Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 05, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tuesday, May 5, 1953
Derby Registration
Deadline 3 Weeks Off
Hey kidsr-nd sponsors it's
-getting late.
; That's right, If you kids are
T n t registered yet you'd better
et on the ball because a dead
line has been set for register
' lng and It's less than three
' weeka nff Mi )) l i
. And as lor you potential
, iuiiiur9, ii you want to enter
. ooy m the
big Derby July
11, you'd bet
ter sign up
soon. Of near
ly 2 5 0 boys
signed up all
but about 20
have sponsors and only a few
oi inose are from Salem. About
25 new sponsors signed up last
week to lust about eliminate
the list of Salem boys who
need sponsors.
- Among the new multiple
sponsors are the R. L. Elfstrom
company and the VFW. Robert
Elfstrom stuck his neck out
the other day and told Assist-
Cherry City
339 Chemeketa
Phone a 6762
ant Derby Director W. L. (Bar
ney) Barnett that he would
sponsor a boy for every two
men that Barney could get out
of the shop who would help
supervise the boy's work. Bar
ney promptly went out and
signed up eight men so Robert
IS forking over the
sponsor four Derbylsts. Oh,
weu, u gives nim lour times as
much chance to sDonsor a win.
The VFW post is sponsoring
one bov and th VFW PnMi.
are sponsoring two more. Also
Bieiiea up lor inree Doys are
the Master service stations.
A thousand foot roll of cable
for brakes and steering bought
Just recently is all gone. Wil
lard Tnvlnr folia u. ui.
J U 0 A U 1 . . I ID
Salem boat house. Derbylsts
nave really been taking advan
tage Of his swrlnl nffpr nn tha.
cable. He'll have some more
in soon probably this week,
he ll&iri. fltlH hla
will still be held for Derbylsts.
Just show him your official
Derby driver's license or let
him know you are building a
Derby bug.
If you think you've sot prob
lems in building your bug lis
ten to what happened to Eu
gene Gilbertson. 4720 Clark
street. Gene laid out his plans
for a Derby bug some time ago
and when he started building
It recently he found that he
wouldn't be able to get into it.
You see, Gene has grown five
inches since school started last
He started all over again on
new plans though and will have
his bug in the Derby yet, he
Incidentally, Gene was born
Just one day too late to get in
the Class A races. He. will be
13 on August 10, one day after
the All-American Derby, so
will race in class B.
More boys who are entered
in the big Salem Derby: -
Class A Donald Kaneskl,
1835 North 24th 'street, spon
sored by station KSLM; Tom
my Gleason, route 4, box 338,
sponsored by Valley Packing
company: Charles Madsen, 85S
Bieber street, sponsored' by
North Salem Roller Drome;
Douglas Roher, 5785 McLeod
lane, sponsored by VFW Coo
ties; and Roger Shafer, 1880
North 20th street, sponsored by
E. J. Slick, 1875 North 20th
Class B Dwayne Hofstetter,
route 6, box 460, sponsored by
Pratum Co-op, Pratum; Glenn
Norby, 1165 Columbia street,
sponsored by State Street Shell
station; Karl Shidler, 1130
Dearborn street, Optimist club;
Jack Fletcher, 644 Illinois
street, sponsored by Overhead
Door company; and Eugene
Gilbertson, 4720 Clark street,
sponsored by Brown's Jewel
ers. ' '-,
Salem Heiahts
frw n SB f vie e
Latest dtpartur Portland . . . tarliitf arrival Chicago extra fart
I v. Portland .. v 5:30 p. m. Friday
Ar. Chicago 11:20 a.m. Sunday
Only 40 hours anretrta
You have a choice of Pullman accommodations or
reserved, reclining coach seats with improved leg rests.
Relax in the homelike lounges. In the dining cars enjoy
delicious food, fresh from the Union Pacific West.
If you need a car at your destination, ask your
Union Pacific ticket agent about the convenient and
Inexpensive rent-a-car service.
JTrarel-shop" Monday through Friday it our conveniently located
Room 751 Pittock Block Portland 5, Oregon
East Salem
Salem Helehts Nearlv 30(1
attended the Cub Pack meet
ing Friday evening at the Sa
lem Heights Community hall.
Cub Pack 18 of Liberty was
the guest of the Cub Pack 18
meeting, and participated in
the opening and closing cere
mony, jonn Kinney, scout
master of troop -9, ad Berl
Davis, Scoutmaster of troop
18, spoke to the boys about
Scouting, . and Jack Rhodes,
neighbor commissioner for the
Scout troops, presented the
pack charter.
. Awards were presented with
Wolf badges to Paul White.
Bill Anrimg, Michael Simmons,
Billy Folk and Jackie Folk;
Wolf gold arrows, David Peter.
son,. Richard Butler, Gerald
Bennett, Richard Brown,
Dickie Sieverson, and Bill An
nlng; Wolf silver arrows, Don
aid Welch, Gary Alderin, Clyde
Knox, Gerald Bennett and Bill
Bear awards were present
ed to Blair Wasson, and Billy
Kanz. Bear gold arrows, Barry
Bever, Gary Flcken, Dale Gor
ton, Bear silver arrows, Barry
Bever (2), Gary Ficken, Fran-
cis Gaskins, Eddie Davenport,
(2) Larry Rector and David
Nielson. Lions awards, to John
Meeker, Warren Harvey, Rich'
ard Zobel and Charles Har
ris, Lion gold arrows, Richard
Zobel, Lion silver arrows, Don
ald Miller, Dennis Nielson,
denner stripes were issued to
Bruce Ramage and Francis
The entertainment was pre
sented by the Gruesome Two
some, Larry Springer and Rob
ert Payne and a reading by
Roger Warhead. ,
The refreshments were fur
nished by the Den mothers of
Pack 19.
It is estimated that the aver
age American ate 17 fewer
pounds of red meat in 1951
than he did in 1947. .
East Salem The first of
East Salem schools to observe
achievement night this spring
was wasnington.
Thursday night a crowd es-
tlmated to be larger than any
other year visited the class
rooms, took part in a "cake
walk," ' bought . refreshments
from the Mothers Club and
the home candy of the clubs.
The second grade children of
Mrs. Clarlca Glenn's room
helped in serving the refresh
ments with room mothers Mrs.
R. W. Boatwrlght and Mrs.
Richard Gant in charge.
Cashier was John Ater. Mrs.
Irving Larson was chairman
for the Cub Scouts. Mothers
who helped in the kitchen
were Mrs. Earl Paxton, Mrs.
Hoyte Sadler, Mrs. Shirley
Fagon, Mrs. Joseph Kubishta,
Mrs. Jack Billeter, Mrs. Ken
neth Elwood, Mrs. John Tay
lor, Mrs. Robert Anderson,
Mrs. Edward Fox, Mrs. Don
ald Goodman, Mrs. C. W. Page
and Mrs. Lewis Downing. The
Mothers Club president, Mrs.
Elmer Meade, , was general
- The sixth grade pupils of
James Watson with room
mothers, Mrs. Russell Gardner
and Mrs. Lyle W. Kingston as
sisted by Mrs. Wesley Smith
helped with the cake walk.
Hoover School will have its
achievement night, Friday,
May 8, with all parents and
friends of the school invited.
The last meeting of the home
extension year for Lancaster
unit was held Friday at the
home of Mrs. Charles Hagen
with 23 women present.
With the project "Herbs for
Variety and Accent". The noon
meal was cooked and served
by project leaders, Mrs. Hagen
and Mrs. Rolph Harland.
Mrs. L. L. Hansen Installed
as new officers: Mrs. Ernest
Butler, chairman; Mrs. Frank
Nieswander, vice chairman;
Mrs. Wade Carter, secretary;
and Mrs. Harvey Page, treas
urer. Reports of standing com
mittees were made by Mrs.
Hagen on legislation; Mrs. Co
vll Case, hospitality; Mrs. Han
sen, the exhibits at this year's
festival; Mrs. Page, the 4-H
clubs and Mrs. Carter gave the
list of next year's projects.
Mrs. Carter announced proj
ects for next year would offer
a study of some foreign coun
try; projects for both outdoor
and budget meals; trends in
new textiles, lighting of homes,
new lamp shades, home repairs
and care of walls, woodwork
and floors. There will be spe
cial work shops with the latest
trends in many home projects.
Wild beaver are now found
in Europe only at scattered
Heard by Court
' Washington VP) Attorneys
for Harry Bridges, the West
Coast Longshoremen's leader,
argued to the Supreme Court
Monday that his perjury-con
spiracy conviction should be
cancelled. v
Bridges himself was in court
as Telford Taylor, his chief at
torney, pleaded his case. ,
The Australian-born leader
was convicted of lying when he
denied being a Communist
during naturalization: proceed
ings in San Francisco in 1945
Justice Clark, who was at
torney general during the gov-
e r n m e n t's prosecution of
Bridges, disqualified himself
from hearing the case.
- Taylor contended that the
proceeding . against Bridges
was barred by the statute of
limitations. He said all the acts
charged against Bridges oc
curred in 1945, more than
- Pue II
three years before Bridges was
indicted in 1940. He said the
wartime rtspenslon of the 11m
itations act did not apply to
the offenses with which
Bridges was convicted.
Liberty Mrs. Harry Knep
per and Mrs. Ronald Seeger
honored their mother, Mrs.
A. B. Browning, on her birth
day Thursday at luncheon
at the Knepper home on
Hrubetz da. Also honored Mrs.
Browning were, Mrs. Fred
Browning r and Mrs. John
Grabor. .
Red deer roamed over most
of Britain in Roman times.
Tha fcenrea af farmiaa ata araatar
Hw aay erkar Mostly ia rills seaatry. ,
Yea art sever cemplatahr tail from suck (cnur. :
Iters Fin Merael'a Famei's Compnlwaiira Sartorial Liability Policy
aer liability ariilaa aar af rka unnlk m.
aparallee af a fern far aartoml Injuries ar ereperry damaat maltha
frm a accleaar.
Way ma rkkj rtakr Protort rowMrf yoer earless from easily aoMit
? froi.1? Mereers low-coat ForWi Coraartkoaarra
Fanaaal Uaathy laaartMa.
"Sr'Olson ArtHolscher
J. Earl Cook Larry Buhler
626 N. High St. Phone 42213
i ;? i au
to tfcTKNOW HCWthat
I II 1 li
tl-u. latta Af thin? a thai
1 1151 V " "
re important in compounding a
prescription, Fine, fresh drugs
re needed . . . up-to-the-minute)
equipment ... but the big factor
that makes the world of differ,
ence is the Pharmacist wh
knows his profession and knows
it well. "Know How" is an im.
portent ingredient in every P"e
ft.... Pliavmaeiat has
if scrip""", w-. -
5 the know hew. Depend n him.
405 Stale SI. (Corner of liberty)
We Give !$?M? Green Stamps
you ever enioyed in an automobile!
To the custom power of the
"Le Mans" engine that led
all American engines two
straight years at Le Mans.
What vision you behold!
Widest windshield, widest
rear window and the great
est eyo-lcvtl visibility.
Relax 1
With exclusive Reclining
Seats you can changa the
angle of eithes front seat '
back for driving comfort.
The sann4rn Bait that's
Plnin Farina alone the
ityla thai started tha whola)
' Dow continental traod. -
OnN Nash offen Twin Beds
for hunting, fishing, travel
ing;. Form-fitting mat"
tresses, screens available.
i i ' r
I mm
I ?L I
Double-rigid, rattle-free
Airflyte Construction gives
the quietest, safest 'ride
you ever felt in a car.
Entirely new Nash Power
Steering (optional) and Air
flex Suspension take the
effort out of parking.
Try the roughest roads. See
why a famous auto editor
called this "The finest shock
proof ride in the world."
Gas mileage. You never
drove cars of their size that
go so far as Nash Airflytes
on a tankful of regular gas.
The distinguished crest
of Pinin Farina appears
only on the world's finest
most beautiful cars.
You're going to enjoy the most amazing
experience of your whole motoring life
the first time you drive this new 1953 Nash
Ambassador Airflyte.
You're going to discover engine perform
ance, efficiency and economy that are the
wonder of the automobile world. You'll see
feature after feature for your comfort, your
safety and your pleasure that no other car
in the world can offer.
You and your family ride protected by
the life-saving safety of exclusive Airflyte
Construction twice as rigid as ordinary
construction, safeguarded all around by
sturdy steel girders. You have a choice
of three transmissions, including new, im
proved Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive.
Won't you phone us now? Let us demon
strate the new Pinin Farina-styled Nash
Airflyte the world's most beautiful car
and the greatest performer you ever had
your hands on.
No A Maton, DIMm NqAXMmH Cwalted, D.lroll, MIA
333 Center St
Phone 3-9286
j r i f Tlnm f PuWic cmand fp lle new 1953 Nash Airflytes has given Nash dealers the finest supply of
USCtt LiUr HUT gaitlS i late model, top quality trade-ins in history. These Select Used Cars are priced to sell at
once so see your Nash dealer today while he still has a wide choice of makes and models.