rag 10, A UH VVUIUnV kJWAWKMf WC.VM U l:JL 33 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, JSaJrn, Ortfoa Monday. Hay 4, 1953 At Golf Event Woodburn Thirty two women werr out lor guest day at the Woodburn golf course last week. Guests included Mrs. Carl Magnuson, Mrs. Nor man Eastm n, Mrs. Robert Renn, Mrs. Clair Nibler, Mrs. Tony Painter, Mrs. Eugene Stoller, Mrs. A. G. Glatt, Mrs Delbert Reed and Mrs. Boyd Brown. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Mrs. Tom DeArm- ond and Mrs. Ivan DeArmond Mrs. George D. Jones won the prixe for low net In the regu lar play. Guest play was the bast chip shot on No. 9, and was won by Mrs. Robert Renn. The hostess committee for - Mxt Thursday will be Mrs. John F. Lacy and Mrs. Harold Tlcknor. . t Musical Program Woodburn Mrs. J. Molvin Rlngo, program chairman for the May 6 meeting of the , Woodburn Woman's club, has arranged lor a musical pro gram. Singing will be by Mrs, Robert Renn and Mrs. Julius Granner, and piano numbers will ba presented by Lynne Higginbotham and Mrs. Glen Ahre. A nature film will ba ahown by Charles Corn well to complete the program. The business meeting will begin at 1 p.m., followed by . me program, at the library elub noma. Assisting Mrs. Singo will ba Mrs. A. G. Cowan, Mrs. xdgar Crosby, Mrs. Guy Gtanam, Mrs. Joe Walker, Sr., ana Mrs. Kusseu Jiurlburt. Plan Portland Trip Woodburn Members of Jfyaia court, Daughters of the Nile, will go to Portland on Tuesday to sew at the Shrine hospital. Those who wish transportation may call Mrs. ess ikan. Members who do not go to Portland will meet ; at the Masonic temple here and will have a sack lunch at noon. This will be the last meeting i m toe group until October ex eept for a picnic for members and families at Settlemier park ea Jul 18. To Install Woodburn Mrs. Delbert Haener, past president of St. Luke's Mothers club, will In stall the new officers on Mon day at the parish hall at 8 p.m. Hostesses will be first grade mothers with Mrs. Leonard Filler as chairman. Officers to be installed are Mrs. Jack Connell, president; Mrs. Robert Miller, vice prei ident; Mrs. Clair Nibler, sec retary; Mrs. John Zerzan, treasurer, and Mrs. Leonard Petshow, auditor. Mrs. Fred Geschwill is the retiring pres ident. Mrs. Clifford Brittan and the fifth grade mothers served hot chocolate to the children en Friday. A SURPRISE party was given Sunday night for Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Davis at their home on Falrmount Hill. A buffet supper was served and a gift presented the Davlses. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erickson. Mrs. Lester Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. unarles Feike. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers. FREED GI'S SEE FIRST TV 4 a J - A B M . II f fWil , ' ii t . . I III East Salem Clubs to Install New Officers During Week Watching TV lor the first time in their hospital ward at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., after their arrival with the first group of Americana released by the Communists to land in the U. S. are (left to right): Pfc. Donald K. Legay, Leominster, Mass.; and Pvt. Robert W. Fleming, Memphis, Tenn. (AP Wirephoto) Swing Club Silverton Ten members of Delbert Reeves unit, Ameri cas Legion auxiliary, attended, the sewing elub meeting on Thursday. Mrs. Victor Howard served aa chairman lor the program. Mrs. Lewis A. Hall enter tained the workers lor luncheon at her home. Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Atkinson have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Shirlev Marie Atkimnn in Raymond E. gonderman, son or xor. ana Mrs. Alvin Sonder- saan. The wedding is planned for June 1. Both vournr rannlr. are graduates of Salem high sertooi. MLTBRTON The Rev. Joseph A. Luthro recently officiated at the baptism of John Aides Clemetson, son ef Mr. and Mia. Alden Clem etson, at Trinity Lutheran church. Sponsors lor the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Ilmer Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chris tenson, ' "wu Tuesday lor a month s trip are Dr. and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger. They will go first to Kansas City to visit Dr. dinger's uncle md aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Matthews. They will then go to Denver where they will be Joined by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Heltsel, who will be cisitlng there with Mr. Heltxel's Brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamby. The Keltxcls and din gers plan to go from Denver to Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City and ether cities en route home. East Salem The installa tion of officers lor a new year will be the main business for several social groups meeting in East Salem this week. Hoover school Parent Teach ers association meets Monday night, May 4, in the school house at at 7:30 p. m. vm cers will be elected and in stalled. The new picture of Herbert Hoover which the school was sent recently will be present ed by superintendent of schools Walter Snyder. A conference report will be given by the fifth grade teach er, Mrs. Genevieve Werner. Swegle Womans club meets Tuesday, May 8, in the home of Mrs. Alfred Pauli on Btrcn wood Drive at 1 p. m. Mem bers are bringing greeting eards and magazines lor the Chin Up club. Swegle Road Garden club meets Tuesday, May 6, at the home of Mrs. Dick Slddall at 7:30 p. m. Swegle Home Extension unit meets Friday, May 8, in the home of Mrs. Glenn Larkins on Park Avenue at 1:30 p. m. New officers will be installed by the extension agent, who will discuss "Becoming a Good Buyer." The Merry-go-round elub meets Thursday, May 7, at 7: 30 p. m. in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Laudie on Hollywood Drive. Members will bring plants lor an exchange. The Merry Mlnglers club met Thursday In the home of Mrs. J. Irving Wagers on Sil verton Road, for a luncheon and social afternoon. Mrs. Har vey Page provided the sur prise gifts which were award ed to Mrs. Ernest Barker and Mrs. Covll Case. Attending were Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Leon ard Malm, Mrs. Robert Fromm. Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Robert B. Whlttington, Mrs. Allen Wagers, Mrs. Page, Mrs. W. McClain, Mrs. Henry Sprick. Mrs. Case Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Joe Slimak, Mrs. Albert Fabry, Mrs. . A. Jackson and the hostess. The next meeting will be the secret pal party with Mrs. Slimak. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dench Salem Heights Salem Heights Mrs. Inez Green's first grade presented a May Day program to the Salem Heights school on Fri day afternoon entitled "May Day in the Garden of Flowers." Mothers assisting were Mrs. E. A. Bamford, Mrs. Merrill Herb, Mrs. E. S. Durkin, Mrs. Del Ramsdell and Mrs. Char les Neilson. Mrs. Wayne Collins com plimented her daughter Kyle, in honor of her ninth birthday and daughter Alice of Park Avenue left Salem the past week end on the Shasta lor a two weeks business trip south. They will spend some time in both San Francisco and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hann, Marvls and Corky ol Ever green Street spent the past week end on a business trip to Seattle. at a party Friday afternoon at her home on Neel Ave. Honoring Kyle were Bon nle Ireland, Charlotte Franke, , Randy Morse, Linda Lou Col lins, Judy Hunt, Betty Annlng, Terry Jorgenson, Sharon Raw lings, Carol Harvey, Barbara Wellingston, Cheryl Lee Kurth, Karen Martin, Kathy Peterson, Cecie McNeil, and Mrs. H. B. Colons. - CHUTE JUMPER KILLED Venice, Italy, U.ro Salvatore Cannarozzo, Italy's most dar ing parachute jumper, lell 9.000 feet to his death on the grounds of Lido cemetery yes terday when his parachute failed to open at an air show. Chile is about 100 mies wide on the average. TERMITES . 8-TEAR GUARANTEE PHONE 2-0781 twrsslitd Ptil Control SsrvUs 265 SO. 20TH SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo minal Snnnnrta. Rlaatifl Hfk- siery. Expert litters, private lining rooms. "Ask Your Doctor" ; Capital Drug Store MS State St, ' Corner ef Liberty . 8&H Green Stamps MOTHERS DM tS MAY 10 iiVeM&M$. Ira - coo J Wo BLACK OR AfAVy tmtti ALL COIORS M. to 383 COURT ST. HOGG BROS. th jjVijsBiiffr- B'RDADLOOfH CARPE QUALITY DEEP-PILE COTTON BR0ADL00M Milled the logout of q Hovor-to-bo fort otton oro roaoptorod In 'J PERFUME THOSE RARE rRACRJKCE IS CARRIED THROVCH A COLLECTION KMBRACINGPtrlum,t3M,tW,$37J0... rtl T or, $S...Florial, fS.$0... Dusting Pouitr, t3S0.,.Balh Oil, $3M... Soap, IUO,..Sachti, (2.50... Bath Salti, $3.50 (Ml pricu plus la) 4J XT trLi r s-.i . NEVER BEFORE! OFFERED AT THIS LOW PRICE ' Six Beautiful California Colors From Which to Choose Sandalwood Pearl Gray Emerald Green Wood Rose Cinnamon Rose Beige ' -r"i-s Lush Cut- Pile for Rugs or Wall-ro-Wall Carpeting n x o SQUARE YARD A K sw iammrm... 1 i , . iiiiiiiriiu Only 47.40 Only 63.40 Only 79.00 Jxl8 only 94.80 " Only 110.60 r mi i i- 1111 w The Perfect Broadloom To Harmonize With Modern or Traditional Decorl OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M.! DON'T MISS ANY OF THE MANY BIG BARGAINS AT HOGG BROS. DURING THIS SALE! IIUAUTTI milT ! lUlUt IPPLUICE X lane ro..,.. 5ALEM OREGON 115 So. Cnrnmerrlnl Ph. 3-9148