Tuesday, May 5, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Paw 15 Tele-Views ? Radio-Television Bj DAVE BLACKMER The news that Joseph Brenner and Harold Jury rep resenting Lawrence Harvey will be in Salem next week was well received by the local television dealers. Both men will speak before the Television Association of Salem Monday night and then proceed to get the work necessary to operate a television station underway. I imagine the option on the land in West Salem will be taken up and also a contractor will be hired to build them a television studio and transmitting building. Plus many other items of business on their agenda . . .This news wiir no doubt increase the television set sales as many people have been holding off till Salem television becomes a reamy. , , This movement on behalf of the Harvey company should show that they do mean business. Tele-Views learned by talking with Brenner, that color television is still in the far distant future. Brenner, who just got back to his home before calling Tele-Views had been spending several days in Los Angeles at the Radio and Television Manufacturers national convention. There the utmost equipment in color television was displayed. On the basis of what he saw Brenner maintains that color television will be-on the market in a year or so. But he Will wo, hic vi Mfcv, w... v Biiwm ,v yay me ire On Television KPTV (Channel 27) iOnl proirim echadolea . 9a.e mendous price for the item. Thus it will be a few more years before the cost will come down and then color tele vision will have had a few years' experience under its belt and that will make it that much more perfect . . . At the meeting Monday night May 11, the meeting is just open to television dealers in the Willamette valley . The public will be informed in Tele-Views on what Bren ner and Jury had to say ... Mayor Al Loucks, will present a key to the city of Salem for Lawrence Harvey, station owner, to Brenner and Russ Pratt, president of the Salem Chamber of Commercewill welcome the guests on behalf of the Chamber. : YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING TUESDAY Two for the Money 6. $ 3,220 in cash prizes won. Harold Mahnke of Portland, Oregon appears as contestant with Hal Collins. They resemble President Eisenhower and ex-President Truman. ' Scott Music Hall 9. Patti Page plays the part of a disc jockey. Bob Crosby and Four Aces are guests. St. Paul Knights ' Plan for Conclave St. Paul The Archbishop Blanchette Council of the Knights of Columbua at tS. Paul elected H. W. Bowers grand knight of the council and Frank Bernards as dele gates to the annual Knights of Columbus state convention which wil lbe held at Astoria May 15, 16 and 17. Alternates are Hubert Drex W, Bowers and for Frank Ber cher for H. Joseph Zorn nards. . Plans also were made at the last meeting for the annual Mother's Day breakfast for the ladies of the community which will be held Sunday, May 10, in the St. Paul Community hall.- . Final plans for this event will be made al the next regu lar meeting of the K.C.'s which has been set for Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. at the St.- Paul community hall. Farmers Union Wars on Ragweed, Tansey Ragwort Gervali Ragweed, the dreaded "hay fever" weed of the midwest, has been found In small Infestations In five lo calities In Marion county, ac cording to J. K. Neufeldt, the county weed inspecor, speak' ing at the quarterly conven tion of the Farmers Union in Gervais Saturday night. The weed has been located in four counties in Oregon. Doctors in Portland are ur gently asking for Its extermin ation; the railways and high way department are much concerned. Neufeldt stated that the weed - can be easily killed if sprayed in July with 24D. Tansey Ragwort ' is being brought under control, as in dicated by the death from its poisoning of seven head of cat tle in the county last year as compared withf 18 head In 1951 and 35 in 1950. The night meeting was held in place of the usual all-day sessions because of the busy farming season. Held in the Gervais high school building, the meeting was well attend- ed. Roy Rutschman, Central dent, presided and spoke of the 28 per cent decline of farm in come due to lowering prices, and of the 90 per cent of par ity guaranteed by the Depart ment of Agriculture. He told of attending the F. V. Leader's conference in Denver recently. A. C. Heyman of Linn coun ty, guest speaker, discussed PUD developments, and the proposed formation of a five county PUD in the Willamette valley. Wendell Barnett, Gervais local, introduced a motion that this convention go on record as supporting the principle of Public Utility Districts for the generation and distribution of electrical energy. The motion carried unanimously. As chairman of the legislat ive committee, Barnett talked on the business transacted by the legislature. Warren Creech, Bethel lo cal, discussed the progress of the proposed new Farmers Un-! io'n cooperative and was sign ing up new members. Harley I Llbby, Marion local, Introduc ed the resolution framed by Roberts local and sponsored by J. W. Isely, to make the vast quantity of dairy butter being held in storage by the government available at a tok en price to the needy of this country. This was approved. Arthur H. Bone, editor of the Oregon Farmer Union, spoke favoring the construc tion of the Hells Canyon dam. William Rector, of Salem, dis cussed the value of cooperat ives. Serving during the so cial hour was in charge of Ger vais. Arbor Grove and Wood burn locals under the chair manship of Mrs. John Corn- well of Woodburn. The next quarterly conven tion, August 1, will have as its host locals, Marlon, Sidney Talbot, Sublimity and Meha- ma. These will ., decide the meeting place. Too Busy Praying to Get Cold in Water Helena, Mont. "I didn't have time to get cold," said Mrs. Billie Akins, lone surviv or of a boating tragedy in which nine companions drowned. "I was praying so fast that God would send . someone to help." . Mrs. Akins, 38, gave her ac count from a hospital bed here late Monday. Attendants said danger from exposure was past and she was recovering from the shock of losing all her family. NOTICE WE ARE NOW REGISTERING HELP FOR OUR 1953 SEASON. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON STARR FOODS INC. CHURCH ft MILL STS. MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV TUESDAY 3: IS p.m. arch lor Tomorrow 1:30 p.m. love of Lift 4:00 p.m. Howdy Doodj 4: p.m. Vacation Und. 1:00 p.m. Name the flam 1:30 p.m. Doui Edwardi S:46 p.m. Tlmo for Beany 6:00 p.m. Two for tht Money fl:30 p.m. Dinah Shore 6:4ft p.m. Newi Caravan 7:00 p.m. Clrcua Hour 8:00 p.m. FlreMde Theater 8:30 p.m. Circle Theater 0:00 p.m: Life of RHer 9:30 p.m. Scott Muelc Hall 10:00 p.m. My Little Mania 10:30 p.m. Nlte Owl Theater CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COUH-1120 CENTER WEDNESDAT ojo em. whai'a cooatni 10.45 a.m. Mornlm New 11:00 a.m.-The Bit Payoff 11:30 .m. Welcome Traveler 1J:00 noon Kite Smith 1-00 pm. Double or Notnlnl 1:30 p.m.-fltrlke It Rich 1:00 p.m.-Matlnee Theater I IS p.m.-flearoh for Tomorrow 1:10 p.m.-tve of Ute 4:00 p.m. Howdj Doodf 4 10 p m. Tooteie Hippodrome 5:00 p.m. Strike It R'el 5-10 p.m. Done Kdwerdl 5:45 p.m. Time lor Beenr 8:00 p.m. Flehto :45 p.m. New Cararen 1-00 p.m. Lieerace 1:10 p.m. Arthur Godfrey I 00 p.m. I Married Joan .:S0 p.m. ThU la Your Ut 0:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 10:00 p.m. Pacific Crusade 10:30 p.m. Nlte uwi i nr.. Rasmussen Advises On Cherry Spraying Although it is too early to spray for cherry fruit flies, cherry growers should be pre pared to spray or dust now for syneta beetles if earlier applications have not been made, 0. L. Rasmussen, coun ty pension agent, states. The syneta beetle is creamy white in color and about a quarter inch long. During the blossom period, u eau nut" the leaves and blossom petals and gnaws in fruit stems. Later it gnaws cavities in the small cherries, making them useless for market purposes. Growers following a regu lar spray or dust program apply DDT during the popcorn and petal fall stages. If synets beetles are not controlled by this time, a 5 per cent DDT dust is recommended at the rate of 45-50 pounds per acre. a ..nnlsinlne 2 DOUndS of 50 per cent wettable DDT powder to 100 gallons ot water can also be used, ad vi.o. the evtpnsion agent. The DDT may be mixed with one of several fungicides recom mended for brown rot control. Falling Tree Kills Onkrirlac. Ore.. Man Oakrldge, Ore. Part of a falling tree strucn jvenneui A. Cox, 34, In the head Mon j4.v folnllv Iniurinft him. Cox, who lived at Jasper, had been flagging cars for a log pins nnemtinn. A tree cut by other loggers fell on. a smaller tree, breaking It. A piece of the smaller tree fell on Cox. The widow and two small "Sj' K4 Picture PGRFonr.iAMCE ' : W'A l r ff U! ; ; - N MASSI ENGINEERING; . iV''V-$fcj kf VV i , III .. Television masterpiece ... true-to-life I M-f"'?.' ,!$rfe . fjS HVi' -trm: -r,---ismJL n m i I t picture, movie-clear. Authentic hand- , Is ' - f f J-r . - : t, V Ml l&mSmm f crafted cabinet stylings with heirloom dis- fWt 1 K . J 2. . ' tinction. Super-powered for our rugged 3 ' jl U , ?J SNX' .JT Western distances. Packard-Bell TV, pre- I " ffliTlzitX JriMf---1 ) cis'on engineered for Western reception l 7 THE CHARM OF OCOfZUI l TV 24" DELUXE COMBINATION ', V'TT. & If J J Bigger-than-Life size television... "living-voice" k ff -RADIO radio ... 3-speed automatic record changer. THE BEAUTY Or I I l:? ff l PHONOGRAPH your choice of styles ... . " nm fyf American Colonic. Mop,. fZCtC(ClC 21" CUSTOM DELUXE TV 'i'Vr 1 , Traditional Mahogany . , f " ' f AHV" " rrenchProvinciaiwood A RLffl AtiQ ,B f K. OOJ .Mahogany no UL3 'epf, Mahogany, 710.00 in Other Finishes U-sq ' 429.95 in Other Finishes All prices include Federal excise Jfe All prices Include Federal excise Ux, and parti tax, and parts warranty. Ready I ill Ujil FJ warranty. Ready for UHF-KPTV. All prices include Federal excise tax, and parts warranty. Ready for UHF-KPTV. ALL PACKARD-BELL PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX AND PARTS WARRANTY . CLOCK-RADIO Woke-up to muiic! Set it to turn on or off. Coffee brown: Blue, Ivory or $O"y0i5 rtnk, $39.95 O Alt PACKARD-BEll CONSOLES GLIDE ON CONCEALED MAR PROOF CASTERS TO YOUR PRE FERRED VIEWING POSITION. FACTORY SERVICE Ask your Packard-Bell dealer about the factory service plans on parts and install ation. There is one to suit your needs. Factory technicians are at your service, too. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS I i JOUM FELKER COMPANY. TELEPHONE 4-2231 soni survive.