Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 04, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, May 4, 1953
Capital Women
For Year
Organist to
Be Here Sunday
Valerian Fox. noted Port
land organist, if to play here
next sunaay evening at a pro.
gram at 7:30 o'clock in Rob.
Mrs. H. G. Henderson was erts itudlo. An informal .
chosen regent ot Chemeketa ceDtlon will follow the tiro.
chapter, Daughters of Amerl- gram.
can Revolution, when the Fr,end, m vlled, there
" 1 " ' . o...V. being no admission, but be.
Mrs. M. A. Pekar, second ::. """r.-.T"- ' 1" ZZ.
nonn uj 11 " ""
vice regent
serve as vice regent for the
Other officers are Mrs. Phll-
Alfred Vlck, recording secreta- nOSfeSSeS TO CtD
ry: Miss Laura Linton, corre.
sponding secretary; Mrs. J. W
Shlnley. registrar: Mrs. W,
E. Hanson, historian; Mrs. Ed
ward T. Taggart, librarian
Mr. Fox are asked to tele
phone T. S. Roberts, 37111
and arrange for reservations.
Salem Heights Mrs. . John
Douglas and Mrs. William Mc-
Clure were hostesses to the
Salem Heights Woman's club
VcwS 1 Y
m r r r.r mnl.inn- Minn no-host dinner on- Friday ai
Edna Mingus, director, 3 years; "1B neigaw vommumiy
Mrs. John E. Black, director, 2
years. Mrs. W. E. Hanson was I Mrs. Kaipn Maude and Mrs.
the installing officer. Fred Browning gave reports
Preceding elections, the re- on the Marlon County Federa-
port of the nominating commit- tion meeting recently in Jef
tee was read by Mrs. Herbert ferson. Appointed on the
J. Ostllnd, chairman, her com- Joryville Park carnival com
mittee members being Mrs. mittee were Mrs. Ralph
Oscar Hayter, Mrs. David Maude, Mrs. Fred Browning,
wrigm. Miss JMna iwingus ana Mrs. Fave Onnr-h and Mr.
Miss Laura Linton. r,vle Bavne.
Mrs. C. C. Geer presented m, ,. i.in1,
vocal numbers for the 45 mem- U. 1 ,7h BrM.H
ber. attending the meeting. I1":.1 M."l 'fJ1.8"
Mrs. C. C. Best, charter mem- J'""B," "t"' "-
ber was honored, and a guest i""' ""-J?"10""'
wa. Mr.. Iva LoW. danShtw John Douglas, secretary-tress-
. " " - ' I .ifax .Klrm T T. RAnnatt warn
of Mrs, F . J. wied. ... : . j j: r
Fnorolnlt,B th -,, ,,. ine installing onicer. Mcnwirr euoHu juiie
her home m Mr. RHivin .inrv the new officers was present- . . . 04...j
v . : , with Mr..m ani i auuuu "ji
inra. j. r . mica neaaca uie lea - jllna an. ii the weddlna: of Miss
flfrfl I,'',
1 4 -'
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy of Woodburn
were married April 25 at St. Luke's Catholic church.
The bride is the former Edna Hermanson of Woodburn.
The couple will make their home here after their wedding
trip to California and Nevada. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn)
Rankin McElhinny
committee, and assisting were w" Presented to the retiring
Mrs. w. w. Allen, Mrs. J. Clif- j:i, .Dojjie.
ford Likes, Miss Marguerite Mrs.-William Hall present
Looney, Mrs. G. Ivan Putnam, d travelogue and showed
Mrs. J. w. Snlpley, Mrs. Net- cojorea iiiaes, ana me group
tie JKoberts, Mrs. Ralph Van enjoyed Mrs. Inez ureen's first
Horn, Miss Kate Dickson, Mrs. grade's May day program.
Edward West and Mrs. Ray Mc- Guests . were two former
Cauley. members, Mrs. Ray Crlttendon
Chemeketa chapter was' in and Mrs. Marshall Waring,
Charge of the opening of the also, Mrs. William Harrington
Pioneer Mothers Log Cabin for of Vancouver, B. C.
the summer on Sunday. Host- .
esses from Salem for the event, f Cl,,U
which attracted more than 150 yama 'UO
guests, were Miss Georgia Cama club's dance is plan
Shane, Mrs. David H. Looney, ned for next Saturday evening
Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Mrs. A. L. at Catholic Center between 10
Wallace, Mrs. J. W. Shipley and and 1 o'clock. New officers will
Miss Ruth Rulifson.
Named Delegates
Mrs. J. Walter Hewitt. Miss
Alberta Shoemake and Miss
Marjorle Howard ware named
to attend the American Legion
convention at Seaside in June
( when Pioneer post, all-woman
post, met f rlday evening. Mrs.
Howard and . Mrs. Hewitt
entertained at the Howard
home and guests were Miss
Phyllis Curry and Miss Gene
Tlevt Dohse. '
group will sponsor
James Panger in the Soap
Box Derby, "Pioneer" to be
the name of the entry.
Members present were Mrs.
Lester Perry, Mrs. . Issac
Schmidt, Mrs. Sabina Mori
ton, Mrs. Wllber Wichman,
Mrs. Henry Hall, Mrs. Sylvia
Kraps, Miss Florence Camer
on, Mrs, T. D. Graham, Miss
Shoemake and the hostesses.
Auxiliary Dinner
Committee members for the
no-host dinner on May 15 were
named at the meeting of Ladles
Encampment auxiliary Friday
evenlnng. Mrs. Clem Ohlsen,
Mrs. Alda Murphy and Mrs.
Victor Koop will be in charge
of the affair.
Spring flowers decorated the
refreshments table and a social
hour was enjoyed by the group.
be elected during the evening.
A SON, who has been nam
ed Thomas John, was born Sat
urday, May Z, at Salem Mem
orial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
John Horton (Florence Duffy)
of Baker. The baby is the
second son, the older boy being
Wiuiam Patrick. The grand
parents are Mr, and Mrs. M. P.
Duffy of Salem ad Dr, Harry
Horton of Baker. E. H. Howell
of The Dalles is the great
grandfather. ,
Sua McElhinny and Bruce Ran
kin, the ceremony to be at 4
o'clock that afternoon in st,
Paul's Episcopal church with
the Rev. George H. Swift officiating.-
The couple will be in Salem
this summer, planning to go to
Pullman, Wash., in the fall. Mr.
Rankin is to continue his stu
dies at the veterinary school at
Washington State college and
Miss McElhinny is to teach in
Pullman next year.
The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Charles S. McEl
hinny and Mr. Rankin is the
son of Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Rankin.
Birthday Event
Honoring Mrs. Charles
Gilles on her birthday, her
daughter, Miss Marguerite
Gilles, was hostess for a buf
fet supper at her home
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Gilles, Mrs. Robert
Worley, Renee and Bobby
Worley, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. John Morley, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Bigler, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Waser and the
hostess. ,
Recital Set
First in a series of public
recitals to be presented by
piano students of Charles O.
Hargrave will be on Friday,
May 8, at the Hargrave studio
at 8 o'clock. Assisting in this
Music Week program will be
Miss Muriel Fitts, who will
play viola selections. Taking
part in the program will be
Collen Marsters, Audrey Esau,
Bill McClery, Carol Wood,
David Marsters, Reta Buller,
Helen Kasdorf, Mrs. Margaret
Penner, Jane Wood, Jerry Me-
gert, Kent Jaqulth, Miss Mur
iel Fitts, Mary Ellen McClery.
BORN to Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Fisher (Mabel Zim
merman) on Friday May 1, at
aalem Ueneral hospital, was
a daughter, Beverly Ann. Mr,
Fisher Is at present stationed
with the armed forces In the
Hawaiian Islands. The baby's
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Fisher of Sublimity and
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Zimmer-
Miss Tuers
Wed Here
Wed Saturday evening at
the Halbert Memorial Baptist
church were Miss Bernlta
Beth Tuers and Roy A. VJb-
bert. The bride is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold
L. Tuers and parents of the
bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Vibbert.
Performing the 8 o'clock
service was the Rev. C. E.
Brlckwedel of Lents Baptist
church In Portland. Miss Mary
Ellen Meeker of Madras sang
preceding the ceremony and
was accompanied W tne itev.
R. E. Sanders who also played
the wedding music.
Lighting the tapers were
Miss Wilma Karsten and
Loren Tibbetts.
The bride wore an empress
style dress of Chantilly lace
satin with long sleeves, a
wide panel of the lace at the
front ot the skirt was caught
back into the court train of
white . satin. The fingertip
veil of French illusion was
held by a sweetheart cap of
lace. The bride carried a nose
gay of white feathered car
nations and small roses sur
rounding a white orchid. Mr.
Tuers gave his daughter in
Sister Attends
Maid of honor for her sister
was Miss Karen Tuers wno
wore a dusty rose taffeta dress
with full skirt and matching
head band. A black velvet
sash accented the waistline.
Wearing nile green frocks
patterned after the maid of
honor's dress were the bride
maids, Miss Laurene Karsten,
Miss Margaret Katka, and
Miss Aletha Vibbert. All the
attendents carried nosegays of
pink roses and carnations.
Raema Lee Tuers, sister of
the bride, was the flower girl.
&ne wore a frock of dustv
rose taffeta with matching
head band.
James Vibbert was best man
and groomsmen were Robert
Herring, Lester Sandusky and!
jack utterback. Ushering the
guests were Wesley Luchau,
Milo Tibbetts, David Turner
and Robert Carrow.
Dressed in navy blue taffeta
redingote with plaid accents
and navy accessories was Mrs.
Tuers, mother of the bride.
Mrs. Vibbert wore an aqua
dress with white and black ac
cessories. Reception Follows
A reception in the church
parlors, followed the cere
mony, 250 guests attending.
The bride's aunt, Mrs. Mary
nsn.t u,v
1 -1 1 11 1
: - , V Sift
iLJf ...... ...v.j .... . i'L
Wed Recentl J Sgt. and Mrs. Richard Floyd Ross
(Phyllis Boatwright) were married recently. 'The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Boatwright.
Sgt. Ross is the son of Mrs.. William E. Jones. He is leaving
soon with the Marines for duty in Hawaii. (McEwan
studio picture) '
Club to Elect
Liberty Mrs. Clarence
Griffis will be hostess to the
Liberty Woman's club on Wed
nesday at a 1 o'clock dessert
at her home at 147 Fembrook
There will be an election of
officers, and the group will
discuss the coming Joryville
Park carnival, scheduled for
May 28, 80 and 31.
Mrs. John Douglas will be
guest speaker to. discuss flow
ers. The club, usually sched
uled for the first Thursday of
each month, has been changed
to Wednesday, due to the
Spring Festival at the Liberty
Tuers, cut the bride's cake
and pouring were Mrs. Bethel
Brickwedel and Mrs. Myrtle
Katka. Assisting were Mrs.
Helen Vibbert, Mrs. Barbara
Barr, Miss Francis Thomas,
Miss Ruth Maynard, Miss Joan
Zielinski, Mrs. Reva Tibbets,
Mrs. Lavina Berth, Mrs.
Esther Broer, Mrs. Ronald
Hall, Mrs. Fay Black, Miss
Shirley Wellbrock Miss Shir
ley Brown and Miss Kay
For the wedding trip to the
coast, Mrs. Vibbert wore a
light blue suit, white acces
sories and a white orchid
pinned to her lapel. They will
be at home after May 6 at
4715 Hazel Green road. Both
bride and bridegroom attend
ed Salem high school and are
now employed in the city.
Trinity Chapter . i
Becoming new members of
Trinity chapter, Order of East
ern Star, on Friday were Mr.
and Mrs. Merle Phillips. Hon
ored and speaking for the good
of the order were Mrs. Hugh
Van Loan, grand representa
tive to Texas, and Mrs. Harry
Lucas, grand representative to
Connecticut. Visitors were
present from Independence and
St. Paul, Minn. ,
Miss Shirley Reid presented
a' travelogue of her trip to
The group will sponsor a
cooked food sale at Hogg Bros,
on Friday, May 8.
Study Class
The last in a series of study
classes for women of Christ Lu
theran church will be May 6 at
7:45 p.m. The topic, "Respon
sible Women in a Responsible
Church," will be presented by
Mrs. Jacob Fox, Mrs. Herbert
Hamann, Mrs. Everett Acree,
and Mrs. Harvey Chrlstenson.
Mrs. Alvin Battalion is chair
man of the group..
Following the class refresh
ments will be served by mem
bers of the Dorcas society. j
All the women of the church i
and their friends are invited to j
attend. ,
CFG Planning
Summer Camp
The Willamette area council
of Camp Fire Girls is prepar
ing for the 1953 season at Camp
Kilo wan In the foothills of the
coast range. The season con
sists of six one-week sessions,
and all girls from 8 to 18 years
of age are welcome to attend,
The fee for Camp Fire mem
bers is $16.00 per week. One
dollar extra Is charged girls
who are not Camrj Fir num.
Miss Louise Watson, Ph, D.,
University of Oregon, will di
rect Camp Kllowan.1 She has
had six years' experience as
camp counsellor in Oregon and
Idaho camps and has had
charge of camps two summers
in California and one summer
camp for Camp Fire Girls in
Oregon. She has been a recre
ation worker on public play-'
grounds, supervised recrea
tional work in the navy, taught
recreation and camp leader
ship courses at Valparaiso un
iversity and at the University
of Oregon. .
Miss Watson's higher educa
tion consisted of college work
at University of Oregon, where
she received her doctorate de
gree; University of Illinois,
ana ine university ot Iowa.
She is thoroughly trained
and experienced in camping.
Registrations for the first
two sessions may be made now
at the office of Willamette
area council of Camp Fire
Girls. The first session opens
on June 25 and second session
on July 2.
Wedding May 9
Turner Mr. and lln Wl.
ter Harris annminr th n-
ff&ffement nf thofr dounh
Miss Mary Amelia Disbrow, to
teorge L. Vandervort of Tur
ner. 'The cmmlo wilt h mar
ried on May 9 at the home of
the Rev. Mr. Kingman at Van
couver, Wash. Mr. Vandervort
iS emDlOVed at the Rnrlclanrf
Lumber Co. The couple expect
to make their home in Turner.
115 N. Liberty
For Belter Fitting ,
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Children's Shoes
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Acklin's Junior Bootery
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