r r t n : i Monday, May 4, 195S Colonial Tea Is Successful Woodburn ' A successful vent on Friday afternoon was jhe Colonial tea sponsored by Belle Fassi chapter, Daugh- .m of the American Revolu tion at the Memorial cabin at rha'mooea park. Among the meats present from many sur rounding towns were children ,nd teacners irara me rori land schools who were keenly interested in the many histor ical items in the cabin and sbout tne grounaa. . The program included two vocal solos by Miss Robin Ber kty of Hubbard, a tap dance by Patty Sue Budreau, also of Hubbard, and a talk by Mrs. John Y. Richardson of Port land, past state regent and nat ional officer; She told of the plans to build si caretaker's cottage at the park and an nounced that the cornerstone would be laid June 14. Mrs, Tom DeArmond was program chairman. Pouring were Mrs. W. J, Wilson, Mrs. H. F. Butterfield, Mrs. Karl fngieman and Mrs. prexel White. The tea table, arranged by Mrs. Wilson, was decorated In orchid and yellow with lilacs and tulips' and yel low tapers. Mrs. Mark Thompson's spin ning wheel created consider ate interest and the Colonial costumes worn by members idled a colorful note to the affair. Committee in charge was appointed by Mrs. Lester Keller, regent of Belle Passi chapter, proceeds will go to the building fund. BPW Club Plans ' yents for Month Silverton Two important events for the Business and Professional Womens club to be in May are the annual sen ior girls tea on Sunday after noon, May 3, and the regular butiness meeting on Tuesday, May I. Co-chairmen of the tea are Mrs. Larry Carpenter and Mrs. Knute Digerness. The affair is to be held in the Immanuel Lutheran fireside room, Sun day afternoon, 2 to S o'clock. An outstanding club event of the year, the "most deserving girl" of the graduating class b awarded S 25 at the tea, Election of officers will take place at the meeting on Tues day. The nominating commit tee includes Mrs. Virginia Hughes, chairman, Mrs. Ernest W. Southmayde and Mrs. Irene Giroux, who will also direct 1 the program for' the meeting. Hits Hannah Olson will en- , tertain the members at her home, the session ' to begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Won Trip . lilverton rouowuig tne '4 dote of the school term Miss ; Hannah Olson and Miss Mar- nrf e numDera. iacuuy uicm- beri. will leave on a tour of South American countries. They will be lone two months. Sometime this month, Miss Olinn'a (r'Mrl. Ida Dovle. will visit in British Columbia with relatives from Portland. mmmimmmmmmmmit:immimmiii Today's Menu Camp Fire Group m Heights The Tanda camp Fire group of the fifth grade met for a ceremonial last week, members having passed a requirement for Trailseekers rank. Lighting the candles of Wo HeLo were Marlene Dolzol for work, Jayanne Harvey for health, and Pattie Backe for love. Extln0nlkin. ii j. were Leona Caswell, Carol "'"i Cecelia Slagle Mrs. Homer Lyon, Jr., lead- er Of tnp Drnun . . - B.VUH, iicacuiea non or beads to Edwinna Ballard, wtmarat, Sharon Ep perly,. Lynne Hammers tad. Lois Smith vr.i.. t.V Jayanne Harvey, pattie Backe Leona Caswell, Carol Johnson! Cecelia Slagle, Lynn Brena man. pmtv rjQt- Juran, Beverly Hawkins, San- viuny bunion, and Linda Triesch. After the ceremonial, the group played games and served refreshments which they made themselves. The tea table was decorated with tulips and nar cissuses. AceiEtins w - woo ivu-a. Corrine Alexander, who had charge of the program and led the singing, Mrs. Gordon Backe, assistant leader, Mrs. Del Ramsdell and Mrs. Max Oolzel. Double Wedding Two Salem eoimlp x married April 25 at a double ceremony In Stevenson, Wash. Miss Donna Tooley, daugh ter of Clarence TnnW and Mrs. Myrtle Tooley of Salem, was married to LeRoy Ed wards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oli ver Edwards of nervals mnA Miss Darlene Settidall, form erly of North Dakota, was mar ried to Merv Vodden of Salem. The two brides wore dresses alike in blue and white with white accessories and white shortie coats. Present for the. weririinff were Miss Tooley's father and mother and Mr. Edwards' mother. The two couDles will live in Salem. Dr. Snyder Speaks Dr. Walter E. Snyder, city superintendent of schools in Salem ,1s to be the speaker for the dinner and program planned by University of Ore gon Mothers and Dads clubs on Wednesday at Mayflower hall G. F. Chambers, member of the state board of higher edu cation, also is to give a short talk. Other guests will include Mrs. J. Alan Wickham, dean of women at UO, and Mr. Wickham. a WHILE visiting in San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Wilson of Salem have been staying at the St. Francis hotel.. Two Honored at ; I decent Shower Lvona Xfra Varl Allan Mrs. Oscar Naue, Mrs. Floyd Basset and Miss Beulah Lew is Were hosttaaapa mr a ihowr last week honoring Mrs. Ver non Digerness (Janice Hun man), a recent Krlrie. and Miss Janet Huffman, bride-elect. The girls are daughters of Mr. ana Mrs. ueorge Huffman. Mrs. Alex ' Bodeker was in charge of the entertainment. which was followed by open ing of the gifts and refresh ments. ' Honoring Mrs. Dlaerneu and Miss Huffman Were Mes- dames Ivan Smith, John Kun- kJe, Alex Bodeker, Clyde Bressler. Albert Bin. Orville Downing, George . Berry, Al bert carr, John Neal, Otto Weidman, . Art Baltzer, Pat Lyons. Harvev Grimes, fteorse Huffman, Jim Lande, Ramie Marten, Monroe Walker, Ches ter Roy, Henry Holzfuss, Bob Free, Herman Free, Loren Walkar,, Alvin Peck, Percy Hiatt, Clyde Lewis. Harlev Scott, Oscar Naue, Floyd Baa sett, Earl Allen, Mrs. Elva Kuiken, Mrs. Averlll, Mrs. Al ice Huber, Mrs. Inez Ring, Mrs. Cora Jenner, Misses Hazel Neal, Norma Miller, Donna Pea body. Pauline Bridies. Viv. ian Boyce, Ruby Naue, Chelta Jande, Pauline Schlewek, Beu lah Lewis. Ivalvn Smith, all of Lyons, Mrs. Frank Kins man, Misses Jacquline Kins man, Doris Lambert of Stay ton, Mrs. Clarence Decker, Mrs. Ed. Strom of Eugene, Mesdames E. L. Boye, Frank lin McDowell, Bert Ly ons, Wood Oliver, James Hol- lingshead, Jim Phelps, Bob Carleton, Fred Skillings, John McClurg, Marvin Berry, Glen Julian, virgu Rogers, and Marlyn Baltzer. Guest Event Mill City It was guest night at the Mill City Toast- mistress club on Thursday. In vited were Phyllis and Mary Jane Cox, Marlene Tickle, Lora Kelly and Harriett Le- Cours. The invocation was given by Marion Todd, Edna Hutchcson was in charge of table topics and Louise Palmer was the toastmistress. Speaking were Casey Chaney, Tyler Pinkston, Ruby Crosier and Aline Steffy. June Miley participated in the three-council speech con test in Salem, April 35. The group will meet again! on Thursday, May 14. America's HOST MODERN KtTCHIHl CAPITAL -TOTJNGSTOWN KITCHEN 111 N. High St. Mother -Appreciates (ANPIII FAMILY FARE Fish Chowder Pilot Crackers Salad Bowl with Cheese Rolls Peach Layer Crisp Beverage fiach Layer Crisp Ingredients: Vi cup butter or margarine, cup firmly Packed brown sugar, 2 cups cornflakes, cup sifted flour. H teaspoon salt, cup granu lated sugar, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, dash of salt, Vi cup rank, y cup syrup from canned cling peaches, 2 eggs, 1 Vi cups canned cling peaches (diced ft teaspoon vanilla. Method: Cream butler and brown sugar. Crush cornflakes line and add to creamed mix ture with flour and Vi tea ipoon salt; mix thoroughly Press to of mixture into bot tom and sides of greased pan (8 by 6 by 2 inches) or deep Pie Plate. Mix granulated sug r, cornstarch and dash of salt together thoroughly in heavy saucepan; stir in milk and Pach syrup until smooth. Cook and stir constantly with a whisk over moderately low heat until thickened. Beat eggs nough to combine yolks and whites; gradually pour cooked mixture over them, stirring vigorously as you do so, return mixture to saucepan. Stir and cook over very low heat 2 min "tes. Remove from heat. Add peaches and vanilla. Pour into cornflake shell. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Bake in moderate (350 dee.) oven 20 minutes. Serve hot, with un weetened whipped cream 11 desired, Makes 8 servings. Ii ny of the dessert ii left ove: it will taste delicious reheatd a moderate oven. fu? w'Sk. lU1 8i X i -x- v . nF' i ifii mitjniSi i i iTIrlii i - YOU CAN BE SURE OF MOTHER'S APPROVING SMILE when you give her these Assorted Chocolates ... she knows they're the finest... the freshest... she buys Stover's herselfl Pound Box M2.5 A FAVORITE GIFT...thee wonderful Chocolates and Butterbons in an embossed gold box, with index nam ing each piece. Pound Box M6.s (A BECAUSE SHE LOVES PRETTY THINGS . . . give her these favorite chocolates, gift wrapped In sparkling pink foil tied with satin bow ami clever "fan" gift card to tell her K'i ut for "her day." r The Box Complete 1,1 J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoi 160 NO. LIBERTY ST., SALEM, ORE. Romombor . . Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10 Mom'&&r Queen y mm Whim yuw effwaw 4 (tKltW (hm n mi IIM cam rfe"! SHEER NYLONS : I FREE PARKING Park Off the) Street Safe, Secure, Convenient SHOPPERS CARPARK S. HighatfarrySt. MARION CAR PARK S. Commercial It ferry ' Ask your soles person to roWdota your parking check for 1 hour FREE 100 NYLON TRICOT KNIT PROPORTIONED TO FIT! A 7 r- . r Penhey's own GAYMODES H.2i Pair Mom'1 1 feel like a queen in 60 gauge 15 denier Gayraode nylons ! Extra high twist, these sheer beau ties give her greater snag-resistance, elasticity and beauty; they're proportioned, too, for alwayi per fect fit In leg-lovely shades 1 MAIN FLOOR Vla MOM'LL FEEL LIKE A QUEEN IN A SHEER ML0UG0M Joy-to-own gown thot's prettily mode, yet washes breezily, dries quickly, never needs m speck of roning! Thot's becousa It's nylon trieot. Buy at Penney's in pink, blue, oquo. Sizes 32-40. Mm aw 4 98 LACE TRIMMED SLIPS OF NYLON TRICOT There's lots of wear ond washing In these superb nylon tricot slips drenched with loce ond embroid ered trim. These nylon pretties feature 4 gore construction with straight-cut backs. See them to day ot Penneys In delicdle pink r white. Sires 32-40. MAIN FLOOR 3 PROPORTIONED EYELET TRIMMED NYLON SUPS Treat yourself to this lavish' lv trimmed slio! Easy laun derins and aulck drylnK be cause its nylon. For good tit it has a 4-gore skirt bias cut midriff and bodice. Choose from white or black. Sizes 32 40. MAIN FLOOR PROPORTIONED LENGTHS! LACY JJAYON SLIPS tine multifilament rayon crepe fabric! nylon faiotted aeama . . long wearing) dainty laee and applique trims! proportioned lengths ... for tall, average or short figures! akeellto4l 298 MAIN FLOOR Store Hours 9:30 A.M. to 5 :30 P.M. Friday Nite Till 9 P.M. '1 '