109 .r Hnt,!i'"!,0M "'Thou.,- By Ham Fisher Journal Want Ads Pay Journal Want Ads Pay