Tuesday, May S, 1953 RADIO PROGRAMS The Voice of Love WEDNESDAY P. M. By WILLIAM NEUBAUER 1 . i i rrrrm rlDITll IAITDU1I C.l , pgr.) 14 Tc X la inn Kfltlinu ajjinnui cjaixmt vmckvh , J 1 ' i STEVE ROPER I RT tuc m-tiTvc JrupiP vouB5eLF-jusrT puzzles ive 1 a SOLUTION y?"yA-iNc EDITOH It I P THE HOUSE-MANGLED DONT MESS WITH THEf SOT PLENTY OF, V, mmJ STILL AT LARGE A TwHATLL IT BE, STEER MEAT "AND, CROSSWORD PUZZLE. SpAL WHAT I AOiC fOAfft-rix. W MISTER? SlEI'MFBESHOUTOF bBBM NEED IS-" . . ., Cr)? FWSNPMArVxitw I w'(vitceep...-THE nam ofl VOTOMIN1t TtWCLUS AN NOW THAT I JlOiXXiU wtSCi UOtltoi I pVT TOTTHfc VWWrXAKP THE UNIT 10 GrIAN&ePTO THe I IX IO IN CHAH3 I'M OONNA CHANS ihaTtei 4. I SlCKKittt.. STCtf 70 fiiCtSi SOf(Me fOYSmit 1 ith nam aw-j the ntne ifeTiav 1 1 im mwPiNT- wnh f Twonioio ORPHAN ANNIE . ' IaKKaiMpJ lOUR DEPrl MAYOR IS HEftO J Ff DEFINrrELV-WE ARE TS I W OVMM A COLUMN OR T THE HOSPITW. 1 I OF THf C0MMITTE6-H6 AH,YK- 1 INVITINS THE 6BSST '4M-M0NpR 1 1 lirSrr.Sr IrSST 1 I HAS APPOSED I TO 66 I YOUHWH I I I PEOPLE IN RAWoT RALLY, EH?HM- II I fl YOUR PAWH-HOlHOflT HEARD A RUMOR, I fl IN CHARGE OF PUBLICITY- I CWJJJ I l1? STf- II I U SUCHflCOODCAOEElVOUVE MRS. M'WOC- I F ' J I OARESW? I I TO APPEAHT OUR POSSIBLE- 71 i Mr rsflP LIL ABNER . lAHHAIKITCOM' VOUWimiS I y-YtS,r YTHEN IT WOOLP BE l I AH NEVAH ftIN A UNPATRICXnC T THAT'S NICEtf-GOTO VOJ W I OOTWIPNO MARRIED-NOT tWHlfJ ONRATRIOTIC TO ' BOV-AN'AH'l-i. a ? ROOM. CHAWGE YOU DFtASsTl SLOBSOVIAN YOU.'- BY LAW, Jxf RlFFOSE: A PATETO NEVER BE A l - f COMB YOU HAIR. SHAVE. ,-A SAILOA7-AH kYOU ARE. A j A SiXJBBOVlAfJ BOW UNFVATRIOTTCfcjfcvl ' HOPALONG CASSIDI M1VKC YMf V IJ M PEAL T KNOW WHAT WU TEU. MS' 11 71TOtf: I 6UIETLY WIN' EVERY KANHEKl tCi KVV- Ih 1 1MVW TKf n 1 .l I i x t ii i iv.BBiT bf rri i i wi i r u i bi &y&;,., ' via i ir u k MCTT ft JEFF CiyTM T1 1( WHERE-) WELL, IF HE KHOMS II BUT IF HE? POESNTl h A ( SEP, SWIMMINS ) AAUTT WHEBtTTHE WENT TO' n A' MUCH ABOUT KNOW ANV MORE tSUii - .-1 J!2Jv!y OUT WITH L! CANOES A3 HE ABOUT IT THAN I If g ' . ?SM THINK HE DOES, REX MORGAN M. D ' ' - SlLL3!, Mg. KBUT I'M GLAD YOU CAME.' I WANTED I rVHAT KINO OF 1 I'M NOT SURE... B'JT 11 F' - BAKNES.' AN EXCUSE FOR DISTUR9NS HIM B J WOMAN WAS BASU'S CONFESSION AT 1 IS OR. MORSAN HE'S ALONE IN HIS SEEM60 DePRESSEO' . SHE REALLY, POUCE HEADQUARTERS J IN, MISS 0ALET ) OFFICE ANO ASKSO WHEN HE RETURNED T WR. BARNES f I A LITTLE WHILE ASO "5 ( THAT I NOT PISTVRS FROM THE HOSPITAL.' 7 SHEILA TURNERS V- WOULD INDICATE THAT HE JCLLy , f HIM-'jjrt I -4 'pRBTTY HARD (lU y" VWAS THE INSTIGATOR O DONALD DUCK MARK WORTH " jffV'1 1 , " 1 I OU WOULON'T ) K,o..uTyOU 1(f) t KANT YOU TO DO ONE KIND ACT ) I TELL..-?.' ulvriNBTHf PRitE V" A EVERY DAV FOR THE NEXT MONTH! AU. RI6HT. A I ONLY WANT TO REMIND YOU. - itT. OF MY 5ILCNCE I'M HOPING IT WILL 8L-.UH. . J iM.Ri WORTH." r LIB8V, THAT YOU WOULD 5UffER fIV TEeR.SLY HI6H' r HABIT-ORMING ,MY DEAR.! CHEW ME UP1 THE JAMt 3RT OF DISGRACE GWEN I--T V t yTKj J DID-IF THE POLICE KNEW MXI . njfJT-Nl 1 A V. S. lSlK $J (Mr (AP Htw.le.turu) CHAPTER 17 And now she wu beautiful. Now nerve untangled themeelves, and the look of tension left her big, glowing brown eye. This, she decided, was It. There was no voice Inside telling her so, and vm. for the first time In her life she could look at a man and feel sure, sne wantea 10 worn lor mm. She wanted to scrub floors for him, and she wanted to care for him when he was ill. She smiled, and It was the smile of love felt, known, accepted at last. "Hello. Dan." ' "You know. I'm not worthy, Ruth.. I've done a lot of rotten things In my lite. If you Just knew the trutn aooui me . . "Well do It together, won't we? Dan, It'll be a lot of fun I All my lue I've wantea io ao someuimg really and truly important. All my we I've "But your teaching I" "I have the whole summer, Dan." "But your father I He's against me. He's campaigning ror a cuy hospital. What about him?" That sobered her. That, she thought would be a problem. She knew her father. Once he'd gotten n idea into his head he'd go ahead with It no matter what. Ana Doctor had worked on Dad for months. For that matter, so had ahe. He'd fight for the city hos pital now, and he'd fight along wim uoctor until uie ena, "It's a mess," he said gently. He smiled. "By uie way, don't ask nun to wiunaraw irom tne ngnt, Hutn. That wouldn't oe rigni." "I won't." I He scratched an itch on his nose. "Do you feel strange?" he . asKea. "Verv stranse." "You know, it couldn't be for a ions tune, i u nave ot esuumsn myseu nere, iirst." "I'm in no hurrv. Dan." "I don't think engagements are necessary. Do you I' ll would be nice she thought wistfully, to be formally engaged. But alter ail a aiamona ring wasn't a necessity. "No." "Do I take you In my arms now?" What a big child he was! "You ' might try." Dan Curtis did try, and while Nancy stared from the kitchen window his effort was crowned by success. "That," said Nancy Carlisle to the ticking kitchen clock, "is a . kiss!" But she was worried. It had happened exactly as Doctor had feared. She turned and raced to tell her father ... The girl's lips trembled. Tears brimmed over and ran down her thin, volatile face. "I think It's awful," she raged, "I think it's the moat awful thins ever." So, for that matter, did Mr. Benter Hufford, fisherman and ar tist. But he was better able to control himself. He sat down on a stool In the stern of the Daunt less Me and contemplated flying gulls and soaring pelicans with a medlatlve eye. He looked at for lorn Nancy in her Dlald shorts and peppermint-striped blouse. "A lot ean nappen Detween now ana then, hang It," he roared. "And don't think I don't know what I'm talking about. I've lived, you know. I dldn t always weigh lour nun dred pounds. There was a time when women went simply mad over me. This had the desired effect. Nancy studied the seml-bald head, the fat red cheeks, the several chins and the Immense corpora' tlon and giggled shrilly. From her shorts she took a gay green handkerchief and dried her eyes, "Honest. Mr. Hufford?" "We're discussing your sister," said Mr. Hufford stiffly. "And lik ing her," resumed Mr, Senter Huf- lord, "I want to neip ner. Blue eves flitted to his face. Anticipation glowed In those blue eyes. Mr. Hufford was at his best wnen ne was Plotting some great mischief. "We could invite Dan Curtis to ride with us, and pitch him over- boara, couian i, we, Mr. nuiiorar His mouth -snapped snut. "Just an Idea," she said hurried ly. "I really wouldn't murder any one. But how do we know he a wrong? Or that Ruth is wrong? He nodded and laughed as color rushed to her cheeks. "You see? Bob O'Brien Is an old friend. You want him to be happy. So anyone who seems to be cutting him out strikes you automatically as being a wrone 'un." "He lsi He is! "Yesterday." boomed the fat artist from Maine. "I saw a nil ferent Dan Curtis. I was in Fish erman's Quarter, sketching. Along came ur, uan Liurtis in your sis ter's car. Someone had broken an arm. Dr. Fell was In San Mateo. dolnsr an operation, and In des peration Dan was called. He asked me to help, and I did. Before you anew it. mat arm was sec Dron- eriy. And witnout cnarge, inci dentally." Nancy clenched her hands. "A trick I Just a trick to make every one like him." He nodded moodily. "You might be right. But suppose you're not. Do you think Ruth will waste time on a sister wno didn t give ner husband the benefit of the doubt?" Nancy fidgeted. "We'll see what well see." said Mr. Hufford, His voice dropped o nis ooois, ana was very grave. But in the meantime. Nancv. be warned." Nancy reached for her hand kerchief again. (io ne lanunuea) WOODBURN VFW I Woodburn Regular busi ness meetings of Champoeg post and auxilary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be at the Woodburn city hall Wednes day evening, May 6 at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served to both groups by Mrs. Jacob Weber, new president of the auxiliary, assisted by other members. II Carol Curtis Pattern 2920 SIZES 12 20 Young-Set Euential! To relate or separate at your merest whim I The separata story , , , both to supply you with that exciting any hour amwer in almost any fabric you can name. Blouse offers sleeve choice: skirt, different pockets for your selection. No. M20 Is cut in alr.es 12. 14. 16, IB, 20. Size 16: blouse and skirt In one fabric, & yds. 3S-tn, Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Bite. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion Street, San Francisco S, Calif. Bluebird Pinafore SeL Pinafore and sunbonnct tissue pattern for sizes 1, 2, 4 and 6 years, transfer oi me int utile Diuemrd which is to De emoroidered nU In this pattern I There are three bluebird motifs, each bluebird mpnxtirlnfr i Inches. Embroidered birds in shades of light blue; breast is golden yellow: spilng posies are in shades of pale pink. A "charm er" whpn mad In whltji oroanril for dress-up wear; an adorable summer every-day-wear set when maoe in pastel cottons! ena 30c lor the BLUEBIRD Pinafore Spt iPai.trn Nn 4m slaw 1, 2. 4 and 6 yrs., complete nrwmg nn uiiisning directions YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PAT TERN NUMBER and SIZE tf CAnni. niTRTis na,iiAi 652 Mission street, San Francisco o, uaiii. ROOM & BOARD ROBIN SAID YDU THOUGHT Of A NEW DESIGN FOR A GOLF PUTTER WHICH WILL SINK 80 PEttTENT OF THE PUTTS' ..YKNOWl PLAY GOLF AND I FIND SINKING THOSE 5-F00TERS IS TOUGHER THAN THAT LAST MILE UP MOUNT EVEREST.. WHATS XXJR. M, PUTTER LIKE?. 1 By Ahren I can D dcvpirf rr m 1 '" i YUU. LANK.. BUT FIRST I MUST V btNL AN APPLICATION WITH STRUCTURAL DETAILS, FOR A DATrMTI IT'C iinr hiitI 1 MISTRUST VOU. BUT THE PUTTER IS SO SENSATIONAL IN DESIGN ItU UUUUWIM I MtLr BUI r TALK ABOUT IT... EVEN TO STRANGERS! Wave patience, GOLFERS , KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO n, mo ne ens iabc Jgojlo JLJLi- JULHOLi :Jf IU.S LU. C...CIII "" """Vl Iwti" M.J'r Imim H;' B...i". "..t J..f o r."" a :ijs..ll.o.iu. o.df..r i??"! ViSuTv sIwS M.I'rU.... ' IW.-.l ! Bl (i.JIrtT "" . I-M Kill n.dlt.r C.I Tl.r M.tl. R...rd. , 14- Q."mt. ." Wllll...lr. 8.wr a...rd. !:ll ; RulhA.bU. M..I.B.... Mule JIB D.ni ' ll! Tr...l.r. Jlw.k.lr ". ,"" . r,u" :t0 Or P..I R.ifin.r r.r lb. Olrli Mill. Jin Dsl "!5'J... I li? D... omn T.n.lullr H- O"" "' " I-'" Melody T7 Lit. B...HI.1 iirkb ti. tm r ' "Sj-7 ; I:JI Ml, a.. S...P.M 8,.lrr.lC. m!.'.m. W.nl 4:45 Mmlt B.i N.w.r Htm Tl Mail. M.rl . , 11? l"i,CU W.7Ti T.4., Ch.t B..II., WIM Bill K..r Cl.b V.l'F B.Hrt :'4' a. ?luA"r B.b Q.rr. Hl.b.t H.pwr Cl. t7MB.I.. .lib On SI... w.ib.rni. G.brlB..l.r S.,.rCI.J "JI'HrM J " 00 SI... B.B. Ki. NW Wew. up..rC b C.ndl.lllhl ;StArcbl. W.rl4 All.lr n..S Ll.l. 8rmpb.ni 'P"C u; "-.,. " Andr.w. r.r.- C.d .Ll.l. S.m H..M S.pp.rClub US Km i;M B.b H.p. N.W. Un Bum Hula S?.VSl.. B.b H.p. On Sp.l L.n. R.ni.r Mu.l. n"J,7j :ln W.Ik Mil Dr.Cbrlill.. Mr.Wrp Br Blld.r. SUn Olf B.nd. nd U W.lb . Ml Dr. Chrl.ll.n Thr.t.r Ur KH4.r. B.ndll.nd 1:10 Mu'i ru F. B. I. Rjpjpb.n.llr N.m. S.n ' ' s... Pear, a War Srmph.nrll. Muili 5 I I! I: Or.al J. 8l.II.rd Mr. rrold.nl ll.rm.nlel 2 "! , -Hid Blld.rala... Janl.r Mil. Mr. Frtildtnl Mu.le "" :MI Graa.ba PM T.I.. Tam 'Hen Hardr S"S!l! :1." Mara Plarb.aia U. N. 81ery -alt." Ul S ! 1:10 lf.ai.Thal Wbal'i Mr Mail. I. Mail. ? 1:45 Tan. Lla. My Bailn.i Mail. B"cl"" ll:(i a.pair 5Sl.r Final Final EdllTn Behind Sl.rr B.eball lt:IS Sparl. Final Intcnlaw. D.na. Tlmt Vawir..! .'V. . l:Sfl Mail, n.ar Trrainr; Dane. Tim. N.. 2 I! !" 16:45 Mail. H.ar B.nd.t.nd U.ne. Tim. Dear Martr ' Miht S.ni 11:6'' Mail. Hear Mail. Dane. Tlmr III MardM Nlihl Sana 11:15 Mail. B.nr Mail. Dane. Tim. Mel.diM N 'J' 8"n J 11:111 Clip Caanen Muila ; Danee Tim. Melodl.i Nltht Sona CHt C.nn.ll Mail. ! D.ne. Tlml Mel.dltl " , UlSel'lin ort lll.n I ImbiI. I Pane. Parlp lt? Don'l Blow Your Top tan own i beautiful 4- iimnnHiiii ivj Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 lam aw. Ph. 3I55S THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1:45 A.M. :0OiD" Wut iKOIN Klock jOra. Fftra Ntwt Brcakfait W McIttllM :15 DBTWit H.F.D., Or. Ore. rra Ftrn Nm Nook W. MtlittlH -(;S0 0 VVtit KOIN Klock Ort. Farm New, Urea-fail rirm Nen ;4S Farm Time KOIN Klock Ore. Farm March Time Nook Nw j.fO' Country Ed. Kloek Pint Edition Henulfa.-way Dreakrail Medltatlail .; Johnny Willi Newa H. Arromky Breakfail Nook KOCO KUrk 1 :gf Newa New Bob Garred Breakfail Breakfail KOCO Kloek 7;4r K. Manning H. Babbitt Bob Haien Ram Rayei Nook KOCO Klock Old Soafi Newi Breakfail Oeell Brews Jim Dandy Niwi lit Old Sanaa . Newa Breakfast Fam. Altar Jim Dandy KOCO Klerk m'-XQ Mailt) Bx Helen Trent Breakfail HaTCa of K Jim Dandy KOCO Kleek S;4S Maile Box Onr Gal Ban Breakfast Harm of B Jim Dandy Wewi : tO N Rod of Life am Ed It lor Vewa Back Fenee WomantJ Pat f.e Musie Rex Ma' Perkins Todaya Stan Melody Mem Matinee Ma lie ( :Sf Music Box Don Malone Turn to Pastor's Call Bark Fence Pl-no Pat. B:dr V. LIndlahr Gnld. Llrbt Friend Bar. Coantei Matinee Dinah Skoro if;W B. Reynolds Mr. Barton- D, Gardner Glen Hardy Bark fence Bays lt:15 B Remold! P. Mason C. Hantley Tela Test Matinee Records Strike It rlciNora Drake Trot Story Muile , Back fence R't IA:d' Strike It rich Brighter DayTrne Story Mesle Matinee Records 11:00 DM or Noth. oTand 81am WhlsperlnT" Ladles Fair Back fence Baji 11:1 Dbl or Noth. Rosemary Girl Marries Ladles Fair Matinee Records lltltf Phrase Pays House Party V. LIndlahr Qn, for Day Back fenee Hits 11:'' Bob Hope House Party Barney KeepQ. far Day Matinee Records FM Mcr.i KOIN 10 1.1. a.m. io IS a.m. KEX W.0, I io I p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 5S IffrtAf Wednesday n.m. 6:00, Chlld ren'o Theateri B:Sfl. Chlcara Beundtablei f:4S, News, Weather, 0:00, Mnilci Medllatlena; 10:00. 81m Off. lAAP Th""d" t---l:. Nwi, j IVMV Wfithrr; ift:)5, For Women, 11:00. School of Air; 11:15, Concert Hallt : 13:00, Stmt, Weathen 1S:1S, Noq Farm : Hoar: 1:M, Ride 'Em Cowboy, 1:15, School of Aln 1:45, Bookibclft 1:00, For Women, : t:M, Inenlrlnr Maiiclim. 1 Eagles Auxiliary in Sweet Home Rites Sweet Home Vt the April 30 meeting of the Eagles aux iliary, two ladies were initi ated in a candelight ceremony. They were Sadie Kaeding and Hattie Tunnell. Honored on birthdays 'were Barbara Vinson, Elma Tick er, and Freda Davis, Timber line Manor was decorated with wild flowers including current, dogwood, and wild iris. Dec orating committee members were Betty Fisher, Bernice Bell and Rose Swager. Re freshment chairman was Del- ores Cessna. It was announced that on Tuesday, May 5, a dinner hon oring Stale Madam President Mary Browns, Grants Pass, and Past State Madam President, Ruth Fletcher, Albany, will be held at the Vigue's Country club at 6:30. Following the dinner a regular meeting of the Auxiliary will be held at the Timberline Manor. In charge of decorating for this affair will be Fran Yunke. Michigan State had Iwo box ers go undefeated through a seven-match 1953 ring sched ule. They were welterweight Herb Odom and middleweight Tom Hickey. ACROSS 1. Departed t. In a frenzied manner i. Tube on which silk is wound 12. False sod 13. Village 14. Rrgret 15. Affectionate 16. Sea eagle 17. Blunder 18. Cornered 20. Rains bard 22. Radio detectinf device 14. Pain 27. Viper 30. And not 31. Rob 32. King's residence .14. Catkins 35. Egg-shaped 36. East Indian sheep 37. English letter 36. Hollow 39. Therefore 41. Diminish 43. Work bread 47. Cry of sheep 49. So be it 51. Weary 52. Yale 53. Rational 54. Americaa lake 55. Brown in the sua 56 Killed 57. Harvest rM!fl2qi?oosT Solution of Yesterday's Puul. DOWN 1. Donation 2. Scent S. Not any 4. Church official dVNewptaerm ' I' lJ I h' i ' I b i" in m 'M 71 w71 'M ; r t'f lit lis JT -r ff- n rr 5T 57 i-7 n LJ -J , '4- Ks trf 75 ,4-T ':'' ar Jlir- 11111111 1 1 1 1 5. Corroded 6. Building material 7. Possessor Body joint 9. Moon-ihaped 10. Of us 11. By means ot 19. Rhythmical movement 21. Companion 23. female deer 25. Despise 26. Other 27. Fo tlest . animal 26. Rescue 29. Weed 31. Slap 33. Philippine ,, negrito 34. Massachu- 36.Ca1,n?tC"" 39. Pertaining to the blood 40. Come In 42. Go by 44. Ireland 45. Vocal solo 46. Profound 47. Wager 46. Wing 50. Recently acquired