Tuesday, May S, 195S amis 1D1TM TflimWlI Iilui OnMn ' - - - - 1 1 E?AI Willamette Defeats Levis And Clark to Tie for Top Portland Willamette push-ltance for the Bearcat, giving d aeroii two runs in the tenth up icven hits. Willamette had Inning to upend Lewis and Clark 6-8 in a Northwest con ference baseball game here Monday. A double by Tex Klrdendall was the big blast (or Willam ette in the tenth toning ' Mickey Coen went the dls- O'Donnell Leads POL Pitchers San Francisco W) George O'Oonnell. Hollywood right bander, had a 6-0 won and " lost record to lead Pacific Coast league pitchers through - -last week. Al Widmar of Seattle led the circuit in wins ; with. 7 but was charged with - two defeats. ; Widmar also had issued the most bases on balls through . that period with a total of 33 - free passes. - Seattle's Bill Evans fronted the strikeout brigade by re - tiring SB batsmen. Averages include games of 'Mays. OBBSOW eyDonneU, Hollrwood ,. I 10 10 0 Padoott, Lot Anselei ... T IS 14 4 Shandor. San Fran. I S 10 4 Heard Portland T Iff 14 S 14 n, San .Treneleco .... S 10 S 3 , .bornon, seetue li TPS Bradford, Ban Francisco 10 IS S 1 Kotow, Loi Anrsloa ... 4 11 11 I Bum, flacramento, S S S t Pannln, Ban JMeto 1 S - S S Areraees or other seat.lo,.UK. - Portland pitenero; 11 safeties off two Lewis and Clark pitchers, Robertson and Hyde. The same was the first play ed on Lewis and Clark's new baseball diamond. Willamette ( (I) lewis a Clark B H O A B H O A LewU.cf 4 10 OWlM.l 4 0 14 Hauen.se Sit 1 MerteI.e 4013 Prlmn.l 4 11 I Mun.cf t 1 1 0 Heed.l . 4 1 IS 1 Lewie.l I 0 14 0 Koept.e 4 0 11 AUfn.o 10 4 3 Krkndl.1 114 0 Denleie,l 4 S 1 4 Elseeer.lf 114 0Sheprd.rf4 10 0 Shleld.rf 4 0 1 SKaU.ll 3 13 0 Coen.n 4 S 1 4KbrUn.D 4 10 1 x-Akeo 110 OSmlth.rl 0 0 0 0 a-Scrrne 0 0 0 0 Hrde.p 10 1 r-Nclsoa 0 0 1 TolaU 40 It X 1 Totala 30 x Hit (or Hesd In 10th. leldod for Raad In 10th. Ran for Akao In loth. Willamette 001 001 001 31 IS 3 Lawn at Clark 000 000 301 01 0 1 Pitcher TP B H R BR SO BB Coen 10 3t 0 1 I 4 1 Robertaoa .0 II 10 3 1 1 0 Hrde ..1 I 1 3 1 0 1 WP Coen. winner Coen. Loser Hyde. PB AUen. LOB Willamette I, Lawla end Clark 1. X Wlnf, Danlela, Bauaen. Heed, KJrkendall. HR Denials. IB Reed, Eteauar, Klrkendan. RBI Klrkendau l, Bnieid, noooruon, DanleU. SH Lewis, Perimeu. SB El- aaeeer. DP wine to Allen la Lewi, u Hlcke and Campbell. T l:l. Major Leagues (Br The Aaaoelated Prau) AMERICAN LEAOUE W L New York 13 I Cleveland 10 Philadelphia 10 i Boston 3 7 Chlcaao 10 t at. Louie .. Waahlnitoa Detroit .... I t 0 II 10 Pet. .471 .MT .581 .Ml .111 .471 Ml Jll Mondar'e Beaalte: Detroit 10. New York I. Boeton at at. Louii. wet c rounds. . Onlr oamee eeheduled. NATIONAL LEAOUE W L Philadelphia Brooklyn ... at. Louie ... Milwaukee . Pltteburih .. chlcaao .... New York ., Cincinnati ., Pot. .701 .141 111 .171 .44 in Jll .331 Bfonder'e Beanltai New York 13-S, CInclnnaU 4-1. Milwaukee I, Chlcaao 4. PhUadelphla I, Chlcaao 4. Bt. Loula I, PKUhurah 0. Dallas Dumps Molalla, 5-1 Brans. Jeattle Widmar, Seattle Wear. Seattle ... enford, Portland J. Davis, aeattle 7 Llnde, Portland S WalboL Portland 10 DelDuca, Seattle 13 Klndifather. Seattla ...10 Lint, Portland 0 Ward, Portland 8 Elliott, Portland 7 Adams, Portland S 0 11 10 II 17 7 39 94 I II II 7 it a 10 14 10 1 I 11 11 10 SO 17 7 IS 14 10 11 II II 14 M 4 7 s a 3 Advertlenont) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin is Irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanitone Qintmeot, Itching stops Sromptly. Smarting disappears nmediately. Sanitone Oint ment is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes and Athlete's toot For8ale . UPTU DRUfi STORE BUte at Liberty Dallas The Dallas Dragons broke up a tight ball game with four runs In the sixth to take a, Willamette Valley league win over Molalla high, 3 to 1 Monday afternoon. Dallas scored a singleton in the first when Catcher Earl Glbbs tripled to drive a run home. Molalla tied it up in the fourth only to have the Dragons come back in the sixth with five successive hits to tally four times. One of the five blows was a double by Bob Joy. The splurge came after two were out. Fights Last Night (Br Tha Aaaoelated Press) Brooklyn Mickey Laurent. 15344. Prance, drew with Tuso (Kid) Por- tutues, ink, ooeta Rica, 10. Milwaukee Dan Buoceronl. 101. Phila delphia, etopped Waa Baaeom, 175, at. Louie, 7. Chleaae Johnny Valentine, ' 114, De- troll, outpointed Ron atrtbUni. 133 H, Cedar Replda, la., 1. Lowlatoa, Me. Larry CKNIlln, 147H, Auburn, outpointed Babo MeOarroa, ISO, Banaor, 10. Kenaae Cltr BlUr anddttth, 151, To- Phone S-S11S Omaha, I. Dallas Junior League Meeting Set Wednesday Dallas A meeting of great Interest to boys between the agestrf 9 and 12 will be held on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Bagles hall above Long's Grocery Store. Al! boys who wish to play baseball this sum mer in Dallas and their parents are asked to attend. Managers, coaches, and team sponsors will also be present at this meeting which will give full information regarding rules and regulations, according to commissioner Almos LeFors. Mike Peters, who has been Investigating the posbibility of insurance coverage for each player, will lead a discussion about this. Besides the V.F.W. sponsors, Interested townspeapie will be backing the movement in cluding Judge C. F. Hayes, Lynn McCulley, city auditor, high school coach Gordon Kunke and others. Seven uniformed teams are promised at this time, and the hope is that that should allow every boy who wishes to play ball an opportunity LeFors emphaized the neces sity of all interested people to be present at the Wednesday meeting. Boys of 13 and. 14 years are also being invited as there are sponsors for teams of this age as well. eenwawawHwmi .AIlllllLJiMliaiiaiffiiS GREYHOUND Yesterday1 s Stan (By Tfci Asiocl&tcd Prut) PITCHING Wllmer (Vlnegavr Bend) Mlsell, St. Loula Ci.rdli.tli, shut out PiUsburih, ft-0. on two ilnglM and truck out nine in winning bit second same of the letuon without a losa. - BATTING Ous Bell and Ted Kluuew iki. Cincinnati Reditu, combined to drive In 12 runa olf 10 hlti. Including a grand alam home run by Bell, ai Cin cinnati -pl.t a doubleheader with the New York Olanti, Church Softball Church league aoftball retulta Monday: Senior league Naaarene 14, Liberty Church of Christ Si ErangelUtlo Tempi 1, Knglewood EUB 0; Flret Baptlat 7, Graoe Lutheran ; Pint KUB 10. Pint Methodist 4i Pret Methodlit 4, Pint Christian 1. Jlnlor league First KtJB 1, Bt. Mark'i Lutheran 0; Englewood SUB Orcens 19, Englewood BUB white 14; Pint Con gregational 7, Pre Methodlit 0. FAN FARE y WoH Dirxen SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys I Anna' HINOB Luavt HellTwee Merehaata () B. Hlllerloh IN, L. Herman 111, R. Bcaatrom 337, M. Meeker 337 (3 famea). Wt Sine Care () L. fallen M, J. Oreenlea 407, J. Aaron 411. L. Relnlie 111. . I.p Bat Cala (Hi) D. Coon 4M, 1. lis. D. wrederlek 433. A. John- aton JOS. A. A. Lareen. Shelter (111) 8. Him 174, a. Deviea w, aaasouia 371. H. Prllehetl 303. Weelern r 1.91 CeTrtlnr C. () V. Pearaon 314, V, Johnton 311, B. Ceae weU 311, U. Bpperlr 333. Bark'a Bnart lna OeeSa (4) O. Valdea Ml, W. Val dai III, V. Gannon 4M, O. Black 431. Smeao Ske (018. Bozle 300, I. Battle. 311, a. Arthur 311, 14. Curtla 331. Nehl Beeerate (4) J. HerU 119, J. Oen non 313, C. Hlldr.th 141, K. Undeer 414. Hlih Uan lema Lee'e Pine Can, (09. Hiih team aerlea Barb'a Sportlna aooda, 1073. Hlfn Ind. aame D. Fred erick, ITS. Hifh Ind. aerlea V. Oennon Duck Pins LAOUS' LBAOUB (Boon SI) Weodreflo'a San Shan (4) A. Warner 111, B. Meherdaon sol, D. Kinr 414, D. Bletaer 371, O. Tor It 331. VfllUmette Veller Bank (0 L. Vlbert 300. R. MUler 300, X. PollniU 404, Bre 370, Bre 310. Heeler Bread (ai u aanaen ave. . Tounr III. 3. llcOnlre 404, B. Ollrner 371. C. Th.Uede 300. Bandle OU (0) X. Handle 170, a. Wood Ml, B 331. aye 326. Hiin team aariu and game wood- roffe'a San Shop, 1001 and 00. Hleh Ind. aerlea-arlene Kim, 434. HUlh Ind. lame Marr Pollnakl, 104. LADIES' USAOUK (Bean U) Kindle OU ( H. Handle 137. O. Wood 305, A. Haeae in, Bre 147, Bre 331. Wilamette Valler Bank (1 L. Vlb ert 330, H. Miller SIT, U. Folenakl 310, Bre 371, Bre 310. Woodreffe'e Sen Snen D A. Wan- ler 307, B. Richardson 336, D. Klna 344, D. Metier 371, D, York 310. Maater Bread (1) Tj. Hanaen 378, R. Young 331, 1. MeQulre 310. B. Gilmer 116. C. Th.Uede 113. Hleh team aerlea Randie Oil. 1884. Blah team game Woodroffe'e Ban Shop, 130. Hlah Ind. Berlea Marr Pollnakl, 300. High Ind. came Delorla York, 164. Capitol Alleys CUMMEKCIAl, NT). 1. Woodrr'e Furniture (4) H. dinger 506, V. Perrr 621, D. Woodrr 411. c. Foreman 147, It. Adolph 620. Salem Title Cempanr (0) B. Owen 404, V. McMul- len 610, B. Hill 103, p. Delaner 487. Nlehetren'a Inearanea Co. (!tt) M. Oady 408, D. Adama 400, C. Bertram 423, c. Ecaer eee, r. iioiton e7a. etawiinion'a Capital Cltr Ldrr. (1M K. Nelson 473, D. Rlngland 402, W. eprlggs 452, E. Oallagher 610, R. Meffert 478. Geldlea al Sllrerten (4) J. Herr 440, . Frank 473, C. Howell 620, O. H.rr 668, O. Bentaon 858. Knight's ol Celnm bue (0) L. rutner 306, T. Blegler 401, Ducks Defeat Vandals, 9-4 Moscow, Ida. W) The Ore gon Ducks, Northern Division baseball leaders, got their scoring machine lit working order during the middle in nings Monday to hand the Idaho Vandals a 9-4 confer ence loss. The Ducks have a 6-2 record in conference play. Oregon 000 531 0000 14 3 Idaho 020 0101004 6 3 Blodiett, Hull 13) and Arerllll Dodel, Melton (6) and Ogla. w. link 407, M. Arti 401, C. Frame 448. Orral'a CeeS Can (4) S. Zlfehen 600, B. MoClarr 401. O. Lama, 401. H. WUkerson 114, W. Cllne Jr. 603. Wlek land'a Sporting Oewaa (0) D. Hendlle 411, c. Morrla 404. 1. Rartura oos, B. Rren 410, B. Lawlaea 433. Marion Creaeaerr (II M. AlUa Ml, M. Pekar 037, F. Kanroa 400, B. King 160. Stair Feeda (S J. Sheldon 470, O. Lengren 408, w. Walla 101, B. Dutliu 400, B. Lanifcoff 061. High team game and oeelae Woodrr'e Furniture, 1036 and 3047. High Ind. game Walt Ollna Jr., of Orral e Ured Care, 341. High Ind. aerlea Bob Lang holt of Starr Foods. 061. Minor League Scores (Br Tha Associated Press) INTERNATIONAL LBAOUB Syracuse 0, Montreal 3. Toronto 7, Montreal 3. Roeheeter 3, Springfield . . Onlr games aeheduled. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Louliillle 10, Charleetoa 10. Oti.er games vo.tponed. TEXAS LKAQCS TJallaa 3. Beaumont 1. Oklahoma Cltr I. Sas Antonio 4. Other gemea postponed. WESTERN LBAOUB Pueblo I, Sloan dtp I (I tnntnge, to catch train. ' Denver 3-1, Omaha 01. Colorado springe at Llnoola, postponed. Dee Moines I, Wichita 1. PIONEER LBAOUB Bait Lake Cltr 13, Boise 1. Olden I, Magic Valler 3. Oreat Palls 8, Idaho Fella 4. Pocatello I, BUllnga 3. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS ThuradAj, May ' OHO sohool at ORG armory. Organised Naval Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Marine Oonx Reserve training center. J-V nam. Tk 1R9.nH Itl fo TtT-TT regiment, at aNtional Guard ar mory. Battery D, 722nd AAA.AW bat talion, at quonset huts. At A-Romb Teats Camp Desert Rock, Nev. First Lt. Paul C. Rogers, whose wife makes her home In Salem, Ore gon at 1180 Columbia street Is among those men getting first hand combat training in atomic warfare at the proving ground of tne atom nomo nere. Roger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oe dl Rodgera. Route 2. Boi 291 -B. is commanding officer of aBttery O of Hie 7ist Armorea neia artii lerv battalion at CamD Chaffee. Ark. He is a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon, where he was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, and entered the Army in May, 1941. The captain is a Korean veteran. Sport Shorts The University of Florida football team will play seven games in Its home state and three away from the Sunshine State this fall. The student manager of the Helena, Mont, high school bas ketball team didn't have to look up to the tall players on the starting five. They averaged six feet two but he was six feet three. The thoroughbred stallions Sir Gallahad III and Bull Dog were brothers and both highly successful sires. Even if you spell it back wards it's still Glenelg Stable around the racetracks. LeRnd Promoted With the Korean Base Section Loren R. LeRud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick LeRud, 590 Chemawa road. Salem, was recently nro- moted to a private first class. Le Rud is a member of the 958th ordnance field maintenance com pany, veterans of 13 monttis of Army service, he arrived in Ko rea last December. The soldier is a graduate of Salem high school and atttended Cascade college In Portland. TIDE TABLE Ttdee fer Tall, Oregon Mar, IMS (Compiled br V. S. Ceaat and Geodetic Snrver Portland, Oregon) Mar High Water Low Wetere Time Height Time Height I 3:52 a.m. 6.0 11:21 a.m. -0.6 8:28 p.m. 4.8 11:37 p.m. 3.0 S 5:00 a.m. 6.5 12:25 P.m. -0.3 7:20 p.m. 6.3 T 0:20 a.m. 5.3 1:03 a.m. 1.4 8106 p.m. 6.7 1:33 p.m. 0.1 S 7:54 a.m. 4.S 3:31 ajn. 1,0 8:48 p.m. 6.3 3:15 p.m. 0.6 1:12 a.m. 4.0 3:00 p.m. 0.8 0:28 p.m. 0.7 3:08 p.m. 0.8 10 10:32 a.m. 4.0 4:18 a.m. -0.3 10:08 p.m. 7.1 3:64 p.m. 1.3 11 11:34 a.m. 1.0 8:01 a.m. -1.0 10:47 p.m. 7.8 , 4:41 p.m. 1.0 12 13:21 p.m. 6.1 5:60 a.m. -1,5 11:27 p.m. 7.4 . 8:26 p.m. 3.0 13 1:14 p.m. 1.1 0:43 a.m. -1.8 8:10 P.m. S.3 . MWAYS WHVE BatMaEfV41rV li'Q yonr novo, aim and you surs &an w've probably heard the news by now. About the dazzling getaway and performance of this 1953 Buick SPECIAL. About its new record-high horsepower and com pression its more velvety Million Dollar Ride its bettered handling its luxurious new comfort, trim, appointments. But have you heard the happiest part of the story? You can step into this rich, roomy, robust-powered Buick for just a few dollars more than you pay for the "low-priced" cars. That's fact and we show our delivered price to prove it. But look beyond the extra room and comfort and power and thrill you get for the money in this Buick, and you discover something else: You find a whale of a lot of important little things are provided here as standard equipment that most other cars of similar price charge as extras-things like direction signals, oil-bath air cleaner, full flow oil filter, dual map lights, trip-mileage indicator, automatic glove-box light. So if s up to you, good sir. It's up to you to look into this terrific, thrill-packed 1953 Buick SPECIAL. It's up to you to try it Compare it and see for yourself it's a buy you can't deny. Why not drop in this week? Televiiio iol-Hie 6UICK CIKUS HOUR-emr fowrld Tesra Only $ 2563 .63 hllVOz 31 the new 1953 luick Ulau. 2-Ooor. 6-Pw.Mooef Seloei Modal 48D. illustrated, DCUVEtfD lOCAUY. OpHoitof eeulpsi.nl, occ.uorf.t, ilole ond focal foiu, H or. oa'dtfional. fric.l eioy vary illgnllp In adjoining contisvnmei dee lo tnlpping cnoro.i. All prlci lubfecl lo cnonu. wjfhoel nolle.. Buick vju nOMBo nnn minFwnt mo w YV umm mmmQA wSfTwl MeVOrlWMMI Ml MMff MftrCK Weal MMIO TTM OTTO J. WILSON CO. 338 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. MOTICB v nan filed tor final aecovnt as ad ministrator of the aetata of Oscar Waan ter, deceased. In the Circuit Court ol the Btate ol Oregon lor aeerion ltoiuiv and eald court bee flied 0:00 A.M.. ol Frldar, Mar 30, 1061, and the courtroom thereof aa tha time and place lor hear ing thereon. All persons fasrenr are re quired to appear and chow oauae, If any there be, whr said account ehould not be allowed and said estate eloeed. W1LUAM 6. WAUaisn B. O. Btadter, Jr. Attomer for Admin. Salem. Oregon April 38. Mar e, IS. re. ao. sea. NOTICE TO CREDITORS wrvrrrw u HERKBT OIVXN that LaNoel Eleton Mrera haa been, br order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Countr, appointed administrator or tne Estat. oi nrr Maud Fisher. Deceased. Anr persons having elalma aaeinat eald aetata are reoueated to nreeent them, with prop er Touchers, to said administrator at 310 Fioneer True! Building, Salem, Oregon, within all months from the date of thia notice. ' Sated star. 31, 1053. LaNOXb BUTTON MYERS AdmlnUtrator of the Estate of MART MAUD FIBHER, Deeeaied. RHOTEN. RHOTEN e 8PmR8TRA Fioneer Truat Brdg.. Salem, Ore. Attornora for Administrator Mar. II, Apr. 7, 14, 31, 31, Mar I, 1053 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that B ten A. Flaher and Jane Flaher. Banter har. filed an application and petition ror tne issuance of lettere or administra tion with the will annexed ol the estate of ASA FISHER, a person presumed to bo dead on account ol not having been heard from in seven reara or more) that auoh- application allegea that last known place of residence ol the eald Asa Fisher waa Balem. Marlon countr. Oregon; that sa Father left propertr In the Stat, of Oregon aubject to probate; thet Jan. Flaher Harvey la all and tha onlr heir at law ol Asa ruber, and that lettera of administration ol the estate of Asa Fisher should lesue to Jane Fisher Harver. Notice la further given that on the llth dar of June, 1953 at 1:30 p.m. at tha Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon for the Countr of Marlon, Probate De part, the court will hear evidence eon oernlni the alleged absence ol the ?re aumed deceased and the circumstances and duration thereof. Thia notice Is being published under an order of the Honorable Judge Rex aimmell, ciroult Judge, ; and In accord ance with Section 10-1401 O. O. L. A. DATED this llth dar ol April, 1153 EUJCN A. FISHER and JANE FISHER HARVEY Rhoten, Rhoten Speerttra Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oreion Attorneys for Petitioners AprU 14, 21, 31, Mar 5, 1053. XJf THE CIRCUIT COCrVT OF THE eri a i w vj, jv-.. . ' COUNTY OP MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT ten. faisa . .. . . . n. h- Wits! AT in ene ae.w. JOSHUA COUJNSON, Deceaeed. NOTICE IS KXRXBV GIVEN that tha . !j ,.i.i.imlnf with Will u. unoeruen.u, . . , , naiad of the Bsute ol Joshua Oolltnaoe-. deceased, br virtue of an Order dulr la- . . . .u. M.t f-Atart. WrokatA suea OU1 OS - - - 7 Department, of tba But. of Cratwa. loa the Countr aaanou, " "- of Mar. l6l. wUl aeU at prlvat. aale. . a , . U Mm. IHn. a.. at Ita PiaCO W DUa,M. aaa wa. Trust Bulldlnt. 1 N. CommtrcW atrMfe, In Uit VllW C sjSM"UJ a". w wo or.Jon. on Tuesd.r, tba llth Ur of blddir lor cash, or part cash, and mortgage on wie mpw- . . . . "tieinterest and aetata which ooM JOinU VUUJUBUU KB ou .TT . " deeth had In and to the foUowmg dea- jeeeinniiaB - ; - . .1 the Peter Parleeen Donation Loot claim No. II In Township 4 South. Ran?. 3 "est ol the WlUemetU Meridian. Marlon Countr, Oregonl thence South 3' 2V West 6.43 ohato. to an anile In the weat lino of tb. said claims thenoe South 41 30 West along the WesUrlr line of aatj claim. 13.47 chains V ," """"""J corner ol a tract ol land described in a deed to John Johnson worded In Volume 1 at page 300 Mar on Countr Deed Records! thence South westerlr along the Northeeeterlr ta. ol eald Johnson tract and Souh easterlr extension hereol to tte Ese teir toe ol said Peter FarUtart Sonatlon Land Claim, at a polnj which Is 1.17 chains North 46' East trom the southeast corner of said Donation land Claim: thence North 48- Eest along the Easter r line of aeid Donetlon Land Clalmi 36.lt ehelns to the Northwest corner S: thence North 17- V Wool Song the Northerlr line of .aid Donation Land Claim, 131.11 ohalaj to the place ol beilnnlnr. sevo awl exoept ell roads and roadwara. , .. a- .- a(ljL. tn th. mi - flrmetlon ol tha above-enUtled Court. DATED thle 4th dsr of Mar; ' Istrator with Will annexed of tha Estate of Joshua Common, deceased. Br ROBIN D. DAT, Its Attomer Page 1 - Mar . 13, 10, 35, 1151. ' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Clemiger Twins Home Home on leave alter oomDletlne four weeks of advance combat training at - Camp Pendleton. Calif., are' Pfc. Wayne W. Clev- enger and Dwayne O. Clevenger, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Clevenger, Route 3, McMinn ville. Wayne will report to Jack sonville, Florida, for assignment at tne Airman's scnooi Dy May 20 and Dwayne is to report to Camp Leleune. N.C.. by May 21. for as signment to tiie engineer equip ment mechanic course. Both men enlisted in uie Marine Corps anuary 7, 1953. On Leave Two Salem Marines, Pfc. Ron ald E. Stettler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Stettler. 2326 Ever green street, and Pfc. Raoul T. Feterson, son 01 wester ju reter son. 3775 McCain street, recently completed four weeks of advance training at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and are now on leave. Both men enlisted In the Ma rine Corps anuary 13 of this year and both are to report to Jacksonville. Fla., by May 20 for assignment to the Airmails' school. Bee Arr, a 300 to one shot in the Kentucky Derby future book, was named after Branch Rickey, general manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates. LEGALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC BKABINO Notice berebr Is liven that on Mar 11, 1063, at the bour of 7:30 o'clock In tha evening In the council chambera of the cltr hall, Salem, Oregon, the com mon council will consider the recom mendation of the Salem Planning and Zoning Commission that a certain Haresvllle Drive which lies wsst ol the Pacific Highway, north of the Hayeevltle School, rune north and south and Intersects Blossom Drive or Countr Road No. 018, be renamed LUao Lane. All persona partlcnianr interested, ana the general public, will be beerd at aaid time and place for or agalnat the pro posed change ol etreet name. BY ORDER of the Common Council April 37, 1053. ALFRED MUNDT, Cltr Recorder. Mar I NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 11,403 In tba Circuit Court of the Stat, ol Oregon for tha Countr of Marion, Pro bate Department. Notioa ie herebr given that the under signed Joseph J. Fisher haa been ap pointed Administrator of the estate ol Wllford O. Fisher, also known as W. o. Flaher, deceaaed, br the Ciroult Court of the Stete of Oregon lor Marlon Coun tr. and haa qualllled. All persons having elalme aeatnst said eetete are herebr notilled to preaent the eame. dulr verl lied aa br law required, to the under elgned at Box 40. 444 chemeketa St.. Salem. Oregon within alx montha from tne date nereor. Deted and first published April 7, 1153 Last publication Mar I, 1053. Joseph J. Fisher, Administrator Johnson, Stephens A. Parcel. Attorneys. Apr. 7, 14, 31, 31, Mar 5, 1063. That phont number it 3-3131 FOR THi BEST Hauling Storage Fuel VAN MRU te. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Our reputation Is your security" Wear Your Hcv; The Same Day Your Jecth Are ExfrccfctL ASK YOUR DENTIST ABOUT THIS MODERN...: No tnara mbarraisinfj "ToothlsM Days" fa Iti- mip your work, ar inUrfert with soc.ts.1 OctivJ. Ktt vhn yaw tots. adyantas of IMMEDIATE . RESTOHAtlO. Sowko) , start worofino your olatei THE SAME DAY oxlratHont (troe.p.olw(i. ? ' . , ,- ' , jPTicuiarly Birommended f .Actor i leKurere, Teachers and Salespeople, ' and others who MEET THE PUBLIC, DR. SEMLER GIVES YOU ALL THE CREDIT YOU NEED ... for all the Dental Work you need! BENTISTDY w ar 1 . v . ttti av 1 fay h Smill Weekly or Monthly Amount! AFTER your Dental Work It completed at Dr. Sam ler'i. No deley or red tepe . , , no bank or flnaneo company to deel with , , , you ora cordially Invited to MAKE YOUR OWN REASONABLE CREDIT TERMS. Teke IS mentht or longer to pay for your pleteil Your Dental Work Usually ComplttH In 1 to 3 Days AND ITAM 01 iiaiiiiiia oiNiitrs lecered la 10 watim-adoifh iioD. STATE I COMMERCIAL. lolom, Oreion Oflcoi all loioloet tit IU0INI e SQRTUN 1