Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 05, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 5. 1953 Pagt 11
One-Night Mat Tourney
At Salem Armory Tonight
a snot at world'i -luni
heavyweight champion cham
pion vanny McShain is in store
' lor tht winner of a one-night
wreatlinr tournament at the
saiem armory tonight.
Eight grapplers will com
pete in the tourney, with i
drawing lor pairings to be
made Just before the start of
tne 8:jo tournament.
Eliminations will be conduct
ed on regular single-elimina
tion style used in the state ba
ketball tournament. All match
es will be one fall or 19 min
utes to a decision by ringside
Contestant in the tourna
ment are:
Carl Engstrom, popular
graduate of DePaul univer
sity. Handsome and talented.
Has been wowing the fans in
the Seattle area for weeks.
Rated high all over the coun
try. ' Tony Ross of Salem, back
from El Paso, Texas, just in
time to throw his hat In the
ring. He wrestled Lou Thess,
world's heavyweight cham
pion, recently, and Is itching
for a chance at the world's
junior heavy champ.
Al Szasz, popular Hungar
ian star who took the
measure of Don Kindred last
week. Ssasb was scheduled
to have met Eric Pederson
last week, with the winner
of that to get the chance at
McShain, but an injury pre
vented Pederson from ap
pearing. Sxass still wants the
Ross Ready
Tony Ross
of Salem,
just back from El Paso, Tex.,
Is ready and raring to en
ter t o n I g h t's one night
wrestling the
Salem armory. Ross and
seven other wrestlers will
vie for a chance at world's
junior heavyweight cham
pion Danny McShain next
week. The one-night tourney
starts at 8:30.
chance at McShain, but he'll
have to beat out seven men,
Instead of just Pederson, to
night Angelo Poffo, newcomer
from Gary, Ind., who look-.
Beaver-Rainier Series
Opens at Portland Tonight
in. The Associated Pre,)
They have been last, tied for
last or barely above last place
most of the still young Pacific
Coast League season, but the
San Diego Padres are on the
way up
Frank (Lefty) O'Doul's club
Is in fifth place, 10 games out
of the top spot. It won its
fifth straight Monday night,
trouncing Sacramento, 13-9 by
scoring 11 runs in the first
three innings, Dick Faber's
398 foot triple in the first chas
ed in three of five runs. Four
hits and three walks in the
second game gave the Padres
five more. That was all they
The San Diego - Sacramento
game was the only one played
Monday night.
Seattle, first in the standings
by 1 V4 games, moves into Port
land Tuesday night for the first
game of a seven-game series.
And the Beavers, trying to
Shake off the effects of a night
marish series at Hollywood,
where they lost six of seven,
should be in a fighting mood.
They are firing their southpaw
Canby Trackmen
Defeat Dallas
Canby Canby defeated Dal
las 7514 to 48 in a Willam
ette Valley league dual track
meet here Monday.
Larry Wright and Bob Her
man led Canby's victory with
13 and 12 points, respectively.
Wright took firsts in he mile
and javelin and a second in the
880. Herman had a iirst in the
broad jump, tied for first in the
440, and took second in the
The 440 yard dash provided,
the biggest thrill of the day.
Herman and Friesen of Dallas
brqke the tape together to fin.
ish'in a dead heat.
John Kltzmiller of Dallas
was high point man of the
meet, with 18. He won three
events, the high hurdles, low
hurdles and high Jump, end
was second in the broad Jump.
Keith had two firsts for Dal
las, in the 100 and 220.
Sandy Sinks
Siiverton, 12-5
Sandy Ace Klingenpeel
limited Siiverton to four hits
in pitching Sandy to a 12-5
Willamette Valley league base
ball win here Monday.
Klingenpeel aided his own
cause by slapping a home run
Jerry Young, Ed Hopp and
Wally Elford doubled for the
Capple and Warren shared
pitching duties for Siiverton.
siiverton 0M 100 a- I 4 I
Sindr JOJ0351 1J I 7
Copple, Warren HI and Umbenhoweri 1
Klingenpeel nd Young, j
Portland State
Downs Linfield
McMlnnvllle, ,Ore. W i
runs in the seventh inning and
held on for a 7-9 victory over
Linfield in an Intercollegiate
baseball game here Monday, j
(fir The Afsoelated Press)
W L Pet.
Seattle 14 10 .100
Ijoe Angelea 33 12 .057
Hollywood 31 14 .000
Portland 11 16 .591
8u Dleeo 14 30 .413'
San Francisco 13 31 .31)2
Sacramento 12 31 .304.
Oakland 11 22 .133
Monday's Results!
flan Diego 13, Sacramento f.
Only tame scheduled. -
curver, Royce Lint, against Se
attle's Jim Davis. ,
Last-place Oakland will host
Los Angeles, occupant of sec
ond place, and San Francisco
will visit Hollywood.
Sacramento 024 300 001 11 1
San Dleio SSI OOO llx 13 13 3
Johnson, Kimball (2). Besso (3) and
nttcher; MsJlor, Thomuon (3) and Ma-
Dan Bacceroni
Beats Bascom
Milwaukee VP) Stiff-hitting
Dan Bucceroni of Philadelphia,
fourth ranked heavyweight,
conquered Wes Bascom of St.
Louis Monday night on a sev
enth round TKO that made
Bascom weep and the fans
Bascom was bleeding from
the mouth but appeared in no
trouble . when referee Ted
Jamieson halted the scheduled
10-rounder at 2:18 of the sev
enth. The crowd of 4,453 let go
with wave after wave of cat
Bascom, who at 174 pounds
gave away 17 to his harder
hitting foe, dropped to his
knees in the ring, banged his
head on the canvas and cried
at the verdict. Then he stormed
around the ring, protesting
that he wasn't hurt. Tears still
lined his cheeks when he was
led out of the ring.
Sports Results
(By The Aisoclnted Press)
Oregon 0, Idaho 4.
Pacific Lutheran 4-I3, Seattle Pacific
Willamette S. Lewie and Clark 3.
Portland 8tate 7. Linfield .
Oregon Stale Rooks S. Linfield JVs V.
Pacific U. 4. Linfield 3.
Sandy 12. Siiverton 6.
Cascade Locks 5, Moro 9.
Parkrom 4, Central Catholic (Port.) I.
Medford 4, Grants Pan 0 (District 6
1 championship).
Eugene 11, Cottage Grove 9.
Banks 10, Wlllamlna 2.
Dallas S. Molelle 1.
Beaverton 7. Newberg 9.
Tlsard . Hlllsboro 4.
West Linn 3. Oregon City 3.
Portland Schools
Jefferson 10, Benson 2.
Westilngton 10, Cleveland .
Lincoln 13, franklin I.
Grant B, Roosevelt 3,
Lake Oswego 124, Eerverton SVt,
Cent Csthollo (Port. I 11. Sslem sii.
St. Helens 15 3t, Vernonla 2Vt.
Clstsksnle 20, ficappoosa 27 31, Reiner
n i5.
ed Impressive last week in
defeating Glen Detton. Poffo
Is big and strong.
Tommy Martlndale, who
has a win streak going. He
has won his last two Salem
matches in straight falls.
Martlndale wants main event
booking, and realises that to
night will provide him the
opportunity to show his stuff
against the best of them.
Erie Pederson, recovered
from his knee injury, thinks
be could have beaten Ssass
last week, and what's more
thinks he can win the tour
nament tonight.
Buck Weaver, tricky vet
eran who defeated O'Rourke
with ease last week. Weaver
is always a dark horse in a
one-night tournament or
battle royal.
Pafldy Mack,- rough and
tough newcomer who comes
to Salem under the recom
mendation of Tex Hager,
who Is promoting In Boise,
Gene Handles 78 Chances
As Senators Lose, 5-4
Bearcats Face
Lewis and Clark
Tracksters Here
Five straight dual meet wins
under their belts, Coach Ted
Ogdahl's Willamette cindermen
resume action next Saturday
against the Lewis and Clark
Pioneers at McCulloch Stadium.
It will be the final dual action
of the season for the Willam-ettes.
The 1953 season closes out
with the annual Northwest
Conference meet, set for Mc
Culloch Stadium on May 16th.
Of their record to date, the
Ogdahl troupe appears to be
the squad to beat for confer
ence honors. Latest Bearcat
victory was a 74 to 56 win
over Whitman at Walla Walla.
Den Benson, the WU fresh
man whiz led the Bearcats wfth
wins in both hurdles and a
third in the javelin. Benson tied
his own school mark in the
high sticks with a 15.3 per
(By The Associated press)
Zeb Walker's squeeie bant
In the bottom of the 10th In
ning brought In a Victoria run
ner ana gave tne Tyeea a 5-t
victory over Salem In a fea
ture Western International
baseball game Monday night.
Vancouver stayed In the win
column, subduing? Trl-Citv ft-1
in the opener of a three-game
series at Vancouver.
- Only the two games were
scheduled. Other clubs open
three-game stands Tuesday
night, with Edmonton at
Spokane, Yakima at Lewis
ton and Calgary at We-natchee.
Salem scored all lt mn In
the tOD of the fourth innlnff
une Tyees came back with a
sinele run in the bnttnm half
oi tne inning, added one in the
eighth, tied the game with a
pair of runs in the ninth, and
won it on Walker's 10th inning
squeeze bunt scoring Manager
Cece Garriott.
Salem's Gene Tanselll set
a league record by handling
19 infield chances.
Vancouver tallied five times
In the first three lnnines on
seven hits, two walks and two
wild pitches. Manager Edo
Vannl crossed the plate with
Tri-City's only score in the
sixth inninff. Vanni slnrlori
to center, went to second when
southDaw Jim Hadtsenel
threw Wild tn first nr am
home on left fielder Jack War
ren's single,
Salem (4)
Scrivens, 4
BbUnl.ef 3 S
Peres.I-3 I
Whspn.l 4
Taylor.rf 4
Nelson.e 3
Haller.3 3
Rlck.n 3 1
Borst.D 0
(0) Victoria
O S 3
0 s
1 3
Ted Johnson
Hired at Jeff
Jefferson Ted Johnson,
who finishes a post-graduate
course at Willamette univer
sity this spring, has been hir
ed as head football, basketball
coach at Jefferson high school.
A few years ago, Johnson
was one of the famous "Jar
ring Johnsons" of Willamette
university. Ted and two other
Johnsons Jim and Bob
were sparkplugs of the Wil
lamette team. Jim and Bob
were brothers but Ted was no
Johnson replaced 'Tea lira-
ham at Jefferson. Graham
recently resigned to take a job
at Stayton.
Dillinger Leads
Coast Batters
San Francisco (JP) Sacra
mento's Bob Dillinger, hitting
the ball at a hefty .414 clip,
led Pacific Coast league bat
ters through games of last
Sunday. ,
O B H Pet.
Pederoft. Ban Diego .. 1 4 4 1.000
T. Davis, Los Angeles 14 30 la .462
Milne. Oakland ss 120
Pernandeg, Seattle ....18 I 3
Beard. Hollywood .... 32 103 30
Dahlke. Hollywood ... 14 30 11
Cunningham, LA 3 11 4
Restelll, Portland .... 11 11 21
Robbe, Portland 10 40 14
Pocekay, San Diego .. 23 67 23
Ballard. Sacramento ..21 33 12
Wilson. Seattl 34 139 47
Tobln, Beattl 94 131 40
Reich, Portland 17 as 10
Franklin. Ban Diego .. 10 42 14
Monlz, Portland 10 70 33
Alston, fian Diego .... 33 131 43
Schenx, Oakland 30 104 34
Phillips, Hollywood .. 31 114 37
Averages of other Portland and
Beattle players:
Ortelg. Seattle 29 96 30
Thomas, Seattle 34 132 39
Austin, Portland 32 133 39
Maddern, Seattle .... 24 69 20
Gladstone, Portland .. 32 136 30
Goldiberry, Beattla ., 74 136 31
Robineon, Portland ... 32 M 16
Bchmees, Seattle 26 14 20
Russrll, Portlsnd .... 25 02 22
Judnlch. Sesttle 94 13.1 30
Baslnskl, Portlsnd .... 30 97 95
O 0 Odkrk.u 1
3 0Prlei.3 4
S 10 GrlotUf S
1 OMonle.rf 4
13 1 Abnthy.l 4 9 10
0 OTaylor.lf IIS
I 1 Charles.3 3
4 4 Martin. 0 3
0 1 Prlor.n ' 3
0 S Clark.a-i 3
0 Brnhm.b O
' Wlkr.p
. Brvaa,e
Totals 14 11 31 IT Totals 33 30 13
e singled lor Odeklrk in sth.
b Walked for Charlea in 9th.
d Walked lor Martin In sth.
Salem 000 400 000 04 11 1
Victoria 000 100 0131 t S 1
winner, walker; loser, Borst.
Pitcher IP B H R 3SR sobb
RICH SP1US29 1 4 2 0 I
Borst lVs 4,31102
Prior 9 30 9 4 4 3 I
Walker 1 4 3 0 0-1
HP Wither iDoon. wp Prior, Rick.
Scrlvene. Rick 3. BH Nelson. X.
Taylor. RBI Peres, ' Wltherspoon, D,
Taylor, Hailer, Abernathr. Walker. Its
nla. S Rick. Walker. DP Garriott to
Abernathy, Halier to Tanselll to Wlther
spoon 2, Tanaeui to jiauer to witner
spoon, Clark to Charlea. T 1:49. TJ
Sterner and Sorenaon.s.
VIL Standings
(By The Associated Press)
W I Pel. w L Pet.
Lewleto a 1 4M Spokane t I .000
Victoria 7 4 .414 Wntchee 4 S .400
Vanoouver S 4 .000 Salem t .906
Vaklma a ass Um.i. k -u
Trl-Cltr ( I .000 Cslsary 3 7 J23
tlMdar'a Baealtot
Victoria I, ealem 4 (10 innings).
Vancouver I, Trl-Cltr I.
' Onlv uni uhHtilu4
Taesday'a Sokedalat
Edmonton at Bpokan.
Yakima at Lawlston. .
Cslsary al Wenatohee.
Trl-Cltr al Vancouver.
Mason Shoots 76, Steiacr
78 in Oregon Open Tourney
To Conduct
Shoot Sunday
" The Jabberwalkl fioM irrk
Cry C1UD of Salem win nn.
duct a handlcan ihnnt at lh
dub grounds Sunday, with reg
istration netween 12:30 and
:4S p.m.
Since Sundav i Mnlhsr'.
day, a special invitation is ex-
lenaea lor mothers of shooters
to attend. ,.
A weiner roast mill ho v,oir!
after the shoot. Archers are re
quested to bring their own
weiners. buns. etc.. hut the
club will provide coffee.
Skin Alexander. MiV sn,.
chak and Art Wall. Jr
members of the touring profes
sional golf circuit, are former
Duke University golfers.
Portland W Par took a
beating In the Initial round
monaay oi me annual Oregon
Open golf tournament at the
Columbla-Edgewater Coun
try Club here.
Chuck Congdon of Tacoma
shaved five, strokes nff nar
carding. 34-3367, In the first
is notes to grab - the early
lead. But he was only one
stroke ahead of Stan Tinird
of Vancouver, B.C., who came
in with 35-33 68. And 14
others in the field of nearly
200 Drofeasionali anrl nms.
teuhs bettered or equalled 72,
par for the 6,582-yard course.
Play continued Tuesday
with the entire field slated
to go 18 boles. The low 60
and ties will play 36 holes
Wednesday for the .cham
pionship. ,
Behind Leonard '
With identical rarrlx nf
t 69 were defending cham
pion Bob Duden of Portland,
ana uien . spivey, Longview.
Next came ; Cliff Whim.
La Grande, Ore.; Bud Hof
meister. Havden Lake ' Tri
with 70s, and Dick Lundahl,
Baker, Ore.; Vince Aleksa,
Oswego, Ore.; Al Williams,
Medford, Ore.; Joe Mozel.
Portland, and Ken Twin-
Everett, Wash., with 71s.
Low amateurs were Bill
Lees, Ed Vanderberg and
Bruce Codd, all of Portland,
with 72s.
Other scores Included:
Joe Greed, Yakima, 37-
35 72; Earl Schneiter,
Klamath Falls, Ore., 37-36-73;
Dick Price, Longview,
36- 3773; Bill Welch, Trl
City, Wash., 39-3675;
Bunny Mason. Salem, la.
3776; Dr. Roy Cornell.'
Pasco, 40-3676.
'Bobbv Lltten. Viniv
Wash., 41-3576; Tex Smith!
xaKima, 38-37 76; V. H. Bel
ford, Longview, . 39-3877;
Carl Larson. Port . . A n are!
Wash., 42-3577; Skip Nag-
ler, Eugene, Ore., 40-17771
Lee Coulocher, Olympla. xg!
39-77; Joe Stleger, sT
42- 3878; Harold WmCpS
dleton, Ore, .,9-3873; A. r
78; Al Tollewson, Longview.
38- 40-78; Bill Sundstwm,
Corvallii, Ore., 35-4378.
Bud Moe, Spokane, 40-39
79; Roy oMoe. Spokane, 41.
39 80; Ralph Kelson, Hay
den Lake, 40-4181; Del
Berg, Medford, 42-4183:
Charles Kindred, Longview.
43- 3984; Hunter Dicklrrim!
Olympla 44-4286; Judt Las
pa, Olympla, 46-4389; Bud
Dlnlnson, Olympla, 46-43
89; Leon Jordan, Albany, Ore
Trl-CltT 000 0010001 C 1
Vancouver 122 000 0OX 6 13 I
Piedmont and Peiut; Hcdteoook, Gun
ftraon (7) and Lu&dbert.
Woodburn Golf Club
To Meet Thursday
Woodburn The men of the
Woodburn golf club will hold
its first meeting Thursday af
ternoon with play starting at
4 p.m. followed by a pot-luck
supper. John Schmid is presi
dent of the group.
Rogue River Film
Due at Woodburn Club
Woodburn "Up Rouge
River," a colored film, will
be shown at the May meeting
of the Woodburn Rod and
Gun club Thursday evening
by E. A. Buchanan at the city
hall at 8 o'clock. Refresh'
menU will be served' by last
months prize winners, Tom
Gorman, Mrs. Adrian School
er, Dick Guthrie and Jalrnar
mellow drop
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